Acquiring a Slut

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Janet is brought into a world she never knew existed.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 09/04/2009
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"Beep" goes your mobile phone, indicating you've got a new text.

You open the message, and almost drop the phone, as you see a picture of yourself, obviously taken at last night's party.

You look a little wild, dancing away, your top riding a little high, revealing your pierced belly button, but that's not what's got your attention.

The photo has been photoshopped, you know that, as you know exactly what you wore, but this photo, well if your parents ever saw it, they'd be so shocked.

You're in mid talk, your tongue is just visible, and you can see that whoever sent the picture has added a nice barbell to your tongue, and that's not all, your hair is swept back by the movement of your head, revealing a lock, a small padlock hanging from your left ear.

Naturally, you swirl your tongue in your mouth and fuck, Yes, there is something metal embedded and suddenly your tongue begins to throb.

Quickly to make sure, you run your fingers along your ear, and are shocked to find that the earrings you wore last night have gone, and have been replaced!

On your left ear, you feel the heaviness of a small lock, one that can be used to connect the ends of a zipper on a suitcase. Frantically, you tug on the lock, but it will not open. Quickly you reach to the other ear, and instead of the pearl studs that you recall, something is dangling from a chain.

You throw back the covers, and immediately realize you are naked, totally stark naked. You rush to the mirror, desperately tugging on the earrings, trying to remove them. You've vague memories of Erika showing them to you last night as you had a girlie chat in the bathroom, pressing you to try on some heavy, thick, steel-like earrings she had pulled from her purse, like something a Goth girl might wear, or something you might find on a slave. You remember laughing and finally agreeing to try them on, just for the fun.

As your memory comes back a little, you recall the feel of them last night, the heavy tug on your ears, the way they felt as you danced, but now, your fingers are fumbling, looking for the butterfly that'll release them, but you can't find one! You remember Erika laughing, pointing out the earrings to Jason, as you danced and gyrated, flirting and tossing your hair to show off your slave earrings. You remember finally taking a break, and Erika handing you a glass of coca cola. You remember nothing else until waking up a few minutes ago.

You tilt your head, taking stock of the earrings, OMG you're thinking. "It's locked!" you whisper to yourself, seeing the silver lock in your ear. You tilt your head and from the dangling chain attached to your right ear hangs a pair of tiny handcuffs!

No matter how you try, nothing gives, nothing moves, you just can't find a way to remove them!

Your tongue! You stick out your tongue and it has been pierced, a steel barbell has been stuck through your tongue! You moan, trying to figure out of you can remove it, twist the ball on top or below, but nothing moves, and the pain in your tongue has brought tears to your eyes. What has happened? You quickly go for your cell phone, turning it on, wanting to call Erika immediately. As the phone awakes, you see that there is a message for you and decide to listen to it first. It's Erika!

"Morning sleepyhead!" You hear Erika say, in a steely tone of voice, one you've not heard her use before. "I bet you're wondering right now what happened last night, and if I'm not mistaken, how to remove those pretty little slut earrings before your next family reunion."

"Well Janet, or should I call you Slut," she continues, "You've always acted like you're better than me, that your family name has more honor than mine, what would they say of their honorable daughter now? All made up like a cheap whore."

You can feel the tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes as you listen to her hateful words, you never knew that she hated you so much, you always thought that you were the best of friends, not rivals.

With a sinking heart you realize that your parents would be shocked, terribly shocked if they saw you like this, naked, slutty earrings weighing down your ears, and that tongue piercing, well, that would be the end of it.

You realize that lost in your own thoughts, you've missed the end of Erika's message and with numb fingers you replay her message.

"... cheap whore." Erika purrs venomously. "Be round my place at 12 sharp, there's a video that you need to see, before it's uploaded to YouTube," and with that the call ends.

You nervously glance at the clock, and realize that you've overslept and it's nearly 11! You've just got time to grab a quick shower, and throw on a T shirt and jeans before heading off to Erika's place.

Once there, you raise your hand to knock, then pause, trying to think of a way out of this mess. Your stomach lies heavy, trying to tell you that knocking will be a big mistake, but you've GOT to know what she means by a video.

You're standing there, hand still upraised, when Erika opens the door, giving you a look that's normally reserved for waiters and other menial staff.

"Janet, and on time," she purrs, before grabbing your arm in a strong grip, and pulling you into the room. You're about to raise your voice, and demand to know what she's playing at when you notice that you're not alone, Jason is also there, sitting on the couch, remote in


"Ah, Janet" he says, his voice full of pleasure, and you find that you're eyes are drawn to the pretty obvious bulge in his jeans, "Erika and I were just watching your video."

"My video?" you think, you've no memory of a video, just of drinking that coke, and waking up naked.

Erika leads you to the couch, and pushes you down, next to Jason, and then sits beside you, trapping you between the pair of them.

The video starts, and you don't recognize the room, there's nothing to distinguish it from any of the university's many dorm rooms. There's a voice, muffled from off screen, and the camera settles on you, standing there alone in the centre of the room.

The heavy beat of some dance music starts and you're there, dancing, hips swaying in time to the music. You can tell from the look in your eyes that you're out of it, more out of it than you've ever been.

As the pace of the music heats up, you're shocked to realize that your dance movements are becoming more suggestive, more lewd, and there is that muffled voice, still off screen, encouraging you.

The video sparks a dim memory and you "think" you remember dancing with someone, someone female. You vaguely recall that they were leading, and all you did was copy their moves, it was some sort of game you think.

But the video doesn't show that, doesn't show that you were with someone, it only shows you, dancing more and more provocatively.

When your top comes off, and you see that you're waving it around your head like a flag, your head drops in shame, your lacy bra is only just managing to cover your bouncing breasts.

As you look down at the ground, shamed by your behavior, you feel Erika's fingers grab your chin, and she forces your head up, demanding that you pay attention to the rest of the video.

After the top, your skirt quickly follows, and then your bra, letting your breasts swing freely in time to the music.

By the time you step out of your panties, the tears are streaming down your face, you can't bare to look, but when you try to turn your head away, either Jason or Erika force it back.

Jason mercifully pauses the video, leaving your image up there on the screen, naked and wanton for all to see.

Erika leans in close, too close, and you can feel the heat of her breath on your ear, as she whispers to you. "Jason's terribly frustrated, he's been watching that video for hours now," and your eyes dart to that large bulge in his jeans. "Why don't you do something about it"

"I, I," you stammer, trying to find the right words to explain to her that this image isn't you, isn't the real Janet. The real Janet is a good girl, a good daughter, not a wanton slut.

Erika's finger presses briefly presses against your lips, hushing you, and she tells you that you're not here to talk, but to learn.

"Learn what?" you wonder but you're distracted by the sound of a zip undoing, and your eyes widen as you watch Jason undo his jeans, letting his trapped cock spring up.

You can't stop looking at it, it looks so large, thrusting up from his groin, his balls still hidden by his jeans. The head is large, round and circumcised, and there is a drop of clear liquid nesting at the top.

Jason leans back, letting his stiff cock point skywards, standing straight up. You feel Erika's hand on the back of your neck, as she gently, but firmly starts to force your head down.

You struggle, trying to get away, but trapped between the two of them, it's difficult to get any leverage.

Erika briefly lets go of your head, and instead grabs your hands, and forces them behind your back where she crosses them and grips them with just one of her own.

Her free hand goes back to your neck, and the combined effect of your hands behind your back and her pressing on your neck, forces your head lower and lower.

You open your mouth to scream for help, damn the consequences, but when you do, a quick thrust by Erika forces Jason's cock into your mouth.

You pause there, his cock buried in your mouth, surprised at how smooth and silky the skin on his cock feels.

Jason starts to move his hips, making his cock slide between your lips, in and out. He's not going too deep, just deep enough to let you know that he's really enjoying this.

Erika uses the hand on your neck to start your head bobbing up and down, setting the rhythm.

"gnnnnnnnnn," you try to protest. This wasn't the way you would ever give your first blowjob. The slick, silky feel of his members taught skin as it slips over your lips, and presses on your tongue.

"Oh God, Erika!" Jason exclaims, "I can feel this bitch's tongue piercing pressing into my cock, and it feels as amazing as you said it would."

Those words cut you to the quick, as you realize that Jason isn't the one in charge here, but Erika is.

You're totally focused on the feel of Jason's cock as it slides past your lips, and presses your tongue down against your jaw that you're not aware of Jason's hand replacing Erika's.

All you're aware of is the pressure on the back of your neck, holding your struggling head down, pressing you deep onto his hard, rampant cock.

Your eyes are tearing up as Jason rapes your mouth, using it like a cunt, and you can't help but think that this is so different from how you imagined your first time.

You thought you'd be in love, and the both of you would be virgins, fumbling around, experimenting with each other, learning to please each other out of love. You never imagined anything as shameful as this.

There is a soft "beep" that interrupts Jason's cries of "Suck it, Bitch!, take it deep you cheap cunt!" and out of the corner of your teary eye, you see Erika holding up her mobile phone, the little eye of the camera blinking as it records your first ever blowjob.

The steady rhythm of your head bobbing up and down lulls you momentarily, and just for a moment, you start to enjoy the feeling of the smooth, slick cock as it works your mouth.

The rush of blood to you labia, the way you feel your pussy lips engorge as you start to become aroused, shames you further, and makes your cheeks turn red with the shame.

Erika, still filming, then surprises you by forcing her hand between your thighs, and grips your pussy though the crotch of your jeans, driving the seam against your clit.

"Christ, this little slut's enjoying it, she's damp down here," Erika calls out, and even though you wish you could just curl up and die, the feel of the rough seam as it presses through your damp panties adds a little to your arousal.

"Jesus, Erika, I'm about to blow!" Jason pants, as he keeps your head pressed firmly against his crotch.

You barely notice as Erika moves around looking for the best view, before settling on the opposite side.

She's looking right into your eyes, her phone still filming, enjoying the pain and shame she can see written all over your face.

Jason grunts, and you feel his cock start to twitch as it pumps a thick jet of his fresh cum into your mouth. You recoil, his hand suddenly absent as you taste fresh cum for the first time.

It's thick, stringy, and slightly salty tasting, not unpleasant, but not great either.

As your head raises from Jason's groin, his cock is till pumping out stream after stream of his thick cum, the first is coating your tongue, the second hits you just under your nose, and the final spurt covers your chin.

All the while, Erika's eyes are wide open, drinking the scene in, reveling in the state you're in. Her eyes are dilated, and her skin is flushed, and she's breathing heavily, and you realize that she's incredibly turned on by this.

As you flop back onto the couch, as far away from Jason as you can manage, he says "Not bad for a first time, but you'd better learn to swallow soon, Bitch"

Your head is swimming with the mixed emotions that are running through you, part of you is still somehow turned on by this, but the larger part is shamed, humiliated by the way they've just used you.

You're about to make a break for it, to run away and never come back, when Erika's voice stops you cold.

"Want to see our latest video?"

And you watch as Erika connects her phone to the PC in the corner.

All too quickly, the damming video loads, and you stand there, frozen as you watch the footage of Erika and Jason raping your mouth. Even as you watch this raw footage, you can feel your nipples stiffening, against your will, making two little tents in your top.

You don't know why this is turning you on, but there is something about the helpless look in your eyes that's making a connection to your innermost soul.

Even as you watch, Erika is busy working on some sort of editing program, and before you know it, the new video of you is replaced by a different version.

You slump against the sofa as you watch the edited version, gone is Erika's hand, and Jason's is barely visible. All the camera seems to catch is you apparent willingness to go down on him. Even the voices have changed, both Erika's and Jason's have been changed, and you seem to hear yourself asking if you could blow him.

If the dancing video was bad, this new one is terrible!

You didn't notice Jason leaves the room, but you are aware of Erika's presence as she sits down beside you, and gently, almost lovingly cradles you in her arms.

"There, there Janet, it isn't that bad" she says softly, as her fingers stroke your cheek, slowly pushing Jason's drying cum towards your mouth.

You don't want to open it, you don't want the taste of him in your mouth ever again, but Erika has different ideas. She slowly leans forwards and with a predatory gleam in her eye, she slowly licks her lips.

Your eyes are drawn to the braces on her teeth, the only slight flaw that spoils her great looks, you find yourself smiling at that thought, thinking just for a moment that you are indeed better than her.

She moves in closer, and kisses your lower lip, running her tongue along the soft surface.

You're surprised, not only by the gentle touch, but by the thrill you feel coursing through you. Somehow, this feels more erotic than any boys kiss ever has.

Suddenly there's a sharp pain as she first sucks your lower lip into her mouth, and then bites down on it.

"Shit!" you manage to cry out, before her fingers enter your mouth, pushing Jason's cum into it. She wipes them on the insides of your cheeks, stretching them out, before letting go.

Erika's eyes harden slightly, as she sees you about to spit his cum out, but before you can, she drives her fingers into your jaw, and tilts your head back, so that you're staring at the ceiling.

No matter how you try to stop the flow with your tongue, you can feel Jason's cum slowly sliding down the back of your throat, and before you know it, you're swallowing, eating Jason's cum.

After you've finished, Erika's eyes soften again, and she kisses you on the cheek whilst giving you a big hug.

You're confused by the mixed messages she sending you, she's part bitch, part best friend, and you don't know from one moment to the next which is which.

You're taken by surprise when Erika snuggles even closer to you, and reaches over to put on both videos. Suddenly you're surrounded by images of you acting wild and depraved, totally unlike your normal self.

Even as you're trying to make sense of the close feel of Erika's body and the graphic images that are on every screen, you feel Erika take your wrist in a firm grip.

She leans back so that you're sitting side by side, just two normal girls on a couch, nothing too terrible, surely, but you know by now that something is going to happen, and you're pretty sure you're not going to like it.

Erika pulls your right hand into her groin, forcing your fingers into the seam on her jeans, and her hips thrust up to meet your touch.

Even as she's using your hand, her own left hand has dived between your legs, and is pressing down on your pussy.

Her eyes dart from one screen to another then back to you as she uses your hand to rub herself. You can feel the damp heat even through her jeans, she's that aroused.

Even as she's using you, she's pressing, rubbing your most intimate area, and your cheeks blush as you realize that your body is responding to her touch.

You can't tear your eyes of Erika's, as they dilate a little further, and she starts to bite her lower lip, muttering "Bitch, Cunt, Slut, that's good, just there, that's a good Cunt. Make Erika cum, you whore"

She starts to seriously thrust her hips up to meet your trapped hand, desperately frigging her pussy against your unwilling fingers.

But there is something about her arousal, about the state she's in that's exciting, even erotic. The knowledge that she's getting off on your hand is confusing you. Your mind wants out of this trap that she's set for you, but your body is betraying you, it's getting turned on by her touch.

"That's right Slut, you cum for Erika" she moans as her hips buck strongly against your hand, and with a guttural "uurrrrgghhhhh" you can feel a spreading dampness between her thighs as she cums, and cums hard.

Even though Erika is spent, and totally out of it, due to the strength of her orgasm, she never releases her grip on your hand. It's trapped there clamped tightly by her hand and thighs.

Eventually she releases you, and on shaky legs gets up and moves across to her dresser. You can only watch, numbly, as she opens the top drawer, and takes out something, something small, dark and flexible.

Erika slowly walks back to you, and leans forward, letting you get a flash of her breasts as her top gapes open. You tear your eyes away and see that she's got a cheap, trashy bit of bling in her hand.

Her hands slowly close around your neck, and you feel her fitting a collar around your neck. It's soft, made out of fake velvet, the sort of cheap accessory that you see on all the stalls outside the clubs.

"There, done," Erika says in a smug voice, and she pulls you to your feet, guiding you over to the mirror.

Around your neck is a black, cheap piece of bling, nothing too terrible, apart from the word SLUT picked out in cheap rhinestone. Before you can raise your hands to tear it from your neck, she deftly knocks them aside, and says "Oh, No, you don't!" And with that she reaches into her pocket and produces a shiny, new padlock which is quickly fitted to your collar.

You're in shock; you can't possibly wear this, this terrible label, even though you could possibly pass it off as a joke.