A Baby For Maria


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"So... Maria... what should we do next?" It was exactly what I'd been wondering, but I'd thought about it and I suggested;

"Errm... well, how about a bit of sunbathing? Apparently there's a swimming pool on the rooftop... fancy taking a look?"

Each of us took turns to use the bathroom to change -- me into a pale green bikini that wasn't too revealing -- while he donned swimming shorts and carried our towels. The view from the rooftop was spectacular -- a wonderful panorama of the Promenade des Anglais spread out below us. We began to relax and took a turn in the pool before retiring to sunbeds where Matty suddenly hauled out some sun cream.

"Sorry... but I'm a bit paranoid about sunburn," he told me. Actually, I was too; but my nervousness was probably responsible for the fact that my sunscreen was still on the dressing table of our room.

"No problem," he smiled, "there's plenty here for both of us," when I suggested I should go for it, and then; "I'll do your back if you'll do mine." My stomach seemed to lurch at the realisation that we were going to make our first physical contact (We hadn't even shaken hands in the taxi!) but I recovered well enough to say;

"Okay... I'll do yours first."

"But...." He began to say.

"It's your stuff," I interrupted, "So you get it first."

"Jeez! No one told me you were the bossy type!" he complained with a grin, but turned over onto his stomach.

"That's right!" I laughed, "Don't bother arguing... I'm a woman!"

"Well... yeah," he said quietly, "I definitely noticed that!" Fortunately, he wasn't looking at me as he spoke, because I'm pretty sure I blushed.

"Cool it, Romeo!" I grinned, letting a large helping of cold sun cream drop onto his back and making him yelp. He grew quiet as I gently massaged it onto his skin, noting that his muscles were in good shape and the blonde hairs were smooth and silky. I put more on the back of his legs and spread it very carefully along the sides, making sure that I didn't get too close to where the hem of his shorts met bare flesh. Eventually, I stopped and said "Okay... my turn now."

"Errm... d'you mind if I just hang on for a second or two?" he asked and, when I wasn't sure what he was asking that for, explained, "It might be a little... errm... embarrassing if I turn over right now! You've got a very sensual touch, y'know!"

Now that statement took me so much by surprise that my jaw dropped for a moment or two -- then I laughed and gave him a playful slap on his backside that made him yelp and, since there was no sign of wobbling flesh, also told me that he was in pretty good physical condition. For a moment, it caused a fleeting image of Sam to leap into my head but I tried, as I'd been told to, to put it out of my mind.

"Okay... your turn now!" Matty told me as he finally lifted himself from the sunbed.

I turned over and settled down while his strong fingers began to ply back and forth across my shoulders, amazed at how similar his touch felt to the way Sam's fingers had massaged me less than 48 hours earlier. Matty, of course, couldn't have known that my shoulders -- along with various unexpected parts of my body -- often acted as erogenous zones for me. It was, if it's not too much of an oxymoron, a relaxing stimulation.

He took his time over it, especially when he was doing the backs and sides of my legs, and he ventured a good deal nearer to a more obvious erogenous area than I'd dared to do with him. For a second, when he applied it to my upper thighs and his fingers seemed to brush the lower hem of my bikini pants, I almost protested -- but then I remembered what we were there for, and held my peace.

We lay face down for a while then turned over (each applying their own sun cream this time) and had a little longer in the gradually cooling sunshine. Then it was a final plunge in the pool before returning to our room.

As I showered, I wasn't quite sure what was meant to happen next. I mean, it was obvious that we were meant to begin what we were there for -- that Matty was supposed to fuck me sometime that night - but I'd no idea whether he'd take the initiative or if that would be left to me or... what?

After drying myself, I decided to just cover myself with the dark blue, silk dressing gown I'd brought with me and, when I emerged, found that Matty appeared to have done much the same. We'd eaten a light dinner ( a gorgeous shellfish risotto) in the hotel's Bleu Citron restaurant accompanied by just a single glass of white wine because I wanted to keep a clear head if, as I suspected we might, we were going to talk.

We'd ordered two 'chocolat chaud,' and they were ready and waiting for us to imbibe their million or so calories as we enjoyed the delicate hint of nutmeg, almond and cinnamon that made them very different to the ones I was used to at home. As we relaxed with them there was a long silence before Matty finally opened the conversation with:

"You're not married, are you?"

"Errm... no... not exactly," I replied hesitantly.

"So... why the need for a baby?" he asked bluntly.

"You don't need to know that!" I answered, far more sharply than I'd intended to and, seeing that it seemed to have stung him a bit; I reached out and gently touched his arm as I added, much more softly: "Look... Matty... I'll tell you what I can... which isn't very much. But you'll have to accept it and not ask for more. Please?"

He paused, and then gave an uncertain nod, so I went on: "I'm nearly 30. I'm in a long-term, hopefully lifelong, relationship. My partner isn't able to give me the baby that we both want... no... it really isn't possible," I added when I saw he was about to question that. "Anyway, this has all been arranged through a very clever lawyer... and that's why we're here. And that's about all I can tell you, really. Honestly... I can't say much more... I'm sorry."

"That's okay, I guess," he admitted after thinking it over for a while, "Its more or less what I'd been told. What d'you know about me?"

"Well... other than the fact that your name's Matty... Oh... and you have no STDs... nothing, really!" I grinned and he burst out laughing.

"Jeez! You know less than I do!" he retorted and then, after a moment to think, told me:

"Okay... I'm 24 years old. I was an adopted child... I've no idea who my real parents were and I don't care. The folks who brought me up were always mum and dad -- and always will be. Dad passed away when I was in my early teens and mum is not in a good way at the moment.

"I was married to my childhood sweetheart when we were both 18... but she was killed in a car crash less than a year later."

I went to say something, but he brushed it aside with: "Nothing you can say... don't try. Anyway... there hasn't been anyone since...."

Now that did surprise me because he was a good-looking bloke, and I guess my surprise must have shown because he grinned and went on:

"Only my own hand of course!" which must have made me look even more shocked at his honesty and openness, because his grin became even wider as he went on; "But even that stopped a few weeks ago when I was offered this... errm... job? Partly because I wanted to make sure I was giving of my best because the reward is... well... substantial; and partly just in case it was someone who didn't appeal to me very much, y'know?" Then he blushed slightly as he added, "I needn't have bothered about that as it happens!"

I gave a nervous and slightly embarrassed smile as I acknowledged the compliment and thanked him for it, but then he suddenly became serious.

"Jeez! D'you know how guilty I feel about taking money for...?"

"Don't!" I commanded, and then, summoning up the most wicked look I could manage and raising an eyebrow, I added: "Just make sure you're worth it!"

"Fu...!" he began and then, realising that I was teasing," Hmm... looks like I'm going to have to earn every penny!"

We both laughed, probably for longer than the exchange merited. Then we looked at our empty glasses. There was nothing more to be said.

Slowly and very deliberately I stood and walked over to the huge bed, not even sure that my trembling legs would carry me that far. Turning my back to Matty, I undid the tie-fastening of my silk gown and let it slide gently to the floor. Then I held my breath and waited.

Behind me, I heard the glass doors to our balcony being closed, then the swish of the curtains closing. A second later the room was plunged into semi-darkness as the main light was switched off and, the covers having been turned down in readiness, I slipped beneath them, finally releasing a breath that I seemed to have been holding for ever. I turned onto my right side as Matty climbed in beside me and, at first, there was a gap of at least a foot between us. I'd noticed, of course, that he was naked (which made me feel a little uncomfortable about having left my panties on) and seen that he was sporting what appeared to be a very solid erection.

My experience of such things was actually surprisingly limited for a near-thirty year old single woman I think but, from that limited experience, I would judge him to be 'average' in size -- not that it mattered in the least. Virtually all of my previous lovers would have been described the same way -- the only exception being the violent one who was way beyond average, thought it made him special enough not to have to try to please his partner, and got very upset when I didn't mightily praise his magnificent instrument.

Matty propped his head up on his hand and looked at me, examining my face carefully.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" he asked gently.

I didn't really want to speak. I was thinking of Sam, thousands of miles away in New York, so I just moved a little closer while Matty did the same and, by way of reply, kissed his lips very softly. Very carefully, as if neither of us had ever done something like it before, we manoeuvred our arms around each other and kissed again. The kisses remained tender, although slightly more intense until his right hand moved down to my breast, delicately brushing his fingertips over the nipple and then clasping it in the warm palm of his hand.

We continued to kiss and cuddle like that for what seemed an age and, though I felt the stirrings of arousal, I was too distracted by thoughts of Sam to really give myself over to what was happening. Eventually, realising that Matty was probably too nervous to take the next step, I reached down to his groin, carefully wrapped my fingers around his erection, and was surprised to feel him flinch at my touch.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Sorry," he replied, "It's just that it's been a very long time... and it wouldn't take anything at all to... errm... set me off... if you know what I mean?"

"That's okay... I understand," I smiled and then, taking charge of matters, I slipped my last garment off and drew him towards me, saying; "let's just do it for now... we can do it properly next time."



The following day, we climbed the hundred or more steps to the top of Castle Hill (Colline du Chateau) to enjoy the wonderful views of the city, the Alps and the Mediterranean. Although it was a pleasant day, there was a bit of cloud which is why we'd decided against the beach.

"Jeez!" Matty gasped when we reached the top (it seemed to be his favourite 'expletive'), "I'm absolutely knackered... and you're not even out of breath!" and then, when I just smiled, he added: "And you had a work out in the hotel fitness centre this morning!"

"I'm a fitness instructor," I explained briefly, then gazed out at the fabulous landscape below us. I found myself thinking about the previous night; about the way Matty had, at my instigation, positioned himself on top of me and how, with a little assistance, had managed to insert his erection. It hadn't been too easy, because I hadn't been particularly well-lubricated... but it had worked. He'd managed no more than a few strokes before, with a loud groan; he'd emptied a huge load of his seed into me. He'd apologised (at least a dozen times!) for it being so brief, but |I'd brushed them all aside.

Both of us had been worn out from travelling, sunbathing and nervous anticipation; so we'd fallen asleep quite easily. I'd dreamt of Sam -- of reporting that the mission was accomplished and I was now pregnant and returning home -- but that wasn't to happen yet and Sam, in the dream, had told me that. I'd been up first, gone for my workout and, by the time I returned, Matty was showered and dressed and waiting for me.

"I thought you'd probably gone to check out," he said miserably, "After last night I thought... well... y'know... that you weren't happy with...."

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" I told him. "Stop thinking about it! I'm actually quite flattered that you couldn't control yourself!"

"Yes, but...."

"No buts!" I insisted, "I'm going for a shower then we'll grab breakfast and do some sightseeing. As for last night... well... you probably achieved what you were meant to! We can't be sure, of course, but we've got plenty of time to make certain... later!" I laughed as he tried to reach out for me. "So let's just relax and enjoy ourselves... okay?"

And that's exactly what we did. After exploring the wonderful attractions around Castle Hill, we went back down for a gentle stroll along the Promenade, stopping to look in numerous shops then doing some 'people-watching' as we lingered over a light lunch in one of the cafes.

As evening approached, we wandered slowly back towards the hotel, stopped in the bar for a cocktail, then ate an early dinner and headed to our room. When we got there, I said that I was going for a shower, but Matty asked me not to, saying; "I'd like you just as you are."

I was wearing a light summery, patterned dress. It wasn't too low cut and had a reasonable hemline, but I thought it quite pretty. With only bra and briefs beneath, it had allowed me to stay cool during the day. Matty had a pair of shorts, a tee shirt, open-toed sandals and, as I looked at him curiously, was clearly sporting an erection.

"Just as you are," he repeated as he took me in his arms and planted a wisp-soft kiss on my neck. It felt good, but then he stepped back a little and took hold of my hand. To my surprise, he raised it to his lips and softly kissed each fingertip. Then he did the same with the palm of my hand and then onto my wrist where, truth to tell, my warm blood was throbbing through the veins. Next he kissed the soft flesh in the crook of my elbow before lifting his mouth to meet mine. I was, if I'm honest, already melting. He'd found sensitive areas that most men never even considered, and he continued to be successful when he began to nibble at my ear lobe. It made me shiver with pleasure.

The effect was probably visible, because he continued to do that as his hand reached around to the zip at the back of the dress. It's something I've always found to be extremely sensuous -- the feel of my zip being gradually opened like that -- and I slipped my arms around him to relish the moment until, when it was all the way down, I released him and, as he eased the dress off my shoulders, I allowed it to fall to the floor. I kicked my shoes off and stepped away from the crumpled dress as we went into a proper clinch and our mouths met in what was really our very first passionate kiss.

Once again, he stepped back from it -- almost making me groan aloud -- but he waited until he was looking directly into my eyes before he hauled his shirt over his head. As our bodies closed together again, I could feel his erection pushing against me and I suddenly realised that I wanted it -- I mean, really wanted it! But Matty was in control this time. As we kissed he unfastened the clasp on my bra (a little clumsily, but I didn't complain!) and brought both hands round to the front to take hold of my breasts.

Laying me down on the bed, he began to work on my breasts with, first his hands, then his lips and his tongue. My nipples are an extremely sensitive part of my body and he seemed to realise that very quickly. Although it wasn't in my mind at the time, I would say that only Sam had managed to arouse me that much with that kind of attention before then. And the same could be said when he stood back, lowered and removed my pants, and began to lazily caress my legs with his lips and tongue. Beginning at the knee, he worked his way up the inside of each thigh in turn with small, unhurried movements.

By this time he was poised with his head between my thighs. I knew what was to come and I was breathing so heavily that I must have almost sounded asthmatic. Only Sam had ever done this to me before, but I wasn't thinking of that as the tip of his tongue flipped delicately across the folds of my vulva. Unable to help myself, I raised my hips off the bed wanting - no, desperately longing - for that caressing tongue to become more urgent and more insistent.

That was when he found my clitoris, first with his tongue, then his lips and then, ever so gently, with his teeth. He nibbled, licked and sucked on it until, after a minute or two, I realised that I was about to reach a climax. It was something I really hadn't expected and before I had time to resist the impulse, I suddenly found myself arching my back and grinding myself into his face. I could feel my hot juices flowing freely and still he continued with that wonderful torture as my orgasm, instead of reaching a peak and declining, just seemed to go on and on!

Finally, I could take no more. Somehow, I managed to haul myself a little way up the bed to break the rapturous hold he had on me. I was wheezing and gasping. I've no idea whether or not I'd said anything during that incredible experience; if I had, I'd been too far gone to know about it.

Still not really knowing what I was doing, I turned over and started to crawl up towards the pillows but, before I could reach them, I felt Matty's firm hands take hold of my hips. The bed behind me dipped slightly as he moved into position and then, a moment later, I felt the tip of his cock brush against the lips of my vagina. I was too weak to resist -- too weak to assist. I just waited until, after sliding across that thoroughly lubricated entrance a time or two, it finally found its way between the folds of slick flesh and began to enter me.

Quite simply, it doesn't matter whether its small, medium or large -- if a woman wants it inside her sufficiently, it feels like a perfect fit. And, at that moment, there was nothing in the world that I wanted more. And yet, somehow, Matty managed to control what he was doing; managed to just slide the head of it in and out a few times, then ease it in a little more until, to my amazement, I began to beg him to 'give it to me!' Even then, he hesitated; waiting until I'd repeated my plea two or three times before, at long last, plunging it in to the hilt.

It may be difficult for some men to understand, I guess, but the way it feels often depends on the woman's mood. At that moment I was so worked up that, even though Matty's cock was just an average size, when he finally drove it into me like that, it felt as if it was the longest and thickest intruder I'd ever known.

"Oh...yes!" may look innocent enough on the written page, but when it's screamed (and I really do mean 'screamed'!) in the throes of passion, no one hearing it could possibly doubt what caused it. The breath was completely driven from me and I desperately gulped in all that I could as he withdrew almost all the way before driving it back in again to the same effect. It was almost as if his cock had become an air pump -- driving the air in and out of me in time to his strokes as he followed up with more, equally powerful, thrusts.

I wanted to cry out with the sheer exhilaration of it; wanted to tell him how good it felt and urge him to continue with what he was doing, but there simply wasn't enough air in my lungs for that. My obeisance could only be revealed by a series of helpless gasps, sighs and moans -- barely heard above the sound of the sloshing, slopping noises of fluid and air being expelled from my vagina, relishing the ramrod movements of his cock being driven in and out of me and the slapping of flesh on flesh when our bodies slammed together.