A Boudoir Photography Goodbye


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"Mmmm that's lovely," she said looking through the viewfinder of her Hasselblad digital, one of the most expensive cameras on the market. "And you look good too Julian," she said smiling as she added. "Like to adjust yourself so we see it in its full glory."

I did not understand at first, but then got that she meant for Julian to let his erection rear up his stomach. He did that. "Mmmmm that looks great Julian. Put your right hand on his chest Chrissy with your forefinger just touching his nipple. Smashing"

She fired away taking shots like that. "Ok Chrissy now clench your right fist and then lift your first finger and slip that into the waist of his trousers. Brilliant." She shot away for a while, maybe taking close ups, but I was not sure and, in any case I was enjoying being in Julian's arms.

"Now Chrissy slide your hand down and stroke that delicious looking lump in his trousers."

It felt good.

"And you Julian get your finger in the back of Chrissy's thong. Hold it there a mo; now pull it out from between her cheeks. Oh yes fucking brilliant. You sure you two are not pros?"

After each little session, Meg showed us the shots on a PC and asked if we were happy with them, which we were. The three of us huddled round the PC to look at the latest set, which were by far the most erotic that she had taken so far. Meg was standing between Julian and me, our hips were touching and I suspected that hers and Julian's were too. It was a very heavily charged atmosphere as we looked at ourselves, my breast squashed against Julian's chest, his hand pulling my thong out from between my cheeks and my hand holding the outline of his erection. It as a pose that clearly said, well it did to me. 'We are getting ready to fuck.'

"Great stuff guys" Meg said, adding. "Any requests?"

"No just more of the same" Julian said. "They really are great Meg, thanks."

Putting her arms round both of us, her bare fingers on my hip sending s little shiver through me she said. "And they will get even better when we get 'all yer kit' off, come on kids let's go."

She had Julian undo his zip a little, me pulling it down and then my hand inside all shot from behind me so, as she put it. "We can glory at Chrissy's ass."

She turned us round so that I was facing the camera, but Julian was covering most of my boobs so that just one nipple that inevitably was very hard was on view to the camera. She pulled his trousers down a little until the start of his crease was on view. "Put your forefinger just in it Chrissy." She took several like that and then helped Julian remove his trousers. She stood us side by side with our arms round each other. Julian's erection was very obvious in his tight Y fronts.

"Looks good Jules," she said shooting away. "Rub it Chrissy."

I did as she asked. I was now becoming very aroused as Julian clearly was as well.

"Slip your hand inside Chrissy and hold it."

"Jesus Meg, give us a break," Julian groaned.

"Why have a break?"

"Because, well you can see can't you?"

"Mmmm, yes I can, kneel Chrissy please."

I did as she asked.

"Now pull his pants away, no, no do it slowly. Shit, put them back where they were and start again, but do it very slowly. That's it spot on" she was saying as Julian's cock seemed to leap out of his underpants. It looked fucking gorgeous and I wanted it, badly. "Oh yes Chrissy, oh Julian, that's amazing she said quietly taking shots of his cock close to my face. "Push them down Chrissy, I don't think we need them any more do you?"

I did not reply. "Well Chrissy?" Meg persisted. "Do we?"

"No" I croaked as I peeled Julian's underpants down his legs and off.

His cock was just inches from my face. I was holding it, gazing at it and adoring it.

"What do you want to do Chrissy?" Meg asked quietly.

Again, I did not reply.

"Put your hands in her hair Julian, stroke and pull it. Well Chrissy what do you want to do with that gorgeous thing?"

"Suck it," I mumbled amazing myself at being so open in front of her.

"Louder Chrissy, what is it you want to do?"

"I want to suck it?" I croaked my hands involuntarily stroking Julian's awesome cock.

"You ok with that Julian?" Meg asked.

Julian muttered a garbled yes.

"Then do it Chrissy, suck Julian's dick as I photograph that for your memento!"

I could not believe that I was actually holding Julian's cock and kicking its length as Meg looked on and photographed me doing it. However, I was not only doing that, but also I was loving it.

"Sit on the floor Julian," Meg was saying. "Now lie down, keep his cock in your mouth Chrissy. Great, hold it like that," she said as Julian laid flat and I was still kneeling with his cock in my mouth. "No Chrissy, climb on let's have a girl on top sixty nine, open your legs Chrissy."

Totally unselfconsciously I straddled Julian' face and grunted with pleasure as I felt his tongue on me. He gripped my hips and pushed his tongue as far up me as he could get it; he knew I liked that. At the same time, I was pumping my face up and down on his cock. He found the same rhythm and we worked in unison.

"Chrissy, you had better stop, I am getting very near."

"Don't you dare," Meg said. "Keep going I want to see this."

I had started to cum almost as soon as he had started licking me. So now with the encouragement from Meg and the knowledge that Julian was going to climax as well I gave into my orgasm and I let that wash over me as I completed my blow job on my young lover. It felt as though he delivered loads into my mouth, but of course, it was only about the same as usual. As he filled my mouth with his sperm so I glanced up and saw Meg lying on the floor just a few feet from me recording the cum dribbling out of my mouth.

Julian collapsed on the floor next to me and shortly the three of us lay there staring at each other. Meg's eyes were boring into mine as she said softly.

"Swallow it slowly Chrissy so I can snap it."

Julian and I were both naked as we stood either side of Meg by the laptop watching the last series.

"God you two really are a horny pair aren't you?" she said rather huskily.

Although I was still very aroused, I began to feel a little self-conscious standing next to another woman who was fully dressed and had just photographed me sucking my lover's cock and swallowing his sperm.

"I think the posing is getting to both of us, don't you Julian?"

"Yes I think it is" Julian replied smiling.

"Hey don't be so restrictive" Meg said smiling. "That was one of the sexiest shoots I have ever taken?"

"Really?" I asked.

"Absolutely Chrissy, you were both awesome. Any more thoughts on what next?"

I looked at Julian asking without speaking whether he wanted us to have sex. He guessed what I was asking and he smiled.

"Get the video cam loaded up Meg?"

"It's already loaded Julian" she said adding. "Come on let's get more comfortable."

She led us up the stairs and into a bedroom. "I use this for some of the more intimate stuff," she explained as we looked at what was the only piece of furniture in the room, a double bed.

"And downstairs wasn't intimate?" Julian asked.

We all giggled as Meg drew the curtains and set up the lights. "Make yourselves comfortable while I get the cams," she said leaving the room.

"You ok with this Chrissy?" Julian asked taking me into his arms.

"Yes, very much, I think it's amazing. Well done and thanks for arranging it."

"It really is rather incredible isn't it?" he said as we kissed.

"Yes very."

"In some ways it's the sexiest thing I have ever done, know what I mean Chrissy?"

"Totally and I agree."

"We should have done it before" he laughed. "It's the combination of being filmed and having an audience."

"Yes I know what you mean, but is it an audience or a tasty bird like Meg?"

Smiling, he replied as Meg came back with the cams and two tripods. "Both I guess."

"As you two are such naturals I thought I would push the boat out and use three cams. Two fixed and one that I will move around with."

"Ok thanks" Julian said.

"No problem, this way I will capture everything you do and I won't miss a thing" she replied as she glanced from Julian to me and back again. "Like another glass of wine? She asked.

We both said we would and she left us again.

"I bet you fancy her don't you?" I asked kissing him again and softly grinding myself against his clearly hardening cock. He did not reply, but kissed me harder and gripped the cheeks of my bum. "Don't you?" I persisted.

"Well of course in a way, but this is about us, not her."

"But now Julian she is becoming part of us isn't she?" I said just as Meg returned with a new bottle and three glasses for the wine.

She took a few shots of Julian and me sipping our wine and turned both cams on.

"Ok kids, just let go. Do what comes natural and I will just let the cams roll. I'll also take some shots as we go."

"Is there sound on it?" Julian asked.

"Yes, but don't worry I can easily edit that."

We lay on the bed and started to kiss and caress each other. As we did, I was conscious of the two cams on tripods and of course Meg who was moving round the bed her eye against the lens capturing our every move and gesture. It was really freaky and an incredible turn on as Julian slowly began to make love to me as Meg looked on and recorded everything.

He had been squeezing and caressing my breasts and pulling and pinching my nipples as I rubbed his stomach, bum and, of course, his lovely cock. He had slithered one of his hands down my body and between my legs that I opened to give him access to my pussy and clit.

Since starting the affair with Julian, I have now and again cum very quickly. This was one of those times.

"Oh god," I moaned as I felt those wonderful sensations building up. "Oh yes," I went on as he rubbed my clit and pushed god knows how many fingers up me. From experience he knew I was starting and he pumped them deeper and faster. Something made me open my eyes and I saw Meg kneeling on the bed with the cam focused right on Julian's fingers and my pussy. That was the final straw and my orgasm burst over me very powerfully. Although knowing that I was being filmed was right at the back of my mind it made my climax all the more intense.

Julian held me and consoled me as I came down from the sexual high he had given me.

"That was amazing guys," Meg said sitting on the edge of the bed and putting the cam down. "Want to take five?"

"No" Julian replied quickly, let's keep going. I want to make love"

"Ok you are the client, but let me ask Julian if you cum now how long will it take for the second round?"

"Fuck Meg, with Chrissy in my arms and you photographing us not long at all."

She smiled. "Good, but before you two fuck can we get some tape time of you going down on Chrissy please? You ok with that Chrissy?"

"Oh yes" I sighed relishing the idea.

"It will make sure we have covered everything," she said as I lay back, raised my knees, opened my legs and wallowed in the glorious sensations of his mouth on my pussy and clit. With Meg very close and Julian using his mouth and lips to perfection, my second cumming did not take long.

"Wonderful, shall we take five now and refuel the glasses?" Meg said turning the cams and lights off.

Julian and I sat up on the bed as Meg went and got the wine and glasses.

"Enjoying it?" She asked when she returned and was sitting on the edge of the bed sipping her wine.

"It's fantastic, we should have done it before, shouldn't we Chrissy?"

"Yes without a doubt. Perhaps you should do it with your fiancée?"

"True, but what about you and Richard?"

"He would never do it."

"Might if you ask him."

"We'll see," I said stroking his leg.

I looked down and saw that he was still wonderfully hard.

"Maybe we should do something about that," I suggested.

"I think that would be marvellous" Julian replied.

"How are you going to do it?" Meg asked adding. "So that I can set the lights and cams properly."

"Have we got time for twice?" Julian asked as casually as if he was enquiring about a drink or meal.

"I told you luv that I don't work to time, I work to the finish. How long do you take?"

It was quite odd to be sitting on a bed naked with my young lover soon to be ex, and another woman talking in a relaxed manner about how I was going to make love to him, what position and how long between them; odd, but very exciting.

"Chrissy, what do you reckon?" Meg asked looking at me.

"Half hour, forty minutes usually?"

"But with us both here, me shooting you and him and perhaps a little encouragement from us?" Meg said her fingers idly fiddling with the top button that was done up on her shirt. It was a very sexy gesture, particularly as she was looking right into my eyes at the time. I could not help thinking what beautiful eyes she had. Perfect almond shape, they were a lovely brown with long, natural lashes.

I laughed. "Twenty minutes max then, right Jules?"

Smiling, Julian ran his fingertips up and down his erection and said. "What sort of encouragement did you have in mind Meg?"

Without further ado, she undid the button she was fiddling with. That was between her boobs and just left two more beneath it done up. Looking down at her fingers undoing them she said, lifting her head and looking at us. She paused before adding slowly and quietly

"Something along these lines, ok?"

I was shocked, yet excited and the look on Julian's face suggested he felt the same, but probably rather more the latter than the former. Julian and I looked at each other and then back to Meg. Her shirt was now undone all the way down the front with the edges caught on her nipples so that some of each mound was on show.

"Wow Meg," Julian said in almost a gasp.

"I like to get in character, I find it helps my creativity at such times" she went on smiling and removing the shirt completely.

Julian and I simply stared at her, partly in awe of her lovely body and partly from curiosity as to why she had removed her shirt.

"Shall we get going?" She said walking across the room, turning on the lights and the two tripod based cams.

I could not help thinking how lovely she looked. Her upright posture and tall, slimness gave her a statuesque look. As she moved, her breasts jiggled and her pert, rounded bottom in the skin-tight jeans swayed very enticingly. With Julian and I naked and his erection so close to me, it really was an intensely erotic situation. I felt very horny and could hardly wait to be fucked, particularly with Meg as an onlooker and recorder.

Julian and I lay on the bed. He pulled me into his arms and we kissed. We ground our naked bodies together knowing this would be one of the last times we made love. He had left the hospice and was returning to Cheltenham in a few days. I was sad, but that was relieved partly by knowing it was the right thing to do, but also by what we were doing with Meg; it really was turning out to be the perfect way to say goodbye to each other!

Easing me onto my back and slipping between my thighs his cock nuzzled against my pussy lips. My eyes were closed, but something made me open them and saw Meg standing right beside the bed holding the cam. Her eyes and the lens of the camera focusing on me were tremendous turn ons. She smiled and I smiled back. As Julian slid into me, we stared at each other. I watched her place the cam on a tripod and as Julian started thrusting in and out of me, I saw her cup each of her small breast and caress them. She moved round the bed that for photographic convenience purposes was in the middle of the room.

"Oh my god" I heard Julian say as he saw her.

Standing to the side of the bed so that as we made love we could both watch her.

"Ok guys?" She asked.

"Oh yes" Julian groaned.

Meg looked at me. "Christina," she asked quietly raising her eyebrows?

I nodded and she carried on playing with her breasts and pinching and pulling her nipples.

Julian was fucking me with long, slow deep surges. The modest pace of our lovemaking enabled both of us to watch her. She moved her hands from her boobs and her fingers went to the zip on her jeans. She looked down at them as Julian and I stared at her fingers, which were slowly easing the zip down. It seemed to take an age for her to get it all the way down so she showed us that firstly, she had not bothered with any panties and secondly, that she was completely bald down there. Pushing her jeans down and shrugging them off she moved towards the bed and just as Julian and I climaxed she whispered.

"Got room for another?"

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wittychittywittychittyabout 1 year ago

Absolutely top drawer... so glad I found your stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Loved the scenario....love your style!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
nice finish!

Nice finish!

stevo12345londonstevo12345londonover 6 years ago
great work....

Can't wait to chat to you again....you are such a wickedly sexy woman.

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