An Odd Job


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"Dear, do you usually dress this way?"

She cringed and fidgeted with the hem of her dress. "We encountered some trouble on the way here."

"There is a nice dressmaker down the street. I'd be glad to show you."

Ezmerelda gave a relieved smile and nodded her acceptance of the idea. On the way to the door she paused, chewed her lower lip, and gave Roman a pleading look. Without stopping his conversation he retrieved his wallet and tossed it to her. Mrs. Sutter arched an eyebrow and Ezmerelda blushed furiously.

The bell above the door rang merrily as the pair entered the shop. Mrs. Sutter had spoken true. Dresses of all styles and colors lined the walls. The seamstress blinked in confusion at Ezmerelda's question.

"Miss, I don't carry those. If you'd like trousers there is a tailor down the street."

The warm hand of the tailor sliding up her inner thigh in an effort to obtain her inseam was all it took to convince her to quickly return to the dress shop. Two hours later the wizard and the wife departed. Ezmerelda grumbled under her breath. It was a good thing she'd be fighting in the dark. Any skirt that allowed enough freedom of movement to kick properly would result in her flashing her newly purchased underwear. She grumbled more when she considered that the only undergarments in her size were more risqué than she preferred.

After a delicious dinner with the Sutter family, Ezmerelda sat surrounded by tall grass in the field behind the farm house. Roman had walked the edge of the field talking to the plants. Originally the pampas grass that lined field had been about knee-high, as the young wizard passed it grew taller easily topping his head. With sweeping hand gestures and some muttered phrases Roman had created a small, comfortable clearing to be used as a hunting blind. Huddled together with a blanket draped over their shoulders they waited. She dearly wanted a small fire, but the chance of it being detected was just too great.

"Now it's just a matter of patience," she stated.

Roman nodded. "The plants should hide our scents and they will warn me if something draws near."

She fixed him with a sidelong glance and settled into a comfortable position. The notion of communicating with plants was daft. Every few hours she had to stretch to prevent her arms and legs from going numb. The only thing that moved were the clouds as they slowly crept across the sky.

By the second night she as was sure she knew every star by its twinkle and the sound of every local nocturnal bird. Ezmerelda found herself grateful for the soft grass of the blind and the thick, warm blankets. At mid-morning both wizards slunk back to farmhouse in search of their beds.

During supper Ezmerelda struggled to hide concern while she watched Clara make puppy-dog eyes at Roman over plates of Sheppard's pie. All light had left the sky when the teammates settled into the blind.

"I trust you won't besmirch our guild's name with your behavior?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Clara. If you lead her on or so much as touch her, you'll answer to me."

He grunted. "I'm thankful the cellar can be barred from the inside."

She arched an eyebrow and twirled a piece of grass around a finger.

"She has quick, aggressive hands and takes 'no' as an invitation. I swear her hands have been in my pockets more often than my own."

Ezmerelda frowned at him and cracked her knuckles.

Roman tossed up his hands. "Don't worry, if need be I'll sleep in a tree. I have no intention of betraying our host's trust."

She nodded and slowly examined their surroundings. "This is getting tiresome," she groused. "I need to punch something."

"Patience," he urged.

A gentle shake of her shoulder roused her. She lifted her head from Roman's lap and rubbed at her eyes.

"Something is moving at the east edge," he whispered.

Out of the tall grass stepped a beast. Long, coarse fur covered its body and moonlight glistened off of long fangs.

"Werewolf?" asked Roman.

"Whatever it is, I'm going to stop it."

Ezmerelda bolted from hiding and sprinted towards the monster. An object arced over her head and landed at her target's feet. Vines sprung up and wound themselves around the thick, shaggy legs. It growled in confusion and tugged at its bindings. Her flying tackle took it squarely in the chest and despite the vines bowled it over backwards.

She straddled its waist, swept her elbow above her shoulder, and drove it down into the creature's jaw. Three quick blows dazed it. She gripped its bottom jaw and with her other hand cupped the back of its head. Long, yellow claws racked at her neck but failed to find purchase. Ezmerelda twisted with all her might until she heard a sharp snap.

Roman ran up behind her puffing. "Yellow huh?"

Ezmerelda blushed furiously. She hopped to her feet and poked a finger into Roman's chest.

"Stop looking at my underwear."

"Shop showing them."

Ezmerelda squatted down and nudged at a shaggy foot with her index finger. The wizards stared on dumbfounded as hair receded, claws shrunk, and the muzzle shortened. Both blinked as they found themselves looking at the body of a man.

He appeared to be middle-aged with a smattering of gray hair at his temples. With symmetrical features, high cheekbones, and a cleft chin he would have been attractive if life still burned in the hazel eyes. His body was lean yet nicely muscled and firm underneath her touch. Ezmerelda's gaze drifted across his chest, down his stomach, and lingered below his waist. She felt her eyebrows climb upwards. The man had been attractive and gifted. The sound of Roman moving snapped her back to reality as her face burned with embarrassment.

"Well, looks like this was a quick one," she said as she wiped her hands against each other. Ezmerelda craned her neck and looked over her shoulder when she didn't receive a response.

Roman had turned to face the field and was counting under his breath.

"Ezy, how many yaks are there supposed to be?"

"Twenty. Don't call me Ezy. Why?"

"I see nineteen."

A perimeter search revealed a swath of trampled grass. Drag marks were visible in the soft earth.

"I thought the plants would warn you?"

Roman blushed slightly and looked away. "I was distracted."

Ezmerelda took the lead as the pair followed the track to a set of low hills. Underneath the boughs of a gnarled willow they found an entrance to a cave. Inside Roman caught her attention and pointed down. The stone floor had been worn smooth with use.

"Is this a werewolf thing?" asked Roman as he examined one of the torches attached to the wall. If emitted neither heat nor smoke as it burned silently.

"Nope," she replied as she shook her head.

Partially crouched and moving cautiously they crept deeper inside. A rapid staccato sound coming from the tunnel to her left caused Ezmerelda to hop backwards and pull a startled Roman with her.

A white, furry creature careened through the previously occupied space and crashed into the far wall. With the toe of her boot she rolled the unconscious creature over. It was man shaped except with horns curving out from behind its ears, square yellowed teeth in its broad muzzle, and cloven hooves instead of feet.

"A goat?" Ezmerelda wondered as Roman dropped a seed pellet onto its chest.

Vines enclosed the beast as they ventured onward. A roughly hewn descending tunnel led to a large square chamber. Wolf-men, bear-men, and hideous looking pig-men occupied rows of cells that lined three walls. Revulsion welled up in Ezmerelda.

"Someone is experimentally combining humans and animals," she said as a shiver of revulsion rippled through her body.

The size of the complex exceeded the veteran wizard's imagination. After hours of exploring the two wizards stumbled into large room ringed with torches. A short, light haired man wearing a sand colored robe was seated in the center.

Ezmerelda gestured to Roman. He nodded his understanding as the two wizards crept into flanking positions.

"Well, well, it appears I have guests," muttered the man.

"Are you responsible for the creatures in these caves?" asked Ezmerelda.

"I am," the man replied as he placed his hands on his knees and pushed himself to his feet.

"We are here to stop you," Ezmerelda announced as she glanced at Roman. His right arm was cocked and three of his seed pellets were wedged between his fingers. He gave a solemn nod. She gave a cry and charged her target.

"I think not," said the strange wizard as he raised a hand and snapped his fingers. Ezmerelda grunted. She was unable to move her arm and legs.

"What have you done?" asked Roman.

She glanced out of the corner of her eye. He appeared to be frozen in place as well.

"Gnuble, the human wizard, at your service," her captor said with a flourish of his robe.

Ezmerelda arched an eyebrow. "Well, of course you are."

"No, no, you silly thing," he said as he waved his hand. "My magic's focus is people. The human body and mind per se."

Ezmerelda swallowed hard.

"You two little things have wandered where you don't belong."

Gnuble moved in front of Roman and pressed his right pointer finger against the captive wizard's forehead. Roman gasped as the finger slid in to his flesh up to the first joint.

"You are guild members, yes? Oh, both from Ascend I see. How cute, you are in love." He frowned at Ezmerelda and pursed his lips. "No, no, not with this one. The feeling is too distant. It's a shame really. You are so young and still innocent. So very innocent." With a sigh he withdrew the invading digit from Roman and absently wiped it on his robe.

"Look at you. A tomboy stuffed into a dress," he said as he stood in front of Ezmerelda. His finger sank into her chest just above her right collar bone.

She gasped at the feeling of invasion.

"A woman enhancement wizard? How droll," he said as he clucked his tongue. "Well my dear you aren't elegant, so why should I expect your magic to be."

Every fiber of her being cried out its desire to punch the man but she remained locked in a state of inaction.

"You have quite a potential as well. A shadow compared to me but much more than the weed over there."

"Now, now, what to do with you?" he asked. His eyes rolled upwards as his forefinger rested against his chin. "Oh yes, yes, I have just the thing." With a short jerk he pulled the top two buttons off of Ezmerelda's dress. He dipped a finger into a container on his belt and drew a symbol on her chest in light oil.

Gnuble leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Succubus."

He tapped the finger against her and the oil heated. She felt it absorb into her skin then slowly seep inwards.

"My dear, you will be the undoing of your friend here. You'll bear that guilt the rest of your life while you bear some of my monster's offspring."

The heat settled at her core. Sweat beaded on her forehead and each breath stabbed at her lungs as if it were the depth of winter. The heat solidified and radiated outwards melting and reforming her as it progressed. When the liquid fire reached the base of her neck a scream was torn from her throat.

"Ezy! Ezy! Are you OK?"

The words teased her from the darkness. She was in a roughly hewn alcove with bars across the only opening. Underneath the damp earthy smell of the cell, she could detect a subtle scent. She moved her head and sniffed until she determined the scent originated from the far corner where Roman was huddled. It reminded her of freshly baked bread. Roman smelled like food.

She crawled towards him. Her voice took on a crooning quality. The sound filled the small space. Ezmerelda altered the pitched until she sensed it resonating with Roman. There was a sweetness inside of him. A sweetness she desired like nothing else. She knew she was faster and stronger than him. He was hers to take as she desired.

"No, Ezy. Please," he pleaded.

It only served to excite her more. Roman's back was pressed into the corner. His feet slipped against the floor as he feebly tried to push further away. Deprived of the seed pellets from his pack Roman frantically threw seeds from his pockets that harmlessly bounced off her and skittered away in the darkness. Merrigolds, pufftops, and hackberries sprouted and bloomed in her wake. A vine from a strawberry managed to grasp her ankle but a small jerk of her leg broke it easily.

Ezmerelda crawled between his still moving legs and settled her mouth over his. She pressed her body against him. Her tongue slipped past his lips and into his mouth. Roman's resistance crumbled. He tasted even better than he smelled. As the kiss lengthened an urgent excitement grew within her. It required no effort to tear his shirt free from his body. Her fingertips traced the lines on his chest, savoring the feel of him.

"Remove them," she growled as her fingers brushed against his trousers. He fumbled with his belt as he scrambled frantically to fulfill her order. He seemed such a small thing, yet the power she possessed over him was intoxicating. As he kicked the last of his clothing away, she swung her knee over his body and straddled his upper thighs. Her hand sought him out and found him to be hard and warm to the touch.

Ezmerelda resuming her crooning and felt his pulse throb beneath her tight grip. He returned her smile as she moved up and settled onto him. Both gasped at the penetration. She wriggled her hips until he was fully seated inside her.

Her lips touched his as her hips slowly moved up and down. Inside of him was a pool of energy. It was the sweetness she had sensed earlier. In her mind's eye it was dark green and glowed faintly.

With each push of her hips that energy was pulled from Roman and drawn into her. It formed a tight ball behind her navel. With exquisite slowness she ground her hips against his in a controlled circular motion. Each sip of energy drawn from him gave her pleasure. Goose pimples rose across her skin as she pushed herself down until Roman fully filled her. She shuddered as more energy flowed between them.

"Roman, give yourself to me. Let go," she cooed as her body ground against him. A moan issued from deep in his throat. Ezmerelda felt his member twitch inside her then energy poured from him. Small explosions of light burst in her vision. Her fingernails sank into Roman's shoulders as she rode the feeling to its conclusion.

His head lolled to the side as his breathing took on a shallow, weak rhythm. Ezmerelda slid off and stumbled towards the front of the cell. Her head rested against the bars as she struggled for breath. As the perspiration on her skin cooled a gnawing hunger awoke inside her. While considering her next course of action, she caught the tantalizing scent of food.

Another wizard was nearby and he was powerful. The ball of energy in her middle began to unwind and spread throughout her. She pulled a glove off her left hand, wiped it across her still damp forehead, and stuffed it between the lock and the cell wall. Ezmerelda touched the newly captured energy swirling inside her and directed it down her arm and into the glove. Roots crept from the garment and seated themselves deeply in the stone wall.

An open hand blow bent the lock's bolt and furthered the cracking of the wall. A second blow broke the lock free in a hail of stone chips. Rusty hinges screamed in protest as the door swung open. Ezmerelda sniffed the air of the tunnel until she located the direction of her prey. With a squeal of glee she bounded down the hallway. A red wooden door stood in stark contrast to the roughly hewn rock walls. The scent of her prey wafted from behind it. With casual ease, she snapped the handle from the door and kicked it inwards. Gnuble sprung up from his polished bone desk.

"Finished off your friend already? I'll give you credit for escaping but it's no matter. No matter at all."

He began to chant and formed a sign with his fingers. A flick of Ezmerelda's wrist sent the fragment of the ruined door spinning through the air at the blonde wizard. Gnuble screamed and stared aghast at his ruined hands. Ezmerelda covered the distance between them in a blink of an eye and slammed him against the wall. A short swing of her elbow broke his jaw and reduced his protests to pained groans.

Her voice roamed through pitches as she swept Gnuble to the floor. His frantic squirming ceased as her voice resonated with him. She tore the flaxen robe from his body and roughly pressed her lips to his.

His pool of energy was immense. The anticipation of devouring so much made her lightheaded. Her mouth slid over his erect manhood and sucked wantonly. She sipped at his magic as if through a drinking straw. No matter how quickly she bobbed her head or used her tongue, the volume she extracted from him wasn't enough.

Ezmerelda's need was all consuming as she abandoned her initial approach and mounted Gnuble. She drank deeply as he pushed deeper inside her. Short, hard thrusts sent tremors through her legs. His power was vast and satisfying, yet devouring Roman's had been more gratifying.

She cooed her song and felt the pace of her consumption increase. Ezmerelda gripped him with her inner walls and coaxed more magic from him as the rhythm of her thrusts increased. The energy was golden and densely packed. It made her skin tingle and feel tight.

Pleasure rippled from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. All that mattered was the feeding. Gnuble groaned as the last of his resistance crumbled. The pace of the energy flow increased. She devoured it greedily and strove to consume it all. Golden light filled her vision as she screamed in ecstasy.

Ezmerelda lay naked atop an isolated hill outside of the small farming village. A green woven-grass dress was draped over a nearby rock. The body of Gnuble had been handed over to the proper authorities along with a trunk full of gold coins, of which she had received a finder's fee. While the restored former beast men were granted amnesty concerning the lost livestock and returned to their families.

The farmers, thankful to be free of creatures raiding their herds, declared the job completed satisfactorily and paid the promised commission. Ezmerelda absentmindedly jingled her heavy purse. Sunlight kissed her skin in a way that sent sexual pleasure rippling through her.

"Do you always feel this way?" she asked.

"That's why I wear long sleeves," replied Roman.

He was splayed on the ground, sans shirt, angled so that he couldn't see her. A gnarled wooden cane was nestled in the grass next to him. His bare toes were closest to her and wriggled in the warm sun. A tiny spark of dark, green energy flickered inside him.

Since she had absorbed his magic, water tasted exquisite and she felt connected to every growing thing around her. Trees whispered greetings when she passed beneath them, flowers complained to her about nibbling insects, and weeds quietly sulked in the shadows. She resolved to seduce him again once more of his magic had been restored. She wanted to hold onto the pleasurable sensation sunlight offered for as long as possible.

Ezmerelda lazily wondered if her seductive powers worked on women. Cute little Cenna could talk to animals. Corr, the mouse of the guild, controlled fire strong enough to melt stone. Risi, with her adorable button nose, used her magic to teleport. The possibilities made her giddy. An image of Marylise popped into her mind. The idea of melting that haughty ice queen caused her to rub her thighs together. She tickled the bottom of Roman's food with her fingers.

"This is fun. I know exactly what it's like to be you."

Roman grunted. "You should. You took enough of my magic."

"Our magic is synonymous with our life force right?"

"Right," he replied cautiously.