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A father and daughter cross the line.
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"I'm Jim and sexually attracted to my daughter." That was my initial post in the subgroup 'dads who want their daughters' on that social media site.

So, I don't want to keep leaving the story to give you the backstory. I'm 44, and my wife, Susan is 43. We met in college on the swim team. We still keep in excellent shape. We're very tall, me at 6'4", Susan at 5'11". She's got enough of a chest to attract a man's eye and an ass that is just round enough. She had her pubic hair lasered off a few years ago too. I've got a nice cut cock, not fiction story porn star big, but certainly enough. We have brown hair and brown eyes. We also have a very vigorous and varied sex life. We've tried just about everything and settled on what we like. Okay, enough of that.

So, when Alexis, we call her Lexi, our daughter matured I surprised myself by seeing her as a young, attractive woman and not just a girl. I joined this page to ground myself and get honest opinions and experiences. The most useful are the posts on when things went wrong. You read these stories and you think it's easy. It's not. It's not common and when dads misjudge, it wrecks families. Way to kill the vibe. LOL.

I tried to peek. I 'borrowed' her panties. But that was it. We are a normal family. Well, except for the part where Susan and I had our bedroom soundproofed. Yeah, we like sex a lot. Susan knows about my urges, and we agree on my coping mechanism. There may be some roleplaying involved.

One last thing. We have a son, John. He's two years younger than Lexi. He is off with his mother on a business trip. She's doing work for Universal, down in Orlando and John begged to go. Since Lexi has the regionals, we'll owe her a trip. Okay. Now off to how all this went sideways.


The air was thick with the acrid scent of pool chemicals. The yelling and cheering echoed around the pool building, it was humid and warm. This was the last practice before the regionals.

Lexi finished her laps.

"Hey, dad."

"Hey, kid. Looking good."

Janet, her coach, checked her phone. "Excellent time, Lexi. You're ready."

Lexi is on the swim team. She's the best swimmer. She'll be missed when she graduates in the spring. She put her hands on the concrete pool deck and launched herself out of the pool.

It's quite a sight. My favorite part of watching swim practice. Lexi is tall, no surprise. 5'11". She has her parents build. Wide shoulders, trim waist, long arms and legs, that same round ass, and perfect breasts as her mother. Oh, and today, no camel guard. That's what the girls call the thick piece of fabric that they slip into their suits, so the nylon doesn't print the outline of their shaved sex. They claim it slows them down, but I think otherwise. They have to wear them for the meets, but not practice.

Lexi's long lithe body launched up, the water cascading down over her breasts. The muscles in her arms taut from the effort. Now, my favorite part. As her hips came into sight, the water ran over her abdomen and down the vee from her hips to her vagina. A vagina perfectly printed on the light blue fabric of her speedo suit. Lexi shaves. Susan told me. She wants to get lasered, but Susan said not yet.

Lexi stood on the pool deck stretching and running her hands over her body, stripping off the water. She looked at me as she did this. I remembered the warnings from my fellow dads to not misread this. I looked away only to see MaryBeth launch up in the next lane.

MaryBeth is a piece of work. Irish, her parents emigrated last year. Shortest girl on the team at five feet nothing. But nobody on the team has as much spirit and drive as MaryBeth. The girl is the soul of this team. She's a champion swimmer, and she wins. Nobody trains harder. She earns every win.

Now she's up on the pool deck. MaryBeth does not shave her pussy. I try not to stare at the lovely bulge at her apex, a few stray red hairs sneaking out at the edges. The water runs off her body, muscular, trim, compact. Not much over five-feet. Her breasts are but an illusion, just two fat nipples on a gentle swell. Her hair, blazing red, a spray of freckles over her face and shoulders. She shakes off the water, sees me.

"Hey, Mr. C, what's the craic?" Irish slang for what's up.

"Just watching the two best swimmers in the world."

"Ahhh Mr. C yer codding me. Your girl's got a deadly time and I'm lucky not to drown."

We both laughed. Lexi took off her cap and shook out her hair, running the towel over it and her hard body. I like swim practice. She talked while drying.

"I don't need a ride, dad. We're all going to Mary Beth's for dinner. I'll get a ride home."

"No problem, kiddo. I'll be there."

I turned to leave, nearly colliding with coach Janet.

"Jim, glad I caught you. I have a request."

"Sure, Janet. What do you need?"

"I need another parent to act as cat wrangler and chaperone for the girls at the regionals. The way things are today, accusations can fly, and I need all the protection I can get. Ian, Mary Beth's dad is going too. You'll be responsible for your own rooms."

"I'd love to, Janet. I was going anyway, so this is great. However, trying to herd twelve teenage girls may be more than I can handle."

We both laughed. Janet added. "Between the three of us, we'll manage. I'll notify you of the date and time of the team meeting."

On the way out, I spoke to Ian, and we had a laugh over our job. He clapped me on the shoulder. "You know, lots of men would kill for this job."

"Yes, they would. I do like looking, but...."

He raised his eyebrows and gave a thumbs up. Not sure what that meant.

It was almost midnight when Lexi came home. I was in the den in just boxers and a tee shirt. Lexi came in. She was tipsy. I guess somebody had a little booze there. She stood in front of me.

"What's wrong with me, dad?"

I had no idea what she was talking about. "I don't understand."

Lexi wore a sundress. I could tell there was no bra. She slipped the shoulder straps off and the garment paused briefly on her breasts then cascaded to the floor. She had no panties either and now stood naked in front of her stunned father. She was all that I had imagined and more.

'Lexi, put that back on, please."

"No, dad. Tell me what's wrong with me."

As you can imagine, I'm a tornado of mixed emotions. I'm being invited to look at my naked eighteen-year-old daughter who is drunk. Alarm bells rang.

"You're very pretty, now please get dressed or go up to your room."

Lexi cupped her perfect breasts. "Are these too small, or too big?"

My eyes are devouring her, but this had to end. She cupped her vagina. "Maybe I should let the hair grow back, like Mary Beth. She's got a boyfriend, an older guy too."

My cock was hard and that's tough to hide in boxer shorts

"Lexi; put the dress on and tell me what's going on."

"I can't get a boy to ask me out."

She looks at me and smiles. "Well, at least one man appreciates my body."

I had to be fire truck red. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm your father, but sadly, still a man."

I froze as my naked daughter moved in and sat on my lap. "Dad, I can't get a date. I'm still a virgin and after tonight I know I'm the only one on the team."

Her muscular ass sat on my cock which lay up against my belly. I could feel the lips of her pussy on top of my erection. A whisper-thin layer of cotton my only protection. She was wet and open. This was the stuff we talked about in the group. Danger time. Lexi leaned in a put her lips near my neck.

"I need somebody to make me a woman."

More alarm bells and flashing red lights.

"Alexis; get off my lap, please."

Lexi got up, surprised by my stern tone. "Sorry, dad. I'm just so unhappy."

I got up and picked up her dress. "I understand. Now, go to bed. We can talk in the morning."

In all of this, my cock had escaped my boxers and stood long and proud, taking the edge off my authority.

Lexi smiled and took the dress. "Okay dad, sorry." She turned and then paused. "Dad, I was bad. I should get a good swat on the ass for that."

"Go to bed Alexis."


I remembered to get dressed before I made breakfast. Sitting with my coffee when Lexi came in wearing just a tan thong.

"Gotta get my bra outa the laundry."

"Lexi..." I said. In that 'I don't approve' voice.

She stopped. My cock grew. This is torture. The tan thong made her look nude. Her breasts stood proud, the nipples hard. Fuck, she is beautiful. "Well, dad, after last night you've seen me, so I didn't bother. It's just skin and we are family."

I nearly came unassisted when she bent over to get her bra, presenting me with her firm ass bisected by the tan fabric that covered and perfectly conformed to every fold of her teen pussy. Oh fuck.

"Ohhhh, bagels," Lexi said as she tossed the bra into a chair and grabbed the knife.

"You can eat after you're dressed, you know. I won't eat them all."

Lexi bumped me with her hip. "Your killer, dad. No prob. I'll get dressed after."

Yes, I was very aware that this is not accidental. I'm also aware that girls her age get urges and that those urges can change. I slipped myself further under the table to hide my cock and enjoyed the show. Lexi bounced around as I watched and tried not to drool. My mug was empty, and I certainly was in no condition to refill it.

"Lexi, babe, more coffee?"

My daughter came behind me, leaning over and reaching to get the mug. Her perfect breasts rested on my shoulders. She took her time getting that mug and repeated the act when she returned.

Lexi settled and had her breakfast. We discussed the regionals and what my tasks would be. Lexi laughed.

"So, my dad's a chaperone? You got your work cut out for you. Some of those girls are a handful."

I took a sip of coffee, trying not to stare at my daughter's breasts, with their hard long nipples just begging to be sucked. "Well, I'm counting on the two informal team leaders to help."

Lexi smiled. "MaryBeth and I will do everything we can. You can count on us."

She finished her juice, stood up, collected her plate, and took it to the sink speaking over her shoulder. "But, dad, everything has a price."

Before I could ask, she was out the door, her voice ringing back through the hall, laughing, "You can get up now, dad."

I spent my day at work questioning everything. I knew I had to ignore the teasing and exhibitionism. My daughter had changed. That happens. But she can change again and it's important to not jump to conclusions. Many girls like to tease their dads. It's a way of confirming their attractiveness. After Lexi left for school, I found that tan thong wet with her cum and pounded a load so fast I surprised myself.

I met Lexi at school for the team meeting. We sat together and she held my hand. She's always done that, but it felt extra good. Ian and MaryBeth sat with us. She held Ian's hand too. I like them, good people. Of course, with the accent, I could listen to the girl all day.

The four of us had a chat after. I had a room, but it was on a separate floor. Ian was on the same floor as the girls. Janet told us that we didn't need to stand guard. Since some team members are minors and the hotel has no desire to be sued, they make the door action info available to Janet, who, in turn, told the girls. Janet would know every time a door opened.

Back home, Lexi behaved, wearing loose shorts and a tank. Of course, the shorts had no panties, and the shirt had no bra. But better than being teased the way I was this morning.

We had a great night. Lexi was nervous about the regionals tomorrow but excited. A win there would cement her scholarship to college. Our adventure this morning did not come up.

After dinner, we watched a couple of movies. The two of us on the couch under a blanket. Lexi kept her hand on my thigh the whole time and made no attempt to move it. I had my arm around her, my fingers low enough that with a little movement, I could touch her breast. I didn't. Oh, I wanted to. But I didn't.

At bedtime, Lexi gave me the usual goodnight kiss, but on my lips. "Sorry dad, I kinda missed." Yeah, missed. I liked it. "No problem, babe. G'nite."

I put on my tight boxer briefs, my heavy tee shirt, sweatpants, and sweatshirt to go to bed. Ha Ha, fuck no. My wife and have sex every night. I sleep naked.


"Dad, I can't sleep."

I keep the bedroom dark as a crypt. I woke up when Lexi spoke and knew she was next to the bed.

"What's wrong, kiddo?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Morning's a great time for that."

"I'm sorry, dad, but I'm not going to sleep with all this on my mind."

We both knew what she meant.

I rolled over on my back. The covers moved and Lexi was in the bed.

"Hey, hold on there. I thought you were sitting on the bed."

Lexi didn't answer, she threw the covers back over us and settled half on me, her left leg over my left leg, her body against mine. She was naked. I could feel her smooth sex rubbing on my thigh and her hard nipple poking my chest.

"Alexis, this is not a good idea."

"Dad, I'm a virgin. I'm going to college soon. None of the boys around here will ask me out. I'm too fucking tall and a bit intimidating. I need someone I trust to make me a woman and teach me what I need to do to keep a man."

As her hand moved, the covers shifted, and I caught her scent. I didn't have to touch my daughter. I knew she was soaked.

"That someone should not be your father."

Lexi's hand gently held my cock. My traitor cock was rigid.

"That's not what I'm feeling."

She let go and put her arm over my chest. "Who else knows me so well? Who else has been with me throughout my life, leading, teaching? This is just more teaching."

My arms were out to my sides. I was not going to hold her, cup her full round breast, grasp her firm ass, letting my finger stray until it found wetness.

"Lexi, I'll give you some teaching. Sex changes any relationship. It is the most intense form of relationship. Boyfriend, girlfriend, or even spouse. If it goes badly, you can leave. A blood relative, you can't. You will always be related and in some cases, like this, you must live with them. You can't just walk away.

"I understand what you're feeling, and I can't deny having similar feelings, but the bitchy part of being an adult, which you are now, is that you can't just give in to every feeling. I love you more than life itself and losing that would destroy me.

"You need to think very long and very hard about what you're asking and make sure you're mature enough to go through with it. You have dad the dad. Do you also want dad the lover? You'll meet a guy. You'll want to get married. Will you tell him? That's up to you, but you need to make a rational decision. Go back to your bed. Masturbate a lot. And when your fire is dulled, think about all the ways this could go wrong and whether you're ready to be this much of an adult. I'm leaving for the hotel at five tomorrow. Your bus leaves at six. You've got a half-day at school. Go to bed Lexi."

She gently kissed my forehead and slipped out of my bed. As soon as the door clicked shut and I heard hers's close, I had my cock in my hand. It took less than a minute before I came. I don't know how I controlled myself with her next to me naked.

I slept in. Lexi was gone when I got up. I had the day off, so I stayed naked. I threw a bath towel on the couch, texted with Susan off and on while I watched some movie. She had a meeting.

Around eleven, I had a text from Lexi. Checking the time, I knew she was on the bus home and close by.

"I'm ready."

My cock filled. I know my daughter. She does not make rash decisions. I'm not sure she got any sleep after my talk. I took a deep breath. Now it was me that had to think about what I was doing. As the bus stopped in front of the house, I stood up, put my phone on the shelf and faced the door.

"Ohhhh fuuuuck." She said as she walked in the door.

"I never bothered to get dressed. Sorry. I can put something on if you prefer."

Lexi stood in front of the couch. She had her shirt off and her hands behind her, grinning. "Dad, oh dad. I'm so nervous. Help me."

I stood in front of my daughter. My erection rubbing on her shorts. She was panting. "I don't know what to do."

Her bra-encased breasts pressed against my chest as I reached around and flipped the catch. I stepped back. The garment hung on her shoulders.

"Are you going to show me?" I asked.

Lexi blushed. "This is so intense. It was easy when I knew you wouldn't...."

"You don't have to. I love you no matter what. You're allowed to change your mind."

Lexi took a breath, her eyes locked on my rigid penis. "So beautiful." She let her bra fall away.

"I love your breasts, my daughter."

She blushed. "Thank you, dad. A little help?"

She kicked off her trainers as I knelt in front of her. I looked up as she looked down. "Last chance, baby. Daddy's gonna strip you naked."

She quivered. "I think I just had an orgasm, dad."

"Was it good?"

She sounded more confident now. "Yes, it was. Dad, I'm so fucking horny for you. Strip me naked, dad."

I slipped my fingers in the elastic waistband of her shorts, gently coaxing them over her trim waist and down until gravity took them the rest of the way. I was face-to-face with her smooth pussy. "I took my panties off at school. I wanted to masturbate, but I didn't. I'm so needy I could burst."

Still on my knees, I shoved her. Lexi yelped and fell back on the couch. I dove in, pushing her legs open. The outer lips of her pussy fat and full, the inner, in full bloom, wide and wet, with a trickle of white down the middle. I leaned against her thigh rubbing my face on her warm skin as I moved closer. Her skin, so soft, her scent tangy and sweet. Her abdomen heaving, legs twitching. I kissed her thigh.

My nose inches from my daughter's sex. I extended my tongue, touched her lips.

"Please, dad."

I centered my mouth over her vagina and kissed her pussy, extending my tongue inside her.

"Oh fucking yes. I love you, dad."

My hands pressing her thighs open I licked her pussy from top to bottom, extending my tongue inside, tasting her, ending with a flick at her large, hard clitoris. Lexi quivered and a surge of orgasm flowed from her. I kissed her lips and drank her cum, she came again, writhing, moaning, her hands holding my head against her pussy.

"Ohhhhhh fuuuuucck. So good. Don't stop, dad. Please don't stop."

I ran my hands over her hard abdomen and captured a nipple with each hand, pinching hard as I bit her clit. Fluid jetted into my mouth and Lexi shook. After a few seconds, she gently pressed my face away. I looked up over her sweat-covered body to her face, red with lust.

"Dad. I need you inside me now. Make me a woman."

I got up and offered my hand helping her off the couch and, with my arm around her, led her to her room.

"Not your bed?"

I smiled as I yanked the blanket and top sheet off. "No, baby. I want you to remember this every time you go to bed."

Lexi got on her bed and grabbed a pillow, sliding it under her perfect ass. I cocked my head. She giggled. "I saw this on a Reddit post. Supposed to help you hit my G-spot with your hard dad cock."

Lexi lay back and hooked her hands under her knees, pulling her legs back. "Time to fuck your virgin daughter."

I got on the bed, moving between her legs. "Keep talking like that and dad's gonna cum all over you."

Lexi wiggled her hips. "No, daddy, in me. Stick it in me, dad."

Lexi held her legs up and open. I put my hands under her knees and pressed back. I knew she was flexible enough. Her eyes locked on my cock as I touched her entrance with the head.

"Baby, do you still have...."

Lexi, panting. "No, dad. Broke that a long time ago. I've got toys, one almost your size. I'm ready. Fuck your daughter. I want you in me."