Amish Country Blues


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Then Tommy began to ejaculate into her and stabbed his penis as far into her as he could. The head of his penis slammed into her cervix and she lurched from the force. As she did so the folds of her dress uncovered her head just enough so that Tommy and Ezekiel could see the dazed look of fulfillment on her face, she was biting her lower lip as her face pressed against the workbench. This was the first time Tommy had seen her face and the scene was burned into his mind.

Tommy finished and pulled his penis out and replaced it in his trousers. He looked to Ezekiel and nodded as if to say "done".

Ezekiel escorted Tommy to his truck and finally spoke as Tommy started the engine, "Same time, two nights hence." Then turned and went into the house.


The Amish consider the enjoyment of physical pleasure a taboo act: The pursuit of pleasure is the surest way to ruin the Amish simple way of life. This is what haunted Hannah Yoder following the incident with the English man, Tommy Maddox. She had gone into the house and forced herself to appear normal. But things were not normal. She had experienced an orgasm for the first time in her life. And it had been enjoyable for her. She lay awake that night, staring at the ceiling, remembering the fullness of his penetration, his relentless pressure, the warm glow of the orgasm as it washed over her. She rubbed her legs together as she remembered him inside her, and she began to come again, a mild yet unmistakable tremor rocked her body. She sighed, turned on her side and went to sleep.

Ezekiel Yoder realized that to inform the congregational elders was to court disaster. They would not understand his intentions; then again after seeing the English penetrate his wife and his confusing reaction to witnessing it, he was not entirely sure if he understood it any longer. But he was committed to seeing this through; it was their only hope for a family.

Ezekiel began to recall the strange excitement he had felt watching his wife as she was penetrated from behind by the massive penis of the English. Again he felt the excitement build in his loins, he was becoming hard. As he walked the growing erection rubbed against the leg of his trousers and soon he had ejaculated down his leg. Relief, followed by a stinging sense of remorse and guilt gripped him. He worried that there was something wrong with him. So focused on his guilt, it never occurred to him that his wife, Hannah, was equally conflicted.

Meanwhile, Tommy had no such concerns. He was feeling the triumphant pride of a successful sexual encounter. He didn't want to wash immediately, when he got home he went to his room and disrobed, holding his underwear to his face and smelling the thickly sweet smell of Mrs. Yoder. He became instantly aroused and found that his memory of her was still vivid in his mind's eye. He touched himself and the vision of her face pressed against the work bench leapt to the fore. Just a few strokes and the ecstasy overwhelmed him. He decided to savor this scent as long as he could; he would save this underwear forever.


Wednesday could not arrive soon enough for Tommy. He worked hard around the farm and found that if he worked diligently the time passed a little quicker. When the time finally came to depart for the Yoder's house, he had a raging hard on before he even left his own driveway. "I hope I can last." He mused.

He pulled into the drive as he had the first time and just as before Mr. Yoder met him and led him to the barn. This time, however, Mrs. Yoder was already present, lamp burning, waiting. Tommy thought he saw a smile crease her face before she turned to the work bench, and as before pulled the folds of her dress over her back, and pulled her panties down to her mid-thighs.

Tommy for his part knew what was expected this time, and he moved into position, removed his thickening penis and pumped it to full measure. He placed the head of the thick phallus at her opening and pressed forward, sinking easily into her. Wow, he thought, she's wet tonight.

Hannah had anticipated this moment for two full days. She was ready when he pressed forward his first time, so wet she had been dripping down her legs as she awaited his arrival. She realized that she could not show any outward signs of enjoyment, she had to disguise the effect this English had on her.

Tommy set up a rhythm pressing in and out of Mrs. Yoder's vagina. However, he was very deliberate in the pace; he had thought that he could last a little longer, savoring the moment, if he was a little slower.

Ezekiel stood as before and watched Tommy begin penetrating his wife. Knowing what to expect this time didn't diminish the excitement of watching this huge penis slide in and out of Hannah's pussy.

Just as they began in earnest, a shout was heard from the direction of the house, followed by a horn blast from a car. Tommy froze and looked to Ezekiel. Hannah made no move at all, pinned as she was to the Work bench.

Ezekiel said, "Wait here, I will see to it, and be back," whereupon he left the barn and walked into the pitch black of the night.

Tommy stood there; erect penis buried in Hannah's bent form, hands on his hips wondering what was up. Looking down at the female form beneath him he felt compelled to say something to her. He thought of commenting her, or maybe he should just chat about something innocuous. He finally said the one thing he probably should not have said in this situation; "I really enjoy making love to you." He said sincerely.

Hannah, pinned as she was did not know how to respond, still, she thought frantically for something to say. Ezekiel had warned her not to converse at all, but the situation was so compelling a response seemed to be demanded of her. "I, too, have enjoyed it." She said meekly.

Tommy realized that this was the first time he had heard her voice. He shifted his weight slightly, having not moved since Ezekiel had left, and his penis moved just perceptibly. Hannah mewed at the slight movement and Tommy chanced a little more pressure into her wet folds. Hannah pressed back against him and mewed again.

Ezekiel reappeared and explained, "The sheriff was in the area and wanted to drop off the tack that was removed from our horse. He has left and we may proceed." He then returned to his place against the wall.

Tommy wasted no time getting started again, he picked up the pace this time and when he began his orgasm he started chanting out loud, "Oh yea... Oh yea... so good..."

Ezekiel was shocked and was on the verge of stopping the English from this verbal spectacle. He was also distracted from his wife and didn't notice she was actively bucking back against Tommy's relentless pounding, obviously enjoying the entire episode.

Hannah bit her lip hard as wave after wave of orgasm washed over her.

The two participants huffed and puffed as they slowly separated and as before, they dressed and parted company.

Ezekiel as before instructed Tommy that the next visit would occur, this time, "On the Monday next, as I have a previous obligation."

"Monday, then." Tommy said as he waved good bye.


Hannah recounted in her mind what Tommy had said to her as she lay beneath him. He had said "he enjoyed making love" to her. He was "making love"? Hannah's conception of intercourse was that it was what a wife did for her husband to continue the family, their way of life. But now this man said he was "making love". She was confused, but at the same time her interest was piqued at the notion that she had made love to him. And she had enjoyed it immensely, not once, but twice.

She woke from her sleep that night panting and sweating profusely. She had been dreaming of the events in the barn, she imagined that she could see Tommy's penis, something she had not done in reality, but so overpowering that it had jarred her from her slumber. She began to wonder if there was a way to see him...and his penis. Maybe they would meet alone somewhere, but that was just a silly dream. She slept wondering just how much of her dream would become real and how much would remain fantasy.


Ezekiel gave Hannah instructions on feeding the livestock; he would be gone for three days to help rebuild a distant neighbor's barn that had burned after a lightning strike. Normally she would accompany him, but as their horse had been lost, there was no way to travel back and forth to care for the farm. She would stay behind and care for the farm and he would bunk at their uncle's house.

Hannah found it difficult to keep her mind on her chores. She continually drifted off into a daydream of Tommy. One minute she would dream of what he had said to her, the next she would be wondering if he found her attractive. That first evening alone she actually seemed to relish the house to herself. She lingered at her bathing, something she had never done before. Bathing was a requirement, not something to be enjoyed, but that is exactly what she was doing. She was enjoying the time alone... with her thoughts of Tommy. She slept with dreams of Tommy "making love" to her.

Friday Tommy had to go into town for feed and noticed that the Yoder's carriage was still sitting, abandoned, beside the road. He resolved to help them get it back home if he could; it was the least he could do, he thought.

He tried not to waste too much time in town. He loaded as quickly as the feed was ready and drove back toward home. He came upon the carriage, pulled alongside it and parked. He looked at the two long tongues that the horse attached to, and realized he could just fasten them to the hitch on his truck. He went about lashing the carriage to the truck and when he was satisfied it would hold he gave it a try. His lashing seemed to work so he began towing the carriage slowly toward the Yoder's farm.

The sun had gone down and now the lingering light of the day's end made the way to the Yoder house seem like a destination rather than a delivery. Tommy pulled the carriage close to the barn and jumped out of the truck to begin unlashing the tongue from the hitch. As he loosed the last of the lashes, he felt more than saw a still form beside him. He looked more closely and saw Mrs. Yoder standing, arms crossed with a shawl about her shoulders, just a few feet from him.

"I thought I had better get this off the road for you...Where would you like it?" Tommy said with a smile.

Hannah looked intently and answered, "In the barn would suffice."

Tommy turned the tongue and began to pull the carriage towards the barn. Hannah opened the door to the barn and lit a lamp. Tommy stopped just as the carriage was fully into the barn, and dropped the tongue with a "bang" that surprised them both.

Just then Tommy saw Hannah chance a glance toward the work bench, the place that "it" had happened between them. It looked like she had blushed for just an instant.

"Where is Mr. Yoder this evening?" Tommy wondered aloud.

"He is with family, for a barn raising." Hannah explained.

"Oh...well let him know I stopped by." Tommy said, realizing he may have been presumptuous by his actions.

Just as Tommy turned to leave, Hannah blurted out, "Thank you!" With much more emphasis than was required for the situation, telegraphing her anxiousness.

Tommy wasn't sure why she had thanked him in so forceful a manner. Was it for the carriage or, perhaps it was for something else...

"You're welcome...Hannah, isn't it? Your name, that is."

"Yes." She said shyly, wringing her hands in front of her.

Even Tommy, who was certainly not well schooled in reading such emotions could see she was nervous.

Tommy thought of something nice to say that would relax the situation, "I can't wait for Monday, how 'bout you?"

Hannah stiffened like she had been shot. The commonly used phrase "I can't wait" is an expression of anxious anticipation, but this is not an expression known to the Amish. The meaning for Hannah was that he "couldn't wait" therefore he wished to proceed now.

Hannah looked directly into Tommy's eyes and asked, "Would Thee prefer the house to here?"

Tommy was unsure of her intention, but it seemed to him that she was inviting him to the house. "The house would be fine." He said smiling.

Hannah turned and walked to the house, Tommy followed. As she walked Hannah's mind raced, grasping for any way she could get a glimpse of his penis. It was something that adult Amish man would not allow. Then an idea came to her. After she closed the door behind Tommy, she turned and led him to the kitchen, where a kettle of water was simmering on the wood stove. She grabbed a wash pan and placed hot water into it, then cooled it with a like amount of cold water. She retrieved a wash cloth and handed it to Tommy, saying, "Thee may wash here, if thee please."

Tommy smiled, no longer wondering what was to happen. He took the cloth, dropped his trousers and underwear to his knees and began washing his meaty penis.

Hannah watched as he washed and instantly felt tightness in her stomach, a sudden faintness made her knees weak, she pulled a chair out and sat, never taking her eyes off Tommy's huge manhood.

Tommy placed the cloth in the pan and stated, "Done!"

Hannah blushed, stood and led him to the bedroom upstairs.

Turning to face him, Hannah was looking in Tommy's eyes as their lips met for their first kiss. She shook with the exhilaration of the act. The Amish did not show affection in this manner and it made her head spin. He was so soft but firm with her. She was completely lost in Tommy's eyes and his kiss. She let her hands roam over his back and arms. He was pulling her closer, his hands pressed at the small of her back. He slipped a thigh between her legs as he pushed his hands inside her blouse. Hannah trembled with both fear and excitement. His hands were so warm and she could feel their strength. She broke the kiss and without a word led him to the bed. She had wondered what he looked like naked and now she was going to find out.

She turned back to Tommy who was standing at the foot of the bed. She took a step to him and placed her hands on his chest. She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it open. She rubbed her palms all over his chest, and leaned in to smell his musk. She moved to his jeans, she unbuttoned and unzipped them and pushed them down over his buttocks. Hannah moved her hands to the front of Tommy's underwear and felt him hot and hard. She traced her fingernails over the bulge of his cock. She lowered herself to her knees and pushed Tommy's jeans down further and then pushed the underwear down, freeing his beautifully hard dick. Hannah brought her hands up the inside of Tommy's thighs and cupped his balls in one hand and took hold of him with the other. She began to stroke Tommy's hardness slowly while looking up at the pleasure on his face.

Hannah was becoming terribly hot by this time. She needed this penis, Tommy's penis, to fill her pussy. She stood and pushed him back onto the bed. Hannah pulled her dress and blouse over her head to reveal her full breasts and hard nipples. She struggled to remove her panties. She hurriedly straddled Tommy and guided him into her. She moved down him slowly, wanting only to feel as much as possible. It felt so good inside her. Hannah started moving on his penis letting it fill her full and then moving up until he almost fell out.

As her desire grew, so did her motions, faster and harder she fucked a very willing Tommy. He placed his hands on her hips helping to hold her as he met her thrusts. They fucked furiously until she felt him growing even harder in her pussy. Then she felt him tense and as he fucked her. She was so excited that he was close; she felt her own climax coming. After a few more hard strokes they both came together, his hot seed spilling deep within her quivering womb. She collapsed on his chest breathing hard, his heart pounding in her ears, and then she began to doze off. She fell asleep as Tommy caressed her gently.

Tommy couldn't believe it, he had made love to this wonderful woman -- in a bed -- and it was her idea. He lay there too excited to sleep; he wanted to wake her to talk to her, to kiss her, to love her again. Slowly his penis began to regain its earlier hardness.

Hannah stirred from her sleep and realized Tommy was ready to go again. She had never had intercourse twice in the same night before and was eager to try again.

As Tommy rested his cock head partway inside her, he ran his fingertips around her breasts. Hannah quivered, and jerked back toward the pillow. Without any hesitation, he slid a little further into her. She made an approving noise, and then said, "Oh, yes."

With her on her left side, and with her right leg over his side, it was easy for Tommy to see he had yet to fully enter her. As he started to push, she was still relaxed from her previous orgasm, and she opened up with no resistance. He went in easily, and she wiggled in pleasure. Tommy thrust further into her pussy. Hannah was mindless. She had arrived in heaven.

Tommy couldn't get all the way in with one thrust, so he stopped and gave her a chance to adjust and to push with him. They gradually pushed together, and he gave little jerks as tremors passed through her crotch. She squirmed and rotated and pushed, gasping for air.

Tommy was deep inside Hannah. She was impaled like never before. She was babbling, with a kind of guttural laughing. Kind of like a huffing, stuttering sound.

They were at the peak of their adventure. She was wide open and totally at his mercy. She just hung on to Tommy. Rather than thrust wildly, he continued to push steadily up inside her as far as he could reach, until she let out a deep groan. "Ooooh my, please. Please."

Tommy began a slow withdrawal, then began to slowly slide back in.

It just seemed natural, and they each began slow undulations, alternating with slow pushes back and forth inside her. She was completely beyond thought. Just impaling her and getting fucked like never before in her life. She was beyond any previous self-restraint. She was blissful. All their smells were mingled together, into one tangy, sweet aroma. They just floated in a mutual sexual haze.

Tommy was excited, and his thrusts began to take on their own life. Hannah felt it building, and so did Tommy. She began to moan and Tommy plunged faster and faster. Her head was back, her eyes closed, her teeth showing. Her breasts were bobbing, her back arched, as Tommy plunged harder and harder. She was crying out, "Oh, oh, oh, aaaaaaahhhhhhh." Her noises were getting higher pitched.

They came for what seemed like several minutes, and they lay together, shaking, and jerking. For a while, they lay motionless, just getting their composure. Tommy withdrew, and let Hannah fall back on the mattress. As she collapsed against the bed, Tommy plopped out of her, with a trail of semen reaching from his softening penis to her furry entry.

Tommy rolled over and kissed her on the mouth, and she kissed him back passionately, with hunger. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, totally absorbed in her feelings. Tommy flopped back and then rolled over to give her a second kiss, which she returned with the same hunger that he had just kissed her.

Hannah stirred first and with a smile said, "Thee should go."

Tommy kissed her on the cheek and dressed to leave. As he walked across the yard to his truck he heard her call from the door, "A moment please!" He turned and walked back to the porch. He could see she was bothered by something.

Hannah desperately wanted to express herself to this wonderful man, but what could she say to him? Then it hit her, she remembered what he had said to her when they first spoke, "I enjoyed making love with you."

Tommy smiled a huge grin, and replied, "I love you too."