A Penny for Your Thoughts Ch. 03


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I drove over close to the area where she was at, located a nice quiet out of the way little outdoor café, and decided to sit there for a bit, wait for her call. As I sat enjoying my coffee, I reflected on what I had done and suggested to mom and dad. Fairly confident and assured, they would indeed be in for a nice surprise this evening. That perhaps, a few doors had been opened that had been closed for way too fucking long! As I sat thinking about that, I wondered...what else might I do in helping to pass the time? What more could I learn? I needed to confirm what I had learned, that went without saying. Confirmation of anything I had done or accomplished was important in seeing if I could do it the same way with anyone. I finished my coffee, it was time for another. One of the girls behind the counter was damn cute, I wondered if she'd be easy enough to tap into, learn anything. Which might be a bit tricky, especially in this kind of an environment. But maybe...if I was quick, I might at least learn something useful about her.

I planned everything ahead, knew what I was going to say, and how to say it. We were only talking moments here, it was about all I would have, without raising suspicions by anyone else standing nearby when I did this. Even then I waited until it was far less busy, no one else waiting for coffees to be made when I walked back in. Her name was Jules, embroidered over her breast as I glanced at it, needing the familiarity. I looked her in the eye, made the spark, even then being in two places at once, placing a second order for coffee with her, all the while accessing her thoughts, simultaneously, instantaneously as she stood there looking at me, briefly, momentarily a statue. I let go. I had found what I was looking for, pleased with myself.

"That'll be five, thirty-five," Jules said ringing me up. No more than perhaps five, six seconds had passed. Not enough to take notice of anything, or the somewhat blank stare on her face, which she'd held for that time. After serving me my second coffee, I watched her go into the back, no doubt telling someone she needed a five minute break or so...and then walking out, fixing her hair, straightening herself, and walking straight over to another table where this guy was sitting. He looked surprise as she asked him if she could sit for a moment. Damn surprised, but very pleased too. I smiled, took my coffee and walked back outside again to sit at my table. Feeling a bit like Johnny Appleseed for some reason.

In that split second of time, I had picked up on her emotions, the thoughts she was having. "The cute guy at that table over there." It wasn't much. But enough to go on, have some fun with. I had told her simply, "Go on...go over introduce yourself, let him know you're interested in him. You'll hate yourself if you don't." It was an easy one. Simple as that. And she had. This was fun, but I now needed another challenge, time to spread a few more seeds perhaps, make someone else's day. I wondered.

I took my time, looking around. Watching people on the street, coming and going. A ways off, I could see a couple walking down the sidewalk together. Obviously lovers, dating...or perhaps married, though newly so. They were holding hands, affectionately conversing, laughing, taking their time.

"This could be interesting," I thought, wondering if I could pull this one off. It would take some doing, and I'd have to be quick about it, as well as not make it too obvious to anyone else. Timing would be everything.

They were across the street, slightly up and away from me as they approached, stopping occasionally to window shop as they did, just strolling along. I looked at the stores they had yet to pass by. One of them a pet shop. I'd been by there before. I knew they'd no doubt have new puppies in a pen for everyone to see. I had to rely on her stopping to look, even if he didn't care to. I'd have to time this, pretending to stop to take a look myself, garnering their attention...simultaneously! If...I even could. Something new here to try. I finished my coffee, stood, and then strolled across the street well ahead of them.

I looked in windows opposite from them, gauging their pace as we converged on one another, drawing closer to the pet store, arriving at the exact same time. Sure enough, she stopped pulling him over, the two of them now looking as I did. Luckily, there were indeed several new puppies, playing, roughhousing together.

"Cute aren't they?" I said as the couple luckily both turned towards me at the sound of my voice. I flicked my Bic, saw the spark showing in BOTH of their eyes, and smiled...holding them briefly together like that. "So...do the two of you enjoy adventure? Excitement? Especially if it feels a little dangerous?" As I'd hoped, especially with this couple, I got the immediate sense that they did...or had on occasion anyway. No blocks here to worry about, hopefully.

"There's a little alley, right next to this building. It would be a good place to have some fun in, be a little naughty together," I said implanting the thought, the suggestion, using images instead of words this time in doing so. I let go, turned, walking off as though only just having spoken, stopping a moment later, peering into the window of another store, just in time to see the two of them suddenly turn, heading down the alley. I grinned, slowly walking back, standing at the side of the building, briefly, carefully looking down the alley. Sure enough, by now, the young woman was actually kneeling there before him, his hard cock getting sucked as he leaned against the building watching her do that. I smiled, whistling a tune as I headed off towards my car, and hopefully the phone call I'd soon be receiving.


I had barely gotten back to my car when the phone rang. Sure enough, it was Carol.

"Guess what? I made the sale!" She said excitedly. "Just a few minor details remaining, but I sold the home I was showing!" She again informed me, almost giddily. "We need to celebrate!" She told me with a very sultry sounding voice, only then giving me the address, it was close by. "Come in the back way, I'll leave the door unlocked. After that...just follow the trail of clothes leading over towards the stairs. After that, you'll have to look for me," she teased hanging up.

Two minutes later I was walking along the path that led into the entryway out back. The place was enormous, bigger than anything I'd seen or ever been in. The only entry appeared to be one through a pair of sliding glass doors. Sure enough, they were unlocked, and as she'd stated, I saw a pair of shoes, then a jacket, skirt...blouse, eventually her bra draped over the banister, and half way up the stairs, a pair of panties and pantyhose. I saw a small light coming from the far bedroom down the hall, heading towards it. I stepped through the door, she was already laying in bed beneath the sheets, hopefully naked, which judging by the trail of clothes she'd left, she should be.

"Anything in particular you'd like to do?" I asked as I slipped off my clothes, soon joining her. Even as she purred, stroking me, as I stroked her, there was indeed something I needed to do first. I kissed her, and then looked deeply into her eyes for a moment. In seconds, she was mine, and I was standing inside one...just one...of her many secret little rooms.

But I didn't have time right now to do any exploring, or ask any questions. What I needed to do was write the same things I'd written in Jenny's book, into hers. I looked...or rather thought, finding it immediately as a book once again appeared in front of me. It simply said "Jenny" on the spine. I opened it automatically to the first blank page, and then placed the same safeguards there, I had placed in Jenny's book. Now...it was time to play.

I had felt something nearby however as I'd stood there writing in her book, the sensation of naughty arousal yes, but it had an edge to it for some reason. Something she'd obviously, and most recently been thinking about. I could almost smell it, the sensation so strong. Even as I now began physically licking and sucking her breasts, continuing to arouse her that way, I probed her thoughts, picking up the trail again. She had indeed been fantasizing earlier, thinking about whatever it was.

"Tell me..." I whispered like an afterthought. "You know you want to. You'd enjoy seeing my reaction, actually telling me your fantasy, this naughty dirty thought you've been entertaining. Would I be interested? Would it arouse me as much as it obviously arouses you? You won't know...not unless you tell me, share it with me. Go ahead Carol...tell him. Tell him what naughty dirty little secret you've recently been entertaining!"

She moaned softly as I began making my way down her body, purposely teasing her with my tongue, hands and fingers now taking over where my lips and mouth had been working her breasts. My goal obvious.

"I can smell your heat...your want," I groaned audibly. "I can hardly wait to taste you," I offered. "You're making me so horny Carol. Are you as horny as I am baby? Have you been thinking naughty, dirty...even filthy thoughts?"

"Oh yes...yes I have," she moaned just as deeply now.

"And what were they honey?" I asked just then lightly, ever so lightly running my tongue up her slick wet furrow, not quite lapping at her clit, not just yet. "What were you fantasizing about Carol? Before I got here? What were you remembering, or thinking about wanting to do?"

And then just like that, she was. The images suddenly shared, filling my head. Sharp...crystal clear, sultry, wicked images that surprised me a little, though making me smile. Not too unexpectedly, I saw myself in this fantasy, but what was surprising...there was another woman too. No one I recognized, or ever saw before, but she was there. And then oddly enough, she was in this bed, this same bed, with us.

"There's...well, there's this woman I know, that I sort of work with."

"Another realtor?"

"Yes, Susan...she's, a blonde, attractive, something about her. I...I experimented a little in college, you know...we all do, or many do anyway," she added. "Not that I've ever really been attracted, or into women...but something about her, for some reason. Anyway, I was just fantasizing, imagining...the three of us."

I knew it all now...already way ahead of her, seeing it, seeing it as she lay here waiting for me, masturbating, fantasizing about it, though I made her tell me, made he say the words even though I'd already seen her entire fantasy by now. It was still erotic, hearing her do so, telling me as I licked and now happily lapped away at her burning clit.

"Would you like that Carol? Would you like it if she were to join us? Do to you what you just shared with me? The two of us, pleasuring you?"

She laughed at that. "Fat chance...it's just a fantasy Brian. She's straight for one thing, sure...we get along well, we've even shared a few things, but I seriously doubt she'd ever really go for anything like that. Like I said it's just a fantasy Brian...just something a little naughty fun to think about is all. After all, you did ask."

"What's her number?" I now asked leaning up on my elbows looking at her, grinning at her wickedly.

"You can't be serious!" She said incredulously. "You wouldn't!"

"Won't hurt to try...you might even be surprised."

"But what if she says no? What if after hearing about this, she freaks out? Then what? It could cause problems for me Brian. For you."

"It won't. Trust me," I said reassuring her, though at the same time, likewise convincing her subconscious to allow me to try, to call her...to feel her out a little."

"We'll start off easy with her Carol, feel her out a bit...see what happens. I promise, I won't say or do anything that will cause anyone any problems, but I think there's a way to get an idea if it's something she might be interested in doing. What do you say? Might be fun...and interesting.

She thought about it, and finally relented, after a little more persuasion, though I made sure the final choice to actually do so was hers. "Ok, as long as you're sure about this."

"I am...call her. Tell her where you are, invite her over here. Tell her...tell her this," I said as Carol's eyes widened. "You did say, you sold the place right?"

She had, which was one of the reasons I thought his might work, it was time to celebrate. Celebrate an enormous sale for her. And who better to do that with, than a close co-worker and friend.

And besides...I was now curious about experimenting yet again.


Carol had indeed phoned Susan, informing her she'd made the sale on a home that had been on the market far longer than the sellers had hoped it would be. Though times had been tough of course for everyone. Amazingly, Carol had managed to sell it, at the minimum price the owners were willing to let it go for. Susan was ecstatic for her as well, and with no plans at the moment, agreed to come over, have a little "bubbly" with her...me, and with Susan. Susan was of course curious to meet this guy that Carol had suddenly informed her about. Especially as she had been trying for quite some time herself to set Carol up with someone, without much success.

"He must be something," Susan said over the phone to her. "Especially for you to have gone out and met someone all by yourself."

I had told her not to give out too much information about me, let Susan see me for herself. Being so young in fact...would be an additional surprise, and might very well play into all of this if things worked out the way I was fairly confident they would.

"She'll be over in less than an hour," Carol told me.

"Good, now...as much as I hate to say this, we need to do a couple of things. Number one, we need to get dressed. With luck, we'll be undressed again later on. Two...you straighten things up a bit, I'll run to the store down the street and pick us up a couple of bottles to celebrate with. After that, after I get back...you need to tell me as much as you can about this friend of yours. That way, I'll at least have a better idea as to how best to approach her about all of this."

I had said that, primarily as a way of getting Carol on board with the idea, as opposed to simply suggesting it. It might be far more difficult getting her to go along with all this, not to mention Susan, if I had to spend too much time between the two women, trying to make this work.

And besides, I really was horny now. And I didn't want to have to waste the rest of the night trying to do this either. If the images I had seen were even close, there was a lot about Carol I didn't know yet, and I had every intention of finding out more about her than I had already learned. Carol was proving out to be a very interesting character.

Who'd have thought?

But then again, I now knew her thoughts. Had access to them, almost any time I wanted. This was going to be fun!


"Relax. Try and not look so nervous," I told her after my return. "Don't worry, once she's past the initial surprise at seeing how young I am, she'll look at you in a whole different light...trust me. Let her see the new side of you Carol. The bold side, the adventurous side, the sensual...sexy, seductive side of you. Implant those ideas, and she'll be thinking them herself, especially after a few drinks. I'm willing to bet, after what you told me about her, that will loosen her up considerably."

According to Susan, though she was married, she had had a couple of affairs that Carol knew about. She was a bit of a flirt, though mostly being just that, especially at the Christmas party once she'd had a couple of drinks. Though Carol thought she only used that as an excuse to actually do so. With luck, the alcohol I'd purchased would give her another one. Something I could easily use. Beyond that, it would be a matter of getting inside her head quickly, finding out a few of her secrets hopefully, something I could use. Having experimented earlier with the couple was also proving to be a nice surprise, having practiced that. I figured I'd need to pretty much do the same thing with these two, at the same time. So neither one of them would see or ever be aware of any "statue" effects, which I'm sure there would be until I'd found out what I needed to know.

Moments later the doorbell rang, and then Susan let herself in, smiling broadly, and then stunned as Carol and I stepped around the corner together. "Susan? This is my new boyfriend...Brian."

"Nice to meet you," I said walking up to her and offering her a drink, which she immediately accepted, only then eyeing careful with a delightful look in her eyes.

"Nice to meet you too," she said back at me, once again looking at Carol. "And you dear...have a lot of explaining to do," she laughed. "Though admittedly, I do enjoy surprises...naughty girl you!"

"Oh, and you have NO idea how naughty I have been!" Carol giggled back. "I feel like a new woman!"

"You look like one," Susan responded back to her. "You're certainly dressing like one these days," she said taking a look at the far more modern attire she was wearing. More businesslike yes, but still with a great deal more cleavage than she'd ever seen Carol showing off before.

"So tell me, how did you two meet anyway? No wait...first tell me, tell me you didn't..." she glanced upstairs to where the bedrooms were. "Or rather..."she said lowering her voice as though conspiring here with us. "Tell me...you did."

"Oh yes...we certainly did, and we're hopefully planning on doing so again soon too," Carol said, just as I'd told her to do, directing it in that direction once given the opportunity to do so. Which Susan had so wonderfully done just now.

"Can I watch?" She laughed making a joke out of it, which is when I looked at the two of them, now standing beside one another, joking as I quickly flicked my Bic.


I had decided to do this one just a little differently. Number one, we were pressed for time. Number two, if I was wrong...if Carol was, then we'd find out before things got too complicated. Watching it all unfold, would prove interesting as well, especially if I was right, as I now asked her.

"Ok Susan...here it is. Have you been with another woman before? Or, have you considered being with Carol? Fantasized about it maybe? If you have...then here's your chance. She's interested, I'm interested...but now, it's entirely up to you. If you are...you must let us know then." And with that...I released her, and Carol.

"You can do a lot more than that if you want to," Carol told her then. "Entirely up to you though, thought it might be nice to really let our hair down and celebrate, what do you think?"

Susan looked back and forth between the two of us. "Both of you?" She asked wondering.

"Of course both of us...but only if you're interested in that, so the question is...are you?"

Susan grinned, sat her drink down on the table, kicked her shoes off while simultaneously taking off her jacket.

"Oh I've had a few thoughts about that from time to time."

"Do tell," I said now taking off my own shoes, just as Carol was doing. "Up...in the bedroom though," I added.


To be continued...

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MarshalJon13MarshalJon13almost 14 years ago

Great so far! I like how he's not just imposing his will on people, but trying to be a bit of a benefactor while having fun too.

BigZack69BigZack69almost 14 years ago

I like how fast you are submitting this book. It is progressing nicely.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 14 years ago

A great fantasy, and I hope that it all woks out for him.

Thanks for the great read

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