A Triumph of Will


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As the 'old man' watched the stock report, he couldn't hear the AT&T closing figure as mom and I moaned in mutual orgasm. For the 100th time (yes, we kept track), my manly cock had spewed a tidal wave of cum into her deepest fertile recesses. My potent brew was all baby-making seed--that cum was almost 100% pure sperm. You know--the stuff that was filling up the local maternity wards with unexpected bundles of joy.

Other times were even wilder. At dinner, he would sit at one end of the table. At the other end, my chair was turned away from him. Mom sat in my lap and looked at him, her table setting laid out before her as if a normal meal.

However, she was sitting in my lap, my cock lodged deeply inside of her. I for my part looked away from him (a nice side benefit), with a TV table holding my dinner ware. Every few minutes mom and I would stop eating or talking and look into each other's eyes. Mom would go up and down upon me as we kissed.

Mom's head would bend as she looked to the ceiling. She would give a cry of orgasmic ecstasy that always shocked and embarrassed him. Then she'd settle down upon my lap. I would grab her and clutch her to me just as my cock would erupt. Long plumes of pale baby batter would cascade out of my cockhead, the tiny slit expanded to the size of a quarter.

As he watched in goggle-eyed amazement, we would kiss quietly for minutes at a time. Mom would whisper words of encouragement and devotion. Her fertile womb was always sloshing, filled up with a potent formula of my sperm-laden semen.

Normally after a particularly good 'dining table treat', she'd be literally sore as her womb was horribly distended with an excess of liquid love. On those nights, mom would climb off of my lengthy cock, the moment where it exited her making a slurping sound and soft plop, drip, trickle, ooze, drip drip...

Mom would stand next to me and bend down to kiss my lips. She always whispered in my ear, thanking me for my sperm. I'd look at mom before she walked away. I enjoyed the thought that he saw his legally married wife with my 'excessive seed delivery' flowing down both bikini-waxed smooth thighs.

One time he had to ask her a question before she cleaned herself up. God, it was so sexy, I was so proud: a huge glob of my sperm-laden cum had escaped her pussy and now was drooling down a satiny thigh. She had become the ultimate love machine...Best of all, it was inescapable: as I bred her, I was claiming her as my own, for now and forever. He could only watch meekly as the husband/lover switch occurred.

Another time, we again were trying to do it with her sitting in my lap. Well, it just wasn't good enough. I asked him if we could just do it there and then, right on the dining room table. I expected an indignant no, but so hot for that trust money was he that he pushed the dinner service onto the floor with a crash. He gestured for me to use that table...for breeding...his wife.

I put my gorgeous, blonde haired, blue eyed, little love bunny mother onto our old dining room table. There she lay, wearing only a smile. As he sank back into his chair to watch, I walked up to the table, watching mom's shapely tanned legs open wide for her lover. I could easily have just inserted myself in mom and 'gotten her done...'

I stopped short of inserting my babymaker into the lips of mom's dripping pussy, though they beckoned to me like the beautiful petals of a flower. Well, this one time I wanted him to openly declare my masculine superiority.

Me: "I am going on strike as of right now. Unless and until you do as I say, there will be no sperm flowing into mom's dripping snatch. That trust fund will just have to be remitted to the state treasury, I guess."

Well, mom's old man moaned like he had been gored by a bull's horns. He actually ran up to me, got on his knees, hands pleading.

Pa: "You win, you WIN!! I will do your bidding. I acknowledge the fact that YOU are the alpha male, the best man here...the ONLY real man in the house. Only YOU can make the babies...only you deserve to sleep in the master bedroom with your mother. I will now insert your magnificent, superior cock into her fertile cunt."

Grabbing a linen napkin off the table, he inserted my huge phallus into mom's pussy--even now oozing with excitement. There was an audible 'squish' as it slid in the tight warmth.

Both my mother and I moaned in pleasure as our mating devices meshed and proceeded to do their thing. Still, the best part was that I had made him join us up. Mom and I had a good laugh about his total humiliation; we stopped laughing and kissed just before we came together. I had made him and mom realize I was the superior male when he was matched against me.

Twenty million or no twenty million, he recoiled a bit when he could actually see us in action. No longer hidden by the table, he could see the raw power of my hips drive into mom.

Then, after our simultaneous orgasm and passionate kiss, he cringed. He could clearly hear the 'rain drops' as the copious outpouring leaking from my sexy mother's seed-filled pussy splattered on the hard wood floor, making several large, milky white puddles.

Pa: "I express my gratitude that you are willing to spill your seed within her vaginal walls in order to pursue our selfish needs. I freely admit that my seed is worthless now, unwanted and without a fertile home. While my family jewels hang limply, empty and unloved, your incredible testes swell with power, bursting with seed, vibrant and throbbing with virility."

Pa: "Whereas my balls recede inside of me out of impotence and neglect, your balls, heavy with seed like a pair of Rome apples, recede inside of you in order to transmit their awful power."

He droned on, acting oblivious to the incredible scene before him of his legally wed wife being serviced by her well-endowed son. It was so naughty to do it right in front of him that we started getting more and more excited...

Pa: "Nothing pleases me more than to see your mother embrace and adore you, rather than me, expressing words of love and devotion. The fact that this always, ALWAYS, ends up with mind-blowing coitus is a bonus. The thought that your magnificent fuck tool is bathing her cervix in potent seed, filling her fertile womb with your squiggling spermatozoa, all of them striving for that treasured ovum...well, that's fantastic."

Pa: "If just one of those millions gains entry and causes it to affix itself...we're talking babytime and the BIG payoff. YOU GO, GUY!!"

It's only an amusing footnote to inject here: unknown to him, or me or anyone, right after the first act of love between myself and my plump breasted/shapely legged mother, five of my 'little guys' had wiggled their way into her holy ovum, whereupon that blessed fertilized object had attached itself to her inner walls.

That's right; before 99% of the fun and games and utter degradation I inflicted upon him, the deed was already done: mom was pregnant.

Thankfully, he was so inured to relying on doctors, as opposed to the more modern home testing, that he never made us do a 'home pregnancy test'.

At his encouragement, yea insistence, we kept fucking nonstop. A visible cream-pie drooled out of mom's warm, tight, welcoming snatch constantly now.

For those keeping score, the will document stated that mom had to be shown to be pregnant by a certain date, as the will did not wish to leave it open-ended and eternal.

So, the day before she was to be tested at the lab for the law firm's review, mom and I were kept in bed 24/7 by a crazed, greedy father. We bred like rabbits nonstop. Whenever we tired, he'd pour energy drinks into us. By the end of that day, my bodyweight must have been 50% Red Bull. We set a modern record, with ten complete acts of love that climactic Sunday.

After the last act of love, at 4 am, I lay gasping on my back, my cock red from overuse. A streamer of cum ran from the tiny slit in my cockhead to mom's dripping snatch. Her glistening thighs were a sticky, gooey mess. Excess cum escaped her unprotected pussy and drooled out in a constant waterfall in slow motion.

A sizable ocean of escaped cum now formed between her legs on the bed. Four (count them, four) rivers of white now wound their way from this ocean to the edges of the bed, with dripping waterfalls of manly goo descending into tiny lakes of mancream on the hardwood floor.

Well, everything after that was a mere anti-climax. We three went to the clinic and got the happy test results. We zoomed to the law firm, who now were honor-bound to retain the trust proceeds until the birth and DNA testing completed the trust requirements.

It goes without saying that the initial proof of pregnancy would be followed nine months later by the actual DNA test on the newborn baby. So we'd only passed hurdle number one.

As my beautiful mother's belly expanded, the final die was cast. Whereas he got more and more hostile to her and her approaching 'disloyal' baby birthing, I was more and more attentive and loving. I now eschewed all other matters of the heart (i.e. pounding the local pussy, from here to maternity.) It was all for mom now.

To his fury, our lovemaking actually intensified after the 'deed was done' and mom was officially pregnant. We constantly held hands, expressed love and devotion, and kissed at any and all times. Whenever mom entered a room at home, I would rush up to her and bend down, planting kisses upon her (royal) tummy and the baby within.

An ultrasound later confirmed: mom didn't have merely one but indeed five perfect babies within. All of the fetuses were male.

The happy day approached. By then, mom's 'old man' could almost taste that $20 million. He was appalled that mom and I were still having sex well into the last month.

In fact, we were having a passionate love session when her water broke. As I pulled away in concern, she pulled me back and kissed me solidly. Moments from giving birth and mom was still wanting me to seed her. I kissed her and told her we had to go now...

We then rushed to the OR where the five guys emerged perfect little gentlemen. Coldly and cruelly, the 'old man' chose to stay at home, only seeing us later in the week at the lawyer's office.

I on the other hand stood next to mom, holding her hand throughout the entire ordeal in the OR. I bent down and kissed her lips, her eyes all teary. She whispered to me that if the OR delivery staff weren't there right then, she'd love to make love...only minutes after the last baby emerged.

At the estate's attorney's office, we finally arrived with the DNA results and the birth certificates. It was only then and there that my withered old coot of a father got his final comeuppance.

He had never deigned to actually read the trust instrument, preferring instead to allow the law firm to give him only the snippets they felt necessary. I on the other hand read it cover to back. As his attorney presumed he was the daddy-in-chief, no one had bothered to read on.

Deep within a footnote in fine print, a rider stated that if the mother of this heir named the child properly and could prove the baby was from a family member NOT being her husband, then she could retain the trust proceeds. The husband, discarded and disgraced as a cuckold, would become only a disreputable reject and no longer party to this proceeding.

You can only imagine the fireworks that erupted when I showed the DNA results, including not only the partial link between the babies and the 'old man' but the 100% (statistical) DNA match to yours truly. I then referred them to that little read rider (sorry about that).

The attorney shook his grey-haired head, letting mom's 'old man' know that it was lights out for him. Seething, he left. Now, as mom and I held hands tightly, the elderly attorney joked that they did divorce law too.

The senior partner attorney took all of this in stride without making any comments; I guess he truly had seen and done it all...

Finally, he gave mom a certified check for $19,483,352. Along with the check was an itemized accounting of their fees for $516,648. Essentially, they got a half mill for looking at two lab tests and printing out a check. In their defense, it was a nice big check.

We were so 'concerned' about their overbilling that we left their statement on the desk and rushed to the bank. When the funds were secured, we called to thank the firm. An answering service took the call; the firm had one of their 'settlement' parties at the local Hyatt. Well, that was cool; we still had $19.5million to tide us over.

Later, I did complain, telling them I expected mom's divorce to be 'reasonable'. Soon mom got a divorce, with a return to her maiden name. They billed us for $34, the cost of photocopies and a FedEx delivery. That was cool...

We moved to Oahu and bought that palatial estate of the actor that starred on the original 'Hawaii-Five-O'. Our five little guys developed into hellacious surf bums, as did the two others to follow. Two more girls filled out the family portrait.

When the five oldest turned 18, we told them the truth about their parents. I feared they'd be horrified, angry, or appalled. Instead, all five of their mouths were agape in wonder.

Then, as if we were in a cheap Hollywood movie, their comments were: "Wow", "Far-out", "Fucking hot, man", and "I'm cool with it". I told them not to tell the younger siblings (knowing that they would anyway).

With that psychic burden off of us, this 36 year old husband and his 56 year old wife snuck out of our family estate home at 3am. With a full moon shimmering in the gentle waters of the warm Pacific, we made love on our private beach, and then lay cuddling together, in the nude, for the rest of the night.

It was a happy home and a happy ending to a long and winding road. We had a staff of seven people to oversee the grounds, the children, and our investments. One person was unpaid but was retained in order to give him a place to live. He served as a 'major domo' or master domestic servant.

That's right (you got ahead of me), it was mom's 'old man'. He came to us contritely after our move, saying he had nowhere else to go. Mom said he could stay, but only with my approval. I said it was cool and he was now restored to our home, albeit in the servant's quarters in the little home set off near the abandoned pineapple fields.

A beautiful ending; I never expected to have a palatial mansion, let alone one on the most treasured real estate in the world. Everything arose from that trust instrument-the Will and the crazy things that my greedy 'old man' did because of it.

Now we had enough to even look back. I convinced my mom to loosen the purse strings. Thinking of the fourteen wonderful ladies who had gotten swollen bellies from me, I hit the internet.

From Twitter, Facebook, Google, the old White Pages, and even a detective agency, I found that seven were doing fine, their husbands or boyfriends accepting the cover story for the baby and providing for the infants. Seven others weren't doing well, so mom allowed me to write a very generous check to each of them.

With that act, I had 'crossed all the T's and dotted all the I's'. It was great to have the dough to buy everything you wanted and to 'square things' with anyone you ever cared for. How to explain it: I just called it 'A Triumph of Will'.

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