An Old Wives Tale


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He shut down the vibrator, and the only sound remaining in the bedroom was Lucy's breathing. He moved to the foot of the bed and lightly rubbed her legs. He guided his hands to her hips until he reached the flimsy string of her panties. Grasping both ends, he slid them down. Not only did Lucy not protest, Charlie couldn't help but note, but she lifted her ass off the bed to make it easier.

Mr. Franklin brought her panties to his face, closed his eyes, and deeply inhaled through his nose.

"Mmm," he growled. "Oh, yes, there is an incredible sexual energy within this woman. We simply need to convert it from potential to kinetic."

He handed her panties to Charlie, and then knelt at the foot of the bed between Lucy's legs. He ran his hands up along her inner thighs and gently pushed them apart a little further. He then reached for his vibrator, powered it on, and placed it against her naked vulva for the first time. Lucy shuttered and gasped as he slowly moved the vibrator along the length of her pussy, from her clit to her vaginal

opening, up and down, again and again. After several minutes of slow teasing, he applied direct pressure to her clit. Lucy thrust her hips upward, and a loud moan escaped her lips.

From his seat in the corner, Charlie shifted uncomfortably. Watching another man give such great pleasure to his wife evoked a feeling that gnawed away at him from the inside. He was prepared for that feeling, as Sherman had told him it would come. It didn't make the feeling any less painful, however.

Lucy's moans grew louder, and her muscles tensed, as her tormenter continued to apply pressure with the head of the vibrator held directly on her clit. Charlie recognized the familiar and unmistakable sound of his wife on the verge of having an orgasm.

But then, Mr. Franklin removed the vibrator completely and shut it off.

Lucy's muscles were still tensed, and she was panting heavily. She smacked her lips dryly, and Mr. Franklin made a trip to the adjoining bathroom to fetch a small cup of water. He brought it to her lips and allowed her to sip from it.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked, quietly.

Mr. Franklin didn't respond. Instead, he turned on the vibrator once again. This time, it made a slightly higher humming noise. He knelt between her legs at the foot of the bed, stroked the head of the vibrator along her swollen labia, and then rested it on her clit. Lucy groaned in ecstasy.

"Yes!" she shouted. "Right there! Oh, god!"

He removed the vibrator, and shut it off once again.

"What the fuck?" she shouted, throwing her hips forcefully back down onto the mattress. "Charlie, where are you?"

"I'm right here, honey," he said from the corner of the room.

"Come over here and fuck me, Charlie. Now."

"Well, well," Mr. Franklin said with menacing amusement. "Look who thinks she's in charge."

He moved to the side of the bed, licked his two middle fingers, and inserted them into her vagina. She moaned and gyrated her hips into his hand. He removed his fingers and brought them to his lips.

"Mmm," he said, walking back to the foot of the bed. "You taste delicious, Mrs. Barrett."

He looked at Charlie and motioned for him to come to the foot of the bed. "Do you like having your pussy licked, Mrs. Barrett?" he asked. "I bet you do."

Mr. Franklin nodded to Charlie, who positioned himself between his wife's legs. He spread her thighs and inhaled the scent of her. He ran his tongue along her slit in one broad stroke. God, how he missed the taste of her. He flicked his tongue teasingly over her clit, and then made slow circles over and around it.

"Oh my god," Lucy moaned. "That feels so fucking good."

He teased her with several more long strokes along her labia, and then sucked her clit into his mouth. She moaned loudly and thrust her hips toward his head. He could feel her muscles begin to tense, and he knew she was very close to cumming. Mr. Franklin tapped him on the shoulder, and motioned for him to return to his chair.

"How do you feel, Mrs. Barrett?" Mr. Franklin asked.

"How do you think I feel?" she said. Charlie could almost see that familiar fiery look in her eyes behind her blindfold.

"It's an uncomfortable feeling, isn't it?" Mr. Franklin said. He licked his fingertips and slowly encircled her clit. "You want to cum so badly, don't you? You feel aggravated. On edge. Anxious. Frustrated. It is difficult to think about anything except fulfilling your most primal need."

"What's your point?" she groaned.

"That, my dear, is how it feels to be a man."

For a moment, there was dead silence. Mr. Franklin continued to gently tease her with his fingertips, encircling her clit, stroking her labia, and dipping a finger just inside her opening.

"Is that what this is all about?" she asked. "Charlie? Is this about you not getting enough sex?"

"This," Mr. Franklin corrected her, "is about you not giving your husband what he needs. This is about you putting your own selfish needs before his, Mrs. Barrett."

"So, what, then? Am I just supposed to get him off whenever he wants it? Is that my 'wifely duty?' Am I nothing more than a glorified masturbation tool?"

"Is he nothing more than a glorified income tool?" Mr. Franklin countered. "You have a lovely home, Mrs. Barrett. Tell me: who pays for this home? Who pays for the food on your table, and the clothes on your back?"

"That's not fair," she protested. "We made a decision - together - that he would work while I stayed at home and raised the kids."

"And it was a good and noble decision, and I applaud you for it. But the fact remains that your husband's income provides enough for your entire family to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Is he not owed some small sacrifice or gratitude on your part?"

"Small sacrifice? You're talking about my body."

"This isn't about you, Mrs. Barrett. This is about your husband, who sacrifices his every day for you and your family. It is about giving him what he wants not because he demands it, but because you want to give it to him. You want him to be happy. All it takes is showing a little bit of enthusiasm and a few minutes of your time."

"A few minutes?" Lucy scoffed. "Charlie has never taken a few minutes."

"Maybe that's because he knows your heart isn't in it, and he finds that humiliating and distracting. A little enthusiasm goes a long way, Mrs. Barrett - but it must be genuine enthusiasm. Men know the difference. Allow me to demonstrate. Mr. Barrett, if you wouldn't mind, lose the pants and join your wife in bed."

Perplexed, Charlie stood and removed his pants. His cock sprung forth and bobbed up and down, having been fully engorged since the session began.

"Now, straddle her torso, and put your dick in her mouth," Mr. Franklin said. Lucy fidgeted on the bed.

Charlie did as he was directed, and inserted his cock head between his wife's lips. She sucked the head and swirled her tongue along the underside.

"Good girl," Mr. Franklin noted. "Now, feed her more of it."

Charlie pumped his cock in and out of her mouth, a little deeper each time.

"That," Mr. Franklin said, "is how you give a blowjob, Mrs. Franklin. No bored and lazy side-saddle technique. Straight-on, where your tongue can glide across his most sensitive parts. No hands. Only your lips, tongue and mouth. Take as much of it into your mouth as you can. That's it. The only thing missing is some enthusiasm."

With that, Mr. Franklin reached down, powered on the vibrator at its highest setting, and applied it directly to her clit. Lucy moaned, sending vibrations straight through Charlie's shaft. She bobbed her head back and forth along his length at a quickened pace, hungry to please him.

Charlie pulled away and removed his cock from her mouth.

"What's wrong, Charlie?" Mr. Franklin asked.

"I'm about to cum," he responded.

"You see, Mrs. Franklin? With the proper technique and a little enthusiasm, it doesn't take much of your time to please your husband, now, does it? And judging by your wetness, I would say you enjoyed it as well. Am I wrong?"

Lucy shook her head and licked her lips.

"Now, imagine, Mrs. Barrett, how damaging it is to your husband's ego when you constantly reject him."

"I don't reject him!" she shouted.

"You reject being intimate with him. You reject his sexual advances. You reject his needs. You value an extra fifteen minutes of sleep over taking care of your loving husband. You reject him!" It was the first time Mr. Franklin raised his voice, and it alarmed both Lucy and Charlie.

"Do you know that Mr. Barrett is not particularly fond of his job?" he asked, lowering his voice.

"He doesn't hate it," she said.

"No, he doesn't hate it, but he doesn't particularly enjoy it, either. Do you know how much of a hassle it is to sit in traffic for an hour after work each day? But he does it all for you and your children because he loves you, and he wants you to be happy."

"Okay," she said in exasperation. "I get it. He does something he doesn't want to do, so I should do something I want to do."

"No, Mrs. Barrett, I don't think you do get it. Your husband doesn't merely need a physical release. He needs to know that you want him, sexually, as much as he wants you. If you love your husband, and you want to make him happy, and less agitated, less stressed, less distracted, then you need to find a way to become more interested in sex. Simply willing yourself to do something you don't want to do isn't enough. All that will lead to is resentment."

"But how? How do I will myself to be more interested in sex when I simply don't feel it?"

"That," Mr. Franklin said, "is a question that only you can answer. But it will take some effort on your part. You can't answer that question if you don't care enough to explore it."

"Whatever it takes to go back to the way we were," Charlie added. "I would do anything, honey, to feel the same level of passion from you that I used to feel. Anything."

Lucy sniffled, and Charlie instantly felt a sharp pang of guilt.

"Mrs. Barrett," the stranger said, "I am not here to blame you or attack you. You now understand how hurtful it is to be constantly rejected by your own spouse. You now know how frustrating it is for Charlie to have these constant urges go unfulfilled. You know how distracting and unproductive it can be. It is so easy for you to fix this situation. All you have to do is make an effort."

"I'm going to start making more of an effort, too," Charlie added. "Things are going to change around here. I'm going to start helping you more around the house. Not because I expect to be repaid with sex, but because I love you, and I want to make you happy. I realize that I haven't done enough to make you feel appreciated, either."

Moisture leaked from beneath her mask, and Charlie dabbed her face with a tissue. He crawled into bed next to her, and she buried her face in his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Charlie," she said. "I didn't realize how I've been neglecting you. I didn't realize how it made you feel when I've said no to you. I promise things will change, and I will make more of an effort. I know how important it is to you now."

He stroked her hair softly and kissed her. She returned his kiss with passion and hunger.

"Charlie," she said softly. "I need you to do something for me."

"Anything," he said.

"For the love of god...can you finish me? Please?"

Charlie smiled and looked toward Mr. Franklin. For the first time, the stranger cracked a smile. He handed Charlie the vibrator, and Charlie cranked it up to the highest setting. He applied the head directly on Lucy's clit, and within seconds, she screamed so loud that Charlie was sure that Sherman must have heard her.

She screamed and shook for what seemed like an eternity until she finally begged for mercy. Charlie removed the vibrator and shut it off.

"I have one more favor to ask," she said, once she had caught her breath. "Fuck me. Please."

Charlie wasted no time rolling on top of her. He plunged straight into her, and she yelped and spread her legs as wide as they would stretch.

"Fuck me hard!" she screamed. "Fuck me with that big cock! Oh, yes! Fuck, yes!"

"I...I'm gonna cum!" Charlie shouted after only a short while.

"Cum on my face!" Lucy demanded. "Cover my face with your hot cum!"

Charlie quickly straddled her chest and stroked his cock over her face. Lucy opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. The first stream of white-hot fluid streaked across the bridge of her nose, and across her tongue. Another wave blasted over her forehead, into her hair, and across her blindfold. Several more spurts landed on her cheeks and lips.

Charlie continued to stroke himself over her face, completely mesmerized by what he was witnessing. He had fantasized his entire life about cumming on a woman's face. He was too embarrassed to ask any of his girlfriends to let him do it when he was younger. By the time he was old enough to ask, Lucy had refused to allow it. Her face was now covered with his spunk, and he snapped a mental picture that would remain burned into his memory the rest of his life. He couldn't imagine a better fortieth birthday present.

As he shifted down the bed, he was amazed to see Lucy licking her lips and tasting his cum. Initially, he thought that she was merely putting on a show for his benefit, but now he was beginning to question whether she actually enjoyed it.

"More!" she suddenly exclaimed. "I need more! Who's next?"

A jolt of adrenaline surged through Charlie's chest. He looked at his wife, still covered in cum and attempting to lick as much of it into her mouth as possible. Then he looked behind him, expecting to see Mr. Franklin standing there with his cock out, ready to add to the mess on his wife's face. But he wasn't there.

Charlie swiveled his head around the room. Mr. Franklin was gone. His extension cord and duffle bag had disappeared, although he had left his "marital aid" behind. Perhaps, Charlie considered, it was a gift.

"I'm sorry, honey," Charlie said, "but there is no more. Mr. Franklin left."

Her bottom lip formed into a pout. Then she smiled broadly. Charlie removed her blindfold, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light. Her dark eyes seemed to be dancing.

"That," she said, "was incredible."

"No kidding," he said, as he untied her wrists. "I don't think I've ever seen you like that."

"I've never felt like that before!" she exclaimed. "I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience or something! I feel like a whole new woman."

Charlie scurried into the bathroom and returned with a towel, which he handed to Lucy to clean her face.

"You really got me good!" she said.

"I...was so excited," he replied. "Never - in a million years - did I think you'd ever ask me to do that."

"I have to say, it was fun. Messy, but fun." She smiled sweetly.

"Were you really willing to let Mr. Franklin cum on your face?"

Lucy hesitated for a moment. "No, I just got caught up in the moment. I know it was your fantasy. Who was that guy, anyway? Where did you meet him?"

"Friend of a friend."

"Well, remind me to thank that friend," she said. "I do have to say, Mr. Franklin is awfully good at licking pussy."

Charlie paused for a moment, debating whether to tell her the truth of what had really happened.

"I'm kidding, you big dummy!" she said with a giggle. "I know it was you. You don't think I recognize my own husband's tongue?"


"Check it out," Tim said, elbowing Patty in the side. "He's been grinning like that all day."

"Yeah, what's up with the toothy grin?" Patty said as Charlie took his place at the table. "Don't tell me you actually got some this weekend."

"Friday night," Charlie said, proudly. "And Saturday morning. And Saturday night. And last night. And a quick blowjob in the garage this morning, before heading out to work."

Both Tim and Patty laughed. "Yeah, right," Tim said. "And you'll never guess who I ran into this weekend: Sasquatch. Yep, it turns out that he's been hiding in plain sight all this time. I saw him shopping at Wal-Mart."

"I believe that," Patty said. "Well, I would believe that before I believe what Charlie just said."

Silence fell over the table as all three of them concentrated on their lunches. Tim looked up from his turkey sandwich and noticed that Charlie was still grinning, even as he chewed. He seemed lost in thought as he peered out the window.

"Hold on a second, Patty," Tim said, suddenly. " aren't serious, right?"

"I've never lied to you about that," Charlie responded.

Tim dropped his turkey sandwich, and Patty sat back and folded her arms, still maintaining her disbelief.

"How?" Tim asked. "How did that happen? What's your secret?"

"Brother," Charlie said, placing a hand on Tim's shoulder. "You don't wanna know. Trust me. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I frequently think about situations like this story poses in by use of similes or metaphors. The one that comes to mind here is of an automobile.

If one has an automobile that works only infrequently and not reliably or satisfactorily, one has three choices:

(1) trade the old junker in for something new, or at least, not as old, with lower mileage, and that functions, reliably

(2) hire a mechanic on retainer to be available to ride with you to tune up old model whenever you want to go somewhere

(3) stay home and stay miserable, don't plan on going anywhere, and BTW, qwitcherbitchin, you've got other choices

If a woman is refusing enthusiastic participation in sex with her husband, on a regular basis, she's not a wife, she's a parasite. If she has a physical condition that temporarily precludes intercourse, there are alternative methods. If she has a physical or mental condition that permanently or long term precludes enthusiastic participation in intercourse, I would refer you back to the automobile analogy. I am aware there is no social prohibition against owning more than one automobile.

BTW, the above applies whether the husband cranks the automobile with a large key or a small key, a short key or a long key, AND whether he likes to drive cross-country, or just does short tips to the corner store. If you've got an otherwise unrelated woman in the house, she's either in the role of a wife, or a parasite. Same think goes for the wife if the husband can't be cranked easily.

wasagadavewasagadaveabout 1 year ago

Very enjoyable. 5* I wish I could write as well as you.

Gypsy59Gypsy59over 1 year ago

Some guys may not be able to include a “Franklinese” individual to help with their marital issues. Nonetheless, we could try some or all of the suggested techniques. I for one need the help. I have not engaged in sex with my wife since she went through the change more than 20 years ago. It’s hard for me to believe she has abstained that long. Frankly, I believe she has a boyfriend/lover who has taken care of her sexual needs for a long while now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


40 MILES EAST OF Okeechobee.

NewnotsureNewnotsureabout 2 years ago

Wow I know this a story from yourself but fuck that is my life.

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