A Sense of Submission


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"May I see the room?"

Jessica smiled as she got up.

"Of course."

She was wearing a pale yellow dress that was little more than a chemise. It seemed provocative but we were in her home and so who was I to judge. I did notice that May was giving her legs an appreciative glance as she led the way.

When Jessica opened the door my heart quickened. The room was as large as the lounge. In the centre was a raised podium above which was the bar from which I had been suspended.

Around it there was more equipment and, once again, it appeared to me that no expense had been spared in fitting it out. May was suitably impressed.

"Oh my word...Soundproofed?"

"Yes, but the house is detached anyway."

May wandered around examining the various fixtures. The largest looked more like a piece of exercise equipment. It had a recumbent seat set in front of a large padded hummock.

"Intriguing. How does it work?"

Jessica looked as if she was about to embark on an explanation but then she smiled.

"It's probably easier if I demonstrate."

She turned to me and said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world

"Get undressed."

I do not know if it was the setting, their presence, or the total incongruity of what she said but her words hit me like a cosh. I looked at May but she just raised an amused eyebrow. I stood dumbfounded but then Jessica took hold of the hem of her dress and raised it fractionally.

It was a simple gesture but it had a totally disproportionate effect. It was the hint of a promise and my tongue moved reflexively in my mouth. I was little more than an automaton as I started to remove my clothes.

Looking back I told myself that I was simply trying to avoid coming across as a spoilsport but it was a feeble avoidance of the truth.

Jessica patted the hummock and gestured for me to lay over it. I did as she asked glad now to partially hide my nakedness. She crossed the room, opened a cupboard, and said to May.

"Would you like to help?"

They returned holding an array of leather cuffs and belts and I began to mildly protest suggesting that it was time to bring proceedings to a close. Jessica laughed and told me to shush.

They drew down my arms and legs and used cuffs to bind my wrists and ankles to fastenings at the foot of the hummock. Once I was secured they employed the belts across my back and around my thighs to completely immobilize me and May seemed to take particular delight in cinching them as tight as possible.

It was an odd feeling. I was totally helpless but there was a calmness to be drawn from the fact that I was no longer in control of my own destiny. Added to this my legs were lewdly spread and my sex was pressed to the slightly roughened leather surface setting up sensations which were unwelcome just at that moment.

Now that I was bound in place it was obvious to both May and I what was to happen next. She looked across at Jessica and asked.

"Would you mind?"

Jessica smiled in response.

"Please. Go ahead."

May did not bother to undress altogether. She looked at me as she casually removed her skirt and divested herself of her panties. A little awkwardly she settled into the seat and made herself comfortable.

I was left staring down between her open legs at the thicket of dark curls that dressed her sex; this was the first time she had exposed herself to me even though we had previously shared a bedroom and bathroom.

The device left us some way apart but I could already smell her excited state and wondered what happened next. The answer came when Jessica handed her a remote control.

May experimented with the bottoms and gave a squeal of excitement as the seat smoothly began to move. Within seconds she had it mastered and she raised herself bringing her sex to press firmly against my mouth.

"This must have cost you a fortune!"

Jessica touched me on the back as she replied.

"I have a client whom you would recognize. She's a television actress, happily married, but she has certain predilections. She has a young admirer and she brings her here to avail herself of my facilities. She paid to have this constructed and installed."

In the midst of my anguish I wondered if I could use this titbit in the book knowing that the answer had to be no. The press feeding frenzy if such a thing were to come out would not bear thinking about.

May settled more comfortably into the seat and shifted her hips forward fractionally with the result that my nose was pressed deep into her damp fur where her scent was almost overpowering.

The calm that imbued me up to that point gave way to a sudden urge to rebel but, short of biting her, there was nothing I could do. Some part of me still yearned for her but, for the moment, I stubbornly refused to co-operate.

A sharp snap, and a sudden pain, made me open my mouth in a stifled scream of indignation. It felt as if a hot iron had been set to my backside and it was immediately followed by a second searing strike to my other cheek.

Jessica came and knelt by my side showing me the riding crop that she was holding in her hand.

"I'm sure I don't have to spell it out; if I think that you are not putting in enough effort..."

I wanted to protest but I was suffocated by Mays's sex which was now appreciably wetter. Jessica disappeared from view and I braced myself for more pain but I was obviously being given an opportunity to co-operate.

It was galling on two counts. Firstly the fact that I had no choice but perhaps, even worse, I actually wanted to do it. I was immersed in her warmth and moisture and it was acting on me like a drug.

I began to lick softening the tight curls before applying a gentle pressure. Her sex opened to me with almost obscene ease and a deep hum issued from her throat. The sound reverberated through her and I felt it with my lips.

Encouraged, I worked my tongue a little more quickly but my awkward position was putting a continual strain on my neck.

"Is it satisfactory?"

"Not quite, she should be able to get her tongue a lot deeper than that."

The sting of her criticism was matched by two crisp strikes of the crop reigniting the dying pain that tormented my buttocks. I wailed resentfully but May's response was to mash me more firmly into her heated maw.

Her sex seemed amorphous and I was finding it difficult to orientate and establish the best method of bringing her quickly to fruition. Submitting to her exhortation I thrust as deeply as I could releasing an inner pool the richness of which swamped my senses.

The pain that I was feeling receded to be replaced by euphoria and an intense thrilling of my nerve endings emanating from my sex. I began to devour her knowing that, if I could bring her to a climax, it would resonate sufficiently for me to join her.

At some point Jessica playfully slapped me again but I was beyond caring. May tried to hold back but my fervour took her by surprise. She wanted me to find her clitoris but I stayed rooted deep inside her where the ever stronger spasms of her muscles betrayed her imminent release.

She came violently, shaking in her seat and tight pressed to my face. In response I opened my mouth wide and screamed inside her as my own orgasm strained my restricted body.

Fortunately, she had the presence of mind to ease herself away a little as I gasped for breath but she was still close enough that I could see her sex throbbing as she slowly came down from on high.

She needed Jessica's help to get up from her seat and, even then, she was visibly unsteady on her feet.

"That was really something else!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it...but we're not quite finished yet"

With that she eased herself into the seat that May had vacated and slowly parted her legs.

She must have been able to see for herself that I was totally spent but it was of no consequence to her. She took up the control pad but, to my surprise, she moved the seat backwards until we were about twelve inches apart.

She nonchalantly raised her dress, to confirm that she was not wearing anything beneath, and then she brought her fingers to her sex. Over the next minute or two she watched me as she teased herself and I felt my mouth watering as beads of moisture seeped from her.

My tiredness was forgotten as I awaited the opportunity to serve and her smile told me that she was fully aware of my longing. Continuing her leisurely manipulation she addressed herself to May.

"I could do with a little stimulus..."

Her meaning was unclear, not least because May was out of my sight, and I remained enraptured by her total inhibition.

The answer came in a fresh blaze of pain. This was not the sharp sting of the riding crop but a dull, heavy, splat that flared right across my backside.

"Very good...again."

I shrieked in defiance but the second blow fell setting up a new burning track on virgin flesh. I turned my head to entreat her but she was already raising the leather strap for a third time. There was a look of malevolence in her eyes as she struck me again.

Her technique was unrefined, with the clearly unfamiliar implement, but that made it no less agonizing. I twisted back towards Jessica hoping for a show of pity from that quarter but she now had two fingers deep within whilst her thumb worked purposefully on her clitoris.

Her eyes brightened with excitement as May continued to set about me and the tears streaming down my face only seemed to heighten her pleasure. Only when she had obviously reached a climax did my tormentress relent but, by then, I was almost beyond pain.

Chapter Seven

For the next ten days I was a complete mess. The marks on my skin had faded but the mental scars were as vivid as ever. I came close, a number of times, to giving up on the book altogether but the plain fact was that I needed the money. In my darker moments I wondered if May was aware of this and had used it to her advantage.

Ironically, I was excited about the material I had accumulated but it still needed wrapping up in some way. One of the major decisions was in deciding whether or not to include my night with Evelyn. She was inextricably bound up with the journey I had taken but I wanted it to be a different facet.

She had told me to come back when the book was finished but my need to see her again was becoming overwhelming.

I was researching a new article, which I hoped to sell and so help me out of the cul de sac that the book had become, but I could not fully focus. After twenty minutes of staring at an all but empty screen I surrendered and picked up the phone.

My heart leapt when I heard her voice and she was genuinely excited to hear from me. It was her suggestion that we returned to "Chez Alec" but I felt a pang of jealousy when she said that the waitress was really cute.

I spent a lot of time getting ready and it felt a little strange deciding how I could make myself most attractive to her. In the end I dressed demurely and only later considered whether or not there had been something sub-conscious in my choice.

On this occasion she arrived first and it transpired that she had booked the Gide room. André Gide had reputedly lived in the apartment above the restaurant on his short sojourn to London during the First World War. The dining table was ostensibly the original that he had used as a writing desk and the room was decorated in period style.

She must have noted my hesitation because, as she stood to kiss me on the cheek, she laughed.

"Don't worry. I'm paying."

The private room provided a delightful intimacy and in her easy company I felt more relaxed than I had for weeks. The food, as ever, was simple but delicious and we drank house wine by the carafe.

The only slight discord was the fact that she had arranged for us to be served by the young French waitress that she had commented on previously. I could not deny that she was a lovely young woman but I did not like the impression she gave that we had a secret that was safe with her.

We both choose to skirt the topic of my book but it could not be altogether avoided. When I was sufficiently fortified with alcohol I brought her up to date. I mentioned the visit to Jessica without going into detail but she touched my hand and said tenderly.

"Did she hurt you?"

I cried and then told her everything. As I spoke I recognized my own weakness and felt that, in some way, I had been unfaithful to her.

She listened quietly and, in that way of hers, she took my face in her hands. She kept her eyes locked with mine for long seconds and then she leaned over and kissed me fully on the mouth. I could have stayed like that forever but she slowly broke away.

"I don't pretend to understand Jessica. I think she thrives on the theatre of it all but she seems to take a perverse pleasure in taking money from women who want those things done to them even though her trust fund will see her okay for life.

Her clients? I guess that the pain gives them an endorphin rush but, like you, the real key is the relinquishing of control."

I wanted her to go on but the waitress chose that moment to come back in and replenish our glasses. Evelyn paused momentarily and then continued.

"I think you and I are good together, and I hope you feel the same way, but we are going to need some ground rules. Firstly, there may be some discomfort involved, but I think that you enjoy that; I would never consciously hurt you.

Secondly, I would like to involve others from time to time but only as a couple never by ourselves."

As I listened my emotions were totally scrambled. The possibility of being in a relationship with her made my heart soar but the mention of 'others' left me perplexed.

She could see me wrestling with my thoughts and smiled.

"I think I know you better than you know yourself. It's something that would excite you. Take our friend here..."

The waitress was doing her best to pretend that she had heard nothing of consequence but now Evelyn touched her on the hip.

"... how would you like to come over here and kneel in front of her?"

As so often in recent months the bizarreness of the suggestion threw me completely off kilter but, at the same time, a frisson of excitement surged through me. I looked at the waitress expecting an expression of shock or anger but all I found was sheer depravity.

Had she been primed? Bribed, even? She was tall but appeared taller still as she slyly raised her skirt and apron to reveal her long slender legs. My suspicions seemed confirmed when I saw her expensive, lacy, underwear which did not seem appropriate for a day spent waiting tables.

Once again I felt disconnected from the real world and I was almost cramped with excitement as Evelyn stroked the girl's pert derrière.

"She's waiting for you..."

Her voice was hypnotic and it was like feeling the warm whisper of her words against my sex. I was not sure if I was more anxious to please her or the girl as I fell to my knees and caught the musky waft of her arousal.

It was insane. I doubted if she was yet twenty years old but here I was making my obeisance. My hands trembled, causing her to smile, as I slid her flimsy panties down to her ankles.

Her sex was adorned with a frizz of dark hair, razor shaped into a sharp triangle, which was in stark contrast to the tempest of curls that passed for her hairstyle. I imagined that many men had knelt before this shrine but I wondered if she was experienced with another woman.

She tried to remain coolly aloof but her shallow breathing along with the slight tension in her posture told a different story. My hands replaced Evelyn's as I cradled her smooth cheeks and drew myself on to her.

There was a moment of hesitancy as I applied my tongue but, once she was sure that it was really going to happen, she accepted me willingly. A mild astringency told me that she had washed herself in anticipation but it was quickly replaced by the rich taste of a young woman in heat.

The temptation to push my tongue as deep as I could and sate my own savage need was countered by a subliminal understanding that there were two sides to this bargain. Accordingly, I calmed myself and licked her more purposefully savouring the warm swell of her labia beneath my tongue.

The compensation for this more considered approach was a gradual increase in my own arousal as I began to make her moan.

How long we remained sealed together I had no idea. The possibility that someone might come into the room only added to my feeling of debauchery but I suspected that safeguards had been put in place.

One thing was for certain the girl had now totally abandoned herself to my attentions. My face was wet with her offering and she held me by the head urging me on.

I did not disappoint. I snaked my tongue inside her and the contractions I felt confirmed that she was close. For the next few moments I did nothing more than thrust very gently but she was becoming crazed with desire and her legs were threatening to fail her.

I slipped from her eliciting a panicked yelp but it gave way to an almost obscene growl as I took her clitoris between my lips. I alternated a slow circling with rapid flicks of my tongue and she was pleading with me not to stop.

She was gasping for breath between entreaties as her climax took hold and I sealed my mouth to her and began to suck. Her sex was pulsing as she continued to erupt and I swallowed hard draining her of all she had to give.

Evelyn had the foresight to give up her seat just in time to allow her to collapse in a state of total dishevelment. She then knelt in front of me and kissed me deeply sharing the girl's taste before she whispered.

"I hope you haven't tired yourself out. Today it's my turn to be pampered and you have a long night ahead of you..."


After that things moved so quickly it was like being caught up in a whirlwind. My relationship with Evelyn intensified and the idea of moving in together came from me. I knew, even before I made the suggestion, that it was what she wanted too but the decision had to come from me. It was the final affirmation of who I wanted to be.

This happy ending also gave the book its final form. It gave me a last chapter which helped me to reappraise and refine all that I had written up to that point.

May was totally professional in her editing and marketing of the book and if early sales lived up to their promise it looked like a best seller. There was already talk of a possible television dramatization.

I was given an advance on a second book and May took me by surprise when she said that it need not be a sequel. Her faith in my abilities as a writer was warming and, in truth, I was reluctant, at this stage, to pour out any more of myself onto the printed page.

As I lay on the bed I was already sketching out a novel with a lesbian premise based on my newly acquired insight into the world of art dealing. If I was honest with myself the main character was an imagined version of Jessica in years to come and the thought of her, even now, gave rise to feelings of something unrequited.

I smiled to myself and listened to the voices next door. The room was nice and warm and there was a strange comfort in lying there naked my limbs bound to the four corners of the bed.

Evelyn was entertaining Hatsue a buxom Japanese gallery owner, who was completely unaware of my existence, and I was left deliciously on edge wondering whether or not an invitation would be extended for her to join our little game...

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