A Use of Power


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Gilbert did nothing to further his cause when he attacked the physician sent to attend him and Alphonse ensured that no word of his accusation would reach Isabel's ears. She, herself, was distraught but was assured that Gilbert would recover,

Over the next two days Maurelle and I asked ourselves countless times if we had done the right thing or had acted in haste. I had her make ready to flee north if the rumours proved to be unfounded.

The men returned late on the second night clearly having ridden hard. Alphonse held a hurried council and then we were summoned. His face was set hard and I feared that we had been proved wrong. There was no affection in his demeanour now as he spoke tersely.

"You were correct. The boats were found and Fouché's men are in the field with banners of the south amongst their ranks.

I am sending messengers north to apprise the King and I leave within the hour for Castle Fouché. The Duc is too enfeebled to have countenanced this but I will take the castle and hold it until we are reinforced."

We were summarily dismissed, without thanks, but I saw an anger and determination in Alphonse's eyes that transcended any personal ties. The realm was endangered and he was going to act.

I turned to leave but Maurelle crossed to the table where a map was spread out. The council members looked at her as if she was mad as she pointed to a single spot.

"The tributary here is dammed to hold back the spring run-off from the mountains. It irrigates everything to the south. If you broke the dam the water would enter the river and flow to its lowest point...just here at the border."

One by one the council members slowly began to understand as did I. The flow would change the current and slow any boats trying to move against it but it would also flood the plain on which, according to the map, the hostile forces were encamped.

Alphonse looked at Maurelle in astonishment and grudging admiration. He slammed the table.

"She has shown us the way. See it done!"

Chapter Six

Events moved quickly. By nightfall the following day Castle Fouché was taken. Later reports showed that the flotilla did try to move north but gave up when the greater part of their force, and resupply, was mired in the fields behind them.

They did move against Castle Fouché but when it was learned that Gilbert was already imprisoned the assault foundered. Alphonse had it known that he would he would pardon any who were prepared to retake the oath of allegiance. Most did, the remainder left with the retreating southern forces.

His bitterest decision, now that Gilbert's treachery was confirmed, was to send him north in chains to face the King's justice.

After things had settled another council meeting was convened. Alphonse had it known that he was removing to Castle Fouché until he had rooted out any who had plotted against him in league with Gilbert.

Thus, I expected to hear that Donald would be returning to administer the de Guigane estates and so my shock was the greater when Alphonse announced that I was to act as his representative to be obeyed in all things as if he himself were present.

It took some days to come to terms with my new station but Alphonse assured me that he trusted no one more and that I just needed to follow my instincts. He also said that I should share my doubts and take council where needed and I knew, as he did, exactly to whom I would turn in such circumstances.

In the following days I had many visitors and I feel I acquitted myself well but there was one I was particularly looking forward to.

I asked the Countess Bergeron to attend upon me in my private chambers and her demeanour when Maurelle showed her in could not have more different from our last encounter. She understood, better than most, the influence I now wielded and she was obsequiousness personified.

I was pleased to note that she was accompanied by both Mathilde and Sophie who carried herself with a new air of self confidence. This was expressed, in part, by the clothes that she now wore which were just a little too elegant for one of her station.

For some minutes pleasantries were exchanged and we touched on political matters but I delighted in making clear that there were matters of state which I could not discuss with her. She looked uneasy at this but I smiled at her.

"Come, make yourself comfortable, I often find myself in fond remembrance of our last meeting here."

It was clear that she did not want to be reminded, and this was a subject she was anxious to avoid, but I pressed my advantage.

"We were amused, I recall, to have our maids play out a little game. We should, perhaps, devise a second act..."

I let my words hang for a moment before continuing.

"...let us have your maids undressed"

Sophie looked horror struck and stepped closer to her mistress who instinctively took her by the hand. The Countess, to her credit, gathered herself quickly. She released Sophie's hand and put on a strained smile.

"Mathilde, you will do as you are asked."

The frumpy girl looked surprised at being singled out but, at the same time, she appeared slyly expectant. She removed her clothes peremptorily until she stood naked before us.

I said nothing for a few seconds allowing the Countess the beginnings of hope until I cruelly dashed them.

"...and now it is the turn of the fair Sophie."

The poor girl looked to the Countess for intercession going so far as to step slightly behind her.

"Sophie is a little shy and she has formed a... particular... attachment to me."

I was not sure what she wanted me to read into her words but it mattered not in any event.

"Come now, she is a mere servant after all; perhaps you should release her into my charge. I'll have her beaten into shape in a week or two."

There was no doubting the import of my words and she knew that she was going to have to yield at least some ground. She touched Sophie tenderly on the cheek and said softly.

"Do as she asks. I will look after you"

The young girl looked at a loss but my threat had had the desired effect. With seeming reluctance she began to remove her clothes. Once naked she fought the urge to cover herself and stood with her hands rigidly at her sides.

My eyes were drawn to her sweet red nipples but then I noticed that her sex had been denuded of hair. It seemed that the Countess had drawn some lessons from her encounter with Cecile.

Mathilde looked towards her companion in such a way as to suggest that she had not been allowed to further her own experience but then she saw the Countess glowering at her. It as if she thought the girl's gaze alone would sully her favourite.

So much greater then her surprise when I beckoned Sophie towards me.

"Come and help me get undressed."

She remained rooted to the spot uncomprehending and the Countess too looked bemused. I clapped my hands sharply to reinforce my command whereupon the Countess gave the tiniest nod of assent.

The girl's hands were shaking so much she could barely work the fastenings of my gown but, finally, I was able to step out of it and divest myself of my undergarments.

Sophie looked at me with a stunned lexpression upon her face as if a Goddess had been revealed to her and I could feel the Countess's eyes making their own appraisal. Without a backward glance I approached my bed and sat upon it with my legs parted.

They were left in no doubt as to what I required and Sophie looked aghast. The Countess looked at her and then at me. There was a hint of moisture in her eyes but even as she opened her mouth to speak I raised an admonitory eyebrow. She knew she could not fight me and now she knew that my ears would be deaf to any plea she might choose to make.

"Come and show me what you have learned."

Sophie stared at my sex and slowly shook her head in refusal but the Countess, the tears now running freely down her cheeks, whispered urgently into her ear.

The young girl looked shocked, her trust betrayed, but she slowly made her way towards me. She stood hesitantly and I pointed to the floor watching as she went to her knees as if to suffer execution.

"Put your hands behind your back. I want only your mouth."

She did as she was told and I reached to brush her curls clear of her face the better to witness her submission. She was imprisoned by the enclosure of my thighs and the perfection of my sex and there was to be no escape until I was satisfied.

As she closed her eyes and leaned in I shivered as I felt the warmth of her faltering breath against my skin followed by the first hesitant touch of her tongue. She began by licking the whole expanse of my mons and I wondered idly if the Countess had submitted herself to the blade.

She continued for some time and I thought, perhaps, that she was in need of instruction but then, quite suddenly, she licked more purposefully a series of upward strokes of her tongue with a pause at the top of each upsweep.

It was a pleasant sensation and I saw her nose twitch as the air that she breathed was slowly infused with my scent. Emboldened by this measure of success she pushed her tongue a little deeper but immediately began to seek out my clitoris.

She may have been trying to foreshorten her misery but I suspect that this was something the Countess preferred. Some women find the need to come quickly to the boil only then to enjoy a slow simmering.

I was not going to make it easy for her. I made her stop whilst I turned about to kneel on the bed with head my resting on the counterpane. Thus posed she was presented with my sex from the rear and it was quickly apparent that this was new to her.

It was a long moment before she reapplied herself clearly unsure what was required in order to please me. Fortunately, I found her naivety arousing and I felt myself opening up to her.

She settled to licking me with the flat of her tongue and I entered that relaxed state from which I could reach towards my climax as I wished.

After some minutes she began to falter but I did not relent. The very thought of the Countess being eaten up with jealousy only served to increase my excitement and then a new torment suggested itself.

I arched my back and settled a little lower upon the bed and Sophie found herself unwitting licking along the divide of my taut derrière.

Almost instantly, she withdrew her tongue but I spoke sharply.

"You do not stop until you are told!"

I only wished that I could see behind me. There was a pause whilst she no doubt looked to the Countess for a reprieve but her mistress had no choice other than to bid her to obey.

After a long pause she surrendered to the inevitable and I felt wavering touch of her tongue as she tried to lick with least contact.

I tolerated this for a while before I admonished her.

"More firmly...the whole length"

She had managed, until then, to deftly skirt my darker opening and I am sure that she sobbed before I felt the broader sweep of her tongue. It was obvious that she had never been put to this before and I felt my sex melt at the thought.

I submitted to her ministrations for some time and I must have unconsciously compared her performance with that of Isabel as I was struck by a new notion. Reaching back I parted my cheeks in a wanton display and demanded of her.

"I want your tongue inside me."

I could only imagine her mental anguish as she tried to come to terms with an act that ran contrary to all she had been brought up to believe in but she understood that her fate was inextricably entwined with that of her mistress.

Finally, she engaged herself once more and her touch was as timid as if I had asked her to drink from a poisoned chalice. I smiled to myself as she tested the intimidating bounds of that secret place no doubt believing that it was impossible to broach.

It seemed an age before she firmed her tongue but as soon as she did so I allowed myself to relax. That delicious feeling as she found her way within was almost indescribable and I groaned in appreciation.

I tensed my muscles, hugging her inside, and I was tempted to bring my fingers to my sex but I was already so close. She wriggled her tongue fighting against the insistent pressure but she knew better than to try and free herself.

Her struggles stimulated something deep inside and I felt a flush of heat across my whole body before my orgasm slowly flowered. The light in the room seemed to brighten and I was acutely aware of her low moaning as I rode out the incredible sensations.

At the finish I collapsed onto the bed, releasing her in the process, as I struggled to breathe normally once again.

When I had recovered I reached for my gown and found the Countess hugging her distressed attendant to her bosom. Her face was angry but I could also see that she was in awe of me.

Mathilde, standing forgotten, looked mildly amused at the proceedings and I snapped my fingers at her.

"Help Maurelle to get undressed."

Maurelle moved to the centre of the room as Mathilde did as she was told. The Countess now looked uneasy not least because Maurelle's demeanour was a long way removed from that of a maid. She looked almost regal as her simple clothes were removed and she stood proudly naked.

She dismissed Mathilde brusquely and then sat in the audience chair. It had ever been her favourite position and I had often seen her take up a book as some unfortunate minion worshipped between her thighs.

I turned to her.

"Which will you have?"

She looked at Mathilde before surveying Sophie and simply said.


There was a momentary hiatus as the Countess hugged her charge a little closer only to realize that Maurelle was looking not at Sophie but directly at her.

She turned to me in disbelief but she found no comfort in my expression. When she understood that she was actually expected to do the unthinkable she appealed to me angrily.

"We have had our differences, and you have soiled that which is dear to me, but we are both of the blood!"

"Blood that is clearly tainted. Your brother was Gilbert's best man on his wedding day was he not? One might ask where his loyalties lie."

The Countess blanched.

"He has taken the oath..."

"... and, for now, he can continue to count on my protection but should I feel that your personal allegiance to me was to...waiver."

The sinister significance of this was absolutely clear to her and she desperately tried a new tack.

"Sophie provides me with certain comforts...but I do not incline to make return either to her or to others."

I laughed quietly.

"Then it is a pleasure that you have denied yourself and I would gladly help you make amends."

Her eyes darted around the room as if seeking escape and then she moved closer to me.

"Dismiss the others. Let you and I lie together and see what will be."

"As I would not deny you nor would I deny Maurelle. I want you to please her... as if your brother's life depended upon it."

She stared at me as the tears started to her eyes but I could see that I had won. She tried to shut out Mathilde and Sophie as she accepted her fate and turned towards Maurelle.

No more words were needed. She went to her knees and a moment later the smile on Maurelle's face told its own story.

I reclined on the bed drinking two glasses of wine and watching the candles burn low by the time that Maurelle had reached her second climax. I got up and stretched and felt a frisson of excitement as I considered future possibilities but for now the night was young.

I crossed to the chaise longue on which Cecile had been made a victim and, as the Countess got up from her abused knees, I patted its cushioned surface.

"Come and lie here face up...there is something I would try..."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thank you so much for skillfully sticking to idiom and word choice that suits your story. Far too many writers use present-day language and idiom in a tale that occurs in centuries past, ruining it.

Excellent writing! Loved the scene with the assassin on the rack!

texstertexsteralmost 4 years ago
An ode to language

This was one of my favorite stories of all time on this site! You have a gift for the English language! I do wish you would continue this story, I would read an entire novel!

NobleKorhedronNobleKorhedronover 10 years ago
A+++! More please!!

You HAVE to add more to this. What were you going to have the Countess Bergeron do? Sit on her face?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Fascinating story! I hope it continues...

1Martiniman1Martinimanabout 12 years ago
Excellent Story

Not only was this an excellent story, it was highly refreshing, yet still an erotic lesbian story with a wickedly fun dominant woman. The ending was purely devious & highly erotic as I can imagine the Countess having her face ridden all night. In my own warped mind, I can see the Countess even being forced to orally pleasure her own servants.

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