A Twisted Transformation

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Not your usual transformation story...
4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/07/2018
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This is my first, and probably only, foray into this form of erotica. I'm not even sure how erotic it will be.

After having read a series or two of transformations, I decided it would be good to get out of the writing rut I have been in and try a different genre. I would like to thank NoobDude for his inspiration. He was kind enough to allow me to assist him in a couple of his amazing stories, and in reading his fantastic works, I got the inspiration for mine...

This writer hopes you enjoy, and if you don't? At least be gentle...


I awoke to the sound of a jackhammer. It was loud, and it was intense, and it was only inside my head. Wow, did I have a headache! I rolled over in bed, and my brain started to come to life, the first desire was to do anything to make the pain stop. A combination of finding a more comfortable position, and keeping my eyes closed. It took me a moment, as I realized something was wrong, but I didn't know what. But I did know that last night had been an epic party!

Between the Jaeger-bombs and tequila, and not nearly enough food, I was pretty well shit-faced about an hour into the fun. I found a dance partner and was moving relatively in time, and on-balance, and hugging and even kissing my newfound friend. It was nothing too deep or intense, but enough to start getting aroused. I was given an impish grin, as my partner had to lean into me and say something over the heavy beat and loud music.

"Wanna try something different?"

I shrugged, and said "Sure! Why not?"

I remember popping a large pill, and chasing it with a tequila shooter. That was it, until the morning construction crew began to pound on my eardrums from the inside. It was that last memory that made me grunt aloud. "I hope I didn't get anything bad..."

I opened my eyes again, keeping them slitted to ease the pain, and it was then I realized I wasn't in my own bed. Frankly, I wasn't even sure where I was. The bedding definitely wasn't mine, and the mattress felt like a plywood sheet. I also had two pillows. Weird. Then I noticed that things didn't seem to smell right. Wrinkling my nose and inhaling again, I was able to identify the scent. It was male body odor. "Someone needs a shower..." I grunted.

There was a lump of bedding, and a body in the bed next to me, so whomever I slept with was still there, snoring. Ah, so a mystery was solved. The snoring was what woke me up, because it was really loud! I still had a headache, though, but it was easing. Having a semi-private moment, I figured I'd better make some basic checks, to see if anything bad had happened last night. I was dreading the thought of having had sex with a total stranger, or worse a resulting illness, or even pregnancy. I was not ready to be a parent, at age twenty-two.

I rolled onto my back, and still this weird feeling persisted. I just couldn't figure out what it was. Things were just... off. So my fingers reached to my crotch, and it was then I had a very sudden shock and realization. It was so shocking that I bolted upright in bed, and screamed. Only the voice wasn't mine. That made me scream again, only this time, the lump next to me also awoke.

"What the fuck?" I yelled.

"Hey, keep it down...I have a headache...." The grumpy voice next to me blurted out.

My fingers delved around, and there was no denying it. I did a triple check, and yep. I now knew what was wrong.

"What the FUCK?!?!?!" I yelled out at the top of my voice.

There was now absolutely no doubt. I went to bed one way, and woke up differently.

I had a penis.

I blinked my eyes, and lifted the sheets, now needing to see it with my own eyes. Yep, there it was, and it was actually standing tall. All six inches or so.

"Great... Morning wood." I grumbled as I still sat there, looking at it.

It was then I realized something else had changed. My girls were gone! Last I remembered, I had a nice pair of C-cup boobs, ones that had gotten me free drinks, a lot of dates, and doors opened for me without even a smile. I would let my breasts bounce and jounce on purpose, just because I got things for free. But evidently that free ride was over. My mind was whirling at about a thousand miles an hour as I tried to come to grips with this new... awakening? The grumpy voice next to me was stirring now. Looking over, I discovered it was a girl. But not someone I even recognized.

"Hey..." I started with. I was feeling way more panic than I was letting on. Another weird thing. "What happened last night?"

The sleepy voice rose to her elbows, and looked about. "I'm pretty sure we're at the party, still." Then she looked at me and eyed me carefully. "Who the Hell are you?" Her tone was suddenly upset.

"I'm Courtney..." It was then I realized my voice was different, and it sounded pretty deep. "Please tell me I'm dreaming?"

"Did you fuck me last night?"

I shook my head. "Uhhh, hardly..." It was then I was realizing I couldn't say why. "Why are you here?"

"I got so drunk last night... The party had gotten out of hand and the cops showed up. So rather than making me call an Uber, they said if I slept here, I'd be alright, so the guy who was hosting the party put me in here. There was some girl in here, puking her guts out, so I didn't want to, but there wasn't much choice."

That explained why I felt like shit. It also explained everything. Well, not everything, of course, there was the matter of just who the Hell I was, or what I was, or what to do about it. I looked around, and my dress was laying on the floor, soaked in vomit. I let out a heavy sigh. "Great..."

I got out of bed, and almost immediately started to fall. I managed to get myself stable on the bed by standing and using my arms to support me in a triangle, leaving my newfound pecker just dangling in its hardness.

"I'm not helping you with that..." my bedmate warned me, as she was getting out of bed herself.

I found myself looking her over. She was cute, auburn hair down to her ass, a decent butt, but her chest was flatter than mine. Or my old chest, or... I dunno, I still had to figure that one out. She was only wearing a thong.

I also had to figure out this new penis-thing. Somehow, I was feeling this intense need, one that was proving difficult to endure. God it was so hard it almost hurt. I looked down at it, and it was throbbing with every beat of my heart. I looked back at her, with what must've been a very pathetic look on my face. I realized she was looking hotter by the second.

I took another try and standing up, and after a moment, figured out the balance. I was tottering like I was still a little drunk, maybe, but I could get around. I also now had this directional pointer. I found my fingers reaching to it, and starting to tug on it. Oh, wow, that was feeling good! I had to do that some more!

As I was playing with my newfound toy, I was moving around the bed.

"I said no! I'm not letting you do this!" She warned, as she backed away from me, frantically looking for something, presumably clothing. I stopped.

"I can't help it..." and the tugging and rubbing on 'my' penis continued, growing more and more fervent. Each stroke was making me feel better and better, like it was a relief, only to be replaced with more stress, that required more rubbing, and then more stroking led to more relief, in a never ending and quite vicious circle.

She managed to find a sweater, and she rapidly pulled it over her head. She was covered, but by then, it didn't matter. I was so aroused, I couldn't walk. In a few more seconds it was all over. I found myself bellowing loudly, my new, deeper voice echoing off the walls, as my new body ejaculated. The surprise was just how much. It just kept coming and coming and coming, at least five or six heavy jets of semen shot onto the floor, landing close to my bedmate.

It was over that quick. Once the climax occurred, I was spent. I was confused, and at a loss. I fell back on the bed, sitting up, my chest taking in deep lung-fulls of air, as I started to get covered in perspiration. I was dizzy, and I had to use one hand to hold myself up. My nose also started to get another whiff of that male body-odor. It was then I realized it was mine. I felt filthy and disgusting, yet with an incredible sense of relief. I was suddenly so tired!

"Courtney? Courtney? Are you alright?" My bedmate asked me. "What happened to the girl what was in here? The puking one?"

I blinked hard, and realized that my release was over. It was the weirdest feeling. Normally a strong orgasm would stay with me for a little while. That ringing of the ears, and flushed chest, and the giggles I got were completely absent! It didn't last all that long, however. Here I was, sitting nude on a bed, with a barely dressed woman, and the sheer knowledge she was next to available was already giving me thoughts. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I absently reached up to scratch my scalp, and then yelled again!

"What happened to my hair?" I yelled.

My bedmate looked at me, quizzically. "Like I'm supposed to know? You have hair on your head, you moron!"

"No,no,no... You don't understand..." Then I realized things were starting to fall into place. I was that puking girl. I was the girl... and now I'm a guy? I started to leak some tears. My emotions were a wreck.

"Who are you, anyway?" I asked with a cracked voice.

"I'm Suzi." She then looked at me. "Are you okay?"

"No." I managed to blurt out as the tears started heavier. Well, that was one thing that worked right. I could cry convincingly on command. Only this time, I wasn't faking it.

"What's going on? Why are you crying?"

I looked up to her. "Don't you see? It's me!"

She had a very quizzical look on her face as her eyes darted around, looking for more of her clothes. She found a pair of jeans, and started to pull them on. "Me, who? I don't get it!" Well, she was blonde.

I started to get angry, which was also out of character. I was pretty even-tempered, usually. I bolted to my feet, surprisingly easily actually, and stood to my full height. "I'm the one! I'm the puking girl!" I was almost yelling, and with my arms out to display my new, taller, naked form, I'm sure I was pretty intimidating.

It was then I started to look around, and realize I was about half a foot taller than I used to be, even in heels. That made me well over six feet tall. Something else new.

"Oh, Bullshit!" Suzi retorted, from the corner retreat she had boxed herself into.

"No, seriously! Come look!" I backed up, slowly, and looked over. Yep, my dress, thong, bra, and heels were all laying on the floor, strewn in a mess, along with a pooled mass of hair. It was the same dark brown I wore. Or had worn? Well, that explained the hair.

Suzi started to warily move over to where I was indicating, and I slid sideways to stand over my belongings. She leaned over and peeked over the bed. Her mouth fell open, and she then stood where she could see well. Fingers rising to her lips, she looked to me, and then to the mess on the floor.

"Oh my God!" she spoke in a soft exclamation. "It really IS you, isn't it?" She was looking back at me, and I must've looked a mess.

I was naked, and I smelled to high heaven, and my face had tears all over it. I shrugged as I moved behind her, and then sat on the bed. I had the weirdest sensation as my cock flopped loosely between my thighs, before I looked up to answer her.

"Yes. I'm not lying. I remember dancing last night, and getting pretty drunk. I was dancing with some girl, and she offered me a pill. I thought it was E or something. Next thing I know, I woke up in bed with you. I must've slept through the... this... well... whatever this is." I used my hands to display my new body.

Oddly, my gesture was still feminine in motion. I also found my crotch starting to grow interested in sex again. It had been all of maybe 10 minutes?

She sat next to me. Too close to me, in fact. Just having her near me was making me horny. I had to slide over a bit, which made her look at me.

"I don't understand what's going on, but right now even the thought of a hand-job is sounding really good." I looked at her, almost pleadingly. "I'm sorry."

Suzi started to nod, and then looked around. "First things first. What are you going to wear? There is nothing here that will fit you..."

Taking a ragged breath, I looked to her. "Are we alone here?" I looked to the closed door. "I mean, in the house?"

"I dunno, let me go check."

She left the door open, and I heard some shuffling about, then some harsh whispers. Unable to contain my curiosity, I made my way to the door, and into full view. Naked, everyone could see me. Well, the three people in the room who were conscious. There were other bodies strewn everywhere, maybe ten in all. Evidently the party had gotten really wild while I was... changing? As I was seen, all eyes turned towards me.

My first instinct was to cover up, and my hand went to cover my crotch, and the other arm to cover my chest. Feeling both a flat chest and a pecker, I let my hands fall. It was just Suzi and the two guys.

Looking at me, I recognized the one guy, he was the host, and the one who had gotten me drunk. He had been handing out booze like it was free. I had no idea who the other guy was. After looking at me, they both started to whisper to each other in a rapid pace.

Finally, the other guy stopped, and looked at me. With a smile, he stepped my way, and offered a hand to shake. "Hello, Courtney. My name is Van. It's short for Vanessa..."

I might as well have been hit with a hammer in the face. My mouth draped open, and I stood there, until I absently shook his hand, though my wrist was bent and my grip weak. It was girl's dainty handshake to this man's. Or was it woman's? I was starting to get a little fuzzy, and I needed to lean against the wall.

"Come, let's get you back in the bedroom." Van directed, helping me as I was in a state of total shock and disbelief! I wasn't exactly expecting any of this, and the implications were now hitting me, fast and furious. "You probably have a lot of questions..."

Sitting back on the bed, I was at first stuck just looking at him. Meanwhile, Suzi and the other guy had also come in. Standing together, Suzi looked like she was still hungover, and I had no idea what I looked like, other than likely to pass out.

"Wh-" I began. "What the fuck is going on?"

Van took a deep breath, and then started to talk. "Let me guess... You were having a great time last night..." Then he stopped, and looked over to the other two, who were looking on with great interest. He then stopped and gave them a shooing motion. "Do you mind? This is hard enough."

Reluctantly they got the hint and left, closing the door behind them. Van looked at me and spoke. "Geez, you look like shit. You need a shower." He began.

"And clothes." I chimed in.

Van grunted with that, and broke a smile. "Yeah, and clothes." He then became more matter-of-fact.

"Here's the deal. You were having fun, and someone came up to you and gave you a pill, and told you it would be more fun, or something like that, right?"

"Yeah, I think so. I was getting pretty hammered."

Yup..." Van nodded. "That's what happened to me. Some chick with amazing tits gave me the pill, and the next thing I know, I'm screaming and tearing the place apart, while I'm naked and discovering my parts are all rearranged." Van looked around the room. "You seem to be taking it pretty well, though. No blood on the walls." he mused.

"This is like some really bad dream... I keep hoping I'll wake up."

"If this is a dream, we're both in it, because it has been two years, for me." Van went on. "I'm still trying to find out who the bitch was that drugged me, but it appears she came back. Word is there are a few others like you and me." He shook his head.

"Whoever she is, she's pretty slick."

"So what... I'm stuck like this?" My voice was far deeper, but rising. I was starting to panic. Tears were streaming down my face as I began to cry hard.

Holding up his hands, he tried to be calm, and soothing. "Listen to me... Courtney... You've got a good name to have. Goes both ways, and you aren't a bad-looking guy at all. Vanessa would have been interested in you. But you need to get used to this. If there is a way to change, I don't know what it is. Believe me, I've looked." His voice sounded sorrowful.

"The hardest part was faking Vanessa's death. I had to think about it long and hard, but it was the only way to get my parent's to move on. Can you imagine how they would take this? My dad had a heart condition. I figured with a clean break they could mourn over was better than anything else. They would never believe I was me." His head was shaking softly as he ended.

"So... there is absolutely no way to go back?" I was in disbelief.

"No. The old Courtney is now a new Courtney."

I had to give him credit, he was sugar-coating it pretty well.

"So what do I do? I don't even have my purse. My ID, my money, everything is at my dorm." I started to cry. "I don't even have any clothes!"

"Shhh, shhhh shhh." He tried to comfort me. "Everything will be alright. I'm going to help you, because no one helped me, and I know how painful it is." He stopped when there was a knock on the door.

Suzi poked her head in. "Hey, I gotta go. I need my things."

She didn't even ask for permission, just came in and started to gather her belongings. Looking down at me, she had a look of pity for me. Shaking her head softly, she then made her way out.

I started to get cried out. To his credit, Van had simply sat there and watched, trying to soothe me. Finally, after probably fifteen minutes, I was done. Well, at present. Sitting back up, I wiped my runny nose and looked for a tissue. Not finding one, I simply wiped the slick snot on the bedding. Van chuckled.

"Well, you are starting to act like a guy." His smile was wide.


"Guys can be pathetic slobs, among other things, and it is hard to look like a guy, and act like a guy. You need to start to do that right away. If you don't, some gay guy is going to take a shine to you, and trust me, unless you like it back there, it's going to suck. I had that happen to me. It was the hardest thing I ever did, punching the guy with all my strength like that, but I learned something. Guys have way more strength than girls do, especially when they are angry. You'll learn that, too, at some point. In the meantime, we need to get you dressed and outta' here. I'll be back. Go grab a shower."

A shower right then sounded brilliant.

Taking one was weird, the water even felt different? Washing was even weirder. I went to wash under my boobs, only the girls were absent. Washing my crotch gave me a raging hard-on. That was a new struggle. I felt like everything I saw made me horny. So I did what I had to and got rid of it, letting the ejaculate spurt into the drain. I didn't want to leave a mess behind.

Washing my hair took all of a minute, it seemed, and when I reached for crème rinse, I realized I didn't have enough hair to worry about it. That brought me some more tears, so to help cover them I stood and faced the shower, letting the hot water blast me until I was done. Stepping from the shower, I used a towel that was hanging there, and dried myself, being careful to not tease my new-found manhood. I was finding that the simplest touch would set that thing off!

Urinating was the next thing I had to do, so I sat down and tinkled. In mid-pee, Van came back.

"Umm, you know guys stand to do that, right?"

"Huh?" I looked up quizzically. Then I looked down. "Oh. Yeah, I forgot." I then reached for tissues to wipe, only to be faced with that appendage. With a sigh, I simply stood and dumped the tissue in the water and flushed.