A Week in Boise Ch. 03

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The Bet--Day 2.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/23/2019
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The Bet-Day 2

On my second full day in Boise I arose early and went for a run in the foothills that begin a few blocks from Jared and Julia's North Boise home. It was a beautiful morning for a run, cool enough so as to not yet expose me to the punishing heat of a late summer day, but still warm enough to quickly loosen up my muscles as the sun peaked over the ridge line far above me. The path I had chosen wasn't a whole lot steeper than the Dish Run in Palo Alto I ran regularly in my past life, but there was a 2,700 foot difference in altitude between the two cities, and I felt it as soon as I began to climb.

I ran for about 45 minutes. When I arrived back at the house I let myself in the side door with a key Julia had given me. The door opened into the kitchen. Jared was sitting at the kitchen table just finishing his coffee. He was already dressed for work with his black slacks and shirt and clerical collar. I was still having trouble getting used to Jared in his clerical garb. It just didn't fit the personality of the Jared I had known as a college student and, after the description of his "marriage counseling session" that I had heard through the bedroom walls the night before, I wasn't quite sure it matched the Jared I knew now. The seduction of the young couple I heard him describing to Julia had hardly sounded clerical, but it did sound like the Jared I had known in college.

Julia was standing at the stove, her back to me as I entered. Her clothing was far from that of her normal workday garb as a preacher's wife. Her hair was down cascading over her shoulders and down her back. She wore a short, light weight robe that was belted at the waist and stopped well short of her knees. It looked like it would be totally inadequate if she were to bend over to pick something up.

"Good morning Michael," Jared greeted me with enthusiasm. "You are up and at it early today. I don't remember this kind of enthusiasm for mornings from our Stanford days."

I laughed. "Running a start-up will change your habits. The venture capital guys own your life, and they want all of it. Your sleep is of no value to them."

"Besides," I continued, "I have a meeting this morning with a professor at Boise State. He wants me to do some guest lecturing this fall on the Silicon Valley start-up culture."

"I thought you were trying to get away from that?"

"It's one thing to lecture about starting a tech company. It's another whole thing to actually do it. And as I said, I really haven't picked out the next chapter in my life. I just don't want to do another start-up. Teaching might be interesting though. Anyway, maybe I'll get to see Boise State's famous blue turf while I am there."

"Do you still remember any computer science? When was the last time you sat down at a keyboard and hacked out some code?" Jared asked. He was pulling my chain, but the question wasn't totally unfair. It had been several years since I wrote the code myself.

I thought about questioning Jared about his commitment to clerical ways, given the conversation I had heard the prior evening, but I wasn't prepared to let either of them know that I could hear everything they said, and did, through the bedroom wall. Not yet. Torturing Julia was too much fun while the bet lasted.

As we talked Julia had turned away from the stove. I was focused on Jared, but I couldn't help noticing that her robe was loosely tied in the front with a deep split in the fabric that was exposing a great deal of cleavage. I wondered if she had loosened the belt before she turned around to face me.

As Jared and I continued to talk, I did a few simple stretching exercises in a corner of the kitchen. When I finished Julia asked, "Coffee?"

"Yes, please," I responded as I pulled up a chair and sat down. She filled a cup and walked to Jared's side. He was across the table from me and she had to lean forward to place the coffee before me. The loose robe billowed open exposing her breasts to my view. She held the forward lean longer than was necessary and certainly long enough to give me a stunning view of her tits. I could feel my cock begin to swell as I savored my view. She had one hip leaning against Jared. He had an arm wrapped loosely around her legs just below her bottom. His hand was under the robe fondling her ass. It was obvious he had no objection to her exhibitionist conduct. If anything, he was rewarding and encouraging it.

Before she arose from her revealing posture, she said, "This morning I can fix you some eggs, Michael. As you can see I'm not dressed for work yet. Not like yesterday."

I smiled as I continued to leer at her tits, "So I see. I'd love some eggs."

"Is that all?"

I was silent for a moment, as though giving her question heavy thought. "Yes, I think that is all I have time for . . .this morning."

As she started to rise, I looked at Jared and saw him wink at me. There was a wry smile on his face telling me he knew what his wife was doing and was amused by it. Of course he knew. They were both parties to the bet she could seduce me. The only thing he didn't know, nor did Julia, was that I knew about the bet.

Julia walked to the refrigerator to get the eggs she needed. She spent an unnecessarily long time bent over and looking in the lower reaches of the fridge for the eggs, eggs which Jared and I could plainly see were on the top shelf. I was right. The robe failed utterly to conceal anything when she bent over. Yes, she does have a nice ass, I thought.

Eventually Jared spoke up, "They're on the top shelf dear." He winked at me again.

Julia returned to the stove and begin to prepare the eggs, her back to us in a leaning posture with her butt was sticking out toward Jared and me. The robe was just barely covering her.

I couldn't resist. "Your wife is a great looking chef," I said to Jared.

He laughed and rose from the table, saying, "Yes, and she can cook too. But I have things to do this morning. Michael, can I trust you to keep Julia out of trouble while I'm gone?"

Given that it was my intention to tease and frustrate Julia as she tried to seduce me, it was easy for me to say, "Of course." Then I added, "But what kind of trouble could a sweet girl like her get into?" That was when Julia, annoyed with our sarcasm, reached back and pulled up the back of her robe, exposing her naked ass to both of us.

Jared laughed and said, "You have no idea Michael. No idea at all." Then he picked up a small brief case and left for the day, leaving me with his over-sexed wife.

Julia finished scrambling the eggs and set them on a plate before me. Now the belt on her robe was completely released and the top was pushed to the side exposing both of her breasts and everything below them. "Hmm," I said, "Full frontal nudity and eggs. You don't see that on the menu at McDonalds."

"Maybe they should," she responded. "It would probably help sales."

As she walked back to the counter to fill a cup of coffee for herself, she let the robe drop off her shoulders and fall to her feet so she was completely naked. She returned to the table, her big breasts bouncing as she walked. Pulling up a chair across from me, she sat sipping her coffee. I was really not able to avoid leering at her tits. She knew it and was enjoying it. My dick grew harder and raised a tent in my running shorts as I enjoyed the view.

"So Michael," she said, "what time is this meeting you have with the college professor?" As she spoke she was sensuously fondling her breasts.

I responded with the time, and she grinned and said, "Oh that gives us plenty of time."

"Time for what?" I asked.

"Oh, I think you know," she said. "I know Jared really likes a quickie before he heads out in the morning for an important meeting. I'll bet you would too. Calms the nerves, so you can talk smoothly and think clearly. That is if you can get up for it."

"Oh I can assure I'm up for it right now," I responded, "but I really need to grab a shower and go, so . . . perhaps another time."

"Okay, Michael. You really don't what you're missing though."

I thought, given what I had heard through the bedroom wall, I would be missing a lot, but I wasn't ready to admit that to her yet. I stood and carried my dishes to the sink. I had a raging hard-on that was tenting my running shorts, which I made no effort to conceal. As I walked past her she reached out and stroked my cock, as she had when she walked past me the prior morning. I paused, my resistance nearly failing, but I settled for reaching down and briefly fondling one of her boobs before I moved on to put my dish in the sink.

"Sure you don't want to stay? It's obvious you're up for it." My fondling of her boob made her think she had me.

"Sorry dear. Gotta run."

By the time I finished my shower, shaved, and dressed she was gone. Dinner will be interesting tonight I thought.

Dinner turned out to be much more interesting than I expected.

* * * * * * *

My meeting with the professor at Boise State ran longer than I expected. He had insisted on introducing me to some of his colleagues, and that eventually led to lunch followed by a tour of the football facility with its bizarre blue Astro Turf field. Well I thought it bizarre, but my hosts seemed quite proud of it. I've always been partial to traditional grass fields. I refrained from pointing out Stanford's new stadium had natural grass.

Eventually I escaped with a commitment to deliver two guest lectures later in the fall and a long list of must see items in Boise. I took them up on their recommendation of the City's Green Belt that runs along the river. I rented a bicycle and rode for several miles. The parks on either side of the river were beautiful in the late summer. Nearly all were named after women who had been wives of rich entrepreneurs who had donated the land for the parks. No one remembered who the men who paid the bill were, but their wives had attained local immortality. How odd I thought.

After returning my borrowed cycle, I went for a long meandering stroll through the downtown area, winding up at a brew pub that had been recommended to me. I sat at the bar, nursing a good IPA and chatting with an attractive barkeep who added to my list of must see places in Boise.

I mentioned to her that I was staying with an old friend, Reverend Christensen. She paused for a moment, and then said, "Oh. He and his wife have quite a reputation."

"Really?" I said hoping for more.

She smiled and said, "Well . . . Let's just say, in some parts of the community they are known for more than their Christen Fellowship."

I was about to press her for more when my phone rang. It was Julia, asking me if I could pick up a few items on my way home. They were expecting another guest for dinner, and she needed a few additional ingredients for the meal. Oh, and sooner would be better than later.

I finished the beer left in my glass, left a bill on the bar to cover my tab and a generous tip for the chatty barkeep (yes even after nearly 20 years in Silicon Valley, I still carry cash). She was off serving another customer, so I didn't get to enquire further about Jared and Julia's reputation. How very interesting, I thought as I walked out.

On arriving at Jared's I was recruited as Julia's sous chef, washing, slicing, and dicing the bundles of vegetables I had brought back from the nearby Albertsons. She was wearing a T-shirt, cutoff jeans that tightly hugged her nice round ass (and barely covered it), and a pair of flip flops. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail that was threaded through the back of the Sea Hawks ball cap she wore. No glasses. Not much sign of the minister's wife. She and I chatted aimlessly about my day, how I had met Jared, the weather, Boise and it's culture—in other words everything and nothing.

"So how do you like being a minister's wife?" I asked her.

"Well, even though I was raised as a minister's daughter, I'm not particularly religious," she said, "so I don't have a lot of passion for the religion part of the job. But we do a lot of work with people and their problems and that's satisfying."

"What kind of problems do people bring you?"

"Oh goodness, it's everything from soup to nuts—financial problems, personal problems—you know insecurity, anxiety, problems with overbearing parents, marital problems, gender identification, and so on. Some of them even want to talk about religion. They're afraid they are going to lose their faith." She laughed and shook her head at that notion.

"I think I really like the marriage counseling the best. I can relate to those problems," she continued. "You know—partners who lack sex drive or who have too much and cheat on their spouses, and then feel bad about it. Jared and I can really help those people. I don't know why, but for some reason I have trouble responding to someone who is trying to decide if they are gay or if they want to come out of the closet. I feel like telling them to decide which gender they like to screw and get on with it. They're missing a lot of good sex while the waffle around about it. It's not what they want to hear."

"Is that last issue still a problem these days. No one pays any attention to it back in Palo Alto," I said. "There is really no closet left to come out of."

"Believe me, it can still be a problem in Boise," she responded. "Not so much here in the North-end. It's a sort of little liberal enclave in the middle of a sea of conservatism. But once you cross the river, it's a different world on that issue."

She paused for a moment and then resumed, "Not for you I suppose," she said turning towards me, a kitchen knife in one hand and her other hand grounded on a hip thrust to one side. You seem pretty clear on your gender identification. I don't even see you as bi-sexual, much less exclusively gay."

"Yup. That's me," I said. "Just an All American male. I'll take big breasts and a broad ass any day over a Robert Mapplethorpe model."

She laughed at me. "What do you know about Robert Mapplethorpe?"

"Not much," I admitted sheepishly.

"Well just remember, don't knock something you haven't tried."

"So do you go both ways I asked?"

"Oh for sure. Jared does too."

"Really? I never saw that in him in college, but then I never saw him as a preacher either."

She laughed and put the knife back in the knife block. "Hang around. You have lots to learn about your friend Jared."

"And you too?"

"Yes, but we don't have time now. Not even for the quickie I offered you this morning. Jared will be home soon with our guest. We've got to get dinner ready. Now finish those vegetables up and don't get horny on me."

I finished my assigned chores and then retired to my room where I checked some e-mail (still a habit) and then cleaned up for dinner. When I came out Jared and his guest were in the living room. Jared was wearing his clerical garb, still something I was working to get used to. He introduced me to his guest as Sandra.

Sandra was short and curvaceous, like Julia. Not as busty as Julia but far from flat. Her thick blonde hair was cut to a medium length that curved in at the neck line framing her round face. She appeared to still be in her work clothes, a white blouse that was buttoned to the neck and tucked into a dark blue skirt that hugged her ample hips and stopped an inch or two short of her knees. A pair of dark medium height heels finished the outfit. Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she smiled and shook my hand. I noticed a good sized rock on the third finger of her left hand. She looked to be in her early to mid-twenties.

Jared introduced me as the computer wizard from Palo Alto. I objected and explained that I had sold my company and was trying to put that phase of my life behind me. We chatted for a while as we waited for Julia to join us, and I learned that Sandra was a legal assistant for a local law firm and that her husband, Andrew, who couldn't join us tonight, was an accountant with one of the bigger accounting firms in town.

I was wondering if she and her husband were the couple Jared had been counseling the night before, but I couldn't see a way to ask.

That was when Julia walked into the room. She was wearing the same button down the front church going dress she wore the first time I had met her with the same tall spike heels, not at all like the cut-off jeans, T-shirt, and flip-flops she had been wearing in the kitchen. I couldn't help but remember how she had slowly released the buttons on the dress until it just fell away from her when I first met her.

"Sandra, how are you. So good to see you again," Julia said as she strode across the room, her large and clearly braless breasts bouncing as she walked. Sandra had risen from her seat and Julia enveloped her in one of her patented hugs, crushing her chest against Sandra's. Sandra seemed to take Julia's aggressive hug in stride, I assumed just accepting it as a part of Julia's style.

As the two women sat down on the couch, I noticed that Julia had already released several buttons on the dress so that when she crossed her legs the dress fell to the sides exposing a good deal of flesh above her knees. Sandra, who's clothing likewise pulled well above her knees, tugged at the hem of her skirt and then sat with her knees pressed together, leaning forward her elbows resting on her thighs, and her head turned toward Julia, betraying more than a bit of discomfort with her first visit to the Reverend Christensen's home. Julia, on the other hand had her confidence and charm levels dialed up high.

Julia's next comment answered my question. "So," she said, "I heard the two of you had a good session with Jared last night?" Given that I had heard Jared tell Julia during their nightly pillow talk that he had led Sandra to several climaxes during their 'therapy,' I found this to be quite a question.

Sandra blushed a little and said, "Yes. Yes it was quite an experience. Andrew and I think it will help us a lot," looking away from everyone as she spoke. She obviously didn't know who in the room knew the lustful details of the prior evening's therapy session. She was silent for a moment, but before anyone could pick up the conversation and move it to a more comfortable topic, she apparently felt a need to pursue it. "That's why I was so pleased when you called and asked if I could join you and the Reverend for dinner tonight." Looking to Jared, she said, "We think you did wonders yesterday evening for our relationship." Her nerves were still apparent as she repeated her absent husband's enthusiasm for Jared's 'therapy.'

Yeah, he taught her how to give a good blow job and Andrew how to eat pussy, I thought. Then I silently scolded myself for such crass thoughts, even if they were likely accurate. I did wonder, however, whether her husband really shared her enthusiasm.

"Where is Andrew tonight?" Julia asked.

"Oh he had to work. They are getting trying to provide some kind of limited assurance letter for one of their clients and he couldn't get away. At first, I thought I should delay until we both could come, but he insisted that I go ahead without him. I guess he liked what I learned last night and wants more." She paused and then continued, "He was late for work this morning." The last confession brought on a blush.

Jared and Julia smiled in response.

Okay, maybe I was wrong about Andrew, I thought.

Julia gave me a look that said, "See what I told you this morning about how to start your day."

Jared spoke up, "Oh I'm sure we can make more progress tonight even though Andrew couldn't join us. I've asked Julia and Michael here to join us. I think having others involved will help your confidence."

Sandra smiled and said, "Oh, . . . Well, . . . Okay. Whatever you say Reverend."