A Caged Bird Sings Ch. 03


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"Lick my dirty asshole you fucking cunt!" Penny moaned and I could tell she was getting close. I licked at the insides of her asshole, feeling the pillowly texture of her skin on my tongue. Tasting her. Wanting more. I was completely past shame or anything else, I just needed this. I wanted more than anything to stroke my own cock, to cum in a big pool on the floor and then lick it up. But I didn't get the chance.

"Holy fuck!" Penny cried out suddenly and her hips bucked against me. I felt her cock stirring on my forehead. Then, in a moment, I felt it. Hot gobs of Penny's sperm poured out of her cock and landed on the back of my head, on my neck, and on my back. It was warm and wet and felt delicious. I moved back, pulling my tongue out of Penny's asshole and enjoying the feeling of the cum in my hair and on my skin. Penny was panting, but I must've looked content.

"What are you smiling about?" Penny asked, "You're covered in ass and cum and you didn't even get me off. I had to do it myself." She said. I felt nervous. When I'd seen McKenzie getting a blowjob, she'd thanked the girl and sent her on her way as soon as it was done.

"I did exactly what you asked, we are even," I explained. I didn't want Penny's cum on me anymore, I didn't want to taste it. At least, not really. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Whatever," she said uncertainly. I moved back a little more, I saw her cock was rapidly getting limp. I figured she was about to let me go. I could go clean myself off and forget this ever happened. She just looked at me as I started to move away.

"Oh," she panted, taking her cock in her hand gently, "Don't let anyone ever say I am not lady. I would never let someone who provided me with such a lovely... service, to leave my room looking dirty. Let me clean you off." I wasn't evens sure what she was talking about, but she didn't give me a lot of time to think. Instead, she let out a satisfied little grunt and soon a stream of hot, yellow piss was arcing out of her cock.

I was too stunned to move, I just watched as the piss shot out of her dick, flew out in a wide arch, and then felt it. Felt as it splashed onto my tits. I was completely frozen. He piss was hot and soaked into my white shirt. I guess she was trying to hit me somewhere else, because she arched her back. The stream of piss moved up my neck and splashed against my chin and then, into my mouth. I shut my lips tight but some of the salty liquid was already in my mouth. I couldn't stand the taste, it was revolting. But I couldn't spit it out, her stream of piss was still hitting my face, so I swallowed it down. She kept pissing higher, and I closed my eyes and felt her urine whizzing hot into my eyes and then into my hair, finally pushing the cum out of my hair.

Finally, I felt her stream weaken, and the hot jet of piss once again worked down my face and my chest, splashed across my pants and then stopped. I opened my eyes and saw piss streaming down my face. It was starting to cool on my body. I could smell it and feel on my lips. I was shivering, even though I wasn't cold. I looked up at Penny, and she had that vicious smirk on her face.

"There!" she said, "now we are even." And then she started to laugh. I felt so ridiculous, covered in cum and piss, my face smelling like Penny's asshole. I stood up quickly and ran out of the cell, dripping piss and cum onto the floor. I could hear Penny laughing even as I bounded down the stairs.

I could feel eyes on me while I was walking. It was normal to see people have sex and paying debts, it wasn't normal to see a girl stinking and dripping with piss. I was crying by the time I got to the bottom floor. My eyes were blurry from crying, but I knew where my friends were. I needed their help. I knew that Penny had crossed a line but I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Finally, I stumbled over to the spot by the television where my friends always sat. They were there.

"Holy shit, Odessa what happened?" McKenzie said, being the first to notice me, probably by smell. The other girls turned and looked at me. I dropped down onto the floor next to the table, sitting down and closing my eyes. They all got up and rushed around me.

"Fuck, what the hell did that bitch do? Did she piss on you?" Clara said. I nodded meekly. They all sort of looked at each other.

"Shit, the girl only owed like 20 bucks in damages," McKenzie said, "This was way more than that!"

"Yeah where the fuck does Penny get off doing something like that?" Clara asked.

"She saw fresh meat and didn't think anyone would notice," McKenzie explained. Then she knelt down next to me and brushed my cheek, "hey Odessa, I didn't know she was going to do something like that. She was real bitch, and I will talk to her about it." She said. I nodded, something in the way McKenzie said 'talk' made me think it would be worse than that. Good. But I still felt terrible now. That's when Prisha knelt down next to me and put her hand on my forehead.

"Come on Odessa," she said lovingly, "I will help you clean up." She reached down and took my arm and helped me off my butt and into a standing position. I could feel eyes on me, people knew I was vulnerable. Suddenly, I knew that it was more dangerous to look hurt than be hurt. So I stood up straight and stifled my crying. I held onto to Prisha's hand while we walked. She didn't say anything, just held my hand closely. She guided me towards her cell. Soon, we were inside and it felt like I had a little bit of privacy. I flopped down on the toilet and put my head in my hands.

"Stand up for a second Odessa," Prisha said in a soft, sweet, almost mothering voice. I did what she asked. I stood up in front of the toilet. She came and stood in front of me, "Okay honey, I am going to take your clothes off. I know you have had a rough day, but I wanted to ask first. I am going to help clean you off," she said.

"Okay," I responded meekly. I indicated I should put my arms in the air and I did. She grabbed onto the bottom of my tank top and pulled it over my head. I felt the cold, wet piss against my face as it slid off. She tossed it onto the floor. It was very yellow and I felt my stomach turn. But Prisha wasn't finished. She got down on her knees in front of me and untied my pants. Then she carefully slid them down my legs. When they were around my ankles she lifted one foot and then the other, and pulled the pants away. They were wet as well and she threw them on top of my tank top.

"Your bra and panties are wet too," she explained, "I am going to take them off as well." I just nodded. She was still on her knees and so she reached up and grabbed my panties and pulled them down. I was mortified to see my cock was still hard, standing out proud into Prisha's face. I was still horny from the degradation, I couldn't believe it. I felt like crying again. But Prisha pretended she didn't notice, simply slipped off my wet panties and threw them aside. I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra. I slid it off and handed it to Prisha. She threw it with the rest of my clothes. We were both standing now, my cock just a few inches from Prisha's body.

"You are beautiful," Prisha said, "Nothing bad should ever happen to you." We both blushed when she said this. It was such a sweet thing to say, I didn't know how to respond. It was so lovely, after Penny seemingly took away my dignity, that Prisha could help put it back so easily.

"Thank you," I managed to squeak.

"Go ahead and sit back down," she said sweetly, and I did as I was told. I sat on the toilet a little cold and clammy. My cock was sticking up hard between my legs. My hair was still wet with cum and piss and I could smell myself. Prisha walked over to her bed and grabbed a large washcloth

The toilets in our prison were these sort of weird toilet/sink contraptions. I know, totally gross. But I didn't have a choice. As Prisha walked over and stood next to me, she turned on the water in the sink. She had a cup to fill with water. While she was waiting for the water to warm she asked me, "What exactly happened." And so I was off. I told her about everything that happened. First I told her about Penny, the asshole licking, and the pissing. But then I couldn't stop. I told her everything about the guard on the first day too, all of the gory details. I told it slowly, methodically, trying to get it all out of me.

At the same time, Prisha was listening intently, nodding and making the appropriate noises. But she was cleaning too. She dipped the wash cloth into the warm water, put some liquid soap on it, and began to scrub my body. She started down at my feet, gently squeezing them in the soapy water. She sort of draped the wash cloth over her hand like a big, wet, rough glove. She scrubbed into my legs as I cried and confessed. Her hands moved up my thighs, getting them wet and soapy. Occasionally she'd go back to the sink to wring out the cloth and get more soap. She washed body of my arms next, lifting them up and cradling them gently.

I didn't even skip a beat as she put her hands on my breasts, carefully cleaning them, pulling up every last drip of piss on my skin their. But I felt my nipples getting harder. They got harder still as her hands with the rough wash cloth moved over my stomach. Finally, the only place on my front that was dirty was my cock. I'd finished telling her everything now. I waited to see what she'd do. I wanted her to clean it, to feel her hands on it. It was so strange, because I still felt terrible about what had happened to me. But I was horny too. And I felt so good with Prisha, she felt so warm and loving. I felt safe, like she was taking care of me.

"The guard did almost the exact same thing to me," she said quietly, wringing water out of her rag and putting more soap on it. "I can't say that I enjoyed it, but..."

"But it made you horny?" I asked quickly and she nodded, blushing. I knew what she was feeling and it was such a strange, hateful and sexy feeling.

"Listen honey," she said, stopping for a moment, "I told you to go to Penny's room. I thought you'd give her a blowjob, have a little thrill, and feel better. I didn't know she would do all that. I am sorry."

"I don't blame you," I said, confused, "Penny is a bitch, that isn't your fault," I explained. I looked into her eyes and saw the remorse there. I was touched by it. She'd been taking care of me since I got to this place, she was the kind of friend I really needed. Someone to confide it, someone who would understand how jarring this place was.

"I thought before I came here that I was not interested in sex," Prisha explained, "That it was dirty and bad. And when I first got here, I got that confirmed. I was hurt, badly. And then things got better. I learned that I didn't just like sex, I loved it. I need it and crave it. That knowledge still embarrasses me, but I know it now. And I saw you here, and I saw some of myself in you. And I have just been so afraid that if no one let you know, that you would think it was only the bad things." She said, working the soap into my hair, "I thought maybe if I could protect you, it would make me feel better about not protecting myself. But I failed. I just don't want you to have to be scared like I was. I thought if I told you to go to Penny's room that you'd ease into it. I am sorry"

"You haven't done anything wrong!" I said, "It wasn't your job to protect me. That is just silly."

"I know," she said, "But it is how I feel."

"Don't feel guilty," I said. And slowly she helped me get back into a seated position, "You're like my favorite person here." I explained. She smiled and then, as though she couldn't control herself, she threw her arms around me. She hugged me closely. I was wet and naked, but I felt her warmth and her love.

Then, suddenly, her hand, wrapped in the washcloth was around my cock. I know that I moaned then and sort of melted into the toilet seat. Her hand was just wrapped around my shaft, and she started to gently stroke my dick, making sure the soap was worked in.

"Sorry about this," she said, blushing but certainly feeling the sexual tension, "It needs to be cleaned and it is hard, I don't know how else to do it." Now it was my turn to blush.

"I am sorry it is hard," I said, but it just kept getting harder, even as she swirled the wash cloth around on my balls.

"Don't be," she said, then in a whisper, "Sometimes I get hard when things I shouldn't, or even don't like, happen." I nodded. Apparently we both liked to be dominated a little bit, and it weirded us both out. "You have a pretty cock." She said and I giggled a 'thanks' and then her hand was off my member. But it was still swollen with desire. My balls felt like they were about to burst.

I started to think about what was going on with me. This sort of sexual awakening. I knew that Prisha had seen me naked before, and I knew I'd sucked her dick, eaten cum out of our ass. But this was different. This was intimate. This was a chance to talk to someone about these new feelings in a more private manner. And we seemed kind of alike. I had to know what she was thinking.

"It was terrible, I know. But as you noticed, it kind of had a weird effect on me. I think you hinted that it might when you told me to go. I have to admit, I kind of liked eating Penny's ass," I admitted in a sudden, uncontrollable bout of honesty, "And I didn't like the taste of her piss, but I know I got a hard on from her doing it."

"Lean back," she said, and I did what I was told, planting my head in the sink. I felt the warm water rushing over my head. I sighed, it felt lovely. She started to work her fingers over my scalp, running her nails through my hair. I almost came just from that!

"I will tell you something Odessa, something I never would have thought was true, but I like to eat assholes," she said suddenly, not making eye contact with me, but I saw he eyes dart over, check for judgment, "I didn't do it until I came here, but I like it. It's... naughty. I like to suck dick too," she explained, "I learned that about myself here in prison."

"I am just scared of these feelings," I said, finished her thought as much as mine, I think. She put a little soap into my hair, started to clean it. I could smell her perfume now, she smell like flowers. Her breasts were dangling in my face, moving in rhythm to her motions, almost rubbing my cheek. I couldn't see my cock, but I knew I was turned on. I wondered if Prisha was as well. The thoughts about Penny and the guard were slowly slipping from my mind. All that was left was me and Prisha.

"Sometimes, if you find the right person, it can be sort of nice to explore those scary feelings," she said slowly, not making eye contact with me. I don't always get hints, but this one rang in loud and clear. "It can even be a comfort when you are hurt. Stand up so I can try you off." I did as she said, feeling a bit strange, almost light-headed from the sexual feelings racing through my body. I wanted Prisha, and I was pretty sure she wanted me, but was it appropriate? Could I just do that now, or would that somehow negate the horrible thing that just happened to me? Did she really want me, or did she just feel bad for me? I didn't know what to think. So I just stood.

Prisha came over to me with a big, warm looking towel. She smiled as she wrapped it around me. I was kind of past my shocked phase, I could've done it myself. But I didn't complain when Prisha started to rub the towel on my body. I felt her hands, through the fabric, on my arms and legs, my stomach, my back, my breasts, and my cock. Her hands were firm, but gentle, squeezing the water off of me, making me feel pink, perfect, and clean. Finally, she was done. My cock was harder than ever, she must've felt it straining in her touch when she dried me off. She pulled the towel away and I was clean, dry, and naked before her. I was so horny; it felt like the slightest touch could make me cum.

"You are completely soaked now too," I said, looking at Prisha's clothes. She looked down. Her shirt and pants were soaked. I could see her breasts clearly through the wet shirt and the outline of her dick as well. I guess that bathing me in the sink had been a little messy, but it made her look lovely. My mouth was watering.

"I guess so," she said, her voice sounding tense, excited. She shrugged, "I guess I will have to get dry clothes for both of us," she said. Then she quickly threw off her shirt and pants, tossing them on top of my own piss-stained clothing. Her panties and her bra were wet too. She looked at them uneasily.

"Hey, if you want to take them off, just do it," I said, noticing her discomfort, "What difference does it make between us gals, right?" I sounded wooden, probably because I desperately wanted to see her naked. She looked at me and must have realized that if I was naked, she had nothing to be worried about. She unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. Her breasts poured out and bounced against her chest, looking lovely. She didn't make eye contact. She just slipped her fingers into her panties and pulled them down around her ankles. Her cock was half-hard and looked incredibly feminine and sexy. My own cock was straining with excitement at seeing her naked. Alone with me and naked.

We looked at each other awkwardly now. What were we supposed to do? The tension was so thick. I felt the magnetic pull of her body. I know she felt it as well. There is that moment, before a first kiss. Your heart beats faster, your eyes feel heavy, and you want to fall forward into a person. Usually that person hasn't just cleaned a bitch's cum out of your hair, but that doesn't make the moment any less magical. Prisha could feel it too. But something needed to happen, something to push us over the edge. And then a single, thick, clear drop of pre-cum popped out of the tip of my cock, and fell with an audible "drip" onto the floor. I saw Prisha's eyes follow it, and we both her it hit. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. And we stopped think and worrying. I rushed to Prisha and she threw her arms open.

The first thing that I noticed was my breasts push into hers. She was taller than me, so her breasts sort of sat on top of mine. Her arms went around my neck, wrapping her me tight. I wrapped my own arms around her waist, pushing my stomach into hers. I looked up into her big brown eyes. I'd never felt more safe than I did right now, in the arms of someone who cared about me. Safe, here in prison. Go figure.

She closed her eyes and bent her head down to meet me. I closed my own eyes and waited. And then I felt her soft, supple lips against my own. It was a tentative, sensual kiss at first. Her lips rested softly against my own, in the same way our breasts gently pressed together. Then I felt her lips part slightly and I did the same. I felt the barest hint of her tongue press out of her lips and slide against my own. I tested too, slipping my tongue gently out and then letting it slide along her lower lip. She tasted marvelous, I wanted more. She must've felt the same, because her tongue became more insistent, pressing into my mouth. Our tongue's met and the taste I'd gleaned from her lips was back, but more powerful now. Our tongues probed one another, prodded one another's cheeks and teeth. The whole while we kissed, I breathed Prisha in, smelling her perfume and her hair, feeling her skin against my body. My hands roamed her back, feeling soft body under her delicate skin.

And our cocks brushed together. Like I said, she was taller than me, but not so tall that when she leaned into me that my hard little pecker didn't press into her scrotum and against her shaft. I felt her cock get hard against my own and I felt the way their silky soft skin slid against one another. I felt the bulbous heard of Prisha's cock press into my belly. And I like I said before, I was aching from all the excitement that day.