Amish Country Blues Ch. 02


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Elizabeth spoke first, "Hannah, what have you done?"

Hannah knew she had to respond. "Elizabeth, I too wish another child. We must not share our secrets, agreed?"

Elizabeth, unsure of what had just occurred, agreed, and nodded to Hannah.

Tommy left and the two women talked as they walked to the house.

"You seemed to enjoy the English very much, Hannah."

"Yes, I have come to enjoy it very much."

"I think I understand, but is it the correct thing to do?"

"Elizabeth, I don't know if it is correct, but I know it is right...Do you understand?"

Elizabeth wrinkled her brow, and thought deeply, "I don't know, but I think I would like to be with the English again -- is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that is what I mean."


After two weeks of rotating through the Yoder wives Tommy was rapidly becoming bored with the routine and was about to ask for a break when Ezekiel informed him of the brothers' decision to wait and see if the women had taken with child.

Tommy was relieved. And decided if there was any further "deals" he would ask for more money, for fifty dollars he could hardly see the benefit.

Several weeks had passed and he had heard nothing, but this didn't surprise Tommy; Hannah had been impregnated and he didn't find out until after she had a child. This time was to be different though.

Elizabeth stood at her husband's side as he was explaining to Ezekiel that she had not "taken" with the English the first time around. Ezekiel was surprised; the other wives had all become pregnant. "No matter," he said the English would make good the deal, and service her again. This time, however, she would stay at Ezekiel's farm for the week, to better ensure the insemination. Elizabeth smiled inwardly; she had enjoyed the orgasms and hoped she could have a few more before she became pregnant. The end result was another opportunity to join with Tommy.

Elizabeth was elated, unable to show any outward sign of joy she just stood and followed her husband's directions.

"Elizabeth, I leave you here in hopes of fulfilling our wish to have healthy sons. You will try hard to become pregnant, won't you?"

"Yes, Ezra, I will do my duty as your wife and mother a child for you."

They parted and Elizabeth smiled a little sinister smile as she followed her brother in law into his house.


Ezekiel struggled with the situation now confronting him, as he made his way to the English's house. It wasn't that he needed to ask Tommy to try again with Elizabeth, it was his own predicament: He had not been with Hannah since they had lost their last child, and thinking of her was becoming an obsession for him. He knew he couldn't risk impregnating her.

Ezekiel arrived at Tommy's farm and found him at the house having lunch. Ezekiel waited and appeared troubled as Tommy approached him with the usual smile and hand shake.

"You look upset, Mr. Yoder, is something wrong?" Tommy inquired.

"Yes, I have sad news. Elizabeth has not taken, and needs to be serviced again." Ezekiel explained that she would stay at his house to facilitate his work.

"No problem, but is that what's bothering you?" Tommy asked.

"I have other troubles, but they do not concern you." He responded.

"Mr. Yoder, we have become friends and I think that as a friend it is my responsibility to be concerned."

Ezekiel agreed; they had become friends, but this was not something he could talk about -- with anyone. "Thank you for your concern, will you be available tonight?"

"Of course." Tommy realized he was not going to be any help.


Tommy arrived at the Yoder farm and went to the barn to find Ezekiel there instead of the women. He smiled and said "hello" and shook Ezekiel's hand.

Ezekiel was troubled and began to ask Tommy why he had such strong feelings about copulating when it was inadvisable to do so.

Tommy saw in his friend the frustration he had experienced not too long ago himself. He also realized that the religious taboo had a serious effect on the situation as well. Tommy was not sure he had the answer but tried to assuage his friend's frustration. "Mr. Yoder, I believe that there is a plan for each and every one of us to follow on this earth, and that you have a role to play as well." Tommy wasn't sure where he was going with this, but he knew he had to continue, "It was you that originally thought of this plan to save your family, and now I think it is time for you to reap what you sow." Tommy said without knowing where he was heading with the line of thought.

"What have I sown?" Ezekiel asked, confused.

Tommy continued, "You have delivered to your brothers the salvation they sought for their families, and what have you received in return?"

Ezekiel frowned, not knowing what it was the English was trying to say.

"It is your turn to benefit from the situation you yourself devised. You should be rewarded for your efforts."

"But how?" Ezekiel asked, perplexed.

"Tonight you will supervise Elizabeth, and I will explain further after we have finished."

Elizabeth readied herself for the English; she knew what to do now that she had been so proficiently instructed by Hannah during their last episode. She walked toward the barn with Hannah and waited as Ezekiel had instructed them. Ezekiel came out and spoke with Hannah, telling her to go to the house. Hannah was visibly upset, not knowing what had transpired within, she turned tentatively and walked back toward the house. Ezekiel and Elizabeth continued inside the barn.

Tommy readied himself on a blanket. Elizabeth was reluctant to expose herself to Ezekiel, but moved toward Tommy none the less. Tommy said, "It's OK, get undressed."

Elizabeth tentatively pulled her dress off and pulled her panties down, looking as she did to her brother in law. Tommy was ready and waiting so she straddled him and sat upon his belly, leaning as before on his shoulders.

Ezekiel started to intervene, but Tommy saw him begin and interjected, "Ezekiel, watch and keep quiet." His tone was commanding enough to stifle Ezekiel from further interruptions.

Tommy pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips, she melted into his grasp. Ezekiel marveled at the scene in front of him. His sister in law was naked, straddling the English and he was beginning to feel the pangs of envy build in his loins.

Tommy grasped his erection and placed it at her opening, rubbing it along her slit. He pushed forward and let the head slip inside. She gasped out loud, pushing a little more of his penis inside her warmly moist opening.

Tommy began thrusting in and out of her vagina, setting a rhythm with her undulations. He worked his penis in as far as it would go and looked to Mr. Yoder, standing, watching, amazed at the sight before him.

Just as Elizabeth was beginning to ride his penis with a passion, Tommy pulled out and rolled her over, onto her back. She was shocked and didn't know what was happening, as Tommy stood up.

Tommy looked at Ezekiel and pointed to Elizabeth, "She's yours Ezekiel."

Ezekiel shook his head "No" and began to protest.

Tommy implored him, "This is your just deserts, Ezekiel, it's what I meant earlier."

Ezekiel looked at his sister in law laying there naked looking at him. Slowly he moved toward her. As he kneeled beside her she smiled at him, releasing the tension of the moment. He loosened his belt and fly. She reached forward and reached into his trousers for his male member and grasped it firmly. He moaned and moved between her legs.

Elizabeth guided him into her, she was wet and warm from the English. Ezekiel pushed into her, relishing the warm envelopment of his stiff manhood. He stroked twice and began convulsing, as his orgasm overcame him. He laid there for a moment relishing the glow of being with a woman, any woman, again.

Elizabeth kissed Ezekiel on his cheek. Ezekiel didn't understand the kiss and raised his head looking at his sister in law in the eyes. She then kissed him fully on the lips, lingering as she did so. Ezekiel felt a stirring in his loins, he was becoming hard again and he stroked into her vagina once more. He had never become hard so soon, and never twice in the same day. She began rocking under him and he smiled at her, poking his penis back into her tender folds. The excitement permeated his entire being and he began pounding into her with earnest.

In moments Elizabeth was coming calling his name as she did, "Ezekiel...oh...Ezekiel."

He raged on hearing this, his penis surged to full length, penetrating her repeatedly, he began his second orgasm as she yelled "Yes!"

Tommy watched as the two lovers clasped each other tightly, and then relaxed, totally spent. Tommy knew he had to finish the service he was contracted to do. He tapped Ezekiel on the shoulder and smiled a knowing smile. Ezekiel pulled out, stood up and let Tommy lay between Elizabeth's legs.

She was loose now, and Tommy pumped into her with abandon. He thrust into her, but she just lay there, waiting as it were, for his insemination. He came and she was relieved. Her thoughts were for her brother in law. How wonderful he was, she thought.


Elizabeth labored to keep busy during the day. She had dreamed of Ezekiel all morning and it was now noon, lunch time, and she hoped to see Ezekiel as he ate his lunch.

"Ezekiel has not come in for lunch; He must be detained in the south pasture." Hannah thought out loud.

"If you must stay here with the child, I will take his lunch to him." Elizabeth volunteered.

"Thank you, he will be near the creek on the far side of the pasture." Hannah explained.

Elizabeth walked toward the creek and as she did she began to reminisce about Ezekiel making love to her. She became aroused and found herself walking briskly toward where Ezekiel was. She was in full bloom when she spied him standing next to a large oak tree.

Ezekiel looked up and saw Elizabeth walking toward him. He became excited immediately. He didn't know what this feeling meant, but he was glad to see her. He smiled broadly as she stepped up to him, lunch basket in hand and kissed him fully on the lips.

"I have brought lunch for thee, Ezekiel."

"Yes, I am hungry." He said, but his eyes beamed a deeper intent, a lust and a hunger for something other than food.

Elizabeth spread a small cloth on the ground and retrieved the contents of the basket, arraigning the food for Ezekiel as he washed his hands in the creek. Ezekiel watched his sister in law as he ate his lunch. She is young, he thought, still she was a woman, and he had enjoyed her favors so much last evening. He was lost in thought when he was startled by her asking a question, "Ezekiel...last night...that was good for you?" She was visibly nervous and unsure she should even broach the subject.

Ezekiel had enjoyed it immensely, but to discuss it openly seemed so utterly perverse to him, he blushed deeply, and did not answer, couldn't answer her query.

"I am sorry I have embarrassed you," She said as she shyly dropped her eyes to her lap and her fidgeting hands.

"No...I have thought of you much today." He finally admitted.

Elizabeth was elated, and showed her pleasure by smiling and looking directly at her brother in law. Their eyes met and locked together in a lustful gaze. Elizabeth slowly moved next to him, without taking her eyes off of his, she reached a trembling hand tentatively to his face and caressed him. She moved her lips ever so slowly to his and they kissed, their eyes never blinking; never wavering from each other.

Elizabeth pressed Ezekiel to his back and reached a hand to his groin area, feeling the swelling manhood there. Ezekiel placed his hand over hers, and moved it to his belt buckle. In a burst of frantic activity Elizabeth pried his pants apart and pulled them to his mid-thigh, quickly she removed her under wear and swung a leg over his torso. Reaching back, she grasped his penis and placed it at her sopping wet opening. She pressed back as he thrust his hips upward into her, they met with a smacking sound as she fully engulfed Ezekiel's manhood.

They trashed frantically, neither was schooled in the finer art of love making, they had no point of reference, so they just plunged in and out until they came, grunting and heaving as they did. They both lay still, Ezekiel still inside Elizabeth, and held one another.

Stirring first, Elizabeth asked Ezekiel "Is it wrong to feel this way?"

Ezekiel had forced the moral dilemma from his mind, he knew very well the implications of such behavior; it was a taboo act with one's spouse, but to enjoy such debauchery with the wife of a brother was beyond the pale of proper Amish behavior.

"I think we have committed a serious affront Elizabeth." He intoned, "Yet I do not wish for it to end."

"I prefer you to the English." Elizabeth admitted, not knowing just what it was she was saying.

Ezekiel felt a measure of pride that this woman would choose him over the English. "We must be back to work now." He said flatly, spoiling the moment for Elizabeth.

Ezekiel went back to work and Elizabeth marched toward the house with mixed feelings about continuing with Tommy, she had fallen deeply for her brother in law, but she didn't recognize it yet.


Hannah agonized over her husband replacing her during Elizabeth's service calls with Tommy. She worried that Ezekiel had found out that she had sampled the love of the English without permission. Did he know, or was there another reason he had taken over the supervisor duties? She was compelled to find out.

Tommy arrived and as before went to the barn to find Ezekiel and Elizabeth waiting for him. Elizabeth averted her eyes as Tommy walked in and said "hello".

Elizabeth disrobed and lay on the blanket already prepared for their union, her small form barely making an imprint in the soft mat. Tommy looked to Ezekiel, who was visibly agitated for some reason and wrinkled his brow, something was wrong, he thought.

"Ezekiel is something wrong?" he asked.

"It is nothing; I have struggled with my conscience of late that is all."

Tommy wasn't particularly perceptive but as he looked at Elizabeth he could see her watching Ezekiel, with a longing look of desire. He realized that there had been a connection between the two and it fell to him to be the arbiter.

"Ezekiel, I must ask a favor of you," Tommy said.

"A favor?" Ezekiel wondered aloud.

"Yes. I have had a terrible day and I do not think that I can perform tonight. Will you stand in for me?"

Elizabeth looked enthusiastic but said nothing. Ezekiel looked between Tommy and Elizabeth, obviously torn between his lust and his responsibility. "I do not know if I should." He said, unconvincingly.

Suddenly, Elizabeth squeaked, "Please," looking directly at Ezekiel.

Ezekiel's resistance melted as she reached a hand toward him, beckoning him to her.

He moved to her and dropped his pants and under wear around his legs, his penis already hard; ready for her love.

Hannah had determined that she had to find out why she had been replaced as Elizabeth's supervisor. She waited a few moments before following Ezekiel to the barn. She stood in the shadows as Tommy arrived and went into the barn. She looked through the spaces in the vertical boards of the barn, watching the three as they talked about something, but she couldn't hear what they said.

Then she saw Ezekiel, not Tommy, move to Elizabeth and begin to make love to her.

Hannah's heart pounded like a jack-hammer until she was certain they could hear it inside the barn. She pressed one hand tightly to her breast as though to dull the sound. But it didn't stop; it lurched on accompanying the soft rhythmic sucking of the girl's lips on her husband's. Oh Lord, it was awful! She was hypnotized by the lewd wet sound of lips on lips, and she gradually found herself losing control of her consciousness. It was almost as though her whole being was palpitating in unison with the couple; and she was moving off away from her own body and watching horrified as she lurched into the first warming trembling of arousal that began seething around deep in her groin.

"Oh, my darling ... oh." Elizabeth moaned.

Elizabeth felt his tangling fingers pull her by the hair until her lips withdrew with an obscene suction-like sound from his. His hands moved to her shoulders and twisted her body harshly until she fell on her back on the mat. Ezekiel rolled himself full length on top of her and she twisted and squirmed, smashing her hips against the wet hard cock pressing against her wildly rocking belly.

"Oh," she whimpered uncontrollably as he drew his hand up tight against the warmly swelling moistness of her vagina, searching for the tight elastic little opening.

He worked at her hotly quivering vaginal lips now, slowly and expertly parting the thinly curling pubic hairs and insinuating his fingers, hurting slightly at first so that she gasped and bit down on her lips to stem the pain.

She shuddered expectantly as his hands pushed her thighs further apart still, stretching her vagina. Her legs snaked out on either side of his body and her calves locked against the backs of his legs. He grasped his hard aching cock in his hands and then Elizabeth felt the lips around her softly quivering vagina slowly stretching open. The elastic rimmed tightness resisted for a moment, then gave way.

"Oh," she groaned as it slithered inside her belly.

Ezekiel shoved again, slowly forward, and then suddenly he could stand it no more, and he rammed into her with everything he had, sinking the lust-inflated penis into her young belly. He could feel the soft, sperm-filled sac of his balls slap tightly against her jerking buttocks and her legs kicked out in the air from the relentless onward pressure. She responded by digging her heels into the bed and grinding her wetly clasping vagina back up his smoothly skewering shaft.

He could hardly contain himself as her grunts of pleasure resounded through the barn around them. He set up a quick rhythmic fucking motion, further incited by the flat smack of naked flesh on naked flesh as his belly smacked heavily against hers with each lust-heated stroke. It seemed impossible, but it was true: he was ramming that hard thick penis up into the warmly quivering confines of his Sister in law, and she loved every inch of it.

"Oh, Oh, Arhgh," she groaned as it pushed with greater force through the hotly pulsating passage. The sounds came incoherently around the swabbing tongue sunk deep in her throat.

"Yes, oh yes, Ezekiel." Hannah heard Elizabeth calling her husband's name.

Hannah could feel the perspiration flowing freely on her body now beneath the softly falling folds of her dress. Down below she could feel her own hotly throbbing vagina softly tingling, and she pressed her pelvis out against the wall and began rubbing it against the cool surface of the barn. But the feeling was not stopped. Nothing was clear to her, she understood nothing - she could not stop that warmly quivering sensation, and she felt in one flicker of coherent thought that she would do it! She had thought of satisfying herself, but never like this; while they were doing these vile things to each other only a few feet away.

As though in a dream, her own hands began to involuntarily massage the tensely straining whiteness of her breasts, trapping the warmly trembling nipples beneath her fingers and kneading and pulling them through her blouse until it felt as though she would rip them loose from the white quivering mounds. Her left hand began to slide slowly along her perspiring body, down the flat plane of her curving sides and across her stomach to rest on the thinly throbbing strands of her pubic hair. God, it felt good! She began to rub back and forth, and up and down over the cotton material. She could feel her own moistly throbbing vaginal slit palpitating excitedly against the tips of her fingers, and she worked them harder, learning new methods of bringing her own personal pleasure with each flick.