A Little Help from a Friend Ch. 06


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Again, with the N-word in place of everywhere she said black. The phone was dead. I looked around my office. She didn't say she'd call me later or ask about her kids Thank God she didn't tell me that bullshit about she loved me

On my side of the story I had Laura in my bed by 8:30 to fuck and spend the night. I hadn't heard shit from my wife and hoped she wouldn't call. I wouldn't care if she didn't call the whole week. But around 11:30 Laura had cuddled with her ass up against my groin. Then my phone rang. It was Claire calling. I was going to get up out of bed because I knew the shit she'd have to say. Shit that I didn't want Laura to hear. Before I could make a move Laura spun around and place her bare tits against my chest and put her arms around my neck. She impishly kissed me before I could hit the button to answer. Once released ...


"Hi, Sweetie! Long night. Did I wake you?"

"I was pretty much asleep"

Laura was smiling in my face. Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"I know it's late, but if the black kid didn't have a curfew I swear we would still be fucking."

Laura's eyes widened. Claire was so excited. Her use of the N-word was embarrassing.

"The kid would fuck me with that black cock, fill me with his black sperm, rest a few minutes, then fuck me again. He fucked me like that five times and I sucked his black seed into my mouth twice. His cock must have been two inches longer than his brother's and just as thick. I'm glad his brother loosened me up this afternoon."

"The thing must have been a foot long then from what you told me about his brother." I commented.

Laura was in total disbelief of what she was hearing, but hung on every word.

"If it wasn't a foot long it sure hit the right spots. I had the whole thing buried in me. You wouldn't believe how deep it felt when his black jizz spurted into me."

I needed to change the subject.

"How's Ben? Did you get a new accounts?"

"I guess Ben's okay. We have our connected rooms. I checked on him. He's already asleep. My luck changed on the accounts. We made three calls. None of them seemed like they'd go anywhere so I didn't press my luck or offer any pussy. Truth be told after a black cock lunch meeting I wasn't in the mood for another puny cock on some white guy. No offense, Sweetheart."

"Sure. None taken."

"Talk to you later."

The line went dead. Laura had an OMG look on her face.

"You wife is a black cock size queen. What a whore!

"Do you think?"

I wasn't going to defend her. Laura rolled me on my back and straddled me.

"What are you doing?"

"I may not do it, but hearing her tell about it got me hot a hell."

There was no way I could argue because I had one hell of a hard on from hearing, too. Laura's cunt worked down over me. She began slow movements up and down. She put her hand on her stomach.

"Twelve inches of black cock. That would be twice as deep. It would be way up in here." She indicated with her hand. "And, she said it was really thick?"

"Yeah, she said it was really thick, Laura."

Thank God I made her cum. Or, the thought of Claire black fuck buddies made her cum. I was pretty much depleted from earlier, yet I made a small contribution to Laura's wetness.

Laura still spent every night, we'd fuck and she'd slip home in the morning. I pretty well had my new job down. Things were going well. Claire got several new accounts in Boise and one in Cascade. From the stories she fucked nine new guys in four days and really racked up the commissions. Ben was happy even though they had connected rooms my wife would be in his bed when he woke up.

Friday just as I was about to leave work I got the call from Claire.

"We're back in Nampa. Both brothers will be over to the motel tonight. One will have to get home by around ten, but the kid is spending the night. I probably won't get a chance to call. I'll talk to you again when we leave in the morning."

So, it was going to be another Saturday afternoon return for the fuck princess. I called Laura to come over. She thought my wife would be home so she had made plans to go see her sister.

Every night when I'd pick up the kids my father-in-law would be home. I was wanting to get to Emma again. So what is it when you have a mother-in-law you'd like to fuck? Instead of a MILF would it be a MILILF? Anyway, I wanted to fuck her again. I stopped in to pick up the kids. With my wife on the road in Idaho and her husband playing golf again I should be able to score with Emma Saturday morning.

"Do you notice anything different?" Emma had me looking around the room.

"I have your kids napping and the old man is at the church office meeting with a young couple about marriage problems."

"I didn't know he was a Bishop."

"Since we are at different Wards I guess you wouldn't know unless Claire told you."

"Oh, my Lord! I've screwed the Bishop's wife."

"You sure have! And, she's grateful for it. She'll be grateful again if you'll just quietly follow me into her bedroom."

I was grateful, too. Emma was grateful, and very appreciative. I'd be back in the morning and we'd be grateful all over again while the Bishop played golf with his buddies.

I had the kids up, fed, and dressed when their mother called.


"What a night. I didn't get any sleep at all. I'm a mess. I'll shower then Ben and I will be on our way. Probably home around four o'clock. The brothers arrived separately. I'd already been fucked good when the kid got here. He said he hadn't had a pussy all week. He promised me a big load from his huge cock. Boy, did he not disappoint! His brother laughed about how much he flooded me. We all laughed about how much they liked married white pussy."

"I found myself wiping black seed from my cunt between fuckings. They took turns until ten o'clock. Then it was just me and the eighteen year old and his foot long black cock. He fucked me a couple of more times. Then he had an idea."

"There's a buddy of mine we could go pick up if you'd like some variety in your little white twat."

"That could be interesting. He he hung like you and your brother?"

"Maybe not so much, but I sure more than any white cock you'd be getting"

"Come on you can tell me. How big is he? I'd rather have a lot of you."

"I can't keep up with your married cunt all night long. If you want that much cock in that thing we're going to need some help."

"It was twenty miles from Nampa to Boise to pick up the other kid, a team mate of his, also eighteen. Once out of the lights of Nampa he pulled his shorts down to his knees. His cock flopped across his thigh. I put my knees in the seat so I could reach over the console to get my mouth on his black dick. He started driving slower and I started sucking harder. He soon pulled off the road, then shot his load in my mouth for me to swallow. I swallowed his seed down and started sucking him more."

"You need to quit that." He scolded me. I don't want it sticking out when I pick up my buddy."

"Okay, I'll be good."

My wife didn't use the N-word that time. Black cock and black cum were black cock and black cum.

"A much smaller black guy came out and got into the back seat."

"You can sit back here with me if you want."

Claire paused for a moment. Probably picturing the scene again for herself.

"I got in the back seat. He pulled down his gym shorts. He had nothing on underneath. I was ready to fuck her right there. There wasn't that much room so I started sucking his cock. The voice from the front seat told the new guy that I had given a hell of a blow job on the way over. I sucked him the whole way back to the motel in Nampa. His cock was pretty good size, slightly bigger than poor Ralph's. Unlike the other two I could get him down my throat."

"As we were pulling up to the motel parking lot the voice from the front said if we were going to finish he needed to cum in my mouth right then. I was deepthroating his black dick, but I wanted to taste his cum. I jacked him off while I held the head and a couple of inches against the back of my throat. He pulsed and blasted a big load in my mouth. Then things got a little weird."

"Hey now, don't be swallowing that yet. I want to seem my cum in your married white mouth."

Claire paused a moment before she shared the next part.

"I opened my mouth to show him."

"Shit, Baby. It's too dark in the car to see anything. Hold it in your mouth 'til we get into the room!"

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I held it in my mouth until we were in the room I showed it to him. Then the other one wanted to see, too. Then back to the new guy. The two eighteen year olds were trying to see how long I'd hold his cum in there."

"What did you do?"

"I sat on the edge of the bed swishing it around my mouth and showing it to them refusing to swallow any of his big load. The brother thought he had the answer. He pushed me back on the bed and pumped his huge cock deep inside me. He started fucking. I started to cum and knew I couldn't hold it any longer. I swallowed and moaned through one hell of an orgasm."

"True to their word they took turns fucking me the rest of the night. Funny thing, with all that cock, one 12" of black meat, and I'm not even sore. I went into Ben's room about 6:30 A.M. when they left. It was a fun night. Blacked fucked twenty to thirty times with three different guys. Talk more when I get home."

Black was still Black. The N-word didn't come out this time.

Meanwhile, on to Emma's. The house was empty except for her. My poor parenting skills put my kids in front of the cartoons with a bowl of fruit flavored cereal, no milk. My poor parenting skills also put my cock as deep as I could get it in Emma with her thrashing around under me as I probed into her pussy. She managed to cum when she realized I was delivering a load of my seed in her.

We listened to the kids talk in front of the TV for a few minutes. Then Emma started on a new subject.

"It was pretty obvious what went on between you and Julie on Sunday. I don't see my daughter with a just-fucked look very often. The girl's been floating a foot off the ground and giddy all week. After you left last night Julie came over to confess to me what you two had done. She wasn't really apologetic about it and seemed defiant about whether I disapproved or not. She told me she thought your wife and her husband might have had something going on. She went on to say whether they did or not she was glad she let you fuck her."

"Mom, what would you think if I told you that I wanted to fuck him again, not so rushed next time?"

"Maybe we can all get up to the cabin one weekend and you to can go off together."

"That's sort of complicated. Brian's out of town next week on Thursday. Could you watch the kids? If Claire's out of town maybe have them spend the night?"

"I told her I could." Emma smiled at me. "Be expecting a phone call. Meanwhile, I'm expecting more cock right now."

I was getting fucked with my mother-in-law on top. The woman knew how to use her cunt. Ten minutes later we were again in perfect synch as my balls unloaded as she ground down with her hot little pussy.

"Um .. that was good." I held her tits as she rested above me. "I need to fuck the Bishop's wife more often."

"Yes, you do. And, next week you need to fuck the Bishop's other daughter. Julie's really looking forward to it."

I left the kids with their grandmother so I could get the weekend's shopping done. The Bishop was home when I stopped by to pick the kids up. The usual wave and Hi, how are you. Most Bishop's are assholes and this guy had to be one of the biggest. It was still a couple of hours before my wife would be home when I had everything put away. I kicked back and played with my children.

Claire came home to join us.

"You look happy and well rested."

"I should. I slept most of the way home in the car. And, you know the reason I look happy."

My wife smiled and patted her tummy at about her navel. I guess that would indicate about where a twelve inch black cock would reach. Things were better this time. She hadn't fucked Ben on the way. The sweat and cum from three black guys had been showered away that morning. The rest of the weekend was pretty cool. She begged off church or going to her parent's house.

"Are you and Ben going on the road again next week?"

"Yeah, there's a lot of money in Idaho. We thought we'd hit there again?"

"Back to Nampa?"

"No, we thought we'd go up I-15. There's money up there, too, you know. And, maybe some black cock."

She gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I kind of cringed thinking of three black guys getting sucked off my her just over a day earlier. There was no way I was fucking her any time soon.

"Isn't your period going to be this week?"

"No, probably not. The doctor put me on the birth control pills that cuts my period down to a few times per year. I need to go see him again."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I haven't seen him for a while and there's a lot to be said about fucking your doctor."

Claire slept naked with me. After another shower, good soap and fragrance she smelled like my wife again. I wasn't going to touch her. By 4 o'clock in the morning she slipped out without goodbyes again. She and Ben were headed up I-15 to Pocatello. Monday was a success as she landed two new accounts by fucking an owner and a purchasing manager. She said she and her boss were going to fuck and call it a night.

Laura came over hot as hell.

"I've been thinking all weekend about your wife fucking black guys. I want to do it."

"I thought you said my wife was a skanky whore for black cock. What changed your mind?"

"I talked to my sister about it. She wants to fuck one herself."

"Isn't she married?"

"Technically I am, too."

"What's your plan?"

"Let's go out tomorrow night as husband and wife to a club. I'll pair off with some guy and see how it goes."

She fucked me three times and sucked my cock twice. I wasn't sure I'd be able to work the next day. I waited until afternoon to call Emma about watching the kids.

"Emma? I got to work an inventory problem tonight. It's probably going to go late. Can you watch the kids?"

"Sure. Just be sure Thursday night stays open for Julie. If it's after nine I'll put the kids to bed and keep them overnight."

Salt Lake isn't a hot bed for Jazz Clubs, Soul, or whatever someone would expect for the black scene. Laura wanted to start out a place called the "Urban Scene" in downtown. I've never been a party person and as a Mormon Laura had been all about the church. The music was loud to where would could hardly talk. At nine a live band took over and the place got raucous. We were sitting at a table watching about ten couples dance while everyone else seemed more interested in drinking.

Laura had been watching a couple of black guys dancing with a lady and another few were sitting in groups at tables. One table had three black guys and a really fucked out looking white woman. The woman looked about five months pregnant. We wondered if the one she seemed most interested in was the guy that knocked her up or if he was just part of the latest line off blacks she was fucking.

"I bet she ends up fucking all three." Laura was almost screaming in my ear.

The song ended and the a black man walked away from his dance partner and came over to us, speaking to Laura.

"You don't seem to be dancing. Could I have the next dance?"

He put his hand out to lift her to her feet. Then spoke to me.

"Let me take your wife for a little spin around the floor. She's too pretty just to side at the side and watch."

He told me his name. I couldn't figure out what he said. The music started again. Laura looked small next to the huge black man that was really good with his moves. Hell, I'd look small next to him. He'd get his hands on her waist and she'd get close enough to slide her figure against him.

They stayed out on the floor for the next dance. He danced her towards the other side of the floor away from me. His hands were getting on her ass and a couple of his dance moves were pretty obscene. Laura danced back at him in a fake fucking motion without touching him. It seemed the other dancers kept blocking my view. Every move she made was saying I'm married, I'm white, fuck me.

I had noticed another table with three black guys drinking alone. When the second song ended one of them jumped up to dance with Laura while her new friend rested in his seat. The next dance was not as loud and a lot slower. Still another of the group danced the slow song with her. By the end of the dance there wasn't anyone in the place that didn't know she wanted black fucked.

The band announced a fifteen minute break. The place was loud with conversation in the band's absence. I think most of it was about Laura, the wanted to be black fucked Mormon wife. The first black man walked her across the dance floor to our table holding her hand. She was bouncing around like a high school girl at her prom. He bent over the table to talk to me with Laura right at his side.

It was like a line out of a porno story online.

"Hey, Man. We're going to take your little white wife and fuck her little married pussy full of black cock and sperm."

I looked at Laura to see if she was going along with it.

"Do you want me to go along to be sure you are okay?"

Like I could go along and protect her from four black guys she wanted to fuck her.

"She'll be fine. Me and the boys will fuck her and get her home before it's light enough for the neighbors to see her sneak in."

Laura walked away with him with a little sway to her ass as if one of them had already fucked her. Dozens of pairs of eyes watched her leave with the four of them. I hurried outside into the shadows to try to see what kind of car they had and maybe follow to see where they took her.

The big guy had her up against a black Escalade making out with her. He had a hand up her dress. When his hand came back out he threw her ripped panties on the pavement. One of the guys went around to ride shotgun. Laura got in the back with the other two. Loud music started coming from inside the SUV with the bass vibrating against my inner ears. They sat there about ten minutes before the SUV moved. She'd probably already been fucked or sucked one of them off by the time the vehicle was on the street.

I expected them to drive to some run down place or maybe an apartment or condo to fuck her. Instead I was able to follow them to a nice neighborhood in the hills on the East side of Salt Lake. I hung back a little bit so I'd know where they took her in case something happened. I drove by as they were all out at a very upscale house in a good neighborhood. Laura was wobbly walking between the two she had been in the back seat with. There wasn't any doubt she already knew what being black fucked was like. She wasn't any better than my own wife now.

At 5:30 AM my doorbell rang. It was Laura. She was wearing just her little dress. The panties were in the parking lot and one of them had kept her bra. She had cum in her hair, dried cum on her face, and cum all over her clothes.

"Did you have a good time?"

"An excellent time! Can I get some water? I just sucked one of them off. He came in my mouth just as we turned on our street."

I handed her a glass of water. I thought she spilled it. Instead it was black man's cum running from her cunt onto my floor. She hadn't had any alcohol to drink but called herself fucked drunk or sperm fucked, or something. She said she wasn't really sure, but it was a lot of cock. She seemed happy about it.

"Look at what they did to my pussy. They totally wrecked it."

She pushed herself up backwards on my island countertop. She spread her legs and looked down at herself. It was one stretched open pussy. Cum rolled out of her slit. It quickly puddled and ran across the marble and onto my floor. Laura seemed stunned watching it pour from her.