Adventures of the Cohort Ch. 03


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They reached the sanctuary quickly and Mikael soon found himself standing once more in the large living area, the place totally silent as their companions slept. Grabbing some food from the table that had clearly been left out for them, Mikael moved into the corridor where the bedrooms were located.

Ria'torr had already entered one room, and as Mikael passed it he could see both Melissa and Lucinda climbing out of the bed, resplendently naked. They glanced towards the open doorway and smiled. Neither seemed to care that everyone in the corridor could see them nude, but that did not surprise him. They had clearly spent the night together, and the thought sent wonderful images spinning through his head.

As he turned from the doorway he saw Victor emerge from Cassandra's room, an amused expression on his face. Mikael raised an eyebrow at him.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

Victor grinned. "Cassandra isn't in her room."

At that moment Melissa stepped out into the corridor with a yawn, still dressing, her toga only half on. Her belt held the garment around her waist but left her chest entirely exposed. Victor's eyes widened at the sight of her magnificent breasts and the medic grinned at his evident desire.

"If you're looking for your lovely companion, you'll find her in Kristine's room." With a slight giggle, Melissa opened the door to her own bedroom and stepped inside.

Mikael turned to knock on the paladin's door, and after a few seconds of no reply knocked again. He turned the handle, pushing the door open and sticking his head through.

He grinned, the sight of Kristine and Cassandra entwined under the covers fast asleep greeting him. They looked almost like models of the finest stone, their beautiful features nearly too stunning to be natural, and their stillness adding to the artistic aura.

"Time to wake up, girls," Mikael said gently as the two women stirred.

"Go away. I'm trying to sleep," Kristine murmured, raising a hand to her face and looking at Mikael through sleep-clouded eyes.

"No, stay a while," Cassandra giggled as she awoke, her red hair falling back to her shoulders as she propped herself up on her elbows. The sheet fell away, revealing her fantastic breasts to Mikael. He looked upon them appreciatively.

"I wish I could," he winked back, noticing the mischievous smile Kristine wore as wakefulness swept over her. "But you need to go."

Kristine sighed, throwing off the covers and revealing her gorgeous naked body. "Sadly, you're right. Otherwise I might have encouraged you to take our lovely hostess's invitation."

Mikael laughed as he turned away from the women.

"I'm sure I'll be able to take it another time," he added, before closing the door behind him.


Mikael awoke fully refreshed not four hours after he had climbed into bed. After his Sisters and their guide had left he had retired to his bedroom, eager to sleep. He had not felt particularly tired beforehand, but the sight of a comfortable mattress had done little to energise him, and his body had once more begun to grow weary.

He had slept deeply but not for long, he realised, as his eyes grew accustomed the darkness in the room. Leaning over, he found the candle-lamp and uttered a slight incantation, lighting it with the aid of a spark from his fingertip. My magical skill has more uses than warfare, he thought with a smile to himself.

He stretched in the lamplight, climbing out of bed and slowly shuffling over to his pack. He hauled out his cloth pants, the kind he wore in the main Sanctuary when not training, and pulled them on. With another stretch of his muscles, he walked to the door, opened it and stepped through. He wanted a midnight snack; even if it wasn't actually midnight, he had woken and was hungry.

The corridor was dimly lit, as Mikael suspected it always was. Its luminosity would not disturb the sleep of those in one of the rooms, but it would provide enough light for one to walk along it without accident. He paused a moment to let his eyes fully adjust to the light, before making his way towards the kitchen.

While there, he grabbed another chunk of bread and a small cup of water, eagerly draining the mug. He walked slowly back to his room, eating the bread and collecting his thoughts. Then he paused. He was certain he had heard a noise.

He was standing at the end of the corridor where the bedrooms were, and swallowed the last piece of bread before cocking his head to listen again. He heard the noise once more, and it took only a moment before a smile curled across his lips.

Ria'torr was moaning. It had taken him a moment to recognise the sound through the thick doors, but now he had identified it he was surprised he had not heard it earlier. Clearly the doors were substantial, and in his peaceful waking state he must not have been paying full attention to his surroundings.

He edged towards the source of the voice, first listening through Ria'torr's door, before realising that it was not coming from there. He moved on the next door, nodding as the volume of sound increased. This was the room, and it was Victor's. With a grin he carefully placed his ear to the wooden surface.

The sounds of foreplay emanated from within. The door had a powerful muffling effect, but Mikael was sure that the noises were not quiet. With his ear pressed to the surface he could clearly hear Ria'torr's lovely moans of pleasure mixed with male grunts and groans.

I expected nothing less, he smiled to himself, his cock faintly twitching as it responded to the passionate sounds leaking from the room.

He jumped as a door creaked behind him, and turned to see Quintia emerging from her room. She was dressed in a loose silk robe that he had not seen before, and she looked a little taken aback to see him standing there.

What are you doing? she asked, a bemused look crossing her beautiful face. Why are you standing outside Victor's door whilst everyone is asleep?

"I was merely inquiring as to the source of a strange noise," Mikael replied with a smile. She raised an eyebrow, walking towards him, and he motioned that she should press her ear against the door.

The Sensei listened for a short while before her words flared again. That's not really a strange noise though, is it? It's something you hear quite often echoing round the Sanctuary.

"True enough," Mikael acceded. "I can't pretend it is new to me."

Then why were you stood there? she asked again, a sparkle in her pale blue eyes.

Mikael laughed and spread his palms wide to feign innocence. "I've not been here long; you make it sound like I've stood here for hours. But I'll admit I was reluctant to leave. The sound is rather... compelling."

I can see.

Those words seemed to hang glowing in the air as she nodded towards his groin. Mikael glanced down and laughed softly as he noticed his cock straining against the cloth pants. A mischievous smile had spread across his Sister's features, and the jewel on her forehead pulsed a faint blue in the darkness.

"Well you can't pretend it's not affecting you, either!" Mikael said, stepping forwards with a grin and nodding towards her gem. He wrapped one arm around his Sister's back and pushed her gently towards the door. "Maybe you need to listen a while longer."

Maybe I do, she giggled silently, pressing her ear to the thick wood.

Mikael moved to stand behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and gently stroking them downwards, feeling her slender arms beneath the cool, golden silk. He admired both the garment itself and the impressive body he knew it tried to conceal, although the way it hung tight on her figure left little to the imagination.

"This is a nice robe. I've not seen it before."

I wouldn't expect you to have memorised my wardrobe, the words replied, flowing across her shoulderblades like a sparkling river. But, yes, it is a nice robe.

"It looks great on you," Mikael murmured, brushing her blue hair from her neck and leaning in to kiss the exposed skin. She continued to listen through the door as he did so, and he took the moment to stare over her shoulder and indulge in the sight of the cleavage exposed by the luscious silk.

I see what you mean about this noise, she said after a moment, slightly pressing her body back against Mikael. The intensity of her jewel had been increasing steadily as she listened to their companions' twin moans. There's something that makes you not want to leave.

"We don't have to leave," Mikael whispered back, gently raising his mouth until he was kissing her cheek. She pulled away from the door, spinning around to face him.

Her words glittered, spreading over the door like liquid gold. Let's go in.

Mikael laughed quietly, shocked at her sexually adventurous suggestion. Adventurous was not normally a word he would have used to describe Quintia's sex-drive. Nigh-insatiable, yes; adventurous, very rarely.

"I think they'd mind somewhat, don't you?"

I wouldn't mind in their position, she grinned. I'm going in.

Mikael shook his head in surprised amusement as she turned again and pushed open the door with a loud creak. The cries of passion inside stopped abruptly.

She stepped through the now slightly-opened door, grabbing Mikael's hand as she did so. He was pulled through, too, and a grin spread across his face at the view that greeted him. Victor lay flat on his back, his legs over the side of the bed, looking at them with an expression of surprise. Ria'torr, meanwhile, knelt on the floor in front of him, her naked elven body gorgeous in the lamplight and her mouth wrapped around Victor's impressive cock. Her other hand was clamped to one of her ample breasts, thumbing the nipple as she teased the warrior's member with her tongue.

Ria'torr pulled her head from Victor's groin, regarding Mikael and Quintia warmly. "Evening," she giggled, before once more engulfing the head of her lover's cock. Victor's expression of surprise at being interrupted was soon washed away by one of pleasure as the elf continued her work.

"Evening," Mikael responded with a grin. "I was wondering how long it would take for this to happen."

Victor sighed happily. "Well, I didn't want to wait to sample the myriad delights on offer."

"You look like you're enjoying yourself."

"How could I not?" Victor responded with a laugh. "This is a very enjoyable situation."

"I was actually referring to Ria'torr," Mikael replied with a wry smile, and Ria'torr giggled again. She pulled her mouth away from Victor's cock, but continued to pump it with her fist as she smiled impishly.

"I am indeed. But then I suspect you're hardly surprised by that, Brother."

And we would want nothing different, Quintia's words flickered. But I must admit, that does look rather appealing.

"Shall I move over?" Ria'torr said with a mischievous smile, a twinkle in her eye as she regarded the stunning mage.

Quintia shook her head as more of her words flared into life. Don't worry. I'm quite sure that there's another one of those things around here somewhere.

Mikael's slight laugh caught in his throat as Quintia turned to him and dropped her hand, her nimble fingers immediately finding his member through his pants. It was still hard, not surprising considering what he was watching, and her delicate hand began to run up and down his length as she spun around to face him.

Here it is.

She leaned in to kiss him, passion burning in her eyes, and he did the same. Her gem sparked and their bodies crushed together as they kissed. Her hands played with Mikael's cock even as they pressed against one another, and he wrapped his own arms around her back.

After a short while she pushed him away and guided him gently to a comfortable chair placed by the wall. He sat on it with a grin, and she slowly sank to her knees, running her hands delicately down his bare chest. He lifted his hips as she removed his pants, and then threw his head back with a sigh as the tip of his cock slipped between her lips.

The beautiful mage crouched before him, her robe coming slightly loose and exposing more of her wonderful breasts, and bounced her head on his member. Her tongue swirled around the tip, and then up and down his length. Her fist, too, pumped the areas her mouth could not easily reach, and every so often she would withdraw her head and slap his cock against her tongue. He was in heaven.

"Uhh... fuck..." Mikael groaned as the blue-haired mage did fantastic things to his member.

"I agree..." he heard Victor say from the other bed, and he looked up to see a similar look of pleasure to the one he supposed he wore himself on the warrior's face. Mikael knew from experience how skilled Ria'torr was and Victor was clearly delighting in the ranger's wonderful expertise.

He chuckled. "Something you could get used to, Victor?"

"I definitely think so," the warrior responded, moving one hand to gently caress Ria'torr's ear. The elf purred in appreciation.

"I would think you'd get this a lot? Cassandra seemed no less eager than my own Sisters."

Victor groaned at Ria'torr's work before replying. "Oh, I do, but sometimes a change is nice. You might like the best wine in the world, but every so often it's nice to try the second best."

"I'm only the second best, am I?" Ria'torr teased, pulling her mouth away from his member. "Well perhaps I should stop, then."

"It was a figure of speech," Victor grunted mirthfully, moving his hand to her head and gently pushing it back towards his cock. She was guided willingly, grinning as her tongue flicked out and brushed once more against his tip.

"Fair enough, then," the ranger giggled. "Though I can certainly see that your shaman, were she a wine, would be the finest."

"She didn't take long to start getting acquainted, did she?" Mikael joked, before groaning in pleasure as another thrill ran through him. Quintia was very, very good at this.

"True enough," Victor grinned. "But then neither did we. We were delayed only by the necessity of our duty."

"I suppose," Mikael laughed. A few moments of silence passed, both men too caught up in the sensations washing through them and both women far too engaged in giving them those sensations.

At length, Mikael spoke again. "What is it you do here normally? Other than this, of course."

"Watch over the stones," Victor shrugged, before exhaling deeply in exultation of Ria'torr's talent. "They are often dormant, but not always."

"And you don't grow bored?"

"No," Victor replied simply. "There is much to do here in the sanctuary, and we occasionally leave. That we spend most of our time doing exactly this is a matter of personal taste."

"I know what you mean," Mikael agreed. "It is much the same in our main base of operations."

"What is it- Uuhhh!" he said, cut off abruptly as another wave of ecstasy pulsed through him. Ria'torr moaned, evidently pleased that her attentions were distracting him so. Victor swallowed, then tried again. "What is it like there?"

Mikael moved his hand to rest gently on Quintia's hair as his pleasure steadily built. "Very similar to here, actually. It is slightly bigger, of course, because there are more of us, and we probably spend less time in it, but the furnishings and available activities are similar."

"And which activity do you spend your time doing?"

Mikael grinned. "We are not dissimilar in our taste of hobbies, Victor. My Sisters and I usually spend most of our time in the company of one another."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it," the handsome man responded. "I'll feel less guilty for expecting more." Ria'torr giggled beneath him.

"Trust me, my Sisters won't mind at all," Mikael laughed, before dropping his hand to Quintia's shoulder and gripping it tightly. "Fuck Quintia, that feels so good!" He stared down at her, and she gazed mischievously back.

She renewed her efforts at his expression of delight, and he groaned loudly as she pleasured his cock. It was slick with her saliva and her fist passed easily over it. He squeezed her shoulder harder.

"Uuuhhh... fuck... stand up," Victor grunted then, and Mikael watched as he took Ria'torr's hand and guided her to her feet. The green-haired elf wore an impish grin, and Victor, who had moved to a more upright sitting position, wrapped his arms around her back. Her fingers were still playing with his cock as he pulled her closer, their lips crushing together as their naked flesh touched.

His hands roved over her back, eventually coming to rest lightly on her lovely elven ass. He stood and picked her up, twisting round and dropping her down on the bed with a light thud before moving to kiss her again. Ria'torr twinkled with laughter, her hands on the handsome warrior's back, his hands moving up her sides.

Eventually Victor pulled away from their kiss, grabbing his cock and moving his hips until it was lined up with her entrance. The gorgeous elf smiled in anticipation beneath him, her hands moving to his toned chest, which was smooth and well-defined.

With a grunt, the fighter pushed inwards, his cock sliding into Ria'torr's tight pussy. She moaned loudly, her eyes rolling back at the sensation, and her grin spread wider.

"Mmmm..." she groaned. "I've been waiting for that."

"Me too," Victor breathed, beginning to move his hips slowly, his cock easing in and out of her silken snatch.

You get used to her obsession, flashed Quintia's words in midair. And appreciate it.

Ria'torr giggled, before the sound was washed away as Victor's member set off flares of pleasure inside her. She moaned again, this time louder.

Mikael was suddenly drawn back to the mage sucking his cock as her hands left the bottom of his shaft. They moved to his thighs, and he grinned at her as she pulled her mouth away from his member, her jewel sparkling brightly in the dimly lit room.

She stood, her golden robe still covering her wonderful body, though loosely, and her blue hair fell once more to her shoulders. She leant forwards, kissing Mikael deeply as she moved to sit on his lap. Her fingers pulled the front of her robe open so that her lower body was revealed, and she straddled Mikael's legs.

Grabbing hold of his member again, she gently lowered herself towards it, her eyes inflamed with desire. She bit her lip as her pussy welcomed in his cock, and he groaned aloud as she sank onto his shaft. Her moans, of course, were non-existent, but she breathed out heavily at the feeling, and Mikael could see her gem glow brighter.

She sat there a moment, the silken robe hanging around her body and down Mikael's legs, where it stopped halfway down her calves. It was normally ankle-length, but her position hitched it up slightly, and her feet rested on the floor. Her naked ass pressed against him, and the robe passed down her back and over Mikael's knees. He could see her wonderfully shapely legs and toned stomach, but his companions could see nothing but the outline of their bodies through the robe.

Her hands moved to his shoulders as she began to raise and lower her body, Mikael gasping as his cock was caressed by her hot tunnel. He delighted in foreplay, of course, but it could not come close to the feeling of one of his Sister's hot pussies engulfing his member.

Quintia's face was that of a woman possessed by lust, which, Mikael thought, was no real surprise considering that's exactly what she was. He groaned loudly once more as Quintia's slick walls sent yet more pleasure running through him.

He looked over to his two companions to see Ria'torr in the throes of ecstasy, her cries growing louder as Victor's cock brought her closer and closer to orgasm. The warrior had both hands on her ample breasts and was playing delicately with her nipples. Her face was contorted with blissful expectation and he could see her slowly tightening up as Victor's hips blurred. The wet slapping of their loins was almost as loud as her insistent moans.
