A Concerted Effort


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Giving up trying to get it, Cassie called out, "Sandwich."

The girls moved against me and grabbed each other's arms and pulled themselves tight against my body.

I could feel Amanda's crotch push against my butt. What was more alarming was Cassie pressed against my front. I knew she could feel my erection, straining against the front of my trunks. They held the sandwich for a few more seconds and then released each other.

As Amanda moved away, Cassie rubbed her crotch back and forth, slowly and deliberately, against my hard-on.

"Impressive," she said in a whisper.

She pushed hard again and then moved quickly to join her sister climbing out of the pool.

She adjusted her suit and I caught a glance of her smooth ass cheeks. She looked over her shoulder and with a nasty smile asked if I were getting out.

Not reacting to her smirk, I told her in a minute or so.

After drying her hair and upper body, she wrapped a towel around her waist. She slipped her hands under the towel and they emerged with the bottom of her bikini. She draped it over the back of a chair.

"Wanna' beer?"


As she walked toward the cooler, I silently prayed for the towel to fall. No such luck, as she returned with a bottle in each hand.

She pulled a chair next to the edge. After handing me my beer, she sat and stretched her legs out. Although I could see nothing above her calves, I was fixated that the only cover she had was her towel.

My reverie was interrupted by movement behind her. Amanda was standing next to Holly and Bella at the table. She too dried herself off. With a quick movement, she dropped her bottom. Her white ass was in clear view. Cassie noticed my stare and turned to see what was capturing my gaze.

She chuckled.

"If I had known you liked that sort of view, I would have skipped the towel."

I hardly heard her as I watched Amanda dry her butt and between her legs. I saw Bella say something and motion toward me with her head.

Amanda looked over her shoulder, smiled at me and wiggled her ass. She said something softly to Holly. Holly nodded and bent over and placed a loud smacking kiss on Amanda's bare bottom. She then slapped the white cheek.

Amanda then bent and picked up her bikini bottom and gave me a full view of her pussy lips. I saw no telltale hairs and wondered if she were smooth. She straightened and wrapped the towel around her waist. She and Holly headed inside.

Bella had finished nursing, pulled up her top and carrying the bottles with breast milk, went into the kitchen,

"Nice beaver shot, eh, Tyler," said Cassie.

I was speechless.

"Amanda's such a tease," said Cassie.

"I think it runs in the family," I said purposely looking at her bare breasts.

Cassie laughed and tweaked her tits.

"These can't possibly get to you when you have those two sets to look at. Hell, even Bella's put mine to shame. I bet even the babysitter has a better pair."

"Cassie, cut the crap. I admitted I like your tits. As a matter of fact, I think they are the best of anyone here. And, you seem to like torturing me with them."

"Oh, is that what I felt in the water. Torture?"

"Well, if I don't get relief soon, it will be torture."

I regretted the words the second they left my mouth.

"Relief? Don't tell me you plan to handle things later and all by yourself?"

"Whatever," I replied limply.

"Yeah, well maybe you should save it up for next week. You never know, you might get lucky."

Cassie was now definitely flirting with me. I had no clue where it was leading, but every thought of what may lie ahead only made my dick harder.

"You can get out now, Tyler. The others won't have to know about what you have going on in those shorts."

I pulled myself out of the pool and boldly stood in front of Cassie. The tent in my shorts pointed at her.

"Thanks, Ty."


"For letting an old lady think she can still do that to a guy."

"Cassie, you are hardly old."

"Well, I'm ten years older than you."

"Age doesn't mean a thing when you look as good as you."

"Now, you're making me blush. But, I'll take the compliment."

We stared at each other, my eyes travelling to her breasts and hers to the tent.

I drank the last of my beer to try to open my throat.

"I think I'm going over to sit here until this guy goes away."

"Yeah, I think I'll go inside and get dressed. Of course, maybe I'll spend some time in the shower imagining what's hidden underneath those shorts."

Cassie grinned and stood. She grabbed her bikini bottom from the back of the chair and headed toward the house. Knowing I was watching, she loosened the towel. It slid down exposing her small, white, and tight ass. I almost came on the spot.

Cassie looked over her shoulder and blew me a kiss. She then pulled the towel back up and entered the house.

I grabbed another beer and pushed the cold bottle against my hard-on.

"God, what is next weekend going to be like?" I mused as I tried to quiet the beast between my legs.

Later after changing, I played with my kids for a while, read them their bedtime stories and put each of them to sleep.

Only Bella was still awake.

"Thanks for taking care of the kids," she said.

"I love doing it. Everyone else in bed?"

She nodded.

"A nightcap?" she offered.

I agreed and Bella poured us two tall tumblers of single malt Scotch. It was something we always enjoyed together.

We sat on the sofa looking out at the backyard glowing with just the lights from the pool.

"Foot massage?"

'Oh, my god," she groaned, "Really?"

I put my drink down and eased one leg into my lap. I worked her foot as she moaned and sighed.

As I was doing the other one, Bella slipped her other foot into my crotch and rubbed my dick.

"This guy was having a busy day."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I happened to look out the kitchen window when you were standing in front of Cassie. Honestly, Ty, think carefully about this."

"We didn't do anything."

"I know, but you two were flirting big time. I've already given you my opinion. For both your sakes, Ty, be careful."

In spite of enjoying her toes tickling my dick, I knew she was trying to be helpful to me and her sister.

"I hear you, Bell."

"Thanks for the foot massage. No one does it any better than you. Now, I'm headed to bed. You don't mind sleeping on the couch?"

"No problem. Hell, that's where I spent the last six months of our marriage."


"Sorry," I said, "cheap shot. I slept here because it was best for both of us."

"Yeah," Bella agreed, "still sucked, though. You know, Ty, the only regret is that we never had a final fuck. I mean one where we knew it was the last. I feel bad about that."

"You aren't suggesting..."

"No," she said with a sigh. "My pussy wants you, but I'm not going to do that to this marriage. I just regret the way it ended."

"Maybe Guy could give you one hall pass," I offered.

Bella laughed out loud. "Don't think so and I don't think I could ever ask him. Nice thought, though."

We smiled at each other, kissed gently while Bella let her hand slide up and down my erection. Breaking away, Bella made her way to her bedroom.

Once again my dick was hard as a rock and was going to be disappointed.


Since school was now out for the summer, I spent my week sleeping late and waking with a massive hard-on after dreaming of the girls from the weekend. I wanted desperately to relieve myself, but Cassie's challenge to save it up for the concert kept my hand still.

Was she really hinting at the two of us having sex? Or, was she just teasing and flirting? What about Bella's warning? Did she think Cassie wanted to initiate sex with me? Even if she was willing, was I?

She's my sister-in-law, well, technically ex-sister-n-law. Even so, having sex with a sister-in-law was not incest. Maybe it was not socially acceptable, but it wasn't incest. But, she's married. I never committed adultery and wasn't sure how I felt about screwing a married woman. Then, again, Cassie is incredibly sexy. I could not get the image of her small and sexy tits out of my mind. Then, I flashed back on her ass as she mooned me. God, that was the best butt I might have ever seen. It was even better than Amanda's, and hers rated a ten.

Was Amanda also teasing me? Hey, she flashed her ass and was topless most of the afternoon. Maybe she wanted to move in a new direction. Hey, how about Holly. She had no problem busting out her boobs.

I was driving myself crazy. And probably doing so in vain. Nice to fantasize, but really would any of those hot women really want to do something with a thirty-year old divorced guy, and their sister's ex? Probably not!

I decided to put all that nonsense out of my mind.

Easier said than done.

I found a discount fabric store and scooped up a bunch of silk strands. I modified all the bras and hoped they would not only fit but also feel better. Of course, all I could imagine was how each of the women stood around topless last weekend.

I willed my mind to stop. My dick, however, was not subject to willpower and kept sprouting up at the most inconvenient times.

Saturday morning finally came. I had already cleaned out the minivan, gassed it up and pulled into Bella's driveway around 8 am. Bella, Guy and the kids had left the day before for their trip. Bella's house was the most central meeting point. They had all slept at Bella's since they were coming from different directions and then would be ready at a decent time this morning.

Inside the girls were running around trying to get last minute things done. Cassie pointed out the stack of food and other stuff that needed loading. I assumed that was my job. I lugged the coolers, tables, chairs and bags of supplies out and packed the back of the minivan. I figured if I took care of all the hard work, they would be able to move along and we could get on the road sooner. It was a little over a three-hour ride and we wanted to be there when the parking lots opened at 1 pm.

Satisfied that everything was securely packed, I went inside. I carried the bag with the coconut bras and set it on the kitchen counter.

"Let's see," said Cassie and called for Amanda and Holly to join us.

The other girls ran into the kitchen as Cassie dumped the finished bras on the counter. I chose different colors for each. Cassie's straps were a deep purple, Amanda's bright green and Holly's a blue that brought out her eye color.

"Let's try them on," said Cassie as she peeled off her thin t-shirt. Again, my eyes feasted on the petit tits and hard nipples. She was tying her straps as Amanda and Holly pulled their shirts off. I marveled at the difference each one presented. Silently, I thanked the Breast God for her work.

After the three had secured their bras, they walked around. Holly was bouncing and bouncing.

"Might need to tighten that up a bit, Holly," advised Cassie.

Holly agreed and adjusted her top. Her boobs now plumped out more, but the movement was not as obscene as before.

The ladies all agreed the silk felt a lot better and thanked me. I accepted their gratitude, especially since it was accompanied by hugs and kisses.

They dropped them and set about finishing getting ready. None of them bothered to put a shirt back on.

"Uh, you guys aren't going to travel like that, are you?"

Cassie beamed and said, "Why not? Don't you like them?"

"Liking them is not the question," I replied. "Getting arrested for public nudity as we drive down is my concern."

"You mean that you're concerned that you won't be able to concentrate?" asked Cassie as she lifted her breasts and played with them.

I just shook my head.

Giggling, Cassie walked back to the bedrooms.

They returned in a minute with Cassie carrying a bag from a men's clothing store at the mall.

I admit to being a dork, especially when it comes to fashion. Like the old joke, my favorite color really is plaid. Today I am wearing a pair of old plaid shorts and a well-worn striped shirt. I also have a floppy brimmed hat in the car to protect my nose and ears from the sun.

"Tyler, you are going to be with three hot women," says Cassie. "You cannot go looking like a reject from the 'Big Bang Theory'. So, with some guidance from Bella, we picked up a couple things."

Cassie pulled out a deep blue Polo shirt, a pair of yellow shorts and cotton boxers with yellow and white stripes.

"Really?" I said. "You want me to wear those?"

"Definitely," said Amanda.

"Put them on now," commanded Cassie.

"Ok, give them to me and I'll change in the bathroom."

"Uh, no, you can do it here," said Cassie.


"Hey, we've been practically naked, so I think we are all past any false modesty."

"My modesty is not false," I said.

"Bullshit, Ty, just put the clothes on."

"Ok, but I don't think I need the boxers. I have some on and they are fine."

"Whatever," said Amanda.

I turned my back to them and pulled off my shirt. I dropped my shorts.

"Oh My God," cried Amanda.

"You cannot be serious, Ty," said Cassie.


"Thomas the Train undies!"

I turned back to face the three ladies. I loved Thomas the Train and always read the stories to the kids. I found these boxers in a novelty store about five years ago. I never thought much about them. Now, I saw them for what they were: shabby and geeky.

The new boxers landed at my feet.

"Put these on," said Amanda.

"Why? No one will be seeing them," I replied.

"We will know that you're wearing them," said Cassie. "I am already afraid I'll be having nightmares."

"Well, ok, but I'll definitely go to the bathroom to..."

"Don't be such a wuss," said Amanda. "You can turn around and do it quickly."

I turned my back and dropped my shorts.

"Whoo, whoo," yelped Amanda. "Killer ass."

"Definitely a keeper," added Holly.

"Tight bun award winner," said Cassie and I felt her slap my naked butt.

I quickly pulled on the new underwear and the rest of my clothes. I turned and the three women applauded. They then jogged off to finish getting ready.

I repacked the bras and put them and a few other stray items in the van.

Ten minutes later we were on the road. The girls wore shorts and t-shirts. It was evident that none of them wore a bra.

I mentioned that fact and Amanda explained.

"We don't want strap marks. So, you'll just have to deal with it."

"Don't mind if I turn down the temp on the air-conditioning," I asked looking at her in the rear view mirror and grinning.

"Well, pokies are cool," she said and flashed me, showing her erect nipples.

I noticed Cassie looking over at my crotch, trying to see if I was reacting. For now, I was able to keep the beast at bay.

We settled down for the long ride. Soon, the women were chatting. Maybe it was because I was driving or it was the minivan, but soon they seemed to talk as if a man weren't present.

'How come a guy's dick is a different color from the rest of his skin?" asked Holly.

"Maybe because it doesn't get any sun," offered Amanda.

"No way," interjected Cassie. "Dicks are usually darker, not lighter."

"Yeah, that's strange," agreed Holly. "Even black guys are like that."

"You have experience?" prompted Cassie.

"Well, I dated this guy for a bit during junior year. His skin tone was more café au lait, but his dick was really black. One weekend we went camping and a bunch of his friends came along. We went skinny-dipping, and every one of the guys had dicks darker than their skin."

"Was he a good lover?" asked Cassie.

"Pretty good. He had a nice dick. It certainly was not huge. I think that's just bullshit about black guys having monster dicks. He knew how to use it, though. I liked screwing him, but he's not the best I ever had."

"Who would that be?" asked Cassie.

In the rear view I saw Amanda and Holly exchange a glance.

"He was a professor."

"No way," cooed Cassie, "you fucked a teacher!"

"Yeah. He was my Modern Poetry prof. He was older, maybe early thirties."

Cassie punched my arm, "Hear that, Ty, Holly had the hots for a thirty-year old."

I ignored her and pretended to focus on the traffic.

"He was separated from his wife, or so he told me. I went to him with some questions, but really just wanted to be near him. He was classic. Handsome, dark hair and moody. He suggested we meet at a local bar for a drink and talk poetry. I fell for this tortured soul who wanted to be a poet, but had to teach to make money. He said his wife didn't understand him and that's why they were apart. Of course, I bought the whole package. I still can't remember the sequence but we were back in my apartment and fucking our brains out in less than an hour. He knew how to use his dick. It had this big curve in it when he was hard. It just seemed to hit all the right spots. God, I never came so hard with a guy."

"So, how'd it end," said Cassie, "No, let me guess. You could only see him at odd times, always in your room and he asked you not to call him. How am I doing?"

Holly groaned and said, "Pretty much on target."

Cassie continued. "He really wasn't separated. He just liked some under grad pussy."

"Yeah," Holly said with a sigh.

After a short pause she added, "But the fucking was spectacular. That guy had my number."

"Was his dick a different color?" asked Amanda.

"I guess."

"You guess?" said Amanda. "Didn't you see it?"

"Well," Holly said laughing, "it was usually dark in my room and he stuck it in so fast I never got a good look."

The girls shared a good laugh.

"So, Ty," said Cassie, "is your dick darker than the rest of your skin?"

I shifted uncomfortably. Talking about my dick with three beautiful women was not a common occurrence.

"Uh, I never really thought about it"

"Well, why don't you take it out and we can judge?" Cassie said.

She put her hand on my thigh and made to move it up toward my crotch, slipping her fingers under the hem of my shorts.

"Jesus, Cassie, I'm driving."

"Ok, but you're not driving with your dick."

Amanda and Holly were laughing and enjoying the exchange.

Her fingers were now all the way under my shorts and also under my boxers. They were just about an inch from my package.


She slipped her fingers around the head of my dick and started to pull it toward the bottom of my shorts.

Cassie!" I shouted louder.

"Oh, all right," she said with a pout. "We'll wait until later to conduct our investigation."

She removed her hand and reached back to get fist bumps from Amanda and Holly.

The girls kept chatting and thankfully left me out of their discussions. When they started talking about monthly cycles, I started trying to recall the lyrics to every Coldplay song I could remember.

As we neared our destination, we began to see other vehicles obviously headed to the concert. There were sharks lashed to roofs, palm trees in the back of pick-ups and lot's of cars with "Margaritaville Bound" signs in windows.

"Maybe I should flash them," said Cassie as we pulled along side of a Jeep full of young guys.

"Maybe you should keep your shirt on," I said.

"Party-pooper," she said. Turning toward me she lifted her shirt and wiggled her breasts at me.

"This is going to be a strange day," I thought to myself.

We arrived, joined the long queue and slowly made our way to the parking lot. The lot was already half-full. The attendants directed us to park next to a pick-up and we were soon joined on the other side by the Jeep with the guys that Cassie wanted to flash.

Piling out, we started unpacking and setting up. After about a half-hour we had our grill in place, the cooler placed in the shade of the van, table and chairs arranged and dips and chips set out. We toasted our work with the first cold beer of the day.