A Clear View Ch. 02


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The two women left and Bryan walked outside. The water had just begun to stream down when his hand found the erection. Within two minutes he enjoyed the release he sought. He washed, spending extra time on his face and fingers.


Dinner was lamb kabobs from the grill served on rice pilaf. Sasha and Linda had made a huge Greek salad and toasted pita halves covered with olive oil and garlic.

"Well, everyone better eat the bread with all this garlic," said Carol, "or no one will be kissing anyone."

As a silence fell over the friends, Carol realized how her joke struck a sour chord with Bryan being on his own. She looked at Bryan and smiled.

"Well, I guess you could kiss me. It's what I deserve for being an asshole."

Bryan laughed and said that made it sound like kissing him was a punishment.

"Oh hell, no, I meant it in a good way for you. Now, I've gone and made things worse."

They all laughed. Carol got up and walked around the table to where Bryan sat. She bent and kissed him on the lips. The others raised their wine glasses and cheered.

"Hey, that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought," said Bryan.

"Ooh, that hurt," replied Carol. "For that you should kiss my ass."

"Is that a dare," called out Mark.

Carol reddened.

"She's too chicken," piped in Bob.

She stared at her husband.

"Oh, really?"

Carol turned sideways and pulled down her sweat pants. She wore a bikini panty that snuggly contained her full butt. Looking at Bob, she bent over and pushed her ass toward Bryan's face. Bryan looked around the table. With a comic shrug, he planted a big kiss on Carol's ass, making an exaggerated smacking sound.

Everyone booed.

"What?" he cried.

"You kissed her underwear, not her ass. We need bare ass," said Sasha. All looked in surprise as the normally reserved woman pushed the envelope. Of course, with all the wine consumed at dinner, no one should be shocked at anything.

Carol looked back over her shoulder at Bryan. They smiled at each other. She pulled one half of her bikini bottom into her crack, exposing a plump cheek. Bryan squeezed her bottom and moved his lips to the bare flesh. He kissed her cheek and ran his tongue up and down. He made an even louder smacking sound than before.

This brought a round of high fives and cheers.

Before Carol could pull her underwear back in place, Bryan gave her a loud slap on her naked cheek.

"Ouch," she cried. "That hurts."

"Sorry, it was just too tempting."

Carol rubbed her ass and turned to show everyone the hand print.

"You need to even it off," said Linda.


"It will look strange to see only one red mark."

Carol took a big drink of her wine. She turned her back to Bryan and bent over farther. Everyone urged him on.

"Take her over your knee," called out Linda.

Bob just shook his head. He knew Carol had a playful side. He also knew she liked being spanked. Bryan looked around miming for approval. They all gave him a thumbs up sign. Taking Carol by the hand, he guided her across his lap. He wondered if she could feel the erection pushing against his shorts. He put his mouth next to her ear and whispered, "Is this ok?"

Carol wiggled her ass and nodded. Her hip bone rubbed his erection. She caught his eye and winked.

Emboldened by the cheers, Carol's compliance and the many glasses of red wine, Bryan took hold of the elastic of her underwear and paused.

"Up or down?" he asked.

Almost in unison, his friends called, "Down".

He pulled them down exposing her rump. She lifted up slightly and her underwear slid to her knees. His fingers began making soft circles on her unblemished cheek. He raised his hand and brought it back down quickly. The crack exploded in the silence. Carol let out a muffled grunt. A red hand print appeared on the cheek. As Carol was squirming, Bryan felt her smooth pussy against his bare thigh. As he was rubbing the red mark, he was sure he felt some moisture on his leg.

"Satisfied?" he called out.

"Two more for good luck," called out Linda.

Bryan again looked at Bob, who smiled. The others urged him on.

He ran his palm over the red spots and pinched her cheeks. Carol let out a soft sound. Bryan lifted his hand and smacked hard on her left cheek and then quickly on her right. Carol cried out at the last hit. Her white rump was now scarlet.

"Perfect," said Linda.

"Kiss it to make it better," added Sasha.

Bryan stole a glance at Bob, who remained calm. He simply nodded.

Bryan bent over and put a tender kiss on the imprint of his hand. He also smooched her other cheek. Being this close to her pussy, he could smell her excitement. He then eased her bikini panty back up to mid-thigh. With her back to everyone else, Carol stood up. With her panty still down in the front, her pussy was exposed to Bryan. He could see the wetness on the hairless lips. She pulled it up and then yanked her pants back up.

"Now for dessert,' announced Sasha.

"I think I'll eat mine standing up," said Carol.

The women cleared the table and Bob refilled the glasses. He directed the guys to the screened in porch. He and Mark lit up cigars.

"Bob, I hope that wasn't..." began Bryan.

"Hell, don't worry about it. Carol is a bit of an exhibitionist. We all enjoyed it, right guys?"

Jeff and Mark nodded, but still looked a little uncomfortable.

"I hope the girls weren't offended," said Bryan.

"Are you shitting me?" said Jeff. "They were the ones egging you two on. I think they enjoyed the hell out of it."

In the kitchen the three women had taken out six pints of ice cream and were letting them soften as they got out dishes and spoons, and filled a couple trays with cookies.

"Did that hurt?" asked Sasha.

"Yeah," said Carol. She then added, "but in a good way."

The three shared a laugh.

"Is it still red?" Carol asked.

She pulled her pants and underwear down. The hand prints were distinctly visible.

Linda touched one cheek.

"Wow, it's warm. Check it out, Sasha."

Sash put her hand on the other cheek.

"Yeah. You know you should put something on this later. Do you have aloe?"

Carol remained bent over leaning on the counter. "I'll let Bob take care of me. I'm sure he'll be raring to go tonight."

Oddly Carol made no effort to pull up her pants.

"Maybe an ice cube would help now," offered Linda.

"Good idea," said Carol.

Linda got two cubes from the freezer and wrapped each in a paper towel, leaving one edge exposed. She handed one to Sasha and they began to rub them around the red marks. Carol moved her butt back and forth.

"Oh, that feels good."

As Linda was moving the ice cube around, she said, "So, you think Bob got turned on?'

"Definitely," said Carol. "He knows I get turned on being spanked. I think I left a snail trail on Bryan's thigh. Now, my dear hubby will want to take my ass tonight."

"What?" said Sasha.

"Anal sex, sweetie. When he gets turned on, he likes the back door. And, looking at those red marks, he'll be going for all he's worth."

"I never did that," admitted Sasha.

"One and done for me," added Linda.

"Well, I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but Bob makes it fun. And as I said, especially when he's turned on, as I know he will be later."

"Speaking of getting turned on," said Linda. "I don't mean to be crude, but there is a certain aroma in the air."

Carol snorted.

"No kidding. I am like running like a faucet. God, I almost came when Bryan pulled my panty down. Now, with the two of you fondling my ass, well, let's just say I'm close to the edge. Besides, I wasn't the only one turned on."

"Bryan?" asked Sasha.

"God, it was like a steel rod was in his shorts. I couldn't help but rub against it."

"You couldn't help it?" asked Linda in a sarcastic tone.

The three giggled, "Well, maybe I could have, but it was too much fun not to. Jesus, it felt good."

Sasha and Linda made eye contact.

Carol said her butt felt better. Linda handed Sasha her cube and patted the rest of the melted ice off Carol's butt with a towel.

"Still have a nice butt, girl." Linda said as she softly ran her hands over the exposed cheeks. She let her hand trail down the backs of her friend's thighs, with her fingers brushing the inside of them. Her finger tips came away damp. She took the ice cube back from Sasha. With one hand she urged Carol's thighs apart. Still holding the cube by the towel, she pushed it between Carol's legs and rubbed it on her pussy. She then pushed it past her friend's labia.

"Jesus," cried Carol. She slammed her thighs shut and her body shook. Her friends watched as the orgasm racked her. After she calmed, Carol reached between her legs and pulled the remainder of the cube from her pussy. She stood and faced her friends. Smiling she popped the small cube into her mouth.

They stared in awe. The both looked at Carol's smooth, bare sex, now red and swollen.

"Mmm, thanks," she said and rested against the counter, her sex still uncovered. "I needed that."

Carol wiped her face with a dish towel, cleaning the perspiration from her brow. "Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, we were talking about my ass. Well, it's twice as big as it used to be and it was never small."

"So, what. It's awesome." Linda said.

Carol silently accepted the compliment.

"I can see why Bob likes it. And, when did you start keeping a smooth pussy?" asked Linda.

"About two years ago," replied Carol as she ran her fingers over her smooth pubis. "Bob likes it this way."

"I never saw one like that," said Sasha. "It must feel weird."

"You get used to it," said Carol. "Wanna feel it?"

"Oh, I wasn't implying..." said Sasha.

"I know you weren't, but go ahead and satisfy your curiosity."

"I didn't say I was curious," Sasha said.

"I'll do it if you will," said Linda.

Not waiting for an answer, Linda ran her hand over the shaved area. Her fingers brushed the now swollen lips.

"Carol, your pussy looks as red as your ass."

"Happens when I have a huge fucking orgasm," she said smiling.

"Come on, Sasha, I'm not going to be the only one feeling up my friend."

Sasha slowly extended her hand and felt the smooth area above Carol's labia.

"Wow, that's so different."

"Ok, guys, that's enough. Any more and I will come again right here."

As Carol pulled her pants up, Linda said, "Once again, Carol, you have a great ass and an awesome pussy."

"Í appreciate the affirmation coming from the two charter members of the Skinny Ass Club who are standing here."

They laughed and piled dessert on trays to serve it at the table on the screened porch.

After desert, Bob announced that a client of his had invited them to a cookout at their place on Martha's Vineyard. Since overnight accommodations were also offered, the plan would be to stay.

Bryan begged off since he disliked the ferry ride and also wanted to spend another day or two at the historical society. By not going on the trip, he would appear less rude than just disappearing from the gang and going off on his own to do research. What he didn't tell the others was he was overcome with memories of when Judy was with them on this traditional week. He needed some time away from his attempts to figure out who might have been sleeping with his wife. He narrowed the list down to everyone, except Mark.

After dinner as they worked out details of the excursion, Bryan sat alone on the porch nursing a Scotch. The group broke up and Bob got on the phone to finalize arrangements with his friend on the Vineyard. The others were either reading or playing Bananagram.

"Am I disturbing?"

Bryan looked up to see Linda holding a glass of wine.

"Not at all."

She sat on the couch and they looked at the dark horizon, barely visible with the lights from Provincetown.

"Can I ask you to be honest with me?" she said.

"I don't know that I've ever been dishonest with you."

She slipped her hand atop his. "No, of course you haven't. But, I want you to be honest about your feelings and not try to answer to spare my feelings."

He didn't understand her. "I'm not sure I get what you're asking. If it makes you feel better, I will give you an honest answer to whatever question is tumbling around inside your brain."

Linda squeezed his hand.

"Would it bother you if I stayed here and didn't go to the Vineyard?"

Bryan's mind raced with speculation and wild imaginings.

"Can I ask a question before I answer?"

Linda drank some wine. She pulled his hand into her lap and slid closer.



"Why, what?"

"Why do you not want to go?"

She shook her head.

"Wrong question."

"What's the right one?"

She moved his hand from her lap to her lips. She kissed the back of his hand and released it.

"Why do I want to stay?"

Bryan finished his Scotch. He needed another to continue this conversation that was beginning to feel like he was on a blindfolded stroll through a mine field.

"Get you some more wine?"

Linda drained her glass and handed it to him.

In the kitchen, he poured two fingers of the excellent single malt Bob kept on hand and filled her glass with Cabernet.

The players invited him to sit, but he begged off.

He returned to find Linda stretched out on the couch. She moved her legs to allow him to sit and then plopped them in his lap. He handed her the glass.

"Is why you want to stay because of what happened with Sasha?" he asked.

"You mean with Sasha and with you?"

"I know what happened between Sasha and me. I am totally confused about what happened between Sasha and you, and between you and me."

"Yeah, I get that it's a fucking mess."

They chuckled.

"Bryan, I asked you to be honest and you deserve the same from me. So, honestly, I am not sure. How's that for a straight answer."

"Speaking of straight," I said, "what was that between you and Sasha?"

Linda was silent for a long time.

"She looked so beautiful and sensual. I wanted to somehow be part of the intimacy I had just witnessed. It was an instinct. I really didn't intend for her to have another orgasm."

"So, you've been with a woman before?"

Linda crossed and recrossed her legs. "I guess that answer would be part of why I want to remain here. I want to talk with you."

"We're talking now," he said.

"Bryan, what I want to talk about will take some time and I don't want to worry about someone hearing us or asking what we're discussing."

"Sounds serious."

"It's important."

Bryan stroked her bare legs and rubbed her feet.

"Hey, as long as you realize that I will be spending a lot of time at the historical society and Jeff is ok with it, it's fine by me."


"Yeah, honest. You know I love having you around."

Bryan spoke the truth, but he feared what Linda wanted to talk about and how he would react. She might hold the key to discovering what had been going on with Judy prior to her death. Over the last few days his feelings for Linda, his intimacy with Sasha and being around all his old friends had him questioning if he wanted to use that key.

Since she was going to be staying, Bryan knew he would be facing a life-altering decision.

To be continued...

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DadiesdreamsDadiesdreams3 months ago

A great story, and a great mystery. Also very sexy, I love the flashback to being teenagers and now being good looking people in their early 50s. Can’t wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

More please. Love both parts of this story. Very erotic.

UncertainTUncertainTover 2 years ago

Plot deveoping nicely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Excellent characterisation

The characters in this story are unfolding nicely. I'm hooked. Need to read the rest. Thanks for your excellent writing.

winchesterfoxwinchesterfoxalmost 7 years ago
I don't want this story to end!

Only one more chapter. I feel like I want the emotions, the explorations, the struggle to continue. Great crafting.

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