Acts of Infidelity - Mary and Brian


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That phase doesn't last forever and eventually the cracks started to show.

Mary and I talked a few times a week and it wasn't long before I detected the first signs of annoyance. John was beginning to get under her skin and on her nerves. What's more, in a very short time the sex had become less frequent and simply wasn't satisfying her anymore.

They went on a four-day train journey across Europe followed by a cruise to the Greek islands. While Mary enjoyed both events she told me that John didn't mix with other people and at times, she was somewhat bored. She wished he would mix and have fun with people like I did, and still do.

Things quickly began to go wrong.

When we first met John he assured me that he would never try to split Mary and me up. That turned out to be untrue. During her stay, I travelled to England and stayed with them for a week. John's behaviour towards me during that week made it crystal clear to me that he disliked me intensely. He said I was a sexual deviate which amused me. If wanting my wife to have sex with other men made me a deviate he was right, but then he would never have known what it was like to fuck, let alone make love to Mary.

I knew straight away he would try to get her to stay and live with him permanently but as time progressed, the opposite happened. Mary wanted to come home earlier. John really applied the pressure to get her to stay with him but, knowing Mary as well as I did, I knew better than to try and match his arguments. I knew she had to make the decision for herself so, despite knowing what he was trying to do, I left the decision entirely up to her.

It was the right move; four weeks later she said she had changed her flight and was coming home early.

The long wait was nearly over.

But still John wouldn't let go. I suppose after five years with Mary as his part time wife we should have predicted the possibility of what happened next, but we didn't.

Though loyal to me and to her lovers, Mary has never promised exclusive possession of her mind, heart or body to anyone, even me. Before she had left to stay with John that last time, she had already started seeing Richie, the man who has now become her current long-term lover.

When John found out, he became extremely jealous; angry that she could even think of taking another lover even though for most of the year he was far way and couldn't be there when she needed him. He piled pressure on so hard that in the end, the silly man's efforts to have her leave me and stay with him permanently in the UK came to nothing.

That was the end of the relationship. Mary returned home to me and almost immediately began the relationship with her new boyfriend Richie that has endured to this day.

In fact, Mary asked me not just to tell Richie that she was coming home but instead, to invite him to visit me for a coffee. He had been concerned, fearing Mary had decided to stay with John; I assured him that this was not the case. He was delighted; I was ecstatic.

The day after Mary arrived home she was in our bed with Richie. That was a true lovemaking session indeed and the beginning of where we are now.

Richie is different from her other lovers; he is the only partner I introduced her to. I met Richie while Mary was still involved with John. He and I had met up north on a mine site and, after spending some time with him, I got to know what kind of man he was and particularly, how well-endowed he was.

It was clear to me that he and Mary would get on well both emotionally and sexually.

During one of our meetings, I came right out and asked Richie if he would like to sleep with my wife. Needless to say, he was amazed to be asked, then suspicious, then curious before finally agreeing to meet her and see how they both felt.

Making sure that they both understood that I was introducing them in the hope that they would become lovers, I arranged for Richie to visit us at home. The first meeting went well; Mary was happy to talk with him and they got on well.

A couple of days later, Richie had to fly north for a few weeks, so they were able to ease into their relationship by phone, SMS, and internet chat. I was pleased to see how well and how quickly things were progressing.

When he was due back, Mary asked me if she should offer to pick him up from the airport and take him home. Her forwardness both surprised and pleased me. As you can imagine, I became excited and encouraged her to go for it, knowing at that moment that they really would become lovers.

A day later they had sex for the first time. Sparks began to fly!

Once the seal had been broken, their relationship began in a wave of passion that whisked us all off our feet. For the next few weeks Richie and Mary met many times for sex, at his place, our place and even on his boat. Even when he wasn't physically with us, his presence was always there in the background; the extraordinary frequency of their coupling making it impossible to miss the freshly-fucked signs on my wife's body.

They say that sperm can survive for up to five days inside the female body. If that's true then there cannot have been a moment during that first month when there were none of Richie's eager, active sperm swimming around deep inside my wife.

Every couple of days he added a few million more and all that sperm would have been absorbed by her beautiful body because, like every one of Mary's five lovers, Richie always takes her bareback. Beyond the danger of pregnancy and with safe, long-term partners, my wife craves the closeness of skin-to-skin penetration and full, unconstrained insemination.

When he ejaculates inside her, his sperm flows freely and copiously into Mary's body and remains there until every drop has been absorbed by her flesh. Whenever I hold my wife, I am reminded that part of him is now part of her; that his seed has become part of her body, that in some small way she has been permanently changed by his sperm and will change yet more.

The speed with which the two of them added a deepening emotional connection to their already-profound physical one was extraordinary and wonderful to see.

After that first wonderful, intense month, Mary and Richie's relationship eased smoothly into what it is now; a long-term, emotionally and physically satisfying bond which brings all three of us great pleasure. Their passion still high after three years together, they see each other almost daily, whenever and wherever they want without reference to me, sometimes just for coffee, sometimes much, much more.

As far as I am concerned it can't happen often enough. As I sat back in my chair in the office, I reflected that today was just one more wonderful example of how all our lives have changed for the better.


The noises have started again on the bedroom. Their initial passion spent, they are now rested and the second, more relaxed, longer and more intense part of their lovemaking can begin.

I can hear them whispering; I can hear the bedsprings softly creaking. It is beginning again. In a few minutes the kissing will start; then the touching, then the fondling. Then Richie will begin to touch Mary's breasts and she will stir life into the long, thick pole of muscle that will deliver so much pleasure to us both.

Once this starts I will go and watch as I have done so many times before. I will never tire of it. I love seeing her on our bed, arms and legs splayed in an open invitation for him to take her. I love seeing him accept that invitation and take her boldly. I love watching her give herself to him completely.

When his body and hers are joined they become one person, together emotionally as well as physically; united at the heart as well as the groin.

Richie is quite different from her previous sex-oriented boyfriends; he and Mary have openly fallen in love. My wife tells me that the love she feels for him is different from the love that she feels for me, but it is love nonetheless.

Richie says he is in a sexless marriage. His wife still works, and his own working hours allow him to visit us frequently. Once when he was working away from home, Mary and I travelled to the town he was staying at and she spent two weekends in a row with him.

There, he took her for romantic meals before they retired to the unit he was staying in.

Mary has told me that they have made love in every room in our house, including by our BBQ.

Last thing at night and first thing in the morning they exchange texts. Often the chime of her phone wakes us as her lover wishes her a good morning and expresses his love for her. Every few hours they keep in touch; she misses him if they are apart for more than a few days.

When they kiss it is a kiss of love; the passion between them is electric and real.

When they are in bed they make love - they don't just fuck - and they do it often and openly.

I see the intimacy in their looks and body language; I listen to the sounds of their loving relationship; I wait at home while he takes her out for romantic evenings then brings her home and takes her to bed.

These days Richie makes love with my wife many times more than I do, but I'm okay with that. Afterwards, when we do have sex, it's silky seconds. The feel of another man's semen around my erect cock is one of the best experiences a man can have.

Often I hear the sounds of passionate lovemaking when I come home. On those occasions I stand in the door to our bedroom as I will soon do today, watching his naked bum rising and falling as he plunders Mary's sweet, eager body.

Other times I might find Richie lying on my side of the bed with Mary in his arms, the smell of sex heavy in the room and a damp patch for me to find and lie on later.

I cannot describe the feeling this gives me; arousal; satisfaction; desire, pain; all wrapped up in one.

Sometimes I join them in that bed; for me there is no better feeling in the world than to hold my wife and kiss her while Richie is making love to her. Every time he thrusts his cock into her she is driven bodily against me. Sometimes when she is in my arms she opens her eyes and just stares at me with a faraway look as she is penetrated by him over and over again.

To watch up-close as he caresses her breasts, kisses her on the lips, and goes down on her is beautiful.

To see his cock disappear deep into her body is awesome.

To be holding her close when he bottoms out inside her brings emotions that are impossible to describe.

I love that she gives all of herself to him without reservation.

I love it when he ejaculates inside her while she is in my arms. For me it is cuckold heaven, his cock so much deeper inside her than I have ever been.

I love imagining his semen filling her and his active, wriggling sperm as they race into the very depths of her body trying to make a baby in her womb.

I love that she not only accepts his seed but that she actively wants and needs it inside her.


I stand in my office doorway listening. Although we all know they will soon make love again, their pillow talk is warm and intimate.

I hear them planning their next meeting. Imagination fires many memories; vivid images fill my mind of things they have already done and the joys still to come - for all three of us.

I remember the time I undressed my lovely wife for him. He was standing in front of us, already naked, already half-erect; watching as I slowly removed both her top and skirt, allowing them to fall to the floor.

I remember his erection growing even harder and stronger as Mary's body was revealed; a true Alpha Male preparing to take and mate with the woman he chooses, whatever her husband thought or said.

I fondled my wife's breasts a little then removed her bra, slipping my hands around to her front as I exposed her hardening nipples for him.

The feelings become more and more intense as the memories flood into my brain, which truly is a man's greatest sexual organ and most erogenous zone.

Finally, I remember slipping Mary's panties down to the floor, the final humiliation as I expose the part of her that should be mine alone to the man who will soon claim it from me.

Proud of my wife, I presented her as a gift to her lover in all her fecund glory, encouraging her to take the first short steps towards him that we both knew would inevitably lead to her repeated infidelity and my confirmation as a helplessly addicted cuckold.

They embraced; my wife's naked body coming into full contact with her lover's for the first time.

They kissed in front of me, his hands exploring her soft, unresisting figure in any way he chose.

He turned her and gently laid her on the bed, his thick, erect cock more than ready to pleasure her.

She saw him and liked what she saw; drops of moisture appearing between her legs as her body prepared itself for what must inevitably follow. She wanted him then and there and in the most fundamental, most primeval way possible; mounting her, penetrating her.

Finally comes the supreme and sweetest surrender; the cuckold's deepest desire as she begs her lover to cum inside her, wanting and needing as much of him as she can have, demanding the ultimate possession that only insemination can give.

The pleasure I feel at these memories is wonderful, if hard to put into words. It is the sort of experience that one must have for oneself to fully understand, and even then, few men will feel the way I feel.

Still fewer will know the sheer intensity of the emotion that shoots through my body as at that moment, my wife becomes his; she is mine no longer.

Tomorrow when I wake up next to her I will have an erection thinking of today's lovemaking. As I lie in bed listening to her breathing, I will remember the extraordinary sounds she makes when making love and especially when she climaxes at her lover's skilful hands.

I will remember the conversation we had while they were actually making love. The rare event will make me smile and arouse me intently. I know it will remain one of my most treasured memories.

Memories like these make it very hard to concentrate on work but they are so vivid that I can't resist them. I sit there, naked in my home office but I don't bring myself to conclusion; saving myself for that precious moment when my wife and her lover are finally satiated and it is finally time for me to play my part.

Mary and I are so much closer today than ever before. She knows what I am and accepts it; I know what she is and accept it too. There is no deception.

Our marriage is unusual; it's not what most couples either know or desire, but it is rock solid.

My wife has the love of two men. Mary and Richie's sex is intense and loving. My enjoyment is exquisite.

We all win.

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StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 year ago

Your writing is intense and done very well, but very long winded. You end up saying virtually the same thing over and over using different words to describe the same emotions. The 5-month hiatus with wifey living with her lover in another country was way over the top. No one of sound mind would ever let someone they purported to love do such a thing. Perhaps his character loved the fantasy more than the person. It would seem so. Only a 4, because of the rambling wordiness.

TelmccanTelmccanabout 2 years ago

I loved it! I am a cuckold husband. My wife had an affair for 2 years with a guy I set up for her. It was the most sexually exciting time in my life. It ended when he moved overseas, but not before he invited us to go live with him. We declined the offer but did go and stay with him for 2 weeks with my wife staying I his room and me listening every night. Sweet memories

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

These two people are so shallow as to be all surface! Yes, they are obviously the products of that very 'fertile' mind of Miss Jenny's. Such good writing about such interesting and flawed people. It's like the 'Thinking Man's Jerry Springer'! 5/5!!!

Kykidd87Kykidd87over 3 years ago
A truly pathetic creature

Wow! I’m truly thankful for these stories! No matter how far I fall I will always be better than this creature!

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

According to a study by the renowned Bertalsman Foundation, 98% of all partnerships that attempted sharing, swaping, swinging, cuckolding are broken within two years! Most common reason: jealousy and / or a partner falls in love again! Reading pornographic stories with the topic of "cuckolding" does not give any information about the frequency of a fetish! Only the realization that there are people who invent such stories! The reasons for this can usually be found in the author himself. Often mentioned are childhood experiences that relate to basic human fears. Little or completely absent motherly love, trust, security, protection, support, encouragement and above all love! So in summary it can be said: A story like this says only one thing, there are couples who stay in a partnership for the reasons mentioned, although they would be better off in psychological therapy. But tell an alcoholic that drinking is the stupidest thing he can do.

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