Adventures in Boudoir Photography


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It was Friday before I got word that the pictures were done. Kate sent me a text that said: Got the pictures. Sending kids to grandparents. ; ). Suffice it to say, I was pretty worthless for the rest of the day. I had a late meeting and wasn't able to get home as early as I had hoped.

When I walked in the door I was greeted by a somewhat tipsy, nervous wife dressed in a short silky robe and holding two glasses of wine.

"I haven't looked at them yet, but I wanted to let you know before we see them, I wasn't sure what you wanted, and I, uh, had three glasses of wine during the session, so I hope that you, well, are ok with everything," she said.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest at the notion that the she was nervous about how I would react to the pictures. I considered that as a good sign. I was out of my clothes in a hurry, leaving just my boxers on.

We went back to the bedroom, turned the lights down low and sat back on the bed with the laptop. She pulled up the link, said something like "here goes," and opened it up to the first picture.

Which, I would have to say, was a shocking disappointment. Kate was dressed in a fairly conservative, unrevealing safari outfit, khaki shorts and blouse and a wide brim hat. Worse, she was alone, standing awkwardly in a lush, swampy jungle, looking a bit confused, like maybe she was lost. It was obviously one of those green screen shots where he had photoshopped her into the jungle setting.

I wasn't sure what to say, so I just mumbled something about it being interesting.

Kate just grinned slightly. "I think it will get more interesting," she said.

She clicked on the next picture and it was her in the same setting, but it was more interesting. Ben had photoshopped a snake into the picture, it had wrapped itself around her leg and was moving up her torso. In the next picture, the snake had fully wrapped itself around her body, and in the struggle had pulled her blouse partially open so you could see a leopard skin bra underneath. It was sexy to see the snake wrapped around her, but what was even more interesting was in the background. I could see the shadow of a man in the background. A big, muscular man, wearing nothing but a loin cloth, moving in to save the damsel in distress.

In the next picture, the muscular man had moved to the forefront of the picture, so I was able to see it was Ben, the photographer, as Tarzan, the savage. He had taken the snake by the neck and was wrestling it off of Kate, who had a look of shock and fear on her face as this half naked stranger fought a threatening snake. Somewhere deep in the back of my mind it registered that Ben and Kate had scripted a storyline here, rather than just take random pictures. But honestly, most of my attention was on the image. Ben was way more impressive without a shirt on than I expected. His chestnut brown skin was completely smooth and hairless and his chest and stomach muscles were ripped, not overly muscled but perfectly toned. His body practically dwarfed Kate, he was huge and daunting in comparison to her. The only thing covering him was a small, leopard print loin cloth which covered his groin in only the most minimal way. Gazing at this giant, brown savage of a man in such close proximity to my petite wife was absolutely breathtaking. Breathtaking, in a way that made me forget to breathe, and I pretty much lost track of time.

"I hope this is ok," I heard a timid voice say, and I realized my wife was looking at me, obviously a little worried that my speechless reaction might be a bad thing.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "This is more than ok," I said. "This is unbelievably hot ok."

Kate blushed. "Ready for the next one?"

I nodded and she clicked the next one.

This picture had Jane and her Tarzan almost waist deep in the water, still battling the huge snake. I drank in the physical imagery of the snake still wrapped around her, while the strong, powerful savage battled the beast in the swampy water. Kate's outfit was wet and both her and Ben's skin glistened with what appeared to be oil, designed to look like water. Her blouse, now torn and disheveled, hung wide open, and the belt on her shorts was hanging loose and they were partially unbuttoned. Which didn't make a lot of sense given the snake wouldn't have been inclined to try and undress her, but I was fine with plot holes.

I wasn't quite ready to move on to the next picture, but after Kate clicked on the link I was. The next photo was Tarzan, having defeated the snake, carrying a passed out, helpless Jane out of the water. The blouse and shorts were gone, Kate was wearing only the leopard skin bra and very tiny skirt. Ben held her relatively tiny body effortlessly in his strong arms. This time I moved my hand over and blocked her from clicking on the next picture link, rasping something like "not yet," which led to Kate giggling. She was in full rapt attention by the photos as well, but because she knew what was coming next she could focus some attention on watching my reactions.

Eventually I let her click on the next picture. This time it was Jane, laying on her side, still asleep on a bed of leaves, while Tarzan was on his knees behind her, looking down upon his discovery. The picture captured a moment of the muscular Tarzan looking down domineeringly upon a helpless and sleeping Jane.

By this time I had noticed a few patterns in the pictures and my own reactions. For one thing, in all of the pictures Ben's face was either turned slightly away, or darkened or out of focus. I realized that he did this because he was playing a part, sort of a prop in a way. The other pattern I noticed was that as each picture came up, my attention would eventually be drawn to the loin cloth that Ben was wearing. I wondered if he was wearing anything underneath it, because if he wasn't there was no way his cock wouldn't be bouncing out from time to time. And I would look at the cloth and see if I could see an outline, or any sign of his cock.

The next picture saw Tarzan and Jane sitting back on their knees, following the narrative that she had woke up and was cautiously assessing the situation. On the one hand, this barely dressed man had rescued her from the snake, on the other hand, she was alone, half naked in the jungle with a barely dressed man. She looked afraid, but intrigued. Once again, Kate looked fabulously sexy, and Tarzan looked like some kind of half naked, super hero stud. Also, he was holding out a banana to her, and that imagery didn't take a rocket scientist.

I realized that I hadn't spoken in a while, and my silence might suggest I wasn't like the show. So I found a way to put a few words together.

"I am loving the way that ya'll turned this into a narrative, like a bedtime story," I said. "Oh, and I think the Tarzan-Jane outfit is a keeper."

"Good thing," Kate whispered into my ear. "Because I bought them both."

She clicked on the next picture and this time it was a side view of Jane on Tarzan's back, her arms wrapped around his neck. He was holding onto a vine and they were photoshopped into a scene that made it look like they were swinging high in the trees, an obviously mimic of the classic King of the Apes pose. I was quickly absorbed with the thought of all of Kate's bare skin up against all of Ben's bare skin, but then the next picture took it to another level. This time, Jane was in front of Tarzan, he had one arm around her waist and one arm holding onto the vine, and she had a look of thrilled exhilaration on her face. I imagined Kate's ass folded tightly around Ben's hard cock. Even if he was gay, he had to be aroused in that position. I was aroused just looking.

Kate clicked the next picture, and suddenly they were no longer in the jungle. They were dressed the same as they were in the jungle, in the barely there leopard skins, but they were in an elegant, formal bedroom. He was standing in front of a bed, facing the camera, and she was on her knees beside him. Her arm was wrapped around his leg, her hand coming up to his upper thigh, and he was gazing down on her. She was looking up towards his face, her face close to the loin cloth. It was hard to tell if she was looking up at him, or looking at his cock under the loin cloth, but either way there was a hunger in her eyes. There was an elegant plate of chocolate covered strawberries nearby. The message was pretty clear, Tarzan had rescued Jane and now she had brought him back to her world, but she could never take the savage out of him. Or she didn't want to. Or whatever, who really gives a damn, it was just an incredibly hot photo.

Kate was blushing and covering her face. "Oh geez, this was after the third glass of wine, I kinda let that get out of hand, sorry," she said.

"Don't be sorry for one second," I said quickly. "I love it."

In fact, I did love it. I could not take my eyes off of it. My beautiful, petite wife, kneeling before this incredible young stud, her hands on his thigh so close to the loin cloth. My imagination couldn't help but watch her hand drift up under the loin cloth, take his big hard cock into her small hand and then pull it toward her wet mouth. My cock was surging, and I suddenly realized it was poking out of my boxers. I was so completely transfixed by the image and the fantasy I didn't hear Kate speaking at first.

" really seem to get turned on seeing me half naked beside that big Tarzan man don't you," she was saying.

I was trying to stammer some kind of response in defense of the bizarre fact that that was indeed true, when she leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"To be honest, I kinda like it too," she whispered. "In fact, it makes me unbelievably hot. And wet."

She moved my hand down to her pussy to prove it, and she was not lying. She was hot and wet and almost immediately after touching her she climbed on top of me and mounted my cock. She was so ready it was like sliding into jello, and when she started moaning and gyrating hard on my cock I knew I wasn't going to last long, and I didn't. It didn't matter though, because she came fast too. We went back to looking at the pictures again, and we weren't halfway through before my cock was hard again, and this time we took our time. The image we had stopped on was her in front of Tarzan on the vine, his cock no doubt pressed up against her, in my mind. We recreated the scene, with me behind her, and I couldn't help but notice that the whole time I was fucking her that way she was drooling over the image on the screen, like maybe she was imagining Ben behind her instead of me. Which just turned me on even more.

The next night she came into he bedroom dressed in the leopard skin Jane outfit, playfully dangling a very small loin cloth that I quickly donned to become her Tarzan. We quickly adopted a game where we clicked on a picture from the photo session and then mimicked it. When we acted out the picture of her on her knees with her hands wrapped around my thigh, she eased her face in closer and delicately let her cheek brush up against the cloth, just grazing my hard cock through the material. Then she was softly kissing my cock through the silky material, and then she slipped the cloth aside and took me into her mouth. I couldn't help but think how easy it would've been to have this happen during the photo session, with Ben.

Pretty much every night for the next week we played on some variation of this game, sometimes coming up with our own new poses and storylines, like Jane teaches an innocent Tarzan how to go down on her, or Tarzan does Jane doggy style while she eats a banana, or Tarzan overpowers the weaker Jane, ties her to the bedposts and has his way with her. All this would have been enough to eclipse the greatest sex ever, but it was made even better by Kate's sudden desire to be very chatty during the play. "Fuck me harder Tarzan," was my favorite, but one time I think she said "Fuck me harder Ben," which was a close second. She might have initially regretted the mistake of naming Ben, but when I nodded and fucked her harder she knew it was ok. The orgasm I had from that session, after a week of passionate fucking, was maybe the best ever, I think I passed out halfway through it.

Later that night, I fell into a very vivid dream state. I expect it was the result of repeatedly looking at the pictures of the Tarzan photo session, at home, at work, on my phone in between, plus all of our role playing activities. In the dream, Kate was back in the photo shoot with Ben, they were dressed in the Tarzan outfits and playfully enjoying a whole new variety of poses. More intimate, sexual poses. In my dream, they would capture a pose, and then there would be a click where the moment was frozen, then they would move on to another pose.

It started with Ben standing behind Kate, they were both dressed in the same leopard skin outfits, her in a bra and skirt and him in the loin cloth. It was similar to one of the other poses, except this time Ben had his arms around Kate's waist. There was a flash, and then Ben's hands had moved up to just below her breasts, and one of her hands had dropped so she was touching his thigh. In the dream, I could see her face, looking a little unsettled, and then I could hear her see her lips move and her voice in my head, saying, "Is this ok?"

My head felt like it was swimming, but I also felt my head moving, nodding yes. Yes, it was ok.

Then another flash, and his hands were on her breasts, cupping them in his strong hands, and her mouth was open and her head was leaning back in ecstasy. She was leaning forward just a bit and her ass was pressed up against his loin cloth.

Then the flash again, and a new scene. Kate, on her knees beside Ben, her hands on his thigh and her face close to the loin cloth. Looking longingly towards the bulge under the cloth. Then she was looking at me, achingly, asking permission once again. "Is this ok?" I heard her voice in my head again, and again I nodded. She moved her hand underneath the loin cloth, causing Ben to gasp, and then in a flash the loin cloth was gone, and her fingers were lightly touching Ben's balls, causing me to gasp. She looked at me again and I nodded again, and her hand drifted up and caressed his semi aroused cock, which hung heavy. Ben, or Tarzan as it were, was very well hung, and Beth's eyes looked at him in amazement as she lightly touched him. She licked her lips, and looked at me, and I was already nodding.

She kissed his cock, lightly at first, and then more passionately, letting him slide into her mouth just a bit at a time, and each time her mouth touched him he got bigger. She looked at me and I had not really stopped nodding, and then she took him fully in and he put his hands on her head and pulled her closer.

Then another flash, and they were standing up again, Ben was behind her again. In the distortions of my dream, he had gotten bigger, and even more muscular, since the previous scene, and his cock had grown to immense proportions. She was leaning back against him, similar to the shot of them swinging on the vine, and she was essentially sitting on his cock, which was so big it came all the way up to her breasts, and she had both arms around it and was looking down on it adoringly. She glanced over at me but she didn't need to ask. Suddenly her top was gone and she had his shiny, fully hard cock resting between her tits, and she leaned down to kiss the top, which was almost as big as her whole head.

Then his cock suddenly took on a different form, it was like a snake, and it wrapped itself around her slowly, first her legs, then her waist, then her neck and arms, until it had her completely laced and unable to move, and it pulsated, and squeezed her. She was defenseless, unable to move, but the look on her face wasn't fear, or pain, it was ecstasy. She moaned and cooed as the giant snake wrapped around her and she held it adoringly to her breasts.

It simultaneously vibrated, and pulsed, and squeezed and then released and started the sequence over again. It began to glow as it became more and more aroused, and the squeezing and pulsating was even more dramatic, until it lifted her up off the ground and then began to shake.

Suddenly his snake like cock erupted, and like a volcano spurted wildly and covered her completely in a warm, white fuzz, and she smiled and cooed as it oozed all over her.

"I hope that was ok," she said to me, as she lovingly stroked his slowly softening cock. "And I hope you got that on camera."

In my dream, I suddenly realized what she meant. I was the cameraman, I was holding the camera and taking the pictures of Tarzan Ben ravishing my wife. And, to be fair, pictures of my wife ravishing Tarzan.

I jolted awake in my bed, with a hard cock and a cold sweat. I made so much noise that I woke up Kate, who sleepily asked me if I was ok.

"Yeah, just had a crazy dream," I said. My mind returned to the vivid images of the incredible dream.

"Also, I think I know what I want for Christmas."

So in the interest of reader interaction, which way would you see this going?

Option 1: Husband hires Ben to do a husband - wife boudoir session. Hijinks ensue.

Option 2: Husband hires Ben to do a full nude shoot with his wife, with the understanding that it is only posing together, no actual sex. Shenanigans ensue.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved the story, what option did you go with,? Would love to see the next chapter

olblueyesolblueyesabout 1 year ago

hmm, liked it,,well written,,but didnt finish the way i thought it would, slightly disappointed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Chapter 2 from Kate's point of view

Chapter 3 hubby goes to the studio and meets Ben's hot and eager assistant. Ben has a bi side and shows hubby does too

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Disappointed in this one. I had expectations.

steviem41steviem41over 1 year ago

What a build up. Option 2 please!

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