An Undeniable Passion Ch. 19


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She snatched it out of his hand and held it tightly in her fist. "That is none of your business," she said.

He put his finger under her chin, tipping her head back, forcing her to look at him. "I think I know why," he said staring into her eyes, gently tracing a finger along her brow and down her temple to her cheek. "Perhaps I should get an emerald to wear about my neck and keep close to my heart."

"Your eyes have nothing to do with it," she said in an unsteady voice. "I didn't even notice until just now that they resemble the stone," she lied unconvincingly. His touch on her face had sent shivers up and down her spine and she was having trouble keeping her breathing steady. She struggled to come up with a reason for wearing the pendant, desperately wishing he would release her and step away. Having him so close put her mind in a whirl and she found it difficult to think of anything other than winding her arms about his neck and wanting to feel his lips press against hers.

"I found it in my attic and it just reminds me of my home, of which I am very proud," she stated, but without much conviction. She lowered her eyes but her gaze fell upon his lips and knowing what pleasures lay there, she was unable to tear her gaze away. Her own lips parted and her shaky breaths escaped them. He saw her eyes on his mouth and he licked his lips and parted them suggestively. Without realizing it she relaxed in his arms and drew closer to him. He lowered his head to hers until their lips were less than inch apart. She could feel his breath on her cheek and before she knew it she closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his. He gripped her tightly and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her heart rejoiced but warning bells rang in her head as the intensity of their kiss deepened.

Ignoring the warnings she melted against him, her lips parting, welcoming his probing tongue into her mouth. Her senses were spinning wildly as her fingers tickled the fine hairs at the back of his neck, and relished the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her, his large hands caressing her back, rising up and getting tangled in her loose hair. He moved closer to her, crushing her heaving breasts against his chest, pressing his thighs against hers, not once relenting in the deepening kiss that was assaulting her senses.

Virginia felt the strength of his warm body against hers and welcomed it as she recklessly gave in to the intoxicating feelings flooding her veins. A moan full of pleasure purred in her throat as his palm covered her breast, arousing the nipple beneath the fabric. Her hips surged against him as he gently squeezed her breast, his large fingers seeking out and gently pinching the erect nub. She could scarcely breath as the tumult of sensations bombarded her, fogging her mind, the only thought surfacing was how desperately she wanted him. Here in this stable, at this moment. At last they parted and looking deeply into her eyes, he saw the raw passion touched by reluctance mingling in the emerald depths.

He whispered to her, "Can't you see we belong together, V? Let me love you, I know I can make you happy," he pleaded with her.

Suddenly angry that she had completely succumbed to him yet again, she pushed out of his embrace, hobbling on her good ankle. "Happy?" she asked incredulously. "You think you can make me happy? All you've ever done is cause me pain!" She tossed her long mane of hair back over her shoulder and said imperiously, "It doesn't matter anyway. I belong to another."

"Ah yes, your courtship with Mr. Thomas Ogilvy. Billy told me all about it."

A bit deflated that he already knew, she continued, "Then you should know to leave me alone. Your advances are not welcome."

He stepped towards her and spoke in a low voice. "My advances? I may be mistaken but was it not you who just kissed me?" He chuckled at her angry expression. "Whether my advances are welcome or not, you have trouble resisting them, don't you?"

"When I was engaged to Charles you said that if I had mentioned my engagement to you that afternoon in your carriage you would have halted your advances. Well, I'm telling you now that I am again spoken for, so please, for once, at least pretend to be a gentleman and leave me be."

He again chuckled and said, "But Billy said that you are, indeed, not yet spoken for. And that you have no intention of being so for some time. That you're having too much fun enjoying your independence to be tied down to someone else."

Making a mental note to remind Billy not to discuss her romantic life with Drake, she said, "Yes, that is true, but Thomas understands that and is willing to wait until I'm ready. You don't seem to have that patience."

"I don't need patience. Don't you understand, V? I would never want you to feel as though I own you, or inhibit your freedom. I want to set you free. You wouldn't have to give up your house or your independence." He stepped closer to her and taking her chin in his hand he made her look at him. "I only want to love you."

She stared into his eyes, not knowing if she should believe him. Drake was offering what she truly desired. But she didn't know if she could trust him. Would he still feel this way tomorrow or the day after? What if she said yes and they married and he changed his mind? From her experiences with him, he seemed to change from day to day. Removing his hand and turning her head, she said quietly, "I don't know, Drake, I just don't know."

She limped over to her horse and stood beside her, wondering how she was going to get into the saddle with an injured ankle. She was looking around for something to climb up on when Drake was suddenly beside her. He quickly grabbed her about the waist once again and before she had a chance to struggle or say anything he had placed her upon the saddle. He then turned on his heel and quickly walked out of the stables and into the cold rain. She stared at his retreating figure and suddenly she wanted to cry. She gave herself a shake and pulling up her hood, gave Liberty a nudge and headed home.

She limped into the house and up the stairs to her room. She pulled off her wet clothes and changed out of her riding skirt before heading back downstairs to make herself a pot of tea. Billy came in while she was limping about the kitchen.

"Ginny, what's wrong? Why are you limping? Are you hurt?"

Smiling at his concern, she dismissed his worries. "I turned my ankle after visiting with Elizabeth. It's nothing. I'll be fine." She did not mention that Drake had come to her assistance. "Can you help me carry this into the library?" she asked him, indicating the tea tray.

"Certainly. It seems to be turning into your favorite room," he said walking slowly to keep up with her slower pace.

"It's very cozy and it reminds me of the library in my old house in Liverpool." She wondered what had happened to the house and its contents. Most likely sold at auction to pay her remaining debts. "That had been my father's favorite room." She eased herself down in a chair as Billy built a fire. He brought her a stool to put her foot up on and then sat down himself.

She looked at him fondly. "What am I going to do without you, after you're gone?" she asked.

"So did Elizabeth ask you?" he said, changing the subject.

"Yes, she did." She looked at him and said, "You knew what she was going to ask, didn't you?"

He nodded and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said yes. She asked so nicely, there was no way I could refuse." She tried to keep her voice neutral as she asked, "Have you asked anyone to stand up with you?"

"Yes, I asked Drake," he replied.

"And what did he say?" she asked, still attempting to sound disinterested.

"He said he would be delighted."

"Oh, so he's planning on staying that long?" she said surprised.

"Well, with the damage that the Aurora sustained during the fire, he'll be here for quite some time. Three months at least."

She stared into the fire. "Is that the only reason he's staying?" she asked softly.

"He was meaning to stay even before the fire." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I said he could stay in the out-building if he helps me to build onto it," he said nervously, afraid of what her reaction would be.

She stared at him. "In the out-building? But that's so close. Please, Billy, no. You know how I feel about him, I can't have him so nearby."

"It'll be fine Ginny. You'll never see him. He promises to stay out of your way." He saw how genuinely upset she was and said gently, "Give it a try for a couple of weeks. If it's not alright, then I'll ask him to move into a place in town."

Still unsure but not wanting to be unreasonable she relented. "Alright. I'll give it a try."

"Thank you Ginny. You won't regret it."

She closed her eyes and rested her head back against the chair. That would have to wait to be seen, she thought.

That night, she lay in bed fingering the amber pendant. She held it up to the moonlight streaming in through her window. It was so much like his eyes. It even had flecks of green and gold just as his did. She dropped the stone to her breast and closed her eyes. She tried to sleep but she knew it be a long time before it would come.

The crew of the Aurora spent the next few days clearing out their belongings and either finding lodgings in town or work on returning ships. The other two ships that had caught fire were beyond repair but the Aurora was salvageable. Drake arranged to have the ship towed to the ship yard so that she could be repaired. He bought himself a horse, so after he cleared out his cabin, he packed his bags onto the horse and rode out to the farm.

Virginia rode out to the out-building with Billy to help him clean it up and prepare it for Drake to move into. "Ginny, you really don't need to help me with this. I'm quite capable of cleaning a small house."

With a laugh, Virginia replied, "I've seen you clean Billy and, please forgive me, but you are most certainly not capable. I may dislike Drake but that doesn't mean that he should live in a filthy house. Not on my farm anyway."

They had also brought the cart loaded down with spare furniture to furnish the house. They walked inside and rolling up their sleeves they got down to work. It wasn't nearly as dirty as the main house and they were finished within a couple of hours. They unloaded the cart into the front room and while Virginia arranged the furniture Billy went back for a second load.

Drake approached Billy on his way to the house and tipped his hat to him in greeting. Billy stopped the cart and motioned Drake over. "She's at your new house, alone," he said, nodding his head in the direction of the out-building. "She's still angry so go easy with her." With a wink he said, "I'll take my time coming back."

"Thanks, Billy. I appreciate the warning."

Virginia heard a horse approach and thought, that was fast. How did Billy get back here with the second load so quickly? She heard steps on the front stairs and she turned towards the front door. Seeing the tall silhouette in the doorway, the smile vanished from her face. The memory of their kiss from a few days earlier flashed through her mind and her breath caught in her throat. She breathed deeply trying to ignore the butterflies that his presence never failed to stir up. "Please excuse me, I didn't realize you would be moving in today," she said in what she hoped was a chilly voice.

"Thank you for cleaning it up and arranging for furniture. It would have been rather uncomfortable sleeping on the floor," he replied walking in and closing the door behind him.

"Where you sleep is of no concern to me," she replied as she walked past him to leave.

He stopped her and turning her to him he said, "Virginia, can't we please call a truce? I'm going to be close by and we're bound to run into each other now and then. And I understand we'll both be at the wedding, so can we at least try and be civil with each other?"

She stared at him with narrowed eyes, trying to determine if he was being sincere or not. She was determined to no longer fall for his tricks, but what he said this time seemed reasonable so she agreed. With a pleasant smile she said, "Certainly Mr. Stratford. How are you this afternoon? I hope you will find your new lodgings to be comfortable."

He looked around and said, "Well, they're certainly more roomy than my cabin on the ship, aren't they?"

Annoyed that he had referred to the time they had spent together on the ship she ignored his comment. "There was quite a bit of spare furniture and so on in my attic, enough so that you should be fully equipped. However, if you find that you require anything else, please let me know and I will endeavor to find it for you."

He approached her and said quietly, "There is one thing missing. Something that I would like a great deal."

She refused to let him know that he had unsettled her so quickly and she replied with a calmness she did not feel. "And what would that be, Mr. Stratford?"

He held his hand to her cheek and said quietly, "You. I need you, V."

Sparks radiated out from where his hand touched her and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She gently removed his hand and whispered, "I'm sorry, but as I told you a few days ago, I'm not available."

She once again moved to walk past him, but he touched her arm and gently pulled her to him. "Please give me one more chance. Just one."

She looked into his eyes and saw the love and tenderness there. Could she trust him? Should she give him one more chance? "I'm sorry, but the answer is no. I can't go through that again," she said avoiding his gaze.

"But it will be better this time. I promise."

She remembered what Billy had said about how he never broke a promise. He had made promises to her before too, and had kept them all. She raised her eyes and stared into his. Could she trust him? A part of her was crying out for him. Crying out for his love, for his touch, for what he could give her. Yet another part of her was crying out a warning, telling her to beware, to not trust him. It reminded her of the times he had hurt her, had taken advantage of her, had treated her in such a callous fashion.

He could see the conflicting emotions in her eyes. They suddenly cleared and he could see that he had lost. The pain of it tore through him. She again made to move past him and he stopped her again.

Desperately he said, "V, I know you love me. You can't deny that. I can see it in your eyes and I've felt in your kisses. Every time your lips have touched mine it's been there. Please, listen to your heart, ignore your head and listen to your heart."

She tried to pull out of his grip. "No," she denied, fighting back sudden tears.

"You're denying that you love me?" he asked, trying to look into her eyes.

Still trying to free herself, she avoided his gaze and said, "Yes, I'm denying it. I don't love you."

"Then why can't you resist me? I can see the passion burning in your eyes right now," he was bluffing but he hoped that he was right.

She looked up at him, proving him right. "Passion and love are two very different things, Drake."

"But passion comes from love. This isn't lust, this is love on fire. That's what passion is, that's why it burns within us," he said in a low voice.

She stared into his eyes and saw passion. But could she see love behind it? She wasn't sure. "Under normal circumstances I can most certainly resist you. For some reason you have quite frequently found me in a most vulnerable state. And you have taken advantage every time," she accused.

"Are you in a vulnerable state right now, Miss Templeton?" he asked with a mocking tone.

"No, I am not. I will not succumb to your coarse charms so easily today," she said defiantly, staring him straight in the eye.

"Then kiss me. Try and resist. Kiss me and then calmly walk away," he dared her.

She felt a cold stab of fear in her stomach. Could she do it? Could she just kiss him and calmly walk away? She had to try. She couldn't admit to him that she was afraid she couldn't do it.

She moved closer to him and whispered, "You better remember this because it is the last time I will ever kiss you."

She stood on her toes and placed a trembling kiss on Drake's lips. Before she could pull away, his arms wrapped around her and held her close. With his lips still pressed against hers he whispered, "You're not going to get away with an innocent peck like that."

His lips moved seductively over hers in an attempt to break down her resistance, claiming her with his mouth as his lips parted and his tongue sought entry to her mouth. Her head was swimming and she lost all control of rational thought. Unable to resist, she weakened in his arms and parted her lips in response. She gripped the back of his neck and held his head to her, winding her hands into his hair, loosening it from the confines of the ribbon holding it back.

How could she possibly deny that she loved him, that she could live without him? Her world had been dull and lifeless during the long months he had been gone and she hadn't even realized it. The sudden color and clarity his presence brought was so bright she could barely see, and in this moment barely think.

His hands slid down her sides, his thumbs pressing heavily against the sides of her breasts as they passed. He gripped her hips and pulled her against him, their bodies pressed tightly together before his hands slid around her, gripping her behind, keeping her pressed to him. Her head tipped back, a low moan passing her parted lips as his lips and tongue sought her throat. With her mind veering towards insanity he slowly drew his tongue down her neck, leaving licks of fire in its wake.

He felt her trembling against him, and stumbled her backwards to the couch that was sitting sideways in the middle of the room. They tumbled onto it, him on top of her. Before she could gain her senses, his lips captured hers again, obliterating everything but him and her need for him, his lips, his body, his hands on her. His lips again strayed downwards, over her neck, across her shoulders to her heaving breasts. Another moan of pure desire slipped from her as his mouth danced across the ivory mounds. His hands tugged at her gown until a dark pink nipple appeared only to quickly disappear into his mouth. Her back arched up and she gasped loudly as he sucked hungrily on the sensitive mound. His other hand busily pulled on the other side and was rewarded with another nipple, that was quickly captured by his large hands.

Virginia thought she was going to lose her mind, the sensations roaring through her were so intense. She completely forgot that she was supposed to be showing him that she wouldn't react to his kiss, that she was angry with him, that she didn't trust him. With nerves stretched taught with need, aflame with desire, all she could think about was him, the way he was kissing her, touching her, making her feel, making her burn.

Drake's heart was singing. There was no way she could react like this to him, give in so easily if she didn't feel something for him. His speech about passion being the same as love hadn't been entirely true in a general sense, but it certainly was for him and he was sure for her as well. He knew she loved him, he just needed to convince her of the fact and this kiss certainly was a good start.

A slender ivory calf rose in the air, the voluminous skirts falling away from it as she wound her leg around him. He released her nipple and slid his palm over her silky skin, over her knee to her thigh, squeezing gently. Raising his head from her heaving breasts, he stared deeply into her eyes, the emerald green glazed with passion. "Say it V, say you love me," he whispered to her.

His words snapped her back to reality. She was suddenly aware that they were lying on the couch and that she had a leg wantonly wrapped about him. And after she had promised herself that she would not find herself in this position ever again. She pushed at his chest and twisted her head, refusing to meet his intense gaze. "No, I don't love you," she gasped. She chanced a glance at him and saw the pain in his eyes and hated herself in that moment, but she did what she had to do to protect herself.