An Uneventful Visit

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Robert and Deepthi have a visitor for an uneventful weekend.
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"Deepthi, honey, I think you're way overthinking this, but if you really want me to, I can call him up and cancel the dinner. Seriously, it's no big deal either way." I called to my wife through the door to her walk-in closet.

"I know, honey... I'm being too much right now, really. Of course he can come for the weekend. He's your friend, after all." My beautiful Indian wife, Deepthi replied to me, trying to hold back her uneasiness with our weekend guest who was to arrive shortly.

Until this time, all that I knew about my college friend Rajesh and my wife Deepthi is that at one point in their past they had briefly dated, became incompatible, and moved on. From what I knew the relationship wasn't particularly long, or particularly intense. Deepthi rarely came up when Raj and I spoke, and Raj rarely came up when Deepthi and I spoke, except when I was in Boston or he was in San Jose and we would take the opportunity for coffee or golf.

Interestingly, though, things had taken a turn for the weird since I let her know Raj would be attending a conference in Mountainview and that I had offered Raj to stay with us on the weekend before he moved to the conference hotel. She began obsessing over her appearance a bit—dieting--which I never felt she needed to do... Deepthi is a little full figured, but with her large top and round hips, I never felt she was out of proportion or anything.

A couple days ago she asked me, "How come you never asked me why it didn't work out with Rajesh and I?"

I responded as honestly as I knew how by saying, "Because it has never been important. You and I got married and time moves on. I didn't ask about any of your other boyfriends, either."

I hadn't. I felt that a person's past was their past, and that I should always judge someone by how they dealt with me—and my wife had never given me any reason to care.

Earlier today, however, she asked me the same question, but a slightly different way, saying, "Are you sure you don't want to ask me why I broke up with Rajesh?"

"Oh, big break-up, huh? Sorry, hun, but I'm just not going to open that can of worms." I replied.

She moved quickly on in our conversation, asking if I minded if she tried to cook an Indian dish when Raj came for dinner. I don't eat much Indian food, and Deepthi has become as American as apple pie in her eating habits, but I think she just wanted to try to do something nice for our guest. Of course I thought it was a great idea, and if the Tandoori didn't fill me up, beer or whiskey certainly would when Raj and I moved on to discussing our golf games.

She laughed and set about the kitchen with purpose, but I could tell she was stressed.

"I can wave him off, hun. He can afford the hotel." I said.

"Nonsense. We'll have a great time." She replied, and that was that.

Well needless to say, Raj showed up at 730 as planned, we had a great dinner—everyone laughed and had fun. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred. Aside from being an incredibly enjoyable catchup with an old friend and golf buddy, nothing of import at all occurred. We ate, we drank, we chatted into the evening, and then we went to bed. My wife was even a little turned on from the extra wine after dinner and we made love—something she never does when her parents stay in the guest room—but other than that, it was just a normal night. The lovemaking put us both right to sleep and there wasn't another thought of Raj's impact on our weekend.

In the morning I made my way downstairs to cook breakfast. My wife tried to make Indian food for dinner, but I'm the chef in the house, and I was going to load us up with carbs in the form of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and breakfast potatoes. Raj came down while I was taking things out of the refrigerator and asked if he had time to shower and I told him I had at least 45 minutes to an hour (because of the potatoes) and that he should come down whenever.

"Is the water good enough for two showers here?" Raj asked.

I had heard Deepthi starting the shower as well, and I replied, "I've never had any complaints. I have a tankless whole-house water system."

Breakfast took a little longer than normal, since I was roasting the potatoes in the oven AND juggling the pancakes, but by the time I was finished with breakfast Raj was downstairs and Deepthi came before I had finished making latte's for everyone. We had an enjoyable breakfast—it really is my strongest meal in the kitchen—and then Raj and I headed off for our 10:20am tee time.

Raj and I had a lot of fun on the links-styled course we played. It suited my game a little better than his, but mostly because I'm longer off the tee than most of the trouble. We drank spiked Arnold Palmers and talked about old times, current jobs, his conference, Deepthi, etc.

I beat him by 5 strokes and he gave me $5 and said he'd see me at home later—the airport called and had a bag they'd lost and since it was nearby he wanted to grab it rather than waiting up to 8 hours to have it delivered.

"Raj, when I'm at your house you're always going out of your way for me... at least let me return the favor when we're here." I said to him as I offered to let him head home to clean up while I picked up his bag instead.

He thanked me and headed south towards my house and I headed up the freeway to the airport. I got there easily, in about 20 minutes, but a jackknifed tractor-trailer kept all the lanes going south from the airport closed for almost a full hour before we got moving. By the time I got home two hours later I was happy I had saved Raj the trouble, and I hoped it had given Deepthi time to get over whatever weirdness was afflicting her the days prior to Raj's visit.

They were both happy to see me when I got back—I heard their voices outside by the pool and I heard the rolling babble of our spa so it was good to see them smiling and laughing with some champagne open. I needed to shower before I joined them so I told them I was going upstairs to clean up and that I'd rejoin them later.

I showered and changed into my swimsuit and joined them in the hot tub, where we finished a couple bottles of champagne, told old stories, and talked golf smack. Finally we got out of the spa and went inside to cook dinner. In short, it was another great night with me displaying my prowess at the grill, accompanied by a little more wine, and then a second night of sleep-inducing love-making with my beautiful wife Deepthi. On Sunday, unfortunately, I needed to head to my office for a couple of hours before Raj and I could hit the course together. He had a rental car so he was free to go ahead of time whenever he wanted. I suggested he go practice before I got there and kicked his ass again and he told me he'd "...probably get in a few holes before we tee off together in the afternoon."

We were playing another course in the area, but his suspect short game would keep him from beating me again. When I got there for our 1:30 tee time, Raj seemed a little more up for the challenge but still fell to me by 5 strokes, losing a couple on the last two holes. I had to leave my driver in the bag for several of the driver holes because of the wind, and he hit some fabulous "make up" shots to keep it close so it was really a fun round all around.

We ate at Yellowfin Bistro for dinner that night, bringing an awesome weekend to a close. In the morning, Raj would head to his conference hotel and most likely be too busy with client dinners and meetings the next few days to come by before leaving again, so we made the most of it. We drank reasonably at the restaurant, but when we got home, the single malt started flowing, and we all got pretty hammered, especially Deepthi—who loves a good Ardbeg, but can get torched pretty quickly when she's not careful.

She wasn't careful. We moved our party back out to our spa and our otherwise fun, but uneventful weekend took a turn for the eventful when Deepthi tried to step over Raj to pour another plastic cup of whiskey, but she slipped and fell onto him. Raj caught her and kept her from getting hurt, but he got a huge handful of Deepthi's huge boobs when he did, and she couldn't quickly regain her balance so he basically just held her up by her shoulder and tits until she could. Raj and I were staring at each other and laughing about it the whole time and even Deepthi began laughing when she realized her predicament and she just sort of fell into her seat sandwiched between Raj and I.

"Feel great, don't they?" I asked him as Deepthi lay back with her head lolled back on the coping of the spa and her boobs prominently displayed at the bubbling waterline.

"They look great." Raj answered.

Deepthi's eyes were shut and I could tell she was drifting into the coma of single-malt nighty-night land. I looked at Raj and Raj looked down at my wife's bikini top. I called my wife's name and she didn't even stir. Raj and I exchanged glances again and without nodding, it was understood that I had in fact given him the nod.

Raj cautiously moved his hands up to my wife's boobs and slipped the triangles covering her nipples to the sides of her breasts and said again, "They look great."

"Feel great, don't they?" I asked him, in perfect symmetry from where the whole thing began.

Raj reached for his iPhone and gave me the "can I?" look.

"She'd kill us both if she ever found out." I replied with a smile.

The synthesized classic camera shutter sound played through the iPhone's speakers a few times, then Raj put his phone on the table next to mine and we soaked in the view of my wife's awesome boobs for a while longer. Raj helped me get her out of the spa and carry her up to our bedroom with me and we laid her gently on her side and admired her topless form. "You gonna get her out of that wet suit or just sleep in a giant wet spot tonight?" Raj asked me with an evil grin.

I did need to get her dried off before getting her under the covers. Our phones were downstairs, so I didn't have to worry about him taking any more pictures of her if I showed him everything and so I rolled her more from her side to about three-quarters face down and slid her damp bikini bottom off. Her ass was curvy and beautifully displayed in that position and absolutely nothing was left to the imagination. You could see my wife's pussy and her beautiful asshole, all which was manicured regularly with a Brazilian wax job, so that she was hairless and perfect.

That was pretty much the end of it though. After we had gazed on her beautiful ass a moment or two, Raj bade me goodnight and I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

The next morning, unfortunately for Raj, got off to a bad start. Without his phone in his room to wake up, Raj slept through his desired departure time and left in a scramble. My wife was too hung over to come down to see either of us goodbye, and Raj and I said our goodbyes and I wished him luck on his conference and we departed.

It wasn't until I had been at my office for 45 minutes that I realized Raj and I had switched iPhones in our rush to leave in the morning. I looked down and saw my own cellular number on the caller ID and immediately realized what happened.

"I took your phone didn't I?" was my greeting to Raj and he just laughed and said, "You just couldn't go Android could you?"

"Are you already at your hotel?" I asked.

"Yeah... um... kinda tied up... wondering when we might be able to exchange them? I'm expecting a bunch of calls today." He said.

"No problem—I've got one meeting I have to go into—should be an hour or less. I'll put your phone on charge while I'm in the meeting, then run it over to you at the Hyatt?" I asked.

"That would be REALLY awesome... thanks, dude!" Raj replied.

I plugged his phone into my laptop and left for my meeting. Luckily we only ran about 30 minutes, so I could get him his phone more quickly, especially for his conference but the usual Windows Autoplay dialog box was up and in my attempt to close it, I sync'ed all the pictures and videos to my laptop.

"That's cool." I thought to myself as I disconnected his phone, "I'll get to see how bad the topless photos of Deepthi are when I get back."

I drove to the Hyatt, met Raj in the lobby already with a smiling customer at his side, and we relay-baton-passed each other our phones and waved and I was back at my office in under an hour.

That's when things began to unravel...

When I got back to my office, I decided to take a peek at the photos Raj took of my wife in the hot tub. I sorted on timestamp and went to the end and double clicked on the 3rd to last picture and my beautiful, drunk and passed out wife was there in 5 megapixels of perfection for Raj to keep. "Cool for him!" I thought to myself—noting that I'd get my own mileage out of just such a picture. I pressed the right arrow once and saw another version of the last picture from a slightly different angle, then another.

When I clicked the right arrow again, my world changed forever. I had wrapped around from the last pictures we had taken in the hot tub to the first pictures Raj had taken during his trip. My wife was on her knees looking down and away from the camera. She was wearing a skirt, but her top was completely open and Raj's hand was holding her left tit up for the camera.

My fingers shook as I tried pressing right arrow again. I double tapped it and was treated to a picture of my wife kissing Raj's cock. I've always been a lady pleaser with my own sizable cock, but Raj was larger than I expected. A nervous few presses of the right arrow brought me to an image of my wife looking unhappily into the iPhone's camera lens while sandwiching her tits around Raj's stiffening erection. Several images you can easily imagine of her beautiful brown boobs sliding up and down on his huge cock went by before you see an image of Raj reaching behind her head with his left hand.

The next image showed his cock half-buried in my wife's well-stretched mouth. The next image showed him seemingly forcing her to deep throat his cock as she looks incredibly strained and almost all of his long fuckpole is hidden by her lips. I felt sick to my stomach... I could barely mash the keys anymore. My motor functions were almost seizure-like and I sat back in my chair to catch my breath.

My heart hurt... it thudded so painfully in my chest as my mind raced through all the possibilities of what I was seeing. What had gone on at home? When could any of this have taken place? She looked almost unwilling to be in the photos, but if she didn't want to be doing it, why hadn't she simply told me about the very first inappropriate look from Raj and had me kick him out?

I regained some of my composure by focusing on my anger... I wasn't sure at who, yet, but definitely I was angry, and I was able to cycle through more of the pictures to try to piece together what in the world was happening. I lingered a bit when I got to the end because he had her framed in such a way... I just love my wife and her brown rocket tits, and seeing her mouth wide open, waiting for him to shoot his cum into her mouth while her boobs heaved and hung on her chest was incredibly erotic.

His timing was impeccable—worthy of the nicest glossy porn magazines with several of his thick blasts of cum suspended by the shutter speed like white ropes into her mouth or across her forehead. I would have kept going to see if he had done anything else to my wife while we were there, but I wanted to see the datestamps on the image files in Windows Explorer so that I could get an idea of what happened when.

That's when the huge .MOV files caught my eye... "No fucking way." I thought to myself. There were half a dozen or more big ass iphone HD movies sitting in my directory all with datestamps within the time of his visit.

One caught my eye because it was early in the morning on saturday—it had to be while I was cooking breakfast. Had he filmed my wife while she was in the shower?

I double-clicked, unprepared for what I saw. The camera shook a bit—I could see Raj's hand... he was propping it up on the counter facing the huge walk in shower we have. Deepthi can be seen clearly shampooing her hair and oblivious to his presence. Then Raj walks into the camera's field of view, completely naked.

"Holy fuck. How?" I asked myself.

Raj opened the door to the shower and stepped in as my wife called out my name, temporarily blinded by shampoo suds.

Raj replied to her gruffly in Hindi. I have no idea what he said to her but she gave a muted yell back at him in Hindi and pointed out of the shower. I jumped when I heard and saw the slap Raj gave my wife—hard and fast across her cheek as he began ranting in Hindi and asking her "Right? Right!?" in an exasperated tone in English from time to time. Finally he gave her what was clearly a command in Hindi, then demanded again in English, "Now! And don't use your hands!"

My wife begged him for a moment in Hindi and then dropped to her knees in front of him and voluntarily put her arms behind her back and opened her mouth in front of his quickly hardening cock. Raj eased his cock into my wife's wide open mouth and she began sucking it for all she was worth. His hands went to the back of her head and she began gagging and struggling—sometimes reaching up to try to stop him, but quickly correcting herself and bringing her arms back behind her body. I had no idea what I was watching! My mind just couldn't figure out what the fuck was happening between a supposed good friend and a supposed loving wife.

"Yesssssssssssssssssssss do itttttttttttttttttt!" Raj grunted and I could see that he was coming directly in Deepthi's mouth.

"Keep sucking and keep me hard. You know what comes next." He said to her as she continued bobbing her head up and down on his cock.

I heard her crying or whimpering as she continued to suck him and when he finally pulled his cock from her mouth she said, "Please don't do this."

Whatever it was she said she didn't want him to do, she voluntarily stood up and leaned into the wall of the shower stall and closed her eyes. "You must be gentle or my husband may hear me." my wife threatened, to no avail.

"Do you really want him to see what a whore you are?" Raj asked as he squirted some of my wife's baby oil into the crack of her ass.

It was obvious from the position of his hand and the odd looks of fear and dread my wife expressed that Raj was lubing her ass. Anal. He was about to fuck my wife in the ass the very first full morning he stayed with us... what the fuck was going on????

My wife bit her own arms and struggled to keep her voice muffled as Raj fixed his huge cock at the entrance of her ass—something she never let me do—and braced himself by holding onto both of her hips. He didn't take it easy. In fact, I've never seen anything like it even on porn websites in the way that he drove his huge cock into her barely lubed, unprepared asshole.

If I didn't have the hood vent on full blast and the oven going, I probably would have heard the shriek that escaped her as he drove himself into her and pressed her body to the wall with his own. Her yell caused him to powerfully cover her mouth with his right hand while he strongly held her body in position with his left and all you hear for the next five solid minutes is muffled screams and moans from my wife, groans and comments about how tight she is from Raj, and the sound of his wet body slapping forcefully into hers.

It felt like hours to me watching this but we were only 18 minutes into this 720p nightmare of infidelity or rape. Or both? Too many mixed signals for me to process. One thing was for sure—watching the hottest woman I ever wanted getting her tits mauled while being absolutely butt-slammed had made me harder than I had ever been... I couldn't believe I reacted to this at all which really fucked me up since I wasn't even sure if my wife was being taken willingly or against her will or what. What a prick I'd feel like if I was getting off watching her being raped... and what a bigger prick I'd feel like if I found out this was something she was doing on her own?