Aaron's Association


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I could not stop myself from gasping and moaning as I felt him slowly fill me. My eyes clouded over, unseeing as we became one, joined. I was only partially aware of his lips meeting mine, our tongues dancing. I could only feel the fullness of him in me, the wonder of his strokes. My body rocking to his movements, perfectly in tune.

I had never felt like this with a man before. I felt him stretching me, filling me like never before but it was more than that. I didn't feel him inside me, it was more like we were one, joined together, our bodies and our minds one.

It wasn't long, but I didn't know how long, a few seconds, a minute? Time had no meaning. Then the waves overwhelmed me. I ripped my mouth from his and thrashed my face from side to side as my hips bucked into him and rocked . I had never felt the waves of pleasure crash over me like that, consuming me. My orgasm lasted forever and ended in an instant. As I gasped for breath I was aware of his cock swelling as it slid inside me. His face turned red and he sucked in his breath.

Knowing that he was cumming sent a second wave through me. I wasn't aware of his orgasm, I was consumed in my own. The second smashed into me. In that moment, we were completely one, bucking, our bodies in tune as our minds melded into a puddle of molten love.

His softening prick slid from me as his drained body collapsed onto his back beside me. I rolled to put my front against his side and lay my head against his shoulder. We were both sucking for breath done in by our union. My soft hand slid over his tight belly and chest as I got my breath back.

It was time for the most intelligent conversation of my life. He said "WOW" and I said "MMMM!" Those sounds conveyed more meaning than anything I ever said before.

Then we lapsed back into fifteen minutes of quiet contented recovery before my caressing fingers discovered an erect penis. I looked into his face with a slight smile on my face and then I kissed him softly. Our tongues intertwined but with more tenderness and less urgent need. My fingers softly caressed his hard cock as his fingers found my breast.

I broke the kiss and then moved my lips lower to kiss his exposed skin. My tongue circled his belly button and then reached out to taste my juices on the head of his dick. I sucked it into my mouth as he moaned. My lips slid up and down the glistening shaft as my tongue tickled it.

His fingers stroked my thigh before finding my moistening pussy. I gasped as he found my clit and gently massaged it. The warmth spread in waves through my body before he pulled me over him and replaced his finger with his tongue. I could feel his cock twitching in my mouth. I heard his moans and each cut through me with the pleasure of pleasing him. The joy of our mutual enjoyment racing through me in waves of heat.

His slithering tongue found all the right places and soon soft ripples of pleasure flashed through me, each wave higher until I knew that soon, very soon a full fledged tsunami would blast my soul. I wanted to feel him inside me when that wave broke.

I pulled my lips from his quivering member and my pussy from his tongue. I had to have him! He started to move but I spun quicker and hoisted my leg over his torso. My eyes locked on his as I slithered my body down his until I felt my aching pussy lips touch his straining erection.

My eyes watched his face as I slid down onto him. I moved onto him as slowly as my desire would let me. Intently watching his face as he slowly filled me, I gasped as he was finally completely inside me. I paused, loving the feel of him before beginning to slowly rise and fall on him.

Our eyes locked, feeling the connection between our eyes and our souls as completely merged as our bodies. I just basked in the delicious feel of him inside me and rocked slowly lovingly caressing his penis with the walls of my cunt squeezing him tightly.

Every twitch of his wonderful cock sending thrills through me as I listened to his breathing. This time I was glorying in his pleasure, trying to see what he liked, straining to pleasure him completely and in doing so, experiencing a joy like never before. The fire simmered, consuming me. I felt so complete, so connected body and soul. My being was devoured by the concentration on him and I didn't notice the waves of fire taking over my body until they had consumed me completely.

My head stretched up as my eyes closed and then the first wave crashed over me. They say that tsunamis come in multiple waves. My orgasm came like that and like a tidal wave it blasted over me, inundating my being with joy. In the midst of my most violent crash, I felt his hips buck and his breathing stop. I felt him explode inside me and then I collapsed on top of him. Amazing that such an explosion could be hiding in the soft tenderness of this union of us.

We laid there for a long time, our bodies drained, contented. I may have dozed but I'm not sure. I was lost in the wonder of us. Lost in the intense feelings for him. Finally I spoke, quietly, almost in awe. "John?"

"Jill" The way he said my name was almost reverent.

"That was amazing. I've never experienced anything like that before."

"Me, either." He replied.

"Would it scare you if I said I think I love you?" I asked him.

"Would it scare you if I said I KNOW I love you?" He asked in return.

"Would it bother you if I said I had suddenly developed a craving for cold pizza?"

He laughed. "You didn't answer the question."

"The only thing that bothers me is the rumbling in my stomach." I kissed him on the nose and he laughed. "Now, lets go get some food."

He headed for his bag, but I simply headed for the stairs. "You're not getting a robe or something?" He asked me.

"What for? Let's eat naked. If you're worried about getting pizza sauce on your cute pecker, I have napkins."

He laughed. "It doesn't bother me at all. I just thought...."

I gave him an impish grin. I smiled even more deeply inside. My chance had arrived! "Thought what? That being naked would bother me? You don't know what a kinky little girl you're getting here. I ever tell you about my first assignment with the company?"

"No, but do tell." He said with a smile.

"Kinda fun. I had to do a marketing plan for a nudist camp. The site visit was a bit strange at first but I got used to it. After an hour or so it was fun."

"So my girl is a nudist?" He asked me mildly. If I hadn't understood the seriousness of his forced indifference I might have missed the importance in the question.

"Not really. I never had any cravings to run around naked. It was just normal I guess, except that the dress code is a bit more casual than in most places. If you wanted to go to one, I'd be with you in a heartbeat, but I won't go out looking for a nudist camp to join. Now lets go have dinner."

He was quiet as we put away the cold pizza. I smiled inside. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I told you that my brother and I took over the family business after our parents were killed in that traffic accident. I never told you what that business was."

"So what is it?" I asked with a my best fake curious sound in my voice.

"We run a nudist resort." I shrugged my shoulders. He had expected revulsion, an explosion of anger. I knew it was coming and surprised him by showing little emotion.

"Cool. So I guess you do want me to go to a nudist camp with you." I laughed. "Is that what you've been hiding from me?"

"Yeah. I was afraid of how you'd react. Every other girl has bolted as soon as I mentioned it. I guess they thought I was some kind of pervert."

"I don't. All you have to do is talk to me about it. Ain't no big deal. When can I see it?"

"How about a change of plan and you spend the weekend with me. I've got a bunch of work to do but we can find something for you to do while I'm working."

"Sounds like a plan to me. I guess it won't take long to pack." I giggled.

"I don't know about that. It used to take my mother forever, but you can take a smaller suitcase." He was chuckling.

"Let me grab some things. Just a couple minutes."

It did take longer than a couple minutes. The time I had gone on assignment, I hadn't considered impressing the man that I now knew I loved completely. Choosing clothing was easy enough, but which perfume? Which skin cream?

By the time I was ready, John's watch was beeping and it was time to go beat the gate. He suggested that I follow him so that I could run if I felt the need or escape while he worked. It was both a good and bad idea. I enjoyed the drive, smirking over the fact that indeed he was a lump of putty in my hands and imagining what he was thinking.

Following him was made quite easy because I already knew where we were going. Hopefully, he wouldn't find out that fact for a while. When he stopped at the gate to punch in the code, he gave me a last chance to back out. I just gave him a funny look. There was no way I was going to pass up a chance to spend time with him.

No one noticed us both come in, or at least if anyone noticed, they didn't come out to welcome us.

I suppose I slept with John that night, but there was very little sleeping going on. It was a wonderful night of snuggling and sex followed by more snuggling and more sex and capped by a short nap.

I got up before John and wandered out to the deck on the back of his house. It felt both strange and wonderful to be standing outside naked, warmed by the morning sun. Amanda was having coffee with two other women on the patio behind the neighboring clubhouse and waved me over.

"Good to see you this morning, Jill. You do work fast, don't you?" Amanda greeted me with a smile.

"Men can be so simple, once you know what the problem is." I chuckled back at her.

"Girls, this is John's new girlfriend, Jill". Then she introduced her two friends Connie who lived in one of the homes in the resort with her husband and two kids and Gina who had come in the night before with her husband to rent one of the cabins. They were a well established group of friends.

Connie, who was perhaps 10 years older than me and had a few extra pounds that had settled pleasantly on her mid sized frame, smiled and said. "You lucky girl! John is such a hunk. I never thought he'd ever find a girl!"

"Yeah," Amanda said. "The amazing thing is that he actually found a girl outside and got up the courage to invite her here. I always thought he was ashamed of us."

The four of us chatted for half an hour before John made his appearance. I liked them all and found the morning coffee a wonderful change from my usual Saturday morning house cleaning routine.

My back was to John's house so I didn't see him when he finally wandered out looking for me. I think he might have been a little panicked when he didn't find me in his bed or his house. He was afraid that when the morning light came I would bolt.

Amanda saw him first. "Hey, Handsome. If you're looking for a delightful young lady. She's over here. She's too good for you though!"

"I guess you've met Jill. I don't have to introduce you. One less onerous chore I have to do today." He told her as he pulled up a chair.

"Don't get too comfortable, John. You still have to feed a hungry damsel and a lot of mowing to do. The sooner you get started, the less time we'll have to tell her all about you."

I liked the way they joked. It was obvious that all of the girls liked him. I couldn't blame them.

He got busy mowing on a very large tractor while I spent the day chatting with the girls and meeting their husbands and the other residents and visitors of Aaron's Association. I got to try out their gym and swim in the pool, even got dragged into a volleyball game while he worked.

In the evening we had dinner with Amanda and Don before retiring early.

When a girl spends her evening with John, the old saying early to bed, early to rise is nonsense. Early to bed wears a poor girl out!

Sunday was a rerun of Saturday, except that I made a trip to the store (by then it felt funny to put on clothes) and made dinner for Amanda and Don. Dinner worked well.

Monday it was back to work. It was even worse than usual going back to the grind. We were both tired from our evening activities and wonderful lack of sleep. The weekend had been the best I had spent in years.

John stayed at my apartment Monday night while we had a group meeting Tuesday. Tuesday was a truly depressing day. I discovered that I would be on the go team to our last client while John was sucked into a new group and would have to make a trip to Dayton to start research for a new client. It meant that we would be separated Wednesday and Thursday.

I had just hit the point where I couldn't keep my hands off of John and leaving Wednesday was a truly depressing thought. We couldn't even have a tearful kissing goodbye on Wednesday since we were both off, headed in different directions at different times.

One of the company planes whisked me off to Minneapolis at 7:00 Wednesday while the other corporate jet took John away from me to Dayton. The presentation went well and the meetings were over by 1:00. The turboprop waited for us and we were on our way home by 2:00. I got home in time to go and have a dinner with Amanda and Don. The dress was the usual casual.

Thursday night I picked John up at the airport at 9:00 P.M. We barely made it to Aaron's Association before the gates locked. It was good that we went back to John's house because the neighbors in my apartment building would have known about our happy reunion by the noises they would have heard through the walls.

I went in to work on Friday but John took the day off to mow and do his weekend work so that we could spend more of our time together on the weekend. Amanda had planned a special pot luck dinner for the regulars (and new guests) for this evening and she wanted John's help.

I spent my Friday thinking about John. Thinking about Thursday night. Thinking about how I wanted to see him and get to Aaron's Association. I couldn't wait to get back there. It wasn't that I liked being nude but I liked the people.

I rushed to Aaron's Association after work. I was in a hurry to see John. I had my very own gate code now but still Amanda was waiting for me when I pulled up. I knew something was up from the moment that she met me but I didn't quite know what it was.

Amanda made very sure that I stayed away from the clubhouse. She didn't want my help with the dinner preparations which I thought strange. Don got there a bit after me and she passed me off to him to entertain, but he too was making sure that I stayed away from the clubhouse. The final strange thing was that John was nowhere evident.

Everyone seemed to be there when Don finally accompanied me to the clubhouse at 8:00. I was hungry and I was almost desperate to see John. The place was full and buzzing with conversation, until it went almost deathly quiet when Don and I walked in.

John was standing with Amanda along the back wall and came rushing to me. He threw an arm around me and hugged me tight. He was holding something in his left hand. When we broke the embrace, he led me to the stage.

There were more than a hundred people packed into the clubhouse, more than I had ever seen there before, all naked (no surprise) and all quiet (big surprise).

"Hey, everyone!" John yelled to the crowd. "I want you all to meet Jill."

What I wasn't expecting was for John to get down on one knee. As he did, I heard a swishing sound above me and a huge banner fell from the ceiling. His words and the words on the banner were the same.

"Jill will you marry me?" He asked.

Questions blasted through me. What would my Mom think about visiting the grandchildren? How much money could I save on a wedding dress? So many questions, but only one possible answer.

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BruceS1949BruceS19497 days ago

What a fun story. I loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The secret nudist surprise.

I found your story to be nice. As a nudist going back to the 1950's I found introducing my lady friends to be hard. More than once was my face slapped and called a pervert. In those days there was no internet and little advice on how to tell a young lady about nudism. When I got married and moved to California we finally did visit a nudist resort. My wife didn't want to visit, but it was national nudist day and the local resort was waving the ground fees if you took their tour and were not a nudist. We took the tour and I covinced my wife to stay for an hour. I got nude when we parked the car. It took her about 1/2 hour to get comfortable enough to get nude.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Sequel Pleeeaseee!!!

Please can I have some more!!!

driphoneydriphoneyalmost 14 years ago

I can't do more than repeat all the comments before. I'm a hopeless romantic and you've done a wonderful job of managing a tricky theme and making it believable and sweet. I wish you all the best in the contest. (And I hope my vote helps!)

ShyChiWriterShyChiWriteralmost 14 years ago

This was so wonderfully romantic. I really like the pacing of your writing. You set it up well, but bring us to the hot parts at just the right time. Well done!

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