A Psychological Turn of Mind


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Set around a low coffee table and facing towards the sea was a huge white, curved, sofa which could have comfortably accommodated twice our number. Estelle served more wine and encouraged us to sit but I somehow finished up in the centre next to Liana with Estelle and Alex off to one side and Daniel by himself on the other. Much to my annoyance he seemed to be dozing off.

We continued to chat but I still felt distinctly uncomfortable. Liana was a model of decorum and said nothing untoward but I could not shake the notion that this was way beyond the realms of coincidence.

Things were not helped by Alex. She was wearing a remarkably short skirt and, as she grew more relaxed, she was slumping down further on the sofa revealing just a little too much of her perfect legs. I tried to put the guilty thought from my mind and looked across at Daniel but he had tuned out completely.

I looked back to catch what Estelle was saying but, as I did so, Liana leant in close and whispered in my ear.

"She's beautiful isn't she, from a purely aesthetic standpoint?"

Alex could not have heard but, at that moment, she chose to shake out her long blonde hair. Model or not, she held herself with the bearing and confidence that only the truly

beautiful can manage.

Liana was still there, at my ear, and I was conscious of her warm breath on the nape of my neck.

"Lovely legs, I'm a little envious."

I could not help but look down only to look up again almost immediately but in so doing I unwittingly caught her eye. There seemed to be the tiniest hint of an appreciative smile about her lips but I could not be sure.

I wanted to move away from Liana but, for Estelle's sake, I did not want to appear rude. So I remained where I was and smiled whilst she whispered again.

"Do you think she's wearing panties? Have you been trying to see?"

I felt myself flush hot with embarrassment. The thought had not crossed my mind but, now that the seed was planted, I could not rid myself of it. It would occur to me to go out without underwear but would Alex?

Once again I could not stop myself from casting a fleeting glimpse downwards but his time she brought her legs together more tightly and turned them away from me towards Estelle.

I felt as if I had been caught out and the heat rose in my cheeks once more but no one seemed to notice. It was just then that Estelle made a joke about a mutual acquaintance, and as we laughed, she slapped her hand gently on the top of Alex's thigh.

She leaned forward a little and continued unabated but she left her hand where it was. She seemed completely unaware and yet I could not tear my eyes away. Her words were lost to me as some perverted corner of my mind willed her to move her hand a little higher.

She turned to Alex to make a point and, as she did so, her hand did indeed inch upwards lifting the hem of her skirt almost imperceptibly. I felt my heart leap and with it a warm tingling between my legs. At the same time Liana groaned softly at my ear and I was overcome with a sudden self-loathing.

I thought that the episode with Michelle and Bernie had rid me, once and for all, of any Sapphic leanings but here I was getting aroused by an inadvertent action on the part of my sister and, worse still, with my fiancé in attendance.

I cast another look at Daniel who had his head back staring vacantly at the ceiling and then decided that the best thing to do would be to go to the bathroom and splash a little cold water on my face.

Liana had not moved and now, as though reading my mind, she put a hand gently on my shoulder.

"Not yet..."

There was no good reason for me not to excuse myself but I found myself doing as she asked. I was feeling ever more uncomfortable at her proximity but neither Estelle nor Alex appeared to notice.

Estelle was still holding the floor and she chose that moment to make a self-deprecating remark. Alex chided her, giving a flattering reply, at which my sister turned and pecked her on the cheek.

It was perfectly innocent but it was a revelatory moment. I had never thought to question Estelle's sexuality simply assuming that she was very fickle in her choice of men. She had turned up with different partners over the years but I never got the sense that any of them were serious. One or two of them had even struck me as slightly effeminate but I assumed that it was the nature of the artistic world in which she moved.

Now, for the first time, I looked at her in a different light. A fleeting image of her and Alex together flashed through my mind and, to my surprise, and embarrassment, I felt my panties moisten.

Right away I felt guilty at entertaining such an unworthy thought and I looked down at my knees. It took a few seconds to resister that the room had become silent and when I lifted my eyes once more it was to find both Estelle and Alex looking at me.

Estelle favoured me with an odd smile and then she half turned towards Alex.

"I think it's time baby ..."

Alex, too, smiled at me and then she got up from the sofa. For the next few seconds I felt as if I had entered a dream state. She crossed her arms, took hold of the hem of her jumper and, with a crackle of static, she pulled it over her head. She discarded it onto the sofa and ran her fingers through her hair lifting her breasts in the process. They were larger than I had imagined but what really caught my eye were her dark, fully engorged, nipples as they strained against the expensive silk of her brassiere.

I wanted to look at Daniel, to see his reaction, but I could not pull my eyes away. Estelle had reached up and, with a deft flick of her fingers, she had undone the fastenings but Alex had cupped her breasts in anticipation and she now teasingly revealed their full beauty.

My heart was galloping and I had not drawn breath for some seconds. The whole situation was totally surreal but I did not want it to end. It seemed as if she was stripping for my benefit. She let the bra spill to the floor and then slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt.

She paused for a fraction, just to make sure that I was fully engaged, and then, with a seductive shimmy she slipped her skirt down her long, lissome, legs.

I gave a quick, involuntary, gasp when I saw that Liana guessed correctly. Alex was wearing pale crotchless hose and there, centred within the elliptic opening was the most exquisite sex. At the apex was a consummately sculpted triangular tuft of hair which pointed downwards, beckoning the eye to her prominent labia. They were a perfectly matched pair of vivid pink petals which reverently cradled the globe of her exposed clitoris.

As Estelle's older sister my duty as moral guardian dictated that I show my anger at this outrageous behaviour; I should have roused Daniel and left in high dudgeon but the last thing I wanted to do was to break the spell.

My nipples had long since become erect. They tingled, demanding attention, and Liana, demonstrating an eerie prescience allowed her hand to fall from my shoulder and gently brushed the side of my breast with the back of her fingers.

Alex stood dressed only in her hose and her high heels and the expression on her face defied me to look away but I was lost. If she had asked me I would have gone down on my knees and worshipped at the shrine; it was as if the others no longer existed.

I knew, in that instant, that this was something I could not forsake. I had convinced myself that these women had forced themselves upon me, either physically or by strength of mind but the truth was that they were feeding a craving that had come to haunt my dreams. Even the trauma of being restrained, seen at this remove, held an unaccountable excitement.

Alex paused, as though following my train of thought, and then she slowly turned her back on me whilst looking over her shoulder. I tried to look her in the eye but she knew that my resistance was broken. I hesitated and then, as she knew I would, I looked down. Framed in pale nylon her behind was as firm and well formed as an apricot and my mouth watered.

I did not know where any of this was leading, nor did I care, but what happened next almost tipped me over the edge. With an almost balletic grace Alex knelt in front of Estelle who, with a smile, slowly lifted her skirt and opened her legs.

She was wearing a pair of flimsy, pale blue, panties and, even from where I was sitting, I could see a telling darker area which seemed to spread even as I watched.

I felt faint, almost nauseous. I had always considered my sister to be more beautiful than me but my feelings, just then, were totally degenerate. I looked at her face fleetingly and saw in her eyes a look that was, in some way, triumphant but my mind was refusing to try and keep up. I was caught up in an emotional and physical whirlwind and I was letting it take me where it would.

Alex bowed her head and placed a kiss that appeared almost supplicatory then, with a feline mewling, she ran the flat of her tongue up and over the already dampened material.

Estelle indulged her for a moment, stroking the back of her hair, and then she lay back lifting her hips slightly. Alex acted upon this unspoken signal sliding her hands slowly up the outside of her thighs and then under the waistband of the now sodden panties. She deftly rolled them over her hands and then eased them down Estelle's legs.

Not since childhood had I seen her naked and it was a rude shock to see her sex dressed with an adult growth of blonde curls. The imperative to look away still acted strongly upon me but my muscles would not obey.

Alex remained still for a few seconds as though captivated by a gallery painting and then she leaned inwards.

Estelle hissed in a breath through clenched teeth as Alex lovingly went about her task and my imagination filled in the blanks as I watched the back of her head making tiny but deliberate movements.

"You didn't know that your sister was a lesbian?..."

Liana was still poised at my ear and I resented her tone but the fact was she knew and I had failed to guess despite all of my professional training.

"...How could you not? They've been together almost two years."

She was taunting me but I had no reply. What had come between us such that she felt unable to confide in her own sister?

Even whilst these thoughts churned in my mind my body continued to betray me. I could see that Estelle was approaching a state of personal ecstasy as Alex used her mouth with a familiarity clearly born of love and I found my own tongue moving behind my teeth.

I did not resist as Liana's hand moved. She was now cupping my breast and using the inside of her thumb to tease my nipple which strained against the thin material of my bra to meet her caress.

I almost came myself as Estelle reached her first climax. Alex slowed a little to draw out the waves of pleasure but she did not pause. Her movements suggested that she was fastidiously lapping up the outpouring and then she found her rhythm once more.

Estelle settled back with a beatific smile and I gave a petulant groan as Liana's hand left my breast but, seconds later, she pressed her finger gently to my lips. My nostrils twitched and I drew the familiar scent deep into my lungs before I put out my tongue and licked soothingly.

Her taste acted upon me like a narcotic and, like a junkie, I craved more.

"Down on your knees...Olivia."

The use of the nickname that she had tagged me with was intended to be demeaning but I was beyond caring. I slid down from the sofa and knelt before her.

She made me wait as she slowly rose. She unhurriedly took off her skirt and panties and then simply stood there knowing full well the effect that the sight was having upon me.

I had fantasized about her since that first time but now that I was confronted by the savage sensuousness of her sex once again I felt cowed.

The Mohican of dark hair was already damp and her labia visibly swollen.

"Is this what you want? You want to eat me?"

She ran her fingers over her mound wafting me with her aphrodisiacal fragrance and then she sat back down on the sofa with her legs open.

Behind me Estelle was groaning her way towards a second climax but my only concern was to seek out the comfort of the humid, tropical, grove that lay before me. I moved in towards my goal but, as I did so, Liana touched a finger to the centre of my forehead bringing me up short.

I remained poised, too ashamed even to look up at her, and then she drew up her legs. She now had her feet flat on the seat of the sofa, her heels tucked into her buttocks, which opened her to view to an obscene degree.

The carnal display appalled me but, at the same time, the hunger within me became almost uncontrolled. They say that, of all the senses, it is the sense of smell that sets down the strongest roots in our memories and those that run the deepest are usually associated with needs or traumas. It was not in doubt that my first encounter with Liana had been traumatic, albeit erotic, and my brain now processed her unique esters and stoked my unnatural craving.

I moved forward to make real the phantom taste that already haunted my mouth.

"Not yet. If you want that you have to earn it. You know I want..."

For an instant I was perplexed. I remained stupidly poised trying to understand her meaning and then the answer came to me with a hideous realization. Her dark growth was not confined to her pubis. It continued onwards into the next valley where it formed two ever narrower tracks and there, framed between them, and now plainly open to view, was the tight, ribbed, opening.

It was like the head of a tiny exotic flower with a pink heart shading to dusky gray petals and her leakage had already made it moist so that it scintillated under the spot lights that lit the room.

I felt frightened by it. It was the ultimate taboo and it went against all my moral teachings but, even as I stared, frozen in a temporary paralysis, I felt a treacherous bead of moisture trickling down my inner thigh.

I could not do it. I could not subject myself to this ultimate debasement but Liana was an all-knowing puppet mistress. She coaxed her labia with her fingertips teasing out a runnel of viscous sap which made its inevitable way through the valley. As it approached the heart of the flower it pouted very slightly as if to sip it in.

It was arousing in a way that I could not put into words. It felt as if a current had been applied to the pleasure centres in my brain and my whole body zinged. I realized that I was hovering at the edge of orgasm and there was only one way to take myself over the edge.

No longer thinking, nor caring, I edged closer and slowly put out my tongue. At first touch I closed my eyes as I savoured the taste of her but then I began a curious exploration. The tight rosette was unyielding, as if her flesh had been vulcanized, but I could feel the tiny, rhythmic, distensions as my tongue increased her arousal.

"Come on...you know you can do it...you know you want to."

She was still in control but her voice betrayed the edge to her excitement.

I probed a little more firmly, unsure of what I expected or even what I wanted, but this was a portal that was not to be broached. I could feel the tension of anticipation in her muscles and I knew I was no match for it.

Instead, I curled my tongue and gently worked the tip of it at the very centre only to find that this was the key. She relaxed momentarily and I was able to push just a little way inwards and hold my ground.

We remained there, in a frozen equilibrium, for a few seconds whilst my tongue assimilated a briny, baser, taste mixed with the more familiar piquancy of her arousal and, at the same time, my nostrils flared in obedience to some primal instinct.

Her whole body was quivering and I knew she was close. This fired me with an overwhelming need to share in it and, with an uncredited strength, I drove my tongue all the way home.

"Oh God!"

She started to come and, as she did so, I was squeezed painfully but I felt every tiny contraction as she worked out her climax with my deep rooted tongue the focus of her exhilaration.

I could stoop no lower. Saliva trickled from the side of my mouth as I breathed noisily in a process not helped by a flood of moisture from above. I had now come to my senses and wanted to be free but she continued to grip me tightly simply because she could.

When, finally, she deigned to release me I was fearful of bringing my tongue back into my mouth but then I realized, with horror, that Estelle and Alex were seated on either side of her watching me with amusement. I was not sure what was worse, the fact that they had borne witness to my abasement or that I had been so caught up in this act of depravity that I had failed to be conscious of their presence.

"Well, well, my big sister. Whoever would have thought it?"

The flush of embarrassment in my cheeks turned to the heightened colour of anger but even as I prepared to get up Liana quickly wrapped me up in her legs crossing her ankles at the small of my back.

"Not so fast...you're not finished yet."

I felt myself quaking with rage.

"Estelle. What the hell is going on here!?"

She was unfazed by my outburst, in fact she even smiled.

"Don't keep Liana waiting. I'll explain it all when you've finished."

Liana unhooked her ankles and sat with her legs opened wide and I cursed my weakness as I could not stop myself from glancing downwards. Her sex was puffy and relaxed as a result of her orgasm and I had to make a huge conscious effort not to be beguiled.

In looking away I caught Alex's eye; she had not dressed and sat there radiant in her nakedness. As she held my gaze she ran the tip of her tongue over her perfect teeth brushing her top lip. That simple gesture caused a new flooding in my already uncomfortably damp panties and for a fleeting second I entertained a vision of her down between my legs.

Did I dare hope?

I found it hard to accept that I was taking such a perverse pleasure in adopting a submissive role but it could not be denied. It was almost as if I became, just for a time, another woman, a wanton with no will of her own. In reality I was reaching levels of arousal previously beyond my imagining and, by denying myself, I was only adding fuel to the already fierce flames; but there was more to it.

If I once allowed myself this same pleasure that I now so readily bestowed I knew that I would be lost. I was hovering at the brink in every sense and there was still a chance to pull back. I could turn my back on all this and pick up my normal life. Daniel and I could be happy together, all it needed was an act of will.

I remained there, conscious of the three of them looking at me, and then I was undone by a kiss. I looked at Alex once more, wanting a sign, and she slowly pursed her lips. There was a tiniest, seductive, pop as she gave flight to it and I knew that I had to have her even if it meant pleasing Liana once more.

I leaned forward signaling my surrender.

"There's a good girl...come and eat me."

The scent of her arousal wafted around me, and the air seemed to become denser as I moved closer to her sex, but now I wanted to push my tongue deep inside. I suppose that I was trying to expunge the memory of what I had just done for her and to get back to 'normal' in this new twisted existence.

As my tongue slipped easily inside it was like breaching a dam. She was wetter than ever, a creamy offering which seemed to have been drawn up from the very depths, and I let it fill my mouth before swallowing it down. Her whole sex was coated and I sought it like a hummingbird gathering pollen.

She let me have my way for a moment or two but then she reasserted herself.