Absolute Terror 2


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Nina looked at her watch. "Leonie I have to go soon. Do you have anything in mind for me?"

"Yes yes of course, Simmy’s latest attempt at pairing you off is tonight. I have the most exquisite dress that only came in yesterday."

They walked back into the shop, Leonie walked over to the cocktail dresses and searched through the many dresses pulling out a black one. It was a shiny material with silver studs on it’s bodice.

Leonie handed the dress Nina. "It’s made from black stretch metallic polyester, the material makes it hug your figure and the studded bodice will accentuate your breasts , the bodice is held up by four straps attached to a studded collar around the neck."

Nina tried it on, taking off her leather collar, she slipped it into her purse for safekeeping. The dress was definitely figure hugging and it was a lot shorter than she normally wore. It was mid thigh. She turned side on, looking in the mirror. It accentuated her small waist and even gave her cleavage a little boost. It fit perfectly and was gorgeous.

Leonie walked in, gasping as she saw Nina in the cocktail dress.

"You look so beautiful in that dress. Purrrrr. You look like a sex kitten!" Leonie laughed.

"I’m not sure, Leonie. It’s a bit much for me."

"Nonsense." Tutted Leonie. "I’m your good friend and the expert in this field. I will not take no for an answer. This dress is so you and I want you to have it."

Nina began to protest.

Leonie raised her hand, shushing Nina. "No, I insist, besides when anyone sees you in this dress they will just have to know where you got it from so viola free advertising!"

Nina smiled. She knew when she was beat!

Nina quickly took the dress off and handed it to Leonie. She put her own clothes on, and walked out to the front desk.

"Your taxi’s here." Leonie said as Nina walked up to her. Leonie gave Nina the dress in a Le Shey bag with the pink tissue paper wrapped around the expensive dress.

Nina kissed Leonie on the cheek. "Thank you, Leonie."

They said their goodbyes, Nina promising to call Leonie soon.

Nina got into the taxi, giving him her address. Looking at her watch she saw that it was 5:30 already! She paid the taxi driver when they reached the apartment building. Running up the stairs she buzzed and was pleased to see that Tim was already walking towards the doors to let her in. She smiled at him, saying a quick hello before rushing to the lift. Thankfully things seemed to be going her way and the lift was already on the ground floor. She walked briskly to her apartment, unlocking the door and picking up her mail just inside the door. She stuck her things down on the coffee table while she looked at the mail when her phone rang.

"Hello." Nina answered.

"What are you wearing?" Growls a muffled voice.

Nina laughed. "Simone, I know it’s you."

Simone laughed. "Hi, are you still coming?"

"Yes, Simone I am."

"Well, that’s great news! Pete can pick you up after he runs some errands for me. And you could catch a taxi home."

"That’s a great idea, Simone."

Simone and Nina chatted for a few minutes, Simone telling Nina all about Mark the friend of Pete’s that she was hoping Nina would hit it off with.

Nina halfheartedly listened to Simone go on about how wonderful Mark was. She put in the occasional remark so that Simone thought she was listening.


"Mmm that’s interesting."


"Simone, I have to go or I will never be ready in time!

"OK, I’ll see you when you get here." Simone said just before she hung up.

"Bye. See you soon."

Walking into the bathroom. Nina turned the shower on, kicked off her high heels, stripped her clothes off and put them in the hamper. She removed the remote egg from inside herself, rinsed it under the tap and placed it in the drawer of the bathroom cabinet. She stepped into the shower, soaping herself all over before washing her hair. The bathroom quickly filled with steam, She didn’t hear the click of her front door being unlocked, she was busy washing conditioner out of her hair and she didn’t notice as He stood and watched her shower. He walked away picking her purse up and taking something from it, walked back out through the front door, shutting it quietly behind Him.

Nina finished washing her hair and turned off the shower, she reached for a towel, drying her hair first and then the rest of her body. She took her moisturizer and placed a small amount on her hand. Smoothing it onto her legs, grateful that she had waxed just recently. After applying deodorant, brushing her teeth and spraying a small amount of body spray on herself she walked naked to her chest of drawers and picked out a g string. It would be the best thing to wear under the tight fit of the cocktail dress, ensuring that there would not be a noticeable pantyline. She slipped her g string on. Going into the lounge Nina picked up the Le Shey bag and pulled the cocktail dress out. Walking to the bathroom she slipped the tight fitting dress over her head, being very careful as she pulled it down. She took the straps and placed the studded collar around her neck fastening it with the press fastener at the base of her neck. Checking out her reflection in the mirror she had to agree with Leonie, this was a very sexy dress! Nina pulled the tight dress down making sure that it was as straight as possible with no puckers in the material. It certainly made it look like she had more cleavage!

It was nearly time for her to leave. Nina went into her room and took a small black purse out of her wardrobe. From her large purse in the lounge she took her cellphone, wallet and a small bottle of perfume. From beside the phone she picked up the house keys and put them all into the small purse. Nina went back to her wardrobe and grabbed a black silk shawl, wrapping it around her shoulders. Last of all she slipped on her favourite high heels.. Locking the door behind her, she got into the lift and was downstairs, just in time to see Pete pulling up in his BMW. Ned opened the door for her. Nina smiled at him.

"You look beautiful, Nina."

"Thanks, Ned."

Ned laughed as Nina skipped down the steps, greeting Pete with a kiss on the cheek as he waited with her door open. Nina got into Pete’s car, they made small talk on the way to his and Simone’s place, talking about Pete’s new software, the stock market and of course Simone’s disastrous attempts to matchmake all their single friends.

Pete and Nina arrived at their house, to be greeted by a very chic Simone, dressed in an elegant long silver dress with splits up both sides to show off her lovely legs. Nina got out of the car as Pete was embraced by Simone.

"Oh darling do tell me you got everything?"

Pete rolled his eyes at Nina.

"Yes Simone I got everything that was on your list."

"Good do be a darling and take it into Martha to deal with."

Pete opened the boot and took the dry-cleaning out.

Nina shut her door as Simone walked up to her, kissing her on the cheek

Nina took off the silk shawl and turned around slowly, watching Simone’s face.

"Nina, honey that dress is so sexy!"

"Is he here yet?"

Nina asked, hoping that her blind date had been unavoidably detained and was not able to make it.

" He’s in the den waiting for us." Simone said.

Simone walked into the house, Nina followed.

. Nina was feeling a little nervous. Pete was waiting for her when she walked into the house.

"Come on Nina, come meet Mark."

Nina followed Pete into the den, she saw a tall dark haired man. He was probably in his early thirties, he was handsome and his eyes lit up when he saw Nina. Simone watched the two of them as they looked at each other. She smiled.

"Mark I would like you to meet my good friend Nina Gant, she is one of the cities most promising female lawyers."

Mark openly admired, Nina, looking her up and down.

Nina smiled at Mark, who walked towards her, offering her his hand. Nina shook it, his grip was firm. Simone looked from Nina to Mark, watching them. Martha, Simone’s housekeeper walked in, saying dinner was ready.

Mark smiled down at Nina and gave her his arm, escorting her into dinner. She took his arm and they walked into the dining room. As usual Martha had done Simone and Pete proud, the table set with silver cutlery and crystal champagne glasses, a veritable buffet of amazing culinary delights was served! Mark pulled Nina’s chair out for her, whispering into her ear.

"You are beautiful, even more beautiful than Simone described to me. "

Nina looked at him and gave him her widest smile. "Thank you."

Mark beamed at Nina as he sat beside her.

Nina and Mark hit it off, spending most of the meal talking to each other, laughing and barely picking at the food in front of them. Instead sipping continuously at the champagne in their glasses, taking no notice of Pete, constantly kept their glasses topped up. Mark and Nina were absorbed by each other, talking about their jobs and interests.

Simone and Pete watched the way Nina and Mark interacted, noticing the attraction between them. Simone smiled at Pete, touching his arm. Pete looked at Simone, seeing how happy she was as she watched Nina and Mark connect. Pete knew that she was thrilled that she had been right about the two of them being compatible. It was rare for Nina to find someone as intelligent and funny as Mark. He made her laugh. He was charming too, with a quick wit and he knew just how to treat a lady. They both nibbled at the pudding Martha had made, preferring to look into each other’s eyes and making numerous toasts.

Nina found Mark easy to talk to, he was such a good listener and even laughed at her attempts to make jokes. She found him exciting too, with his serious dark brown eyes and olive complexion. She could tell that he was sexually attracted to her too, he touched her as often as he could. Nina excused herself from the table, taking her purse with her, trying her best to keep her footing, as Martha cleared the table, tutting over the little Mark and Nina had eaten. Simone followed Nina, claiming that she needed to powder her nose. Both men exchanged glances, understanding the true reality of the situation, the ladies were off to gossip on how things were progressing, leaving them to talk about work, golf and cars.

Simone followed Nina to the bathroom, standing outside as Nina peed.

"Well." Simone asked. "What do you think?"

Nina laughed. "Simone you try too hard."

"Oh come on Nina tell me what you think of him."

"He’s a great guy, Simone but we will see what develops."

Simone smiled. Nina flushed the toilet, checking her appearance in the mirror, she was flushed from the alcohol and knew that she needed to make her excuses soon. She did not want to embarrass herself in front of Mark. They had hit it off well enough but she had been too nervous to eat much in front of him and all the champagne she had imbibed was taking effect. She was feeling a little woozy.

Nina opened the bathroom door.

"Simmy." Nina used Simone’s pet name so that Simone would take her seriously. "I need you to help me out of a fix."

Simone looked at Nina.

"Oh, honey you know me, whatever the problem is, I will help in the name of love."

Nina laughed at Simone and her pompous ways, trying not to slur her speech.

"I don’t know that it is love yet, I really like Mark, but I have had too much to drink. I want to make a quick getaway before Mark realizes."

Simone wisely nodded.

"You want to make a good impression on him?"

Nina nodded.

"Then, dahlink." Said Simone." A discreet getaway it is."

Nina linked arms with Simone kissing her tenderly on the cheek.

"I knew you would understand."

They both walked back into the dining room, Simone holding Nina up but trying to make it look like they were being just being what they were; good friends.

"Nina." Simone announced. "Has to go home .

Mark looked at Nina, his disappointment showing.

"An urgent call has come through for her on her cellphone." Simone carried on.

"An important client of her’s is in legal difficulty and she must attend to this matter immediately."

Nina smiled at Mark, her eyes and facial expression begging for his understanding in this pressing matter.

"I am just going to call Nina a taxi before we all say goodbye."

Simone left the room to make the call..

Mark approached Nina.

"I am so sorry that you have to go"

Nina looked up at Mark. "I, am too."

Mark nodded," Could I get your number and call you?"

Nina smiled at Mark. "Yes, of course."

Pete handed Mark a piece of paper. "Simone is always prepared. Here is Nina’s home no, work no and cellphone no.

Mark nodded at Nina. Looking at her and thinking how beautiful and intelligent she was.

Simone, entered the room, saying, "Taxi’s on it’s way."

"Thank you for a wonderful evening Simone."

Nina smiled at Simone.

"I’ll see myself out."

"Bye, Simone, Mark, Pete."

Nina walked slowly past the men, trying not to trip up.

Mark followed Nina out to the front door. Claiming a gentleman’s right to show a lady to the door

"Goodbye, Nina."

"Bye, Mark."

"Could I kiss you goodnight?"

Nina nodded, Mark leaned close to her. Softly kissing her on her lips, Nina responded to his kiss but she pulled away first. Smiling at him, she turned, almost falling so she slipped off her high heels and walked slowly down the driveway. Turning back and waving goodbye as Mark walked back into the house.


Reaching the top of the driveway, she stands alone, under the starry sky and full moon, waiting for the taxi to arrive. Still feeling the touch of Mark’s kiss on her lips. Smiling, she touched her lips. She had enjoyed the evening. Nina was glad of the fresh air. She knew that she was drunk. She was pleased that she had come this evening. Mark was all the things Simone had said about him. Interesting, intelligent, rich and extremely marriageable! Not to mention handsome and funny.

She heard a rustling in the nearby bushes but took no notice, thinking that it was a cat in the undergrowth. Just then she saw in the distance some headlights. She was relieved as the taxi drove up, she walked up to the taxi, as the driver got out. In the moonlight she made out a man wearing a cap pulled low on his face and his collar turned up.

"You called for a taxi?" His deep voice asked her.

"Yes, thanks."

Moving to the passenger side of the cab, the driver opened the door for her, Nina smiled at him as she went to step into the cab, suddenly he grabbing her, roughly, then He holds His hand on her mouth. Nina is terrified, as she sees the look on His face. His face is bright red and He looks extremely angry with her. He stuffs a rag into her mouth, then He blindfolds her. He speaks to her. Almost spitting in her face with anger.

"You have so much to learn. I have let you lead your life, watching you as I molded you into the perfect woman."

He picked her up and shoved her forcefully into the back of his car. Tying her hands behind her back. He drove for what seemed to Nina a long time. He took her out, carrying her through the house over His shoulder. He places her on her feet. He strips the sexy dress from her, ripping it, tearing her g string, she winces as the thin material cuts into her skin as it is torn from her body, leaving her naked. He unties her telling her to place her hands by her sides. She is still blindfolded and hears Him opening a cupboard or door somewhere near.

She feels His hands as He unties the blindfold and removes the rag from her mouth.

"You will not speak or I will punish you severely."

Nina nods at Him, trying not to cry. He holds in His hand a leather thing. He holds it up, telling her it is a body harness He places it on her. He tells her that the body harness has been made specially for her. It has a collar for her neck, her breasts are uncovered with the leather riding under her breasts; small straps to tighten around her bust area, pushing her breasts up, making them stick out The leather straps criss cross over her stomach, leaving her navel bare, then the body harness crosses into a v, with the straps tapering down towards her crotch but it is crotchless, leaving her pussy exposed to His view. The leather straps squeezing her pussy into a small space making it appear full and swollen. He forces her to bend over, Her bottom is cupped with two straps connected to the v, pulling her butt cheeks high but separated so that he can see her small anus. There are clips on the sides of the harness so that He can bend her over, clip the harness ‘hobbling’ her so that she cannot stand up. He allows her to stand. He turns her around, admiring her in the body harness, tightening the small straps so that the harness fits her very snugly.

He attached a long leash to the collar on the harness, telling her that he would use this to strike her across her buttocks if she did not submit or obey him. He led her with the leash, taking her into a room that was familiar. It is the room that he brought her too last time but things have changed.

"Welcome to Blade Master’s Dungeon."

He stood there admiring His dungeon. Instead of the room only having a toilet, handbasin, a bed and a small chest of drawers there was a lot more. Hanging from the ceiling there was a swing harness, she only recognized this as she had sent one as a joke to a friend of hers that was getting married, there were chains and handcuffs attached to the wall with large bolts, a small fireplace had been installed and the fire was alight. On the walls by the fire strange tools hung, waiting to be used, Nina was scared. The room had been completely changed.

In the centre of the room the steel table she had been handcuffed to had been replaced by something new and shiny. If it hadn’t been for the restraints the table looked like it belonged in the latest hi-tech operating theater. He pulled her closer to the middle of the room. Showing off his new acquisition, keen to show her how it all worked. The thin padding was covered in white vinyl and the restraints were black leather with twin straps and buckles. The table sat on a central pillar bolted to the floor and it could be raised or lowered by pedals that operated a hydraulic ram. The top was made up of five sections each hinged so it could be angled up or down to suit the needs of the moment. The two sections at the foot of the table had thigh and ankle straps and were divided down the middle so they could pivot out to form a vee. The head of the table also had two sections, the first was long enough to support the torso and had a waist strap, it had a narrow piece on each side, with wrist straps, that could be moved in almost any direction on a ball joint. The second section was a contoured headrest and also had a restraint. It had taken him months of careful research and painstaking work to build the ultimate sex table, once strapped into it a person would be completely helpless and could be placed in any position he desired.

By the time He had talked her through the wonders of his new toy he was breathless. Nina could see the large bulge of His erection beneath the latex suit. He was aroused just showing her His new dungeon. He grabbed her and bent her over, thrusting her head almost to the floor, ordering her to hold her ankles, he used the clips to ensure she could not stand up walking behind her she hears the sounds of his zip and sees his latex suit drop behind her. He admired her firm ass sticking high up in the air and the way the leather straps spread her butt cheeks open He could plainly see her small wrinkled pink asshole and her swollen pussy. She felt His huge prick thrusting into her tight, pussy, deeper and deeper, so hard he pumped his prick inside her, spreading her wide. She tried to cry out, wanting to scream as he roughly thrust Himself inside her. All she could make was muffled whimpers. She was dry and his thrusts were painful as He took her. Then she felt his finger rubbing around her small puckered arsehole. He slipped the finger closer to her anus. Pressing his fingertip into her. Pausing as his finger found such tight resistance. She tried to pull away. No! She had never experienced this.