A Year in the Life


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By then, I knew that I was in love with Don. Tom was my husband, my life, my special partner and Don would never be that, but still I knew I loved him too. I could feel him return the feelings.

Don fucked me the first time but we made love the second time. I encouraged him to move over me. I did not need to urge my husband to kneel at my head and present me with his cock. Don made love to my pussy while I made love to Tom's cock with my lips and my tongue.

When I came down from my third orgasm, administered by Don's thrusts, I pulled my husband from my mouth to look at Don's face. Don was smiling from ear to ear, proud that he had pleasured me. He grinned until his own approaching orgasm wiped the smile from his face.

Tom wanted sloppy seconds and pulled his cock from my mouth. He entered me slowly, lovingly as I called Don to my mouth. I sucked his cock clean of my juices as Tom put more inside me and I shook with a slight orgasm.

My two men cuddled with me for another hour as we talked, none of us ready for sleep. My mind had connected with Don and I could almost read his mind. After an hour of snuggling, he got up. I could tell that he didn't really want to leave me, but he thought he should allow Tom and I an opportunity to talk without him there. He got dressed and left us.

Tom snuggled with me as he ran his hands all over me and kissed me. The attention warmed me and got my fires burning again. Tom fucked me like a man possessed.

After that, Tom and I talked into the wee hours. I had found the experience special. Not exactly what I had imagined but still special. I told him that it wasn't even as good as one of our magical nights of sex but it was "nice". I told him that if he never wanted to do it again, I would be fine with that, but if he wanted us to see Don again...... just set it up. There would be no more foot dragging on my part. I would do it again with a smile.

Tom told me how beautiful I looked with a cock in my mouth. How lovely my face was when I had a cock in my pussy. It was even better than he imagined. I couldn't believe it, but his cock was rock hard again! He told me that on a scale of 1 to 10 he thought the night had been a 15. He was a little disappointed that I thought it was an 8.

My response to his disappointment was to pin him to the mattress and ride that stiff member until it coated my already drenched insides with another hot load. Finally, totally satiated, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

I don't know how that Saturday dawned, I slept well through the sunrise. I woke to the feel of Tom's tongue on my clit. We made mad passionate love before showering together and barely making check out time.

It was too late for breakfast but he took me out for lunch in one of the better restaurants. Tom didn't say anything about the last night while we ate but he couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I looked. He had the look on his face of a kid who had come back after Halloween trick or treating with a bag full of candy and while he had eaten his fill, he couldn't wait til Mommy told him he could have some more. I couldn't look at him without smiling.

The twenty minute drive home was mostly silent on my part because I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Tom was gushing with the thrill of the previous night. I was laughing in my mind, totally convinced that this would happen again, and soon! Last night may have only been an 8 but what it did to Tom was suddenly making it much more!

I tried to call Don as soon as we got home, but unfortunately he didn't answer. I left a message for him to call us back and then proceeded with the rest of the mundane weekend tasks.

It was pleasing and annoying to go grocery shopping with Tom. He was a giggling teenager. Constantly pinching my backside and making eyes at me. The attention was pleasant but I couldn't help but be a touch irritated with him.

Tom was trying to fool around again that evening, and I was trying (maybe for the first time in my life) to give my overused pussy a rest, when Don called back.

To my surprise, Don was a perfect gentleman. He didn't make a single crude comment, although he did tell me I was a really special woman and the experience had been more than wonderful. Apart from those comments, it was a perfectly normal discussion for two friends who had just met for the first time in person. Tom was smiling a wolfish grin as I talked to Don for half an hour. At the end of the conversation, I invited Don for dinner the very next Friday. Tom's smile turned even broader and Don accepted in a flash of enthusiasm. I could hear the excitement in his voice.

There would be no rest for my pussy after that call. I was almost looking forward to the coming work day to escape the incessant probing of my husband's hard cock.

What a difference a week makes! The week before my mind had only been 80 percent into it. This week, I was mentally 150 percent excited. I dragged Tom to the lingerie store Wednesday and I was gushing thinking about what Don would think of my new sexy garments. My pussy didn't want a rest anymore. If it hadn't been for Tom's nightly ministrations I might have gone out of my mind with sexual excitement.

That week was the slowest flash in history. Part of me saw it in slow motion, Friday couldn't come fast enough. Another part of me saw the week fly by.

I had to leave work early Friday to primp because there wouldn't be time to primp and prepare both me and the dinner if I left at the usual time. Those last couple hours dragged! My every nerve was alive with a tingly fire.

I practically jumped out of my skin when the doorbell rang. Fortunately Tom let Don in.

No one rushed through dinner, but I wished we would. I was never so glad to have two men help me with the clean up. I wanted the work done, and us headed for the bedroom!

The brain is the most erotic part of a woman's body and while last week it hadn't been fully engaged, this time it was on overdrive! I was prepared to be the sexual aggressor to get the ball (or balls) rolling, but I didn't need to be. I had never been so turned on in my life! I wanted to be laid!

As we finished and started the dishwasher, Tom looked at Don and said, "Wait till you see the sexy undies Jill is wearing, just for you." This was the first overtly sexual thing said that evening.

I poked Tom with my elbow. "I didn't get them just for Don. They're for both of you."

Don said, "Do I have to wait?"

I smiled a sexy smile. Tom says I was glowing or beaming or shimmering. They both have said that in that moment I was the sexiest woman they had ever laid eyes on. Whatever I was exuding they both saw it.

"I guess you don't have to wait." Tom said chuckling and he reached his hand out to grasp mine. I reached back to take Don's. It was Tom who led the short train into the bedroom.

The next two hours of my life are lost to me. I remember hungrily kissing from one man to the other. I remember four hands stripping the clothes from me. I remember my fingers wrapping around two hard cocks. I remember one mans lips on my earlobe while another sucked a nipple but that moment sent me into an orgasmic bliss, before they even touched my pussy, that lasted through the next two hours.

I know I sucked both of their cocks before the first man fucked me. I know they both ate my pussy. I know they both fucked me at least twice, probably more. I know I was taken in the missionary position and the doggy. I have vague recollections of being on my head while a cock stroked in and out of my pussy. I know they both fucked me together, one from each end and did that in multiple positions. I don't know if I had a thousand orgasms each blending into the next or just one that lasted for two hours, crashing in waves.

I don't remember being the wild insatiable woman they both claim I was. I have no recollection of egging them on, of always begging for more. I do know I asked for a lot and got everything I asked for.

My first coherent memory after that first touch of three naked bodies, is gasping for breath, totally drained laying between two naked, loving men who were both as exhausted as I. Four hands softly stroked my body as both whispered into an ear about how wonderful I had been. All I could say was "WOW".

It was many minutes before I could gather the strength to go to the adjoining bathroom to clean up and bring a wet washcloth back with me. I cleaned both of those soft gooey cocks with the wet washcloth all the while talking to the cock I was cleaning, telling it what a good boy it had been and how well I was pleased by it. I cleaned Don first while Tom laughed at the dialog. Then it was Tom's turn to get cleaned and for Don to giggle like a little boy.

For two more hours we lay there talking softly. Trading life stories, telling dirty jokes, and just enjoying each other's company. Their soft touches and occasional light kisses on all parts of my body left me feeling totally loved. It was just soft pleasure until both cocks stiffened in my hands. I could feel how juicy my pussy was so I slid my body over Don and lowered myself onto his cock.

The fire was out by then, but the heat smouldered as I gently rode Don's cock. Tom was making snide remarks so I looked at him. His cock was rock hard and he was stroking it. "O.K. Wise guy, you don't get off that easy. I want you in my ass." I told my husband and I stopped the rocking on Don while I wiggled my willing and still unused ass in his direction.

Tom didn't need to be told twice. This wouldn't be our first experience with anal sex, but it was a rarity, a special treat for my hubby. I heard him rummage around until he found the lube and then I felt the slippery fluid splash coldly on my ass.

Up until that moment, I had just been having a "friendly fuck" with Don. I felt the fullness of his cock in me and it felt wonderful, but I wasn't really excited, just enjoying the feeling of hard warm cock in me. I was enjoying it but didn't think I was going to cum again.

Then my husband lined his dick up on my back passage and began to push slowly.

When I felt the two cocks sliding inside me, I was lost again! I shuddered and shook and my vision went gray as I exploded in another mind numbing orgasm. The next thing I remember was the three of us rolling apart as fluid dripped from all my holes.

We were all too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep in a tangled pile of limbs. I didn't care that man goo was dripping out of both my holes. I didn't care that I was the one who had to sleep in the wet spot. I didn't care that there was a wet spot. I just collapsed in sleep.

I awoke when I felt lips pressing against mine. Don was kissing me softly. He thanked me, told me I was beautiful (and I beamed at the compliment), told me I was the best woman he'd ever been with, and then telling me that he had to go. Don almost begged me to call him again. I told him I would. After how they had fucked me last night, he could count on it.

Tom sat on the edge of the bed smiling down at me. "Beautiful, my ass. You look like a fucked up wreck!"

I threw a pillow at him and we both giggled as he held me tight.

I gave Don a night without my voice and didn't call him till Monday. I just called him to let him know that there would be another invitation, if he wanted one. He did.

I knew he was going to court Friday for the final Divorce decree. I gave him the week to prepare without any distraction from me.

We didn't talk again until late Friday. He was almost crying. He said he needed to talk to someone and I was his best friend. The only one he felt he could talk to. I told him to get his cute butt over here. He didn't respond to my quip so I knew it was bad. He was on his way as soon as the phone hit the cradle.

Don is sterile. That cost him his first marriage. He and his number one ex are still on good terms but she left him in search of babies. She wound up finding a father and now she has five.

Part of why he picked number two was that she had three from her first marriage. Don and Linda had been married for nine years and the kids were now 11, 12 and fifteen. They had been little when he married Linda and he thought of them as his, even though they weren't biologically.

When Don got there we broke into the liquor cabinet and all got drunk together. The judge had really screwed him over. He had been expecting to lose the house, in fact he was living in a dive of a weekly hotel while Linda and the kids had the house. He had not been expecting to lose everything in his savings account, at least not every last penny. The only good part was he didn't have to pay any child support, but that he was willing to do. What he hadn't expected was to lose contact with the children. He was ordered to stay away.

He didn't like losing his whole nest egg. He didn't like living in that dive and had figured that after today, he could find a nice apartment. After the ruling he would have to wait a few months to save up the security deposit. What hurt was losing the kids.

Don was now alone, or felt like it, stripped of his kids and his money.

Tom told me he would retire to a guest room and I should take Don to our bed and spend the night with him.

It was a strangely bonding night for me. Yes I gave Don a mercy fuck but as sex goes, that wasn't much for me. It was the holding and comforting, just the two of us, and his crying on my shoulder that cemented us together. Before that night, Don had been a friend, but strangely not that close. Now we were almost family. I really felt like his special friend.

Tom acted as if me sleeping with Don was the most natural thing in the world. Nothing of consequence.

Don spent most of the weekend with us. He went shopping with us and talked to us. We got drunk again Saturday night and had another threesome but not the mind numbing kind like the week before but I am proud to say that I drained both men of their nut juice till they were totally drained and I totally satiated.

On Sunday Don went golfing with Tom and they stopped at Don's hotel to get some clothes and we spent the rest of the day watching movies and trying to convince him that his life wasn't over.

Sunday night was really strange. There was no sex, just a night of me cuddling with Don while my husband watched until we all fell asleep. For the first time, I could have worn one of my new frilly nighties without it being ripped off, but by then we all preferred to sleep in the nude.

The next week was almost normal. Tom and I talked about what I had done with Don. I told him absolutely everything, even how I felt about "bonding". The sex part, really got Tom's motor running. The bonding part didn't bother Tom, but it didn't excite him either.

Don it seemed, was Tom's new best friend. Tom liked him almost as much as I did, although in a totally different way. It also seemed that the voyeur in Tom was even more of a turn on than he would have thought. He loved watching me and could even get excited hearing about my sexual exploits with Don.

We were both worried about Don and I called him every night and we talked and talked. He was invited to come over any time he needed a shoulder, or a pussy. Tom made sure he knew that the invitation came from both of us. Don wanted a few days alone.

Friday, Don called me at work just after 10:00 and said he needed to talk again. That didn't sound good. Even worse he would meet me at quitting time. I called Tom and he suggested that we all go out to dinner.

One week after the devastation of the court order, he had been called into the office at the beginning of the day to be told that the company was bankrupt. Their doors were officially closed and there wasn't even enough money to pay the last week's salaries.

Don was devastated. In just over a week he had lost his children, his house, his savings, his job and was about to lose his home as shabby as that was. Dumpy weekly hotels demand cash up front and their way of dealing with failure to pay in advance was simple. You find your bags in the dirty lobby. Don's bank account was empty, his rent due and his options seemed gone.

He hadn't come to beg, only for a shoulder to cry on.

Instead Tom just said, "Where's the problem? You just come live with us." Then he looked at me but I just nodded.

I picked up where my wonderful husband left off. "Of course. We have a spare bedroom, in fact with the kids gone, three spare bedrooms. One could be yours or you know I always love having you share our bed. I wouldn't mind making that an every night thing." My husband smiled at me. I guess that meant it was fine with him. Inside I was smiling at the prospect of two live in lovers.

It took four more hours of arm twisting; two of those hours in our living room and two in our bedroom to finally convince Don to move in with us. In the end, a woman's pussy always overcomes a man's stubborn ego.

One year ago today, Tom helped Don move his boxes full of all his worldly possessions into our house. So tonight was our anniversary. My two men had made the day special for me in every way, especially the sex that capped it. Still, I can't help but worry that life is too perfect and perfection too fragile.

The last year was amazing in every way.Tom and I seldom fought, but now we never had a fight of any kind. Every time we came close, there was a referee to act as impartial observer and break through any minor dispute or miscommunication before it could escalate to conflict. The same was true in my relations with Don, and I quelled any dispute between the men. The result: total household peace.

What more could a girl ask for sexually? Any time I had an itch, there were two special pussy scratchers and one of them could always be counted on to sooth the lust. When a girl gets two men in bed, it doesn't result in twice the sex, but the men feed off each other and give a girl at least four times as much loving. So much of sex is mental, and three heads are better than two when it comes to dreaming up sexy things to do. When you talk about heads, two cock heads are so much better than one!

I guess, women are the ones who always worry about relationships, especially when they are good. Ours is so perfect that I have to stay awake nights dreaming about the wonder of life and how easily and quickly it could all disappear.

I know I have no legal hold on Don. We have never asked for his sexual exclusivity although he has never expressed an interest in wandering from my bed. I don't know exactly what I'd feel if he wanted to go on a date with another woman but it always worries me.

Don's unemployment is about to run out and he still has no good prospects in this area. He has never expanded his horizons to consider any jobs that would require relocation but he could. Men's egos are so fragile. What will he do when he doesn't have any money of his own?

In this first year, we have avoided all the family traps. Our parents and our children live far from us and we have only crossed paths on the holidays when we went to our parents and Don went to his. What will happen when the children finally come home, or parents visit?

Our old friends and many co-workers know we have a "boarder". What will happen in our lives, in our beautiful relationship when they find out the full details of us?

I have faith that we all love each other and that that will hold us together. I have faith, but I also have such fear!

Please! Please! Let my love be enough to bind us all together!

I listen to the rhythmic breathing of my two lovers. I feel their warm naked bodies snuggling close to my skin, warming me body and soul. At this moment, life is so good, so perfect, so complete. I feel so loved, so safe with two men to protect me and cherish me. The warmth of them drives off the doubts and I drift into a sleep as perfect and dreamless as my life.

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LudvigBlomSELudvigBlomSE5 months ago

A really nice story that made the love starting between the three believeable. What was missing was anoyher page about how the sorted out his problems of being dependable as a lover and not a person contributing to the household. Still a 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
What a load of crap!

There is no redeeming aspect to this story. There is just a selfish wife who doesn't care one iota for her husband.

VolupteVoluptealmost 12 years ago

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

SweetOblivionSweetOblivionabout 14 years ago
This is very good indeed

It's a warm, humane discussion of a not unusual dilema. I liked it very much. M

CAP811CAP811over 14 years ago
very erotic

This one was very well done. Starts with a good premise: the wife having empty nest syndrome and discovering her latent hypersexuality. Some nice similes, and well-paced, with of course lots of hot sex.

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