A World of Trouble

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Hello, planet full of horny girls. This is Jim.
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"It was a male, I'm sure of it. It looked just like the ones in the pictures."

"Where did you put it?"

"We didn't catch it. It got away."

"How did that happen?"

"Jen and Magda were on the flanks. They were busy."

"We stopped as soon as we heard the call."

"It ran right past them."

"It didn't come that close to us, we would have seen it."

"Oh, like you could see anything with those fat legs around your face."

"I am not fat. You're fat."

"Enough. Which way did it go?"

"It seemed to be heading for Always Dry Creek."

"Then we can still catch it. Gather the tribe."

"Gather at the Food Temple, Wise Mother wants to speak."

"Come on you two, Wise Mother wants to say something."

"Don't stop, I'm almost there. We'll be right over. Oh, yes, oh, yes."

"Hurry up."


"Where is everybody?"

"Most of us are here, Wise Mother, the rest should be along shortly."

"Here come two."

"And two more."

"I think that's everybody."

"Where's Youshi?"

"Magda and Jen went to get her. They may be a while."

"See if you can hurry them up. It's getting hot out here."

Jim clutched his side and sank to his knees. He hadn't been running long, but it felt like a marathon. A pebble-lined rut ran in front of him, and he crawled down into it. He scooped out a hole in the center and waited for it to fill. He never dreamed that water could taste so good.

"We'll have to start without them if we want to be back before the food whistle."

"Here they come."

"Gather 'round, my children. There's a male in the forest, and I want us to catch it."

"Yea, let's go."

"Wait for me."

"Stop! Come back. All of you come back right NOW!"

"Yes, Wise Mother."

"Sorry, Wise Mother."

"The pictures tell us they can't think, like we do, but they are very strong and dangerous. I want us to catch it, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. We should do this just like a tribe war."

"That'll be great. Can I be a scout?"

"Me too. I've always wanted to be a scout."

"No. This is like a real war party. Everybody takes their regular positions."

"I can't wait to catch it. What'll we do with it?"

"We can take it to Carnival. The other tribes will tear their hair when thy see what we have."

"Carnival is two moons away. Won't its head explode before then?"

"I don't know. Ask Wise Mother."

"When will its head explode, Wise Mother?"

"No one knows. The runes were sealed many Wise Mothers ago. All we know is what the pictures tell us."

"All the pictures show is their heads exploding."

"They show many other things too, but yes, their heads do explode."

"Let's hurry. Maybe we can watch."

An experiment had gone awry in the sub basement of Polytech. Jim had been fixing the Xerox machine, and Dave was escorting him so he wouldn't look at anything classified. The stasis field caught them both, and when it finally collapsed, they dropped ten feet to a primordial forests floor. Jim suffered a minor sprain in the fall, Dave escaped unscathed, but the Xerox machine was killed.

Their hopes of finding their way back sank with the sun on the first evening. As the light faded, an alien vista filled the night sky. Stretching from one horizon to the other, a sparkling ring circled the Earth, and beyond the ring, the man in the moon had developed a wink.

They spotted smoke the next morning, and found a village at its source an hour later. They watched from hiding for another hour as they argued.

It looked more like the Garden of Eden than a primitive village. A great pot stood over a small fire, and sturdy looking tents were everywhere. Two squat buildings looked out of place in this setting. One of them was in among the clustered tents, the other stood off by itself in an open clearing.

Half naked children ran about, their voices adding to the tranquility instead of piercing it, and young lovers were everywhere. Many were walking arm in arm, others held each other close, speaking softly and gazing into each other's eyes. It looked like a scene of pure utopia, except for one dissident note; they were all females.

Jim's feet were killing him. He'd been favoring his sore ankle, and now he had a huge blister.

"I still think we should walk right in," Dave said, "even if they are Amazon dykes. Besides, if I don't get something to eat, I'm going to start chewing your arm."

"The men might be off fighting a war, somewhere. What would you do if you came back with a couple heads on your belt and found someone boffing your wife?

"Anyone willing to leave that much pussy unattended deserves to be cuckolded."

"We don't have a clue what's going on around here. If we wind up stepping in shit, there ain't no 911 to call."

"Don't be a pussy. Come to think of it, why am I sitting here talking to a pussy like you, when there's a town full of pussy like that? Stay here sucking your feet if you want. I'm going to get me some food, and then I'm going to get laid."

"Isn't this exciting?"

"It looked just like the ones in the pictures."

"You saw it?"

"It ran right past us."

"Why didn't you catch it?"

"Magda wouldn't get off. You know how she gets. Stop it, Magda!"

"Ow, let go of my hair, Youshi."

"We are a war party. No playing."

"Where's your head-thunker?"

"I forgot it. That's why I have to carry all this rope."

"Shhh, what's that?"

"It's a red-eye war party."

"Quick, go tell Wise Mother."

"Won't they be surprised?"

"Wise Mother, the Red-eyes are sneaking up on our village."

"Quick, tell everybody. Keep it quiet. We'll jump them at the fold."

"The Red-eyes are going to shit when we all jump out at them."

Jim got his shoes and socks on as Dave stood up, walked around the rock, and boomed out; "Hello, ladies."

Jim crawled to the other side of the rock and peeked out from under a bush.

Two girls who had been kissing a few yards away stopped and gawked at him.

One of the kids screamed at the top of her lungs, and ran yelling something unintelligible into the village center.

Tent flaps were opening, and heads popped out everywhere. There were far more of them than they had suspected.

Dave showed them that he had nothing in his hands, then stretched out his hand and waited.

The two of them looked at his hand, but didn't touch it. They didn't seem afraid; they looked excited. The nearer ones had gathered around him, and one of them reached out and touched his shoulder. They were chattering a mile a minute, but Jim couldn't understand a word of it.

Dave offered his hand to the one who had touched him, but she avoided it. Another one touched him from behind, and soon he was staggering as one after another reached in, pushed him, and then skipped away.

More and more kept gathering, and one pulled out a foot long stick with a knob at the end. She hit Dave in the shoulder with it.

"Hay, what the hell was that for?" Dave said.

The hubbub died down a bit, and the girl who had hit him seemed surprised. She hit him again, harder.

"Knock it off!" Dave said, and ripped the stick out of her hand.

They all gasped, and suddenly thirty or forty sticks were raised. They all started hitting Dave with their sticks.

"Ow, shit, fuck, damn it," Dave snarled as the little knobs hit him from every direction. He was fighting back, and girls were flying everywhere. He hit one with a brutal backhand, and she screamed as she went down.

There was a shocked silence as they all looked at the girl on the ground. She was holding her nose, and blood was gushing out between her fingers. She took several deep, sobbing breaths, and started screaming at Dave in her foreign tongue. The others started screaming as well, and the attack was renewed with a vengeance.

Dave tried to break free, but the women weren't having any part of that. They were pissed, and Dave was paying a heavy price for it. Even the girl with the bloody nose got up and followed the battle to the center of the village. Dave was getting the shit kicked out of him, and more were pouring in from every direction.

Jim couldn't see Dave in the throng until they lifted him over their heads and plunged him head first into the giant pot. Five or six were holding his ankles as water splashed everywhere, and more grabbed hold as they gathered around. Jim couldn't see what was happening any more, and neither could the ones on the periphery. They kept jumping to get a peek, but Jim stayed under his bush.

A cheer went up, and then another. Several pairs of girls wrapped their arms around each other and jumped around in circles.

The sounds of celebration grew fainter as Jim made his way away from the village. He wondered if Dave would be their main coarse tonight, or a delicacy for desert.

"Shh, here they come."

"Not yet, not yet, wait until they're all in the fold. Just a little longer."

"Come on, slow pokes."



"I yi, yi, yi, yi, yaaa!"



"Ouch, stop it."

"I give, I give."

"We give."

"Thought you'd catch us napping, huh?"

"How did you know we were coming?"

"We're not telling."

"Assume the position."

"This isn't fair."

"Kiss it."

"Don't you White-tops ever wipe?"

"I've been saving it for you. Hurry up, I'm starting to itch."


"Okay, we'll take her, and her, and you, my little sweetie, and those two."

"I always get picked. It isn't fair."

"Come on, losers. Go to our village, we'll be back in a little bit."

"We might be late for the food whistle. Could you start stacking it until we get back?"


"Thanks, we'll be back as soon as we can."

"See you at the Carnival, Red-eyes."

"See ya, White-tops."

"Did you see their faces?"

"We got them good."

"I farted on mine."

"You didn't."


"You're disgusting."


"This has been a great day. Let's go get that male and make it perfect."

"I found some tracks."

"Those are very strange tracks."

"If you cut your sandals the way the red-eyes do, you would make tracks close to these."

"What would it be doing with sandals, red-eye or otherwise?"

"Someone dressed it. It had clothes all over its body. They were tattered and torn, but it hadn't gotten them off yet."

"Who would do such a thing?"

"I think it's funny."

"You would."

"It went this way."

It had been six days since he'd seen the last of Dave. He could still see his feet desperately kicking, and hear the cheers of the bloodthirsty women. He woke in cold sweats from dreams where half naked smiling women held him over a huge pot and licked their chops as they lowered him head first into the boiling caldron.

He had escaped from some kind of hunting party, but could ill afford the energy it took. He couldn't imagine what they were hunting. He hadn't seen so much as a rabbit the entire week.

What kind of forest was this? There were no birds, no deer, no rabbits, skunks, chipmunks or squirrels. There were insects aplenty, but even they didn't act right. None of them were interested in him. It was as if he wasn't in a forest at all. It was more like he was in a park that had gone slightly to seed.

Hunger had become more than just a problem. It was a constant knife twisting in his gut. He'd found a bush filled with purple berries three days ago, and found that they tasted familiar. He ate every one, and was thinking about eating the green ones when his stomach started to churn. He kept his feast down, but left the green ones to ripen. He hadn't found anything edible since.

He didn't see the hunting party until it was right on top of him. They were just as surprised to see him, and they reacted much slower. Several tried to chase him, but he left them in the dust. Now that he'd made his escape, and quenched his thirst, the cost of his flight was taking its toll. He slumped against a tree as the world spun around him.

"There it is."


"By the tree, the big one, over there."

"Is it dead?"

"I don't know. Its head seems okay."

"It might just be taking a nap."

"We can just sneak up on it."

"No. Wise Mother wants a council when we spot it."

"Should we sneak up on it, Wise Mother?"

"No. Both girls who chased it before were very fast, but it ran like the wind and left them standing still."

"Yes, truly. Look how long and thin its legs are. A creature like that must be built for speed."

"How can we catch something like that?"

"We shall make a great circle around it. When the circle is complete, we will move in slowly and quietly. Woe to the one who breaks a twig or clatters a rock."

Jim drifted back. He could hear a faint murmur off to his right, and willed himself to his feet. He turned his back to the dry creek and squinted down his back trail. His heart stopped when he saw twelve or so women, frozen in their tracks not ten yards away.

He knew he couldn't take twelve of them. In his condition, he'd be lucky to fight off two, but there was an equalizer on the ground, and he picked it up.

"Arrrggh," he snarled, and whacked the rotten branch against a tree. The end went flying off, but it was an impressive show, nonetheless.

The women all stumbled back a step.

"Arrr," he growled again, and fainted at them.

They all jumped, and their eyes went as wide as saucers, but they weren't giving ground. Jim started backing away from them, and yelled; "boo" every time they started to follow. He kept scaring them, but they wouldn't leave him the hell alone.

His skin started to crawl when he heard the whispering behind him. It felt like his neck was rusted as he tried to turn his head, and his eyes panned a solid line of women three hundred and sixty degrees around him. They were all holding little sticks over their heads, and the sticks all had knobs on the end.

"Oh, shit," Jim said, dropping his log and trying to protect his head with his hands and arms. His legs buckled and he sank to the ground. He was in a fetal position when the first woman hit him with her stick.

"Why'd you hit it again?"

"It didn't give."

"It can't give, stupid. It's a male. It's like you, it doesn't have any brains."

"It did give up. Look at the way it curled up in a ball. That's giving up."

"I only tapped it."

"You stink."

"Did you see the way it broke that tree?"

"I told you they were strong."

"What if it hurts one of the children?"

"We'd have to kill it."

"It would be a little late, then."

"That's what the rope's for. We tie it up, and stake it out in the village. Some of the pictures show how to do it. They use a t-shaped rune to tie them on, but we can just stake it out in the grass."

"Get those clothes off it. They look ridiculous."


"What's the matter?"

"It won't let me touch it."

"Show it your head-knocker again."

"That's better. Damn, it did it again. Can I hit it?"

"Yes, but not hard."

"It took my head-knocker away."


"It threw it over there."

"That's it. Just hold it down, get those stupid clothes off it, and tie it up. Get something in its mouth so it doesn't bite anyone."

"Look at this."

"What is it?"

"It looks like a little baby maker."

"Let me see."

"Watch out."


"The food whistle. We have to get back."

"What'll we do with the male?"

"You go ahead. I'll bring it back."

"You can't carry it back by yourself, Youshi."

"Sure I can. I want to. Go ahead."

"Come on everybody, or we'll be hungry tomorrow."

"Hello, male. You're not going to give me any trouble, are you?"

Jim watched as all but one healthy looking blonde ran off into the forest. He was still trying to come to grips with the fact that he hadn't been hacked to death.

The blonde would be a knockout in anyone's world, and a porn king couldn't arrange the way she was wearing her clothes any better. She had what could only be called a sling for her top. It went behind her neck in two loops, and what cloth there was supported the under side of her ample breasts. Her nipples were unencumbered, and they brushed him frequently as she tried to get him up. Her dress was a thing of wet dreams too. It started just under her waist, and only covered her pussy when she was standing still. The back of the dress was the same length as the front, but it had further to go. The cheeks of her ass always hung below the hem.

She was talking to him in what sounded like a cross between singing and baby talk. It was pleasant and soothing to hear, and he wanted desperately to sink into those lovely blue eyes. But similar voices had broken into cheers as Dave drowned in a cooking pot.

He didn't fight her, but he didn't help her much either. What little strength he had he wanted to save for a possible escape.

She got him propped up against a tree, and held him there with both hands. She kept looking him up and down, and was clearly amazed by his height.

She looked about five foot eight, and had clearly been one of the tallest of the women. At six two, Jim would have towered over her without standing on the trees roots.

She kept talking to him, saying something about how tall he was, he assumed, when, without warning, she grabbed his dick.

She got him back up against the tree again, showed him her hand, and moved slowly as she touched his dick again. She started to giggle, but stopped as soon as he got hard.

Pecker playtime was obviously over, and she started trying to find a way to carry him. Her first idea took care of his erection. She tried to force her hip between his legs and pull him up on it. That might work for small children who could wrap their legs around her, but she nearly busted his balls. His yells finally convinced her it wouldn't work.

Her next try wasn't nearly as bad for him, but she wasn't able to do it for long. She had wrapped her arms around, under his butt, and lifted him up. She actually got much further than he would have thought before she let him slide back to the ground. She was panting as she held him upright in the silent forest, and his erection was back.

She was a game little trooper, and gave it another try. She pulled his bound arms over her shoulder as she turned her back, and pulled him up as she bent over. Jim really liked this one, as his dick rested on the crack of her ass. Problem was, his ankles were tied together, and he had to either let his feet drag on the ground, which hurt, or lift his legs, which made it hard for her to keep going.

She never gave up, and although she was gasping for breath by the time they got there, she never stopped talking to him the entire way.

Jim was starting to recognize some of the sounds from her ceaseless chatter, and was starting to root for her in spite of himself.

They had made good time on this last leg of the journey, with him draped across her shoulders in a modified fireman's carry. He could see her village thru the trees, but she stopped short of the clearing and lowered him to the ground.

She sat on his belly, facing his dick, and twisted around to show him her hand. She had done this on several of her breaks, and all it ment was; "brace yourself, I'm going to touch your dick again."

This time she grabbed his balls and pulled them up hard enough to make him grunt. Then she started probing around behind his balls with her finger and searched all the way up to his ass hole. Satisfied that he wasn't hiding a pussy back there, she flopped down on the ground and rested her head on his chest.

"Youshi, we were just coming to look for you."

"Wow, you got it all the way back here by yourself."

"Look at its thing. It's sticking up. It almost looks like a real baby maker now."

"Its been going up and down like that all the way back."

"Did you use it as a handle?"

"No. It's very delicate. You have to show it your hand before you can even touch it."