Actual Sorority Sisters Pt. 02


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"And your junior sister..."


"Yeah, she said that the sisters...have?"

"Sex. She said everyone does," I said. We both looked at one another and blushed. We both knew what the other was thinking. Our embarrassment and arousal filled the whole room. I felt the relief I'd just felt dampen slightly. I could see it in Lori's eyes as well. It was nice to have a friend in this, someone to confide in and to share my feelings with, but that didn't change the fact that weirder things were on the horizon.

"I need to go to class," she said suddenly, getting up and finding her clothes, "Maybe getting out of this place will help me clear my head." She replied.

"Yeah, I need to leave too," I said. And I thought that maybe being away would do me some good as well.

* * * * *

That day I got back to the house before any of the other freshman. I only had one class that day and it was over at 11:00. I hadn't paid much attention in class that day. All I could do was think about the previous night. I thought about Mandy and her dildo. I thought about the questions I asked her. I thought about Lori and Laura kissing. I thought about Lori with vegetables in her pussy. I thought about Laura eating that salad with thick, clear quim as dressing. Oddly, I also thought about how uncomfortable I felt wearing clothes, I was already becoming accustomed to nudity.

Maybe that was why I never seriously considered abandoning my attempt to join the sorority. Maybe that is why I didn't leave class and head back to my old dorm room. Maybe I was already starting to get used to it and maybe even like it. That's why when class was over, I walked straight back to the sorority house, popped my clothes off in the foyer (even though Carrie wasn't there to collect them yet), and walked into the living room. I instantly wished I'd stayed out of the house long enough to get lunch.

The room was almost completely empty. In fact, there were only two people present. One was my sophomore sister Adrianna Hall. She was, by the way, an absolute bombshell. Slightly frizzy, but long black hair, big smile, lithe body, perky breasts, and the bearing of a movie star. The other was my sister. My biological sister that is, Lily. They were on the couch together on the wall by the stairwell door.

Adrianna was lying on her back on the overstuffed couch. Her head was resting on a pillow and her hair was splayed across the cushions. Her long legs were bent at the knees and her legs were spread. She was wearing a pair of skin tight jeans and a tight black t-shirt. My sister was lying between her legs. She was shorter than Adrianna. So, while Lily's large breasts were on top of Adrianna's own, Lily's hips were resting on Adrianna's mid-section. Lily's forearms were resting on the armrest on either side of Adrianna's head. Her hair was dangling down over Adrianna's face and I could see their lips together.

They were kissing passionately. I saw my sister's mouth open and her tongue plunge into Adrianna's mouth. I saw Adrianna's tongue giving back, pushing up into Lily's mouth. Adrianna's hands wrapped around Lily's back, pulling her in hard, driving their mouths closer together. As I watched, I came to the realization that they were moving. I saw that Adrianna was grinding her hips up, rubbing her pussy against my sister's legs. Lily seemed to enjoy the sensation and was pushing her large breasts against Adrianna's running her nipples (under a bra and a shirt of course) against her lover's breasts.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I mean, I'd heard what Mandy had said the night before. I knew what I had seen and heard. And done. But this was something else entirely. This was my older sister. My actual older sister. My parents' other kid. And she was passionately kissing another woman. It felt so alien, so unreal.

After the momentary shock of seeing my sister in a romantic embrace with a woman wore off, I found myself in the midst of another shock. As I watched their bodies writhe together on the couch and heard the wet, slurping sounds of their kisses, I realized that my body was reacting. My nipples had hardened and I felt a familiar slickness building between my legs. My mouth became dry and my heart started to beat faster.

It was the same sort of feelings that I'd had before. This unaccountable arousal at the sight and thought of women. The feeling of attraction that made me question what I'd always thought about myself. The deep desire to taste, touch, and feel that shook the foundation of my normality. All these conflicting, sexual feelings I'd come to expect from the sorority. But this was a thousand times worse. I was looking at my sister! And not one of my "sisters" but the real deal.

My mind began to race. It was "different" and a little bit strange to have lesbian urges. But they weren't outside the mainstream of human experience. People were lesbians. If it turned out I was, I could live with that (I told myself now, despite the fact that I hadn't felt that way before). But attraction to my sister? Disgusting. No it wasn't that, I told myself, it was arousal at Adrianna and a girl. That girl happened to be my sister. I wasn't aroused by Lily. My body was confused and this meant nothing. Right?

I saw my sister arch her back now, driving her legs into Adrianna's shaking hips. My sister shook her head, driving her hair out of her face smiling broadly. Her large, firm breasts bounced as she lifted her head completely and bit her lip. She looked absolutely beautiful. I didn't know what I thought about her. All I know is that as she moved her body a loud groan escaped, unbidden from my lips. I don't know if I was groaning with some sort of desire or I was groaning because of discomfort, but there it was.

Instantly, my sister's head turned and she looked directly at me. The playful, sexy look on her face dropped immediately. She was frowning and her eyebrows furrowed. She started to shake her head and her cheeks became bright red. Adrianna, confused by the abrupt change, spoke.

"Honey, what's wrong?" she asked. Honey? My sister didn't say anything. Rather than looking angry now she looked embarrassed and upset. I wondered if she was about to cry. She sat up quickly on her knees between Adrianna's legs and then just hopped off of the couch. She didn't make eye contact with me, wouldn't even look at me, and then turned and walked out of the room towards the dining room. Adrianna looked around, confused, "What the hell?"

"I uh..." I started, feeling as embarrassed as my sister felt. Adrianna turned and looked at me.

"Oh..." she said and then smiled at me sheepishly, "Sorry about that I guess..." she said.

"No...Um...I am sorry. I was, you know, back from class, just trying to go to my room. I wasn't trying to get in your way or anything," I said, my face hot now. Adrianna nodded uncomfortably.

"Hey no problem," she said and then there was a long awkward silence.

"I will go do that now," I said and then basically ran toward the staircase. I bounded up to my room and closed the door after me. I climbed into my bed and pulled my covers over my head.

After all I'd seen and done the last few days, this was such a small thing, to see two girls kissing. But I felt more uncomfortable now than I had at any other time. Anything strange having to do with my sister had seemed speculative and uncertain. Now it was in my face.

Maybe even more important, I didn't know what to think of Lily's reaction. She wasn't mad at me, at least not flamboyantly, loudly mad. She looked...hurt. I could stand having Lily mad at me, that happened almost all the time when we were growing up. But this new thing was strange. And I knew that whatever craziness was happening in this house wasn't about to end. Things were going to get deeper. And that meant that whatever was happening between my sister and I was going to get worse.

* * * * *

I must've fallen asleep in my bed, worrying. Lori shook me awake and I jumped up with a start. I couldn't remember my dream exactly, but I had the vague thought that it had something to do with Lily. And that it had been sexual. My head hurt a little and my mouth was dry. I felt like I was going crazy or dying or both.

"Hey," Lori said, "I hate to wake you up but tonight's meeting is starting. I didn't want you to get in trouble." I smiled at her.

"Thanks, I'd hate to see what they'd do," I said, climbing out of bed. I looked at myself in the mirror and checked my hair. When I felt that it looked presentable, Lori and I headed out of the room. I was still groggy from sleep but I felt the dread and excitement of another meeting. What was going to happen? Would it be worse than before? Would it better? And, for a brief moment I thought if my sister as well, what was happening with her? What would happen?

I didn't have much time to do anything except to think of these issues, no chance to really think through them. In a minute I was once again standing in the dining room with the other freshman girls, completely surrounded by upper classman. Once again the upper class girls were just wearing their every day clothes and there were no robes or candles. Once everyone was shuffled in, Heather stepped towards the middle of the room.

"Good evening pledges," she said sweetly, "I heard you all last night." She said and looked around the room. The older girls laughed and we freshmen squirmed and blushed. It was clear that Lori and I were not alone. Lots of strange things had happened the previous night.

"We hope that last night with the juniors taught you something," Heather continued. As she spoke she paced around the room. She was in between the circle of upper class girls and moving around us like a shark. "Last night's meeting with your junior sisters was supposed to teach you about yourself. When you joined this sorority you were like children. You lived, but you didn't really understand what it was you were doing or why. Last night you took the first step towards self awareness and, from what I hear, self love." The older girls once again laughed. I realized that all the girls, not just Lori and I, must've committed some sort of masturbatory act the night before. It was part of a plan!

More importantly, I realized that to a certain extent what Heather was saying was correct. I had clearly not spent enough time considering my sexuality or who I really was. Now I was being confronted by it and forced to come to terms with it. I realized I was probably going to have to learn to do that anyway in college. To learn about who I was and what I wanted in life. I suddenly felt very grateful to the sorority, at least it was giving me guides.

"But tonight is a different lesson. Tonight we step out from ourselves and learn about connecting to another person. We are going to learn about understanding our sisters." As she said that, she returned to the front of the room, where she'd begun her predatory walk. Carrie was holding a hat in her hands and Heather lifted it up. She started to walk around the outside of the room. Each time she passed an upper class girl, the girl reached into the hat and grabbed something out of it. And as she walked around the room, passing something out, Heather talked to us.

"It is vitally important to know yourself and to understand yourself. But no woman is an island. Sometimes you need someone else. Sometimes something only makes sense if it happens with another person. Connection is part of what it means to be a human being. And to connect to another person, to really connect, you need to know and love that person. Today we are going to learn about connecting to our sisters," Heather finished. Once again, she was standing at the front of the room. Now she reached into the hat and grabbed something out. The hat was now empty and she dropped it on the floor. Carrie had another hat now and she once again handed it to Heather.

"Here you go," she said, her voice trilling with excitement.

"Thank you," she said, "Alright, Lori my dear will you please come forward," Lori was standing next to me and shrugged. We were less nervous than before, being used to this game, but I still felt bad for her. Being the first every time couldn't be easy.

"Coming," she said. She walked up to the front of the room. She stopped in front of Heather, waiting for further instruction. Heather waited a few moments, letting the tension build.

"Did you have a good evening last night?" Heather asked. Lori sort of quivered like she was scared.

"Uh yeah, very nice," Lori said.

"Having leftovers for dinner tonight?" she asked and all of the upper class girls laughed. The other freshman looked confused. Only I knew what she was referring to. I wondered if all the sophomores, juniors, and seniors knew what I knew or if they just knew that Heather was teasing. Did all the older girls know what I did the previous night? I was pretty certain they did. Probably even Lily. My cheeks felt hot.

"Ha, not I don't think so," Lori said very uncomfortably, trying to end the conversation. Heather let her dangle in silence again, but finally spoke.

"Well, that's too bad. Are you ready for tonight's lesson?" Heather asked.

"Yes," Lori said, sounding almost relieved.

"Reach into the hat and pull out one strip of paper," Heather demanded. Lori did as she was told, reaching out quickly and then pulling out a strip of paper. Heather then passed the hat to Carrie on her left.

"Do you want me to read it?" Lori asked, waiting to unfold the paper. Heather smiled.

"Well at the very least you've learned obedience. Yes. I want you to read your paper. It will have part of a command that, by itself, will be completely meaningless. However, once you read your slip of paper, I will read mine, the one that came from the first hat. Together, those two pieces of paper will produce a coherent (and completely random and unique) command with which we, together, must comply. Older sisters will not read their pieces of paper until you read yours, not even silently to themselves. Do you understand?"

"I think so," Lori said, looking around the room. Everyone was silent, watching.

"It will make sense once we get started," Heather said, "read."

"Umm...Okay," Lori said, opening up her piece of paper, "mine says, 'My Finger's Pinch Your...'"

"Ass for Ten Seconds," Heather finished by reading her paper and the room erupted, some giggling and some cheering, "Looks like your hands have to grab my breast." Heather said.

Without a further word, Heather quickly unbottoned and unzipped her jeans. She shuffled them down so that they were just above her knees. She turned around so that her ass was facing Lori. She was wearing a pair of pink panties. Not too sexy, not too comfy. She slipped her fingers in waist band of her panties and then pulled them down, exposing her ass.

Heather had a cute butt. That was my first thought. It was strange, the thought occurred too quickly to be conscious. When I realized I'd thought it, I became ashamed. But it was true! It was tight, round, and sat up high even when not squeezed into jeans. Her ass was whiter than her legs or lower back, the slight tan line looking sexy. Everyone in the room was looking at the sorority president's ass. But no one moved.

"Well, Lori I suppose I haven't ordered you to do anything yet, so I can't be mad. But the command was quite clear. I shouldn't have to order. Do it," Heather said. Heather had moved so fast that I think Lori was caught off guard, now she felt flustered having earned a rebuke.

"Oh uh, yeah," Lori said. Then Lori looked around the room as though someone was going to stop her before she acted. Everyone just stared at her. I felt my heart thumping my chest, excited to see the two girls touch and also nervous about what was in store for me.

Lori reached her hand out. I could see from across the room that she was trembling. She moved her hand slowly, but smoothly towards Heather's ass. Finally, I saw her fingers sink into Heather's soft flesh. Lori stopped for a half second, and then pushed further. In another moment, her palm was flat against Heather's right ass cheek.

"You have to pinch it to start the clock," Carrie said. I watched as Lori's fingers tensed and then sunk into Heather's skin. Heather shivered slightly and let out a low moan. Lori had really grabbed a hunk of Heather's ass and I saw the older girl's flesh squeezing through her fingers.

They stood there for awhile, not moving. It felt like Lori had been holding Heather's ass for an eternity when Carrie finally put a stop to it, "Time," she said simply. Lori quickly released Heather's flesh. I could see a slight imprint of Lori's fingers in her skin for a brief moment. Then Heather pulled up her pants and turned back around.

"Not so bad was it?" she asked.

"No," Lori said simply.

"Do I have a nice ass?"

"Very," Lori said and it was clear she was telling the truth but was also still a bit nervous. The other girls laughed and Lori walked back into the mass of freshmen.

"Okay my turn," Carrie said, now that she was holding the hat. Her freshman walked up. And so the game started. A freshman girl would pick up a piece of paper and then read it. Her upper class sister would read her paper and they would do whatever it commanded. For the most part, they turned out to be more absurd than sexy. One girl had to put her thumb on her Junior sister's lips. Another had to let her Senior sister put her hair on her foot. Obviously, the luck of the draw determined whether you did something sexy or silly. Regardless of what was required, as soon as the task was completed, the hat moved in a counter-clockwise fashion and it was time for the next girl. Obviously, every freshman girl had to go three times.

My first time was really the first "interesting" draw after Lori grabbed Heather's ass. My first big sister was Mandy. She was smiling brightly as I walked up to her. I was glad she was first; she had been very sweet the night before and made me feel comfortable now. I felt all the eyes in the sorority on me as I reached into the hat and pulled out my slip of paper. I quickly unfolded it.

"Mine says, 'Your Lips Kiss My...'" I stated. There was an audible murmur around the room. This one seemed to have potential. I was terrified about what Mandy was going to kiss, but also enticed. What if it was fun?

"Neck for fifteen seconds," Mandy finished. There was a murmur of approval at that and Mandy seemed tickled. She clapped her hands and bit her lower lip. I took an additional step forward so that I was closer to her mouth.

Mandy took her left hand and placed it on my bare waist. Her palm felt soft and hot on my skin. She gave me a little squeeze. I titled my head to one side to give her better access. She was shorter then me so she slid her free arm up under my armpit and reached over and grabbed my shoulder. Her bare arm grazed the side of my breasts. She then pulled me down slightly and stood up on her tip toes.

Now her face was directly in line with my neck. I was not looking at her now but out at the girls around me. I saw them all staring, aroused and intense. It was too much for me; I closed my eyes and waited for Mandy. I didn't have to wait too long. I felt a light sensation against my neck, just a gentle brushing. Mandy's lips grazing my neck. I shivered slightly and my nipples hardened.

Then I felt a deeper, wetter sensation. Mandy was kissing my neck deeply. Her mouth opened slightly and her tongue skittered across my warm skin. She briefly broke the kiss to move to a different spot on my neck. The air felt cool where her saliva was on me. Her lips returned to my neck, just at the spot where it met my shoulder. Her lips felts soft but firm against me, slightly wet and absolutely perfect.

The spot that Mandy was kissing must have been some sort of intense erogenous zone I'd never discovered before. As soon as Mandy tongue gently touched it, my body became absolutely electric. My muscles tensed immediately and a muffled (but still audible) moan escaped my mouth. I felt like there were wires directly connecting my neck to my nipples, my pussy, and my anus. Every little motion by Mandy, every slight change in the direction of her kisses, shot down those wires. My nipples felt harder than I'd ever experienced before and even the slight movement of air inflamed their sensitivity. My pussy became instantly wet and I felt a deep ache develop in my womb. Most strangely, my anus tightened like a drum and prickled and tingled in a way I'd never felt before. I wondered if just Mandy's gentle kisses alone could get me off and...