A Brother & Sister Ch. 08


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"Really?" Julie asked, surprised.

"Yep, I've been a strictly tongues and fingers girl for a while now."

"God, I love having a cock in my pussy. One that I have access to is fucking enormous, Its too big to take it all in, but god it fills me!"

"Really?" Emily asked, this time her turn to be surprised.

"Oh yeah," Julie replied a slightly dreamy expression on her face as she thought of her brother's cock.

"How does it compare to this?" Emily said, indicating the dildo that was now being worked back and forth in her pussy. Julie removed the dildo from Emily's pussy and held her hand out from the end, indicating length and then her fingers around to indicate girth.

"No way! Surely no cock is THAT big!" Emily exclaimed.

"This one is. Maybe if you're a good girl I'll find a way to prove it to you."

"Emily found herself wondering just how big something like that would feel in her as she felt Julie slide the toy into her pussy again ad start to fuck her with it. She moaned as she was penetrated and then again felt the dildo leave her pussy. She looked up to see what was going on and Julie was sucking it into her mouth.

"Sorry," Julie said, looking guilty as she replaced the toy, "I just had this overwhelming desire to taste you."

"Um, I'll live," Emily said. "Wow," she thought Julie had just sucked her juices off of the toy. She thought about Emily fucking Adriana and realised that fucking Emily would be nothing new as such to Julie. She started to think that maybe she could go further with this after all. If Adie and Julie were ok with it ...

Emily pulled on her nipples. Sensing that her cousin was approaching orgasm, Julie used her thumb to start stimulating Emily's clit who reacted by bucking her hips. Julie had to work hard to keep pressure applied to the pleasure button but was rewarded when Emily thrust her hips high in the air and then fell back to the bed, her butt shuddering and her thighs shaking as she exploded in orgasm.

Emily lay with her eyes closed as she felt the rest of her orgasm work its way through her system. She felt the bed move and figured Julie was getting dressed again, but then she sensed movement in front of her closed eyes. She felt a hand caress her breast and as she opened her eyes, saw Julie mere centimetres from her face, her tongue suddenly probing between Emily's lips.

Instinct took over and Emily's mouth opened to accept the kiss, her tongue spiralling around Julie's. As their lips melded together, Julie moved so that she was on top of Emily, their naked bodies now pressed together, breast on breast. Emily gave herself over to the passion of the kiss and when Julie started to move slowly down her body, her lips and tongue marking the journey, she did nothing to resist. She felt her erect nipple clasped between Julie's teeth and gasped as she bit and pulled gently, the other breast being treated similarly by Julie's right hand.

Julie didn't hesitate in one spot for too long. Having now treated both nipples to her oral treatment, she went lower, hearing Emily moan in anticipation as Julie's tongue first circled her belly button and then moved down over the path of her stomach to trace down one side of her cropped pubic hair.

There seemed to be an urgency to Julie's movements and in no time at all, Emily found her clit being attacked by her cousin, tongue and lips circling, licking and teasing at the little erection of pleasure. Emily pulled at her own nipples now, the sensations emanating from her pussy on the edge of what she could bear. She wondered whether she'd even manage to let Julie make her cum yet again and writhed under the attention. Finally she squealed, the shock of her orgasm bursting through her body, sending convulsions from the base of her spine. This time she actually felt her juices squirt from her pussy and she heard Julie gasp before slurping at her, licking at the fluid that had escaped.

Having gone this far, Emily wasn't about to miss out on tasting what she'd been finding herself desiring – Julie's pussy. She rolled Julie onto her back and began administering kisses and licks all over, just as Julie had done to her. She eyed off Julie's bald pussy, savouring the moment when she would get to place her tongue delicately between her labia and then push within her. She could see the moisture of Julie's pleasure on her inflamed labia, her little clit erect and pushing out as if seeking the pleasure it desired.

Emily used her fingers to part Julie's labia and ran her tongue directly over her clit before sliding it lower and pushing inside her nectar-filled hole. Julie moaned in response and Emily continued, encouraged. She worked her mouth over Julie's pussy and then caught her clit between her lips. She hummed and Julie squealed and squirmed as the vibration in Emily's lips was transferred to her clitoris.

When she thought that Julie could take no more, Emily used her tongue to work over her clit until she felt Julie tense and spasm with her orgasm.

Sated, the two girls curled up together in bed, falling asleep entwined in one another's arms.

"What did you say to Julie?" Emily asked her brother the next day.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, last night she asked me if you were always a pig with women. You must have said something that pissed her off/"

"Oh, never mind, I did something stupid. I'm going to apologise, don't worry," he added quickly, seeing the look that passed over his sister's face.

"Well, you'd better, I don't want to see her upset again."

"Yeah, ok," Jordan replied, mystified by his Sister's apparently sudden possessiveness of their cousin.

Jordan sat watching Steve and the girls on the other side of the table. They were out at the pub and had had a few drinks. He had to stop and remind himself that this was all family as he peered at the three girls sitting with Steve. Adriana, Julie and his sister were all gorgeous and he was having trouble coming to terms with the fact that he was getting a boner looking at them. He told himself that it was because of Adriana, which was ok, because she wasn't his cousin, just Steve and Julie's, but despite that, he knew that Julie was a part of the cause. Hell, even his sister looked hot to him tonight.

He'd managed to apologise to Julie earlier in the day. She'd not made it easy for him and had again dropped a hint that if he'd been nicer he might have got to enjoy himself. And she'd even said that because he hadn't that Emily was now the beneficiary, which made him wonder if she'd actually gone through with her threat to fuck his sister to make him jealous.

He found himself thinking about it again, noting that Emily and Julie were somewhat crushed up against each other on the long bench on the other side of the table. But then again, Julie, Steve and Adriana were just as squished. He'd offered a chair to any of them, but strangely (at least to Jordan's mind) they'd all said that they were perfectly comfortable.

"Geez, I wish I could be squished between Julie and Adriana like that," he found himself dreaming idly as he sipped on his beer.

Adriana slipped her hand onto Steve's cock, firming up his erection in his pants as she looked across the table at Jordan. She wondered about what he hid in his pants. She hadn't got around to asking if Julie had managed to get a look and was starting to think that she might just have to go out on a limb all by herself. She felt a hand brush hers and glanced down and then across as she realised that Julie had had a similar plan to hers. They both burst out laughing as they realised what had happened, leaving Jordan and Emily looking at them with a bewildered look and Steve with a smirk.

"I think I'd better dance," Adriana declared. "Care to join me Jordan?"

"If you don't mind being embarrassed," he laughed, not considering himself much of a dancer.

"Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't let you embarrass me," Adriana laughed in return as she stood and took him by the hand, leading him to the dance floor. Steve took the opportunity to free himself from the bench seat and go get a round of drinks, leaving Julie alone with Emily, watching as Adriana and Jordan began dancing together.

Julie slipped her hand inside Emily's, finding it welcomed in a warm grip. Emily turned to smile at her and Julie lifted her other hand to her face, pulling her close enough to kiss. As their lips locked, Julie glanced over at the dance floor and made sure that she held the kiss long enough for Jordan to glance back and see. Then she allowed the kiss to end and smiled at Emily. Emily was about to say something when Steve returned.

The three of them sat watching Adie and Jordan on the floor and laughed as Adriana pulled Jordan in tight and began grinding herself against him. It was obvious that Jordan wasn't sure what approach to take. Clearly he was caught in a trap between being horny and knowing that his sister and cousins were watching their every move.

"Something tells me that Adriana wants some cock," Laughed Julie. "And she may well have decided on whose going to provide it."

"You think?" Emily asked her.

"If I know Adriana, it wouldn't surprise me."

"Wow, if she did that it would mean that she's slept with all of us except Steve," Emily whispered in Julie's ear.

"Oh our Adriana sure is special," Julie said, thinking to herself about the fun she and Steve had been sharing with her.

Adriana and Jordan returned to the table, Jordan trying to suppress the grin that Adriana had left him with. As they'd returned to the table, she pulled his head down near his and said, "There's a very good chance that I'm going to fuck you tonight." He'd cracked an instant boner (it hadn't taken much to raise it after the way that Adie had ground herself against him) and he'd tried not to look like a young virgin on the verge of losing it. It had almost been enough to put from his mind the fact that he was sure that he'd seen his cousin and sister pashing when he was on the dance-floor.

Adriana and Jordan sat down on the opposite side of the table and Julie noted that Adriana had her hand in his lap, rubbing his cock. At the same time, her foot was moving between the legs of all three of the people that were now sitting opposite her. Every now and then she'd throw back her head and giggle as she enjoyed herself.

Julie for her part, was alternating between stroking Steve's cock on her left and working her hand over Emily's thigh on her right, stopping one to either have a drink or address the other.

Jordan went to get a round of drinks and Steve excused himself to go to the toilet. As he stood, he clearly had an erection and all of the girls found themselves staring at it. As he crossed the room it was clear that they weren't the only women in the bar to have noticed.

Adriana glanced at Emily and winked at her, making a motion with her hands to indicate how big it was. Emily blanched and Adriana laughed.

"Surely you're just guessing aren't you?" Emily said to Adriana. Julie sat quietly, wondering what was about to transpire.

"There's only one way you can know for sure and that's to see it for yourself. You wouldn't mind if I showed your brother's cock to Em would you Jules?"

"Er, why should I mind, he's my brother! If he wants to get it out for his cousin's that's his business." Julie tried to sound put off by the whole idea but Emily gave her a strange look, leaving Julie with doubts as to whether she was believed or not. Adriana was clearly getting pissed now. She was being very liberal with herself. As if to confirm it, Julie felt her stockinged foot probing and caressing between her legs.

"Fuck I'm horny," Adriana announced. Julie and Emily both laughed.

"Geez Adie and you're doing SUCH a good job of hiding it. You all but shagged my brother on the dance floor, you've been rubbing my pussy with your foot all night and I suspect Julie's as well! Is it you that gave Steve that enormous bulge before he left us?" Just then, Steve appeared with the drinks, before Adriana could protest her innocence.

Steve handed out the drinks and Emily was surprised to see him nursing a glass of water.

"You're not drinking Steve?" she asked.

"Nope, I got the short straw. Someone has to drive us home."

"Oh yeah good point. I forgot we brought the car, I must be getting ditzy," laughed Emily.

"That or pissed," Julie teased, her hand reaching out to stroke her cousin's breast. Emily allowed her a brief touch before playfully slapping her hand away. Jordan felt himself harden even further at the sight and now truly started to wonder if the two of them had had sex together.

A little later, after more drinks, Jordan was in the toilet when Adriana said to Steve across the table, "Hey Steve, Emily doesn't believe that your dick is as big as I say it is, do you think you'd be prepared to show her?" Emily nearly choked on her drink and Julie laughed, just a touch nervously.

"Adie!" Emily said indignantly.

"What? It's true. C'mon Steve, what do you say?"

"Well, if she really wants to see it, it doesn't hurt me any," Steve replied, feeling a swelling in his jeans at just the thought of Emily peering at his cock.

"Well then, all you have to do is say the word and he'll get it out, what do you say Em?"

"Whoa, not right here though," Steve declared laughing, "I'm sober, remember?"

"Spoilsport," Adriana said, poking her tongue out and laughing. "I reckon we could have half the women in this bar over here drooling and begging if they saw it."

"Yeah well that's one experiment that we won't be conducting thank you, Steve laughed in response.

"Well, I guess we'll see later then," Adriana declared, "Won't we Em?" Emily merely shrugged noncommittally as her brother re-appeared.

Steve pulled out into the traffic, Emily seated next to him, Julie behind Steve and then Adriana and Jordan in the remaining seats in the back. Adriana had her hand all over Jordan's cock as they drove along. It wasn't long before she attacked the fastenings on his jeans to free him from them. Steve laughed when he saw what was going on in the rear-vision mirror but Adriana, intoxicated, didn't care. Jordan wasn't sure how to take it as she started to push his pants down to his ankles. She was insistent though and rather than have her start to order him loudly or something, he adjusted himself so that she could slide them down.

Adriana then leant over and took Jordan's cock in her mouth, her butt thrusting out towards Julie. Steve glanced in the rear vision mirror and seeing the look of disbelieving shock on Jordan's face, winked at him and kept driving.

When the back seat was oddly quiet for a bit, Emily turned to look at what was happening. She couldn't actually see what Adriana was doing, but from the angle of what she could see, she had her suspicions. She adjusted her seat belt and twisted around to confirm it.

"Geez, Adie, couldn't you wait?" she asked.

"Why bother, I'm too horny to wait." She responded, stopping her sucking long enough to answer. Emily shook her head and turned back to the road. Steve just laughed. Emily glanced back at Julie who merely shrugged. Emily couldn't help but note that Julie had slipped a hand up Adriana's short skirt and was obviously rubbing at her pussy.

Jordan was on the verge of cumming, having found the fact that this was happening to him in a car with relatives all around him both exciting and yet just uncomfortable enough to dent his ability to climax, when Steve pulled into the driveway at Adriana's house.

"Time to put him away Adie, you're home," Steve announced.

"Ah crap," Adriana said, sitting up. "Are you going to leave him here with me?" she asked hopefully.

"And how are we going to tell our parents that we left Jordan somewhere ... or with you even?"

"Oh come on, the poor guy is ready to burst, how about you wait here while we go inside for a bit. Or better yet, why don't you all come in too? Mum and Dad are away, Alexis is staying with a friend ... I don't want to be alone. Well not allll night." She pleaded, sensing their hesitation.

"Come on Julie, you know you want to come in. Em, this is your chance, Steve can get his cock out if you come inside ..."

Adriana opened the door and started to push Jordan out as he was scrambling back into his pants. "Go quick, then they'll have to come," she laughed.

Jordan thought about the fact that this hot chick wanted to take him inside so that she could fuck him and jumped out of the door so that Adriana could escape after him and open the front door.

"Oh well, I guess we're going inside then," Julie giggled. She clambered out of the car and went inside, staggering slightly under the effects of the alcohol. She walked inside and found Adriana dragging her clothes off as Jordan stood in the living room doing the same thing.

"Come on Julie, let's fuck him," Adriana said excitedly as she saw Julie come in through the door. Jordan nearly came on the spot at how open Adriana was being.

"Nope, I told him I wouldn't, that I'd fuck his sister to make him jealous. Maybe I'll fuck you though if she's not up for it tonight."

Jordan found his cock engulfed within Adriana's mouth and stared as Julie came up behind her and started to play with her nipples, laying kisses on her neck.

"Well, we may as well go in side where its warm," Steve suggested to Emily as they sat staring at the open door a minute or two later." Emily conceded and followed Steve inside, shutting the door. They walked into the living room and found Jordan now flat on his back. Adriana was kneeling over him, her head working up and down on his erection. Julie moved in behind her and was lapping at her pussy whilst one of her hands worked between her own legs.

Just then, Adriana stopped sucking and stood so that she could squat over Jordan's cock. She took it in her hand and nestled it against her pussy before sliding down on it, facing his feet. She motioned to Julie who knelt before her and with their faces close to level, they kissed, each fondling the other's breasts.

Steve felt his cock swell as he watched his sister and cousins begin fucking each other. He dearly wanted to join in, but wasn't sure how Emily would react and as he was the sober one, waited, seeking a clue from her.

Emily just watched, stunned. She found the sight of Adriana and Julie kissing intoxicating. The fact that Adriana was riding her brother's cock was a little harder to deal with, but she was blocking that out as she saw the two girls pull on each other's nipples. She knew them all. All those nipples and she found herself wanting to be a part of it.

Adriana looked over and saw Emily standing there as if in a trance. "Show Emily Steve. Let her see how magnificent it is."

Emily turned, looking at him and Steve asked, "Do you really want to see it?" In her intoxicated state, Emily decided that she did indeed want to see if it was as big as Adriana claimed. She nodded.

Steve smiled at his cousin and undid his belt and the button on his jeans. Then he pulled the zipper down and began to peel his jeans down. Both Julie and Adriana paused in their actions to see both the cock and Emily's reaction. Jordan was happy that the girl riding his cock blocked his view. He didn't need the comparison.

Emily gasped as she saw Steve stand up to reveal his cock. It was only semi erect, but it was fucking huge!

"Oh God!" she said.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Adriana asked her. "And it get's bigger. Bring it here Steve, I want her to see it at its biggest. Steve walked over to where his sister was kneeling in front of his cousin. Adriana reached out and cradled his cock in the palm of her hand before licking at the tip and then slipping it into her mouth. Julie reached out and caressed her brother's balls as Adriana suckled his cock.