After the Reunion Ch. 09


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Wow, I thought, the year is 2027 and technology is changing so damn fast!

He paused a minute.

"Her plane is supposed to get here at five so I can't talk long before I pick her up."

He had a little bit of what I guess I'd consider a black tone in his voice, but not as much as I remembered from the brief conversation with his brother a couple weeks ago. He reminded me of someone I'd seen on TV but wasn't sure who. One thing I wondered; the way Addie had related the story with all the filthy language. I sure wasn't hearing it. I was hearing nothing but politeness. I questioned if she had made that up just to shock me.

"My brother is picking up the other chick. She'll be a little later. I think he has a big thing going for her. I don't blame him, she's a fine looking lady. I like mine best, though, she's spicy, more like a hot chili pepper." He laughed a little, "And she does like to, you know what, keep right up with me."

It felt funny when he mentioned Tanya and that his brother 'has a thing' for her. That sent stabs of jealousy through me. I don't know, somehow it felt different than with my wife. I'd come to grips with the fact that I liked Addie fucking someone else, being fucked was even better. But Tanya, ever since that first night, the reunion night, I'd felt like she was my girl and I was her guy, other than her husband, of course. I didn't want to share her with anyone else!

I wondered if Tanner was watching the same thing I was.

He laughed again, breaking up my reverie, "I have to admit that Damian and I were pretty disappointed that Friday night when you two hubbies showed up. This last week, you know, when I told my girl no sex... that was kind of retribution to both of you, my way of getting even." He laughed again, I guess thinking that had been a pretty good joke. Some damn joke! "Think it'll pay us some dividends tonight, though." He teased, "Got some fun plans for tonight, maybe some little surprises for the pretty lady."

He raised his wrist and I saw as he looked down at his wristwatch. It wasn't a Rolex, but it looked damned expensive. "Gotta run, dude."

I watched in amazement as he walked out into the crowd. I had no idea there were cameras and glasses that could do that. It was literally like I was walking with him, seeing exactly what he was. Then the significance of what I was seeing hit me. She wouldn't know I was watching and I'd see... and hear everything in living 3D color. At least I hoped I would. Surely, he wouldn't shut it off later, would he?

Even TV in this day and age is so much nicer than it used to be. 3D without any of those awkward glasses, nice.

He walked a long way, occasionally muttering or excusing himself for bumping into someone. It was incredibly weird watching this on my TV. I was picking up all the airport sounds, an occasional arrival or boarding announcement, people talking, all of it coming through our stereo system. And that incredible 3D picture. It was almost like I was there, except bigger, better.

He got to the spot in the airport where he apparently expected her to meet him. "Should be here any minute, now," he whispered, "Hope she doesn't say something to embarrass you," he laughed at what he apparently perceived as a joke.

In a way, I was half starting to like the guy.

I waited along with him. At about a quarter after five, I saw her walking toward him with a big smile on her face. Yeah, she'd taken off the bra on the plane. I'll bet the other passengers enjoyed that, at least the male ones. Jonah did, he looked her up and down, settling his gaze straight at her bare tits under that sheer blouse. "Damn, you look fine, girl. Did you bring those little balls with you?"

She frowned, "In my suitcase. They're metal. I don't think the security X-ray camera would have liked them," she said.

"I guess you're right. Didn't think about that." He laughed as he took her in his arms and kissed her. I heard the kiss and saw the look of lust in her eyes as she looked into his, kissing him back and having no idea of the closeup on our big-screen TV. I mentioned the focus of Jonah's hand a minute ago; when she moved in for that kiss, her face was still in perfect focus and almost six feet wide.

"You been using them, the new ones?" She nodded.

"They make any difference?"

She grinned, "Yeah, you could say that."

He chuckled again, "Good, I think you'll like that tonight."

They walked off, toward the baggage area. I could even hear the clicking of Addie's heels on the floor. He looked over at her once in a while, holding her hand. She had her fingers intertwined with his big, black fingers, rather intimately.

"Which bag's yours?"

She waited a moment before answering. He was looking at her when she pointed, "That one." He changed his gaze to the bag she'd pointed out, the one I'd carried for her a few hours earlier.

They waited there and I wondered why. A few minutes later, I saw why, his brother, Damian, and Tanya walked over to pick up her bag. She had on another pair of those silky-looking Daisy Duke shorts and silk blouse. She looked good. I can't even begin to say how exciting it's being to actually look through someone else's eyes, looking her up and down. Except for the fact of what Jonah had said earlier about Damian having a 'thing' for my girl!

I could go on and describe everything I saw, but you get the idea. I can tell that in front of my 80" TV was going to be my home for the next two days. I was just worried that I might go to sleep and miss something. I will say that my fear of serious evil-doing, kidnapping, murder, rape had been significantly allayed.

The picture went off for the next forty-five minutes, finally coming back on inside a house. As soon as they came on, he said, "Okay, bitch, I don't think I like your name so good. Gonna give you a different one."

Holy shit, what the hell was that transformation? My jaw dropped open with shock. My wife looked almost frightened by him. I couldn't blame her.

"I like Shanice. From now on, while you're here, your name's Shanice... except when it's whore, bitch, slut or whatever." My wife! It was my beautiful Adriana he was talking to like that! I remembered she said she likes it. I shook my head. I didn't understand.

"Okay, Shanice, there are some sandwiches in the fridge. Help yourself to whatever you want and I gotta make some phone calls... and we're gonna have a busy night. Don't want you collapsing from hunger."

He showed her where the kitchen was, then he went into another room, it looked like his office. "Okay dude," he said, into the air, addressing me, "I'm gonna turn this off a while and get it charged up." He laughed, "Don't want the battery to die at the wrong time, do we?"

Wow, I had seen some of what attracted Addie to him, or I guessed it's Shanice now. It's like the guy has a split personality. My TV went black, with the picture replaced by the website logo bouncing around.

While the camera was off, I called Tanner and asked him if he was watching TV. "Yeah, an old show on Netflix, Longmire," he told me, "why?" I told him I was just nervous, with our wives taking that trip and couldn't think of what to do to occupy myself. I didn't tell him the real reason. Apparently, Jonah's brother didn't have the same perverse sense of humor that Jonah did. And maybe they could only afford one set of those glasses. We talked about it for a bit, both of us agreeing that it had been a crazy thing to do. We didn't resolve anything, though.

I couldn't eat, anticipating what might happen later. I still couldn't believe that Addie would go through with what she planned, even for Jonah.

While I was sitting in front of the TV waiting, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID before answering. It was Kayla, so I answered. "Hi," I said.

"Hi, Matt, how are you this evening. Adriana told me you'd be home alone."

"Fine, just watching some TV is all." Well, that was kind of the truth. Maybe a little misleading, but true.

"Umm, Ethan and I were wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner tomorrow?" Before I could answer, she went on, "Before you answer, I think I better tell you what's on our minds." Her voice dropped like she was nervous. "After the other night when you and Adriana spent the night, we've been doing a lot of talking."

Uh-oh, what the hell? She went on very quietly and with a nervous voice, "Ethan says he wants me to go further than we did that night." Now she started talking fast, "I talked to Adriana about it, but I told her I couldn't stand the thought of Ethan with another woman, so she said she was going to be gone this weekend and suggested I call you and ask if you'd spend a night... with me... in my bed," her voice dropped to a whisper, barely audible, "and make love with me."

I sat on the couch unable to even think, unbelieving what I'd just heard. "Matt, you're not saying anything."

"I'm sorry, Kayla, I'm just trying to think. You've hit me with kind of a surprise. I- I, don't even know what to say."

"Just say you will, please, Matt. Ethan says he doesn't even have to be here. He just wants me to experience another man. I'd tell him about it later, though."

God, I ran my hand through my hair. One of my major fantasies coming true, but now? I couldn't. I just couldn't leave that TV. I asked her, "Kayla, did Adriana tell you where she was going this weekend?"

She was still speaking softly. I wondered if Ethan was there, listening to his wife trying to seduce me into her bed. "I kind of presumed it has something to do with Tanner. She's told me the kind of relationship you all have and so I assumed that's where she was going, with him."

Then she had a thought, "Tanya, is Tanya with you this weekend?" It almost sounded like she was going to cry.

"Kayla, no, I'm alone," but I thought about what was going to happen on our TV tonight and tomorrow. "But I can't. I'm sorry Kayla, but I can't. Not this weekend." I tried to explain, without really explaining anything. "Kayla, I want to, you know I do." I was almost desperate to find a reasonable excuse that wouldn't devastate Kayla. I thought back to that night that 'almost was' and how badly I would love to do what Kayla's asking.

"Kayla, I want to so bad. I like you so much and think you're beautiful and sexy, but can we do it next weekend instead of this?"

"Okay, I guess. We just thought, you know, that you're home alone and it would be a perfect time."

She was sounding almost heartbroken. I didn't know what to say, "I'm so sorry, Kayla, but there are things going on now that I just can't... and no, it's not another woman here or anywhere. It has to do with Adriana, but she's the one that'll have to explain."

"Maybe next weekend then?" she asked.

"Kayla, if you're still offering next weekend, I'll jump on it so fast that you won't even have time to think twice."

While we were talking, the picture came back on my TV. I quickly turned the volume down and was nearly desperate to get back to it. I knew I'd have to find an excuse to tell Addie as to why I'd turned her friend down, too.

"Can I call you later next week after I talk to Adriana about it to set up a day and time?" I asked Kayla.

"Sure, Matt, thanks."

"I'm looking forward to it, Kayla, you have no idea how much."

"Me too," she replied.

"Bye," I told her.

Kayla hung up and I looked at my phone, unbelieving the conversation I just had. Damn, the way I felt that night I wanted to do what she asked, so bad!

I remembered the TV and turned the volume back up.

"... a little pampering on Shanice... hope you like her new name... nah, don't really care if you do or not. I do and that's pretty much all that matters."

"Anyway, as I was saying, Shanice got some nice pampering. Had a hairdresser over, a makeup artist from Macy's and a manicurist for her finger and toenails. Put out some nice clothes for her, too. She is going to be one classy bitch by the time we're done. Later." And he switched me off again. Shit!

I sat in front of the TV, glaring at it, willing the picture to come back on, hating that I was totally at this asshole's mercy, sliding right over the fact of how much my wife was at his mercy. He'd even changed her name, for God's sake!

My eyes were glued to the TV for the next fifteen minutes when the picture popped back up. Jonah was whispering, "Think it's about time for the big reveal, wanted you to see her, too. His glasses were pointed toward the stair. I heard a door open and close and stood up, getting closer to the TV. It was only an 80"; didn't seem nearly big enough.

I was maddeningly frustrated, he looked down at the floor. Look up, dammit, I wanted to see my wife! He stepped back, keeping his glasses pointed down. I could hear the 'click, click, click' of heels on the stairs. Then he began to look up. All I could see was her shoes; what she'd call 'fuck-me heels', red, open-toed, at least four-inch heels, strapping around her ankles; sheer, smoky-colored stockings.

I was just about to go mad, why the hell wouldn't the asshole look up? He kept me in limbo, watching her feet as she walked toward him, then stopped a few feet away. Finally, the view started to move up her legs, her ankles, then the bottom of a black dress. I could tell there was a slit up one side. He oh, so slowly moved up her body, past her shapely hips. The bottom of the dress looked like it fit her gorgeous figure perfectly. Then a little higher to her waist... and he stopped.

"Turn around, whore, slowly,"

I was almost starting to see her attraction to his gross language. It was turning me on, too; how subservient to him she seemed.

She turned, toward her right, showing the slit up the side, right to the top of the lacy stockings. Damn, it was sexy! She continued turning. He looked up a bit more, to her butt. I don't know if I've mentioned her sexy butt, but in that tight dress - or skirt, not able to see anything more, damn!

She shuffled on around, facing him again. He said he had a tiny monitor in his glasses, so he could see the image he was sending. He was intentionally torturing me. He moved a little higher, enough that I could finally see it was a skirt, not a dress, with a shimmering, red, silky-looking blouse, not sheer at all. He stopped right below her bustline.

My cock was about to explode! No sex for the past week was taking its toll on me. "You're beautiful, my dear. You'll be the prettiest slut there tonight."

"Thank you," I heard my wife's soft voice saying.

At last, he started to look up more. I was surprised, I expected to see her pointed nipples, but it looked like the outline of a bra. He stopped at her long neck and I realized how shocked I was. She was wearing this to a strip club? I had been expecting something more like the yellow dress she wore that Sunday when she and Tanya went with them for four-plus hours.

Then the realization hit me. He intended for her to strip; get on the stage and actually take her clothes off. Something like this would be ten times harder for her to do that than the sexy dress she'd been wearing that Sunday. Or maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe he was taking her to an exclusive nightclub or a theater, something like that. That was how she was dressed, for something formal, not a sleazy strip club.

Her image was filling our big-screen TV. At last, he finished moving his camera up her body past her face. I could hardly believe how beautiful my wife looked. I don't think she had ever done her makeup like that. I couldn't even begin to say what the difference was but her face was so perfect and beautiful. Her hair was done up with a few tendrils around her face to add that little touch of... something, mystique? Whatever it was, it was an effect I'd never seen on her before. She had on large, dangling hoop earrings and a matching necklace and bracelet. I longed to smell her perfume. From everything else, I suspected it was probably some exotic, feminine scent intended to drive a man wild with desire.

The one thing the makeup couldn't do was hide the fear on Addie's face, or perhaps I should say, Shanice's face.

"Is my pretty little slut ready to go?" he asked her.

It looked like she was nearly shaking, but nodded, and he led her out to his car. Being the perfect gentleman he is, he opened her car door for her. Then stood, watching as she slid in. The slit in her skirt slid open revealing a vast amount of leg... and... what was that I saw briefly before she pulled her skirt closed again? It almost looked like what I'd imagine a strap from a garter belt to look like, holding her stocking up. I couldn't imagine her wearing something like that. She's mentioned those before but insisted they were too 'girlish' and said she'd never wear something like that. It was just a brief glance and I wasn't sure. I must have been mistaken.

She looked at him, asking, "Tanya?"

"They'll be along later," was all he said. Then he must have turned his glasses off because my screen went dark again. I hated when that happened! I guess he didn't want to run the batteries down for nothing.

Half an hour later, it was past ten by then, the picture came back on. They were sitting in a parking lot and Jonah was looking at my gorgeous wife. One of the first things I noticed was that her skirt had slipped open again... and it was a garter belt strap on her leg!

Addie looked like she was nearly in tears, the fear showing on her face. "Jonah, I can't do it, I just can't." she squeaked out, her voice trembling.

I heard a long sigh from Jonah, "My dear, dear Shanice, you really have no choice in the matter. You will do it." He paused a bit, watching her and I could see her hands clenching and unclenching. Exactly what she said would happen was happening. She had put herself in a situation where she wanted to do this but had lost all vestiges of courage. "Do you recall," he asked her, "the little spankings when you didn't lift your slutty little butt up for me fast enough? Before you decide that you won't do this, I want you to picture that butt across my lap when we get home."

"Now, are we going in? Are you doing this?" My confident, always self-assured wife sat across from him, her hands twisting, her body twitching with nervousness and nodding in frightened agreement.

"Wonderful! I'm sure you'll be perfect," he said. He opened his briefcase and took out a small box. "There's one more tiny accessory you'll need before we go inside, though."

He opened the box, taking out what looked like a skin-colored, plastic tube, about six or seven inches in length, maybe a little over an inch in diameter. It was rounded on one end and full of tiny holes. He bent it, showing that it was soft and flexible. "You'll need to put this inside your cunt," he told her.

She looked at it and kind of shrunk away, toward the door. He laughed, "Don't worry, you're thinking it's a remote control vibrator that I'm going to torture you with. I promise it's not. I have no remote."

That seemed to mollify her a little bit, but not too much. "Do I have to?" she squeaked, in a tiny, feminine voice.

"Yes, dear, I'm afraid you do." I wondered where the 'slut', 'whore', 'bitch', were. Probably he was just trying to keep her as calm as he could, knowing how easily she could be frightened completely away.

She took it from him and felt it. "It's soft," she said. Then asked him, "Please look away while I do this." He showed her the tube of lube, then turned his head away. I heard a little swishing of her skirt, then, "Okay, it's done. It's inside me."

"Fantastic, shall we go in, then?"

He got out, walked to her side of the car and opened her door, then took her hand helping her out.

Once inside, he led my wife to a table set up about eight or ten feet from the stage and pulled her chair out.