7 Sins: Envy


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With Dominic standing now, his cock was even more commanding. After a few strokes, it was standing out rigidly, pointing directly at my face. I was transfixed. In the full light of day and at this distance, I could see more clearly the distinct veins on Dominic's shaft and the well-defined dark helmet of his cock.

Dominic wasn't wasting any time. He began stroking quickly to bring himself to a climax. At this angle, I could focus on the hole that would soon be delivering my morning meal. As Dominic stroked his cock, that little hole opened and closed in response to his motions. Soon, it would open and spew its contents for me.

I realized that I was awaiting this eagerly. And it wasn't just to finish with my testosterogen treatment quickly. I was eager to see the ribbons of white goo spew from Dominic's cock--to see if it was as much as I remembered from last night.

Dominic didn't make me wait long. He roared out so loudly that I worried that our neighbors would hear. At the same time, that tiny hole in the end of his huge cock opened and a strong stream of hot cum shot out, completely across the plate and splattered on my face.

I drew back in shock, pulling the plate away and allowing some of his cum to spill on the floor. I quickly recovered my composure and got the plate in place to capture ribbon after ribbon of Dominic's potent sperm.

This time, I wasted no time in bringing the plate to my mouth and sucking up all of the cum.

When I'd cleaned the plate completely, Dominic said, 'You missed some," and pointed to my cheek. I pushed the cum that he'd landed on my cheek into my mouth and let it sit in my mouth, imagining it being absorbed into my body and transforming it as I'd dreamed.

That same day I started wondering whether I was feeling any changes. There were lots of subjective factors--energy levels, focus, etc.--but I couldn't trust those. They could just be placebo effects. So I started measuring my cock every morning and every night. I'd measure it soft, which could vary a lot but, then, stroke myself until I was completely hard and measure again.

There were no changes in the first few days. I didn't really expect any changes so soon anyway. I resolved to continue the testosterogen treatments until I could see obvious changes.

So, I was the one who, each morning, would remind Dominic of the need to provide me with his cum. On one Saturday morning, he changed the script on me. He'd been out late the night before, no doubt banging some broad, and he was tired and wanted to sleep in.

"Not this morning," he said sleepily when I tried to rouse him.

"No," I replied. "We need to."

"I'm tired."

"It won't take long. Then you can go back to sleep."

"Okay," he replied but then, after a pause. "But you do it."

"What do you mean?"

"You jack me off," he replied. I hesitated and he went on, "Take it or leave it, that's the deal."

Well, of course I was going to take it. I pulled his covers down and sat down on his bed next to him, with my plate ready. I'd never touched another guy's cock before but, hey, there's a first time for everything. And, really, if you're going to touch another guy's cock for the first time, Dominic's is a pretty good one to touch.

At first the angle was awkward, but I got our bodies arranged to where I could comfortably wrap my hands around his cock and stroke him.

It was a strange feeling to hold another man's cock in my hands--to feel it harden from my touch. And it was amazing to feel such a huge cock in my hands. I didn't want to think about the comparison with how my cock felt. I decided just to focus on bringing Dominic to an orgasm as quickly as possible.

I positioned the plate on his abdomen and began stroking him with both hands. Dominic moande and I tore my eyes from his cock to look at the expression of pleasure on his face. It gave me a strange sense of power to be in control of such a massive tool and to cause Dominic such pleasure.

But I soon turned my attention back to his cock and began pumping it in earnest. I saw his thighs tighten in anticipation of his climax. I saw his balls pull up to his crotch. And I felt a huge load of cum blast past my hands that were wrapped tightly around his shaft.

Pulse after pulse of Dominic's cum shot up high above the bed and dropped down. Most of it landed on the plate, but some landed on his chest, his thighs, and his groin.

I kept pumping as long as he kept spewing. When he finished and I felt his cock begin to soften in my hands, I picked up the plate and began devouring his seed, trying to retain some of it in my mouth for maximum absorption into my body.

When I'd cleaned the plate off, I started to get up from the bed. Dominic pulled me back and said, you missed some. He was pointing to his chest.

"I don't want to..." I trailed off.

"Listen, George, if you're going to waste some, maybe we should just stop these treatments. I mean, either you're in or you're out on this."

I was definitely in on this so I bent down and licked the splatters of cum that had landed on his chest. Then Dominic pushed me down and I licked up the splatters on his thighs. My nose was so close to his crotch that I was inhaling his musky scent. He put his hands on my head and brought me much closer, then, to lick up the drops of cum that had landed in his pubic hairs. As I did this, there was no way to avoid my cheek brushing against Dominc's cock. And, while I couldn't be sure, it seemed as if he was actually positioning my head so that my cheek would rob against his cock.

I managed, though, to get the rest of Dominic's cum lapped up and decided to count this morning as a victory. I'd been able to convince Dominic to provide the treatment even though he just wanted to sleep. He did go back to sleep, then. And I think he slept more soundly for having shot his load for me.

Part IV: The New Normal

As it turned out, that morning was a turning point in my testosterogen treatment and in my relationship with Dominic. The very next morning, he was again lazing about in bed and I said something to indicate that we needed to handle the testosterogen treatment.

"You know, George," Dominic said, "I'm getting tired of doing all the work. I liked it when you took care of it."

"Aw, come on. I don't want to do that."

"Suit yourself. It's a shame though to waste the progress you're making by stopping the treatments."

So, there you have it... Dominic's ultimatum. Either I do the jacking off or the treatments stop. Well, I wasn't going to let everything I'd done so far be for nothing. So I resigned myself to doing the jacking off.

Alas, that's not exactly what Dominic had in mind.

Grabbing the plate we'd used so many times to catch Dominic's cum so I could lap it up, I sat down next to him on his bed. I pulled down the covers and his impressive shaft was already hardening. I set the plate on his chest, determined this morning to capture all of his jizz on the plate so I wouldn't have to lick it off his body.

I began stroking Dominic's cock and it swelled to its full and impressive dimensions swiftly. Once again, I tore my attention away from his dick long enough to look at the expression of bliss on his face. His eyes were closed as he focused his attention on the pleasure I was giving him.

He began to thrust his hips as he neared his climax and suddenly--and to this day, I think it was quite intentional--his motions dislodged the plate, which slid off the bed and broke into shards on the hard floor.

I started to get up to find something else to use to capture his cum but Dominic stopped me.

"Don't... we don't need it!" His voice was forceful but his hands did the real work. He grabbed my head with both of his hands and forced me down onto his throbbing cock, which was now on the edge of exploding.

I was so startled that I didn't even try to resist for a moment. And that moment was time enough for Dominic to begin shooting his seed in my mouth. His hands were allowing me to pull back to the point where his cock almost slipped from my lips, only to force me down onto his cock again, pounding my throat with the huge helmet of his cock.

I felt my mouth fill with his spunk and l could do was to gulp it down trying to keep up with the quantity of cum he was spewing.

He finished by holding my head down on his cock as far as it would go, as if he was trying to force it down my throat. I would have been some sort of freak of nature if I'd been able to deepthroat a cock that size. His cock wasn't going down my throat, but his last couple of shots of semen were injected directly down my gullet.

When Dominic finally released my head and I pulled off of his cock, watching it fall from my lips, shiny with my spittle, I gasped for breath.

"God damn it!" I said. "You fucking asshole."

Dominic was still sort of floating in his post-orgasm haze but he managed to reply.

"Hey... It's all good, George. This is better for you."

"How the hell is that?"

"When you catch my cum on the plate and then lap it up, no matter how quickly you do that, the testosterogen starts to degrade. If you haven't noticed any changes in your body yet, that's probably why. We need to protect the testosterogen from the air."

Well, that made sense, sort of. My obsessive measuring of my cock hadn't produced any unambiguous positive signs. Maybe that was the reason. And, in a strange way, sucking Dominic off was actually less embarrassing than licking up his cum in front of him. Licking it off the plate sort of emphasized the cum eating aspect. And, I'd started not to like the way Dominic looked at me as I was licking up his cum. This way, he was distracted while I was getting my dose of cum instead of cooly observing me licking it up after the fact.

And, that's now our arrangement morphed into me being Dominic's regular morning cocksucker. Sometimes, when he didn't have a date, he'd give me a testosterogen treatment at night, too. And, every once in a while, if we both happened to be in the room at the same time during the day, he'd get bored or just want to take a study break and he'd say, "Hey, George... let's do another treatment."

Part V: Dominic's Secret Revealed!

I continued, almost neurotically, to measure my cock, both soft and hard. Sometimes I'd convince myself that it was changing--getting larger. And, when I did, I'd begin fantasizing about how wonderful it would be when it was as big as Dominic's. With all of the other changes testosterogen would produce--more confidence, better physique, and, overall, more masculine "oomph"--I was certain that I would join Dominic on the dating scene.

When Dominic was out on a date, I'd jacked off many times fantasizing about fucking the girl he happened to be out with. I'd visualize them on their date, envying him. I'd imagine her dropping to her knees and wrestling out Dominic's huge, hardening cock. I'd imagine the shocked and delighted look on her face when she first saw it spring from his pants. I'd imagine--really, more remember--how it felt when it pressed past her lips and filled her mouth so fully. As I was nearing my own orgasm, I'd imagine (remember!) the scent, the taste, the feel of Dominic's copious quantity of cum filling her mouth.

That always brought me to a huge orgasm.

I'd taken to eating my own semen every time I came. I figured that if there were some trace testosterogen that was in my own ejaculate, there was no sense wasting it. You know the environmentalist mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle. I was good on the last two.

Finally, though, after months of regular testosterogen treatments and scores of careful measurements, I couldn't any longer convince myself that there was really any change in the size of my cock, or any of the other changes I'd hoped for.

I decided to "do my own research", as they say. You know, not get a degree in biochemistry, like Dominic was doing, but spend 15 minutes on the internet doing a simple search. I first looked for an online copy of the article Dominic had given me. I couldn't find it. That was weird because professors almost always post at least the titles of their work on their websites.

That caused me suspicion so I did a search for the authors of the article, the professor and those in his lab. I couldn't find people with those names at our university.

Then I started Googling some of the unique phrases in the article. I'd just pick out an unusual string of words and search for them.

Bingo! I found an article that looked very much like the one that Dominic had shared with me. It had a different title and abstract; some of the introductory paragraphs were completely different, as was the concluding section. The charts had different titles, but the data in the charts was the same. But most of the text in the middle of the article--the parts I'd skipped over because I didn't understand them--were the same.

The article had something to do with testosteron--I didn't really understand it--but it wasn't about testosterogen and it didn't have anything to do with genital size or prowess.

That fucking son of a bitch! I thought. He conned me. He'd turned me into his cocksucking cumslut and it was all fake!

I thought about calling the police or at least reporting him to the University. What he'd done, if not illegal, was certainly a violation of the University's Code of Student Conduct. But, whatever bad consequences this would have for Dominic, I realized that it would be horrible for me. What had happened would certainly get out. How could I face other students who knew--who knew not only that I'd been Dominic's cocksucker for most of the academic year but that I'd been so gullible?

I wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp. But, of course, that was out. He was much bigger than me--and not just in the male member department--and much stronger than me. Any physical confrontation would end with me being humiliated in yet another way.

I was determined, though, to confront Dominic--to call out his deceit and, perhaps, to reclaim some shred of self respect.

While I waited for Dominic to return from his afternoon lab work, I ran through the things I wanted to say. Nothing sounded right but when I heard his keycard opening the dorm room lock, I knew that, ready or not, rehearsal time was over and I had to make my stand.

"You fucker!" I shouted as Dominic closed the door behind him.


"You fucker!" I repeated. "All this crap about testosterogen was a lie!"

"Ahh," he said, with an air of understanding. "I was wondering how long it would take you to figure that out."

The asshole! I thought. He was smug. He was smiling. He was acting like this was some sort of college prank.

"Well, I figured it out," which was obvious. None of my rehearsed speeches were great and my extemporaneous comments weren't any better.

"I should report you to the Office of Student Conduct," I said, knowing that I wouldn't do that.

Dominic knew it, too. "And say what?... Say, 'well, I've been sucking off my roommate for months because I thought it would give me a bigger cock'?... Is that what you're going to say?"

I was almost to the point of sputtering incoherently because I just didn't know what to say. Finally, I said, "Well, it stops now. I'm not your cocksucker any more."

Though I said it as forcefully as I could muster, it didn't really sound very forceful at all. I mean, really... "Here's how I'm going to repay you for humiliating me for months, for tricking me into being your on-call cocksucker. I'm not going to suck your cock anymore. There, that will show you!" But I didn't know what else I could say.

"Oh, George... I don't think it's over."

Oh, here it goes, I thought. He's going to blackmail me with threats of telling others what I'd been doing.

I hadn't really thought of that and, now that I did, I thought that it would probably work. But that's not the direction he went, though I suppose he always held that ace card in his pocket.

Instead, though, he just walked to the chair I was sitting on and put his hands on my shoulders. He pushed me down out of the chair and onto my knees on the floor. When he removed his hands in order to unfasten and lower his pants, I could have gotten up. I could have run to the door and escaped. But I didn't.

No, instead of escaping, I knelt there, submissively, watching Dominic push his boxers down allowing his cock to spring out, toward my face.

"Come on, George," he said, almost gently. "You know what to do."

Dominic's dick was swelling. I watched as it rose toward my mouth. I realized that my heart was pounding. My mouth was dry and, without thinking, I licked my lips.

And, then, to my shame, I leaned forward and took Dominic's cock in my mouth--for the first time without any pretext.

As soon as I'd wetted his shaft with my saliva, I suddenly began sucking his cock with an intensity that I'd never exhibited before. What I felt was an incredible need, a yearning, to suck his cock. The feeling was overwhelming. It felt as if the only thing that existed in the world was this hard cock and the only need in the world was my need to suck it and, ultimately, to make it spew its salty load in my mouth.

So I sucked Dominic's dick with abandon. I was pumping the shaft with one hand and cupping his large balls with the other.

I worked even harder as I felt his thighs clench and his hips begin to thrust in the unmistakable sign that he was about to shoot his wad. When he did, in stream after delicious stream, I swallowed eagerly, savoring the taste, the texture, and the intoxicating scent.

When Dominic had finished unloading in my mouth, he stepped back.

"There, now," he said. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Now, on my knees supplicated before him, I had to admit that it wasn't so bad. Indeed, it was so good.

The "I'm not going to be your cocksucker" stance had lasted for about two minutes. I was Dominic's cocksucker--now his willing, undeceived cocksucker--not only for the rest of our senior year but from time to time for several years after that.

I really never regretted that things didn't turn out the way I'd originally hoped when I started "the testosterogen treatment". And, in a way, I guess, you could say that I did get what I'd been hoping for, just not in the sense I'd been hoping for it. It was kind of like those "deal with the devil" stories where you don't specify what you wish for. What I'd wanted was to have a cock like Dominic's. And, as it turned out, I had one exactly like Dominic's--his, in fact--about any time I wanted to have it.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dang this writer has a great imagination and presents his stories so that they progress in a logical way...fantastic as they are.

wicked_annabellawicked_annabellaover 2 years ago

OHEMGEEEE.....love this. LOVE. THIS! thank u. can't wait to read the rest of the series!

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 2 years ago

Huh, I guess if Dominic had said that his cum had to be injected into Brian's system he'd be less likely to try it... or maybe he really was more gullible than he thought.

I liked the premise of this story, reminds me of "Supplemental" and the execution was good although personally it would've been fun to read if Dominic could've talked Brain into taking a load up his other hole.

Since this is the beginning of a series based on the sins as a theme, I'm very curious to read how Wrath and Sloth will be used. Lust, Greed, Pride, Gluttony seem fairly simple to guess.

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