Another,Rich, Handsome Ex-Seal Story


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Sergeyev said, "Miss Laura promised that. ."

Jack thundered, "Sir, you are a bald faced liar. That never happened and you know it. I would advise you to look at your guards before this goes much further." Sergeyev looked and saw the Ryan guards had pistols aimed at the heads of the Russian guards, who were caught with their hands under their jackets.

Jack calmly said, "We have reviewed the video tapes of your previous meetings, you suggested such a deal but she promptly said it would never happen. Now if you want to take this to court you are welcome to try. If you attempt to force Miss Ryan I will see how well you can fly. Understand?"

Sergeyev jumped up, "Are you threatening me?"

"Heavens no! I will demonstrate, hold your arms straight out from your shoulders like wings on a plane, good." Jack instantly grabbed the Russian by the collar and the crotch of his pants, and then lifted the larger man up over his head. Jack turned and aimed the Russian at the open door to the balcony looking over the city 20 floors below. Jack said, "Now Vladimir I will launch you and see how well you fly, OK?"

The Russian screamed, "No, you are right, I made it up, she never offered to do anything."

Jack casually returned the man to his feet. "Excellent, Vlad, old buddy, now you have a choice, sign the papers as agreed or leave and we will send the tapes to your company for their review."

The Russian picked up the papers and signed them. Laura separated the copies and gave the Russian his copies. He looked at Jack, "You are very strong, I weigh 265 and you had no problem putting me over your head. Would you really have thrown me out the door?"

Jack smiled, "I don't know, I have never had to yet."

Vladimir looked into Jack's cold ice blue eyes, He looked away and walked to the door beckoning his men to follow.

When they were gone Laura ran to Jack and hugged and kissed him, then buried her face in Jack's chest and cried.

Jack's two men gave him a high five, "Shit boss, you are a hard man to deal with, how big a man can you lift like that?"

"I don't know, I can lift a bit over four hundred pounds but a person is more difficult, they want to bend in the middle if you don't keep them straight."

The all white Learjet with the small tail numbers, LBROO2, taxied back out for takeoff from Key West before Jack finished signing for the Hertz rental car. He took another glance at Laura, he loved to look at her, she was wearing little sandals with two inch heels, tiny white shorts, a Bikini top, with a white lace cover-up. Her legs looked a mile long and her breasts were barely contained in the bra cups. Damn she was hot! He shook his head, grinned happily, and started the car. It was only about twelve minutes before they crossed the bridge to Tag's island, it was larger than Jack remembered.

A large man and a small beautiful woman came out to greet them. Tag and Jack grabbed each other and hugged. Laura smiled at the woman and said, "Hi, Mackie, I would recognize you anywhere, I'm Jack's fiancée Laura."

Jack and Tag made the other introductions. Mackie stepped back and looked at Laura, "Tag, look at this girl, she has the longest legs I have ever seen, she just has to be a fashion model."

Jack grinned, "Yeah she sure looks like one but she owns and runs an import-export business that nets multi-millions of dollars a year."

Tag smiled, "What sort of things do you deal in?"

"Mr. Gordon, please forgive me, but we are on vacation and I want to talk about fishing. I love the fly rod."

Tag grinned, "Join the club, girl. If you don't call me Tag I will not answer. I can promise you will be sick of hearing about fishing before you leave."

Laura smiled sweetly, "You are wrong, Tag, I go most of the year without hearing or talking about it. Luckily I met and fell in love with a man who loves it too. We haven't had a chance to talk much about it yet. If I watch his lips move very much I just have to kiss them. Ruins a lot of conversations, but I really don't care because he has a wonderful mouth for kissing and other pleasures."

Mackie hugged Laura, "Young lady, I know exactly how you feel. I get all hot when this big man of mine gets close to me, and we have been married for four years now."

Laura giggled, "Jack and I only met about two weeks ago. I had to go away for one week a day after we met because I wanted him so damned bad I was afraid I would scare him off."

Jack looked at Laura, "Really, I didn't know that."

"Oh yeah, I wanted to jump right in your bed the moment I met you, I had to run."

Mackie laughed, "I felt the same way about Tag when we met, only I was on his big houseboat, miles at sea with nowhere to get away from him. So we got married the next day. I have never regretted it for one second."

Tag stood up, "Laura, if you and Jack are willing there is a nice flat for permit and bonefish about ten minutes from here. I have all the gear in the boat and ready to go except Laura needs to change her shoes."

Twenty minutes later Laura stood with Jack on the bow of Tag's skiff. She held a nine weight fly rod rigged with a small 'pink shrimp' fly. Tag had just pointed out a school of bonefish headed their way. Tag whispered, "Girl, I know you haven't had a chance to practice with that rod, and it's a long cast, but that is a school of very big fish. Cast about four feet in front of them and use one inch strips on the retrieve. Go." Laura's fly gently touched the water 4 feet in front of the school. She inched the fly along the bottom. She saw the tail of one fish break the surface when he dove down for the fly, she heard Tag yell, "He's got it, hit him hard." She did.

The excess line flew through her hand as she held the rod high and guided the line to the first eye of the rod, the slack was gone in an instant and the line on the reel seemed to scream off the reel. She yelped with joy as the fish ripped out the line. Jack grinned as he put his big hands on her waist to steady her and give her support, She was thrilled to hear Jack softly whisper, "Sweetie you are doing great, he will tire soon and you can gain some line." Jack was right, the fish slowed and Laura turned the reel handle and was rapidly winding line back on the reel. They could see the bonefish after ten minutes of cranking, he was nearing the boat, then the fish turned and sped off again on another long run the length of a football field. He didn't seem to run as far as the first run but he still took out a lot of line.

Laura held the rod tip high with perfect form as she pumped and cranked the fish back toward the boat.

Tag said, "Honey, just keep doing what you are doing, he will tire soon, the next run will be much shorter." Tag was wrong, the next run was as long as the first run. Laura thought her wrist was going to fall off. Jack and Tag both sensed Laura was tiring and encouraged her more and more. Tag bragged on her constantly and tears streamed down his craggy face when he grabbed the big bone fish by the tail and brought it aboard.

Tag pulled out a scale and quickly weighed the fish, "Fifteen pounds even, a great fish. Shall I release him?" he said.

"Yes, how did I do?"

Tag grinned, "Laura, you did everything perfectly. Your cast was super, very long, you kept a tight loop and drove it into the wind. It was right on target, landed like a feather without spooking the fish. You fought him like a pro, it can't be done any better. I would have loved to guide you in a tournament, we would win everything. Who taught you to cast like that, not many novices do the double haul that perfectly?"

"My Daddy taught me, he fished a lot. The college business interrupted my fishing education. Daddy always said business was more important, but not by much."

Tad frowned, "Ryan, your last name is Ryan, any relation to Paul Ryan from Ocala?"

"Yes, Paul was my Daddy."

"Hell, no wonder, Paul was the best fly caster I ever saw, he taught you well."

When they were back at Tag's house Laura glanced at Jack, then asked, "Tag, how do you rate Jack as a fly fisherman?"

"Jack is damned good, not as accurate as you are but he can take a 12 weight and punch a fly into a gale wind further than anyone I have ever seen. He is as good as anyone at fighting a fish, he is tireless and never horses a fish in. Over all he is in the top 5 percent of fly fishermen. He is a bit better than you are because of experience and strength."

Mackie giggled at the relief on Laura's face when she heard Tag's assessment. She knew Laura didn't want to be better than Jack. Mackie changed the conversation and got Jack to tell of some of his adventures in the Seals. Laura noticed that the hero in Jack's stories was never Jack. Jack told a story of a very heroic Seal who saved a fellow Seal who was wounded by carrying him for miles on his back.

After hearing several tales Tag looked at Jack, "Old buddy what you are telling us? That you served three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and never saw any action, never fired a weapon, and never did a damned thing. Tell us, did you receive any medals for heroism or bravery?"

Jack looked embarrassed, he blushed and said, "Yes."

Laura smiled, "My hubby to be, earned six medals for valor and was wounded four times."

Jack looked at her, "How do you know that?"

"My brother told me, he put you in for some of them."

"Yeah, I guess he did."

Tag remarked that he and Jack had been together when Jack had caught a 210 pound Tarpon. Tag laughed, "That fish was actually Jack's first fish on a fly rod. He fought it just as if he knew what he was doing."

Jack grinned, "Yeah! That was in my old Hewes' Bonefisher skiff. I gave the damned thing to you. How long did you guide out of it?"

"Damn Bubba, I guess it was for six years as my primary boat then for several years as a back up, I still have it. Mackie's son uses it all the time, I just put a new motor on it this spring, painted it all up and she looks like new."

Jack laughed, "I thought she looked familiar hanging on the boat hoist. I'm glad she found a good home. I had nowhere to keep her when I went into the Naval Academy."

The next four days were heaven for the two lovers. They often went fishing, just the two of them in one of Tag's boats. They had plenty of time to really get to know each other and find that the more they learned about the other the happier they were. Saturday morning they thanked Mackie and Tag for a perfect holiday. The Learjet had them back in Ocala in an hour.

Laura needed to sign a few papers so they stopped by the office. When they left the office they were surprised to find that two of the bodyguards went with them. They were under 24/7 guard. On the way home they decided the guards would stay in Jack's old apartment with the connecting door closed. Soon it was so convenient that all four bodyguards took up residence there. At least one guard was with them every time they went out. If Laura and Jack separated for some reason the bodyguard stayed with Laura.

Sunday Laura wanted to go grocery shopping and Jack needed a haircut. Jack and Laura started out on foot because the neighborhood store was only three blocks away and they had to pass the barber shop on the way. Jack would stop and get his hair cut and they would meet on the way back.

Jack had just been seated in a barber's chair after a short wait when his cell phone buzzed. "Someone snatched the boss right off the street," yelled Al, one of the body guards. He added, "Dave is following them in his car. She has a GPS unit in her purse and we should be tracking her." Jack was out the door as a black SUV stopped. Al yelled, "Jump in, we have to help Dave, he is all alone, I notified Frank and Chuck, they are trying to locate Vladimir and some of the others."

Dave was constantly up dating his position on the radios in both cars. The car carrying Laura was heading west and just past the Interstate, I-75. Al said he thought they might be heading for the airport. Several minutes later it was clear Al was correct. Dave reported that the car he was chasing had passed through the gate to the private aviation part of the field and had closed the gate behind them. Jack and Al saw Dave's car stopped at the gate and they crashed through the other side of the gate when they saw the limo they were pursuing stopped by small jet. They got there in time to see the door to the Jet close and the aircraft start to taxi. Jack had his gun out and told Al to pull up next to the jet. Al stamped his foot to the floor and the SUV jumped ahead and soon caught the taxiing jet.

Jack leaned out the passenger window and pointed the gun at the pilot and waived his other hand in a gesture telling the pilot to stop. The jet slowed and the entry door on the jet opened. Someone was thrown from the plane. Jack fired two shots and the left main landing gear tire blew out and sparks flew as the wheel dragged on the asphalt. Al whipped the SUV around and hurried back to the person who was dumped out of the plane. When they got closer Jack knew it was Laura. He saw her lift her head as they slid to a stop beside her.

Jack ran to her and was surprised to see her smile up at him. He knelt beside her and she assured him she was OK except for scrapes and bruises, she laughed and said, "What saved me was this heavy trench coat they wrapped me in when they needed to rush me from the car to the plane.

Jack wouldn't let Laura get up, they could see and hear emergency vehicles on the way. "Let the EMTs check you out a make sure you are alright." Jack saw that the jet had stopped and the engines had been shut down. Several Sheriff's Department cars surrounded the people who got out of the jet. They learned later that Frank had notified the police that a kidnapping was in progress at the beginning.

Laura only required some small bandages and she would not release her grip on Jack for anything. She said that they had planned to dump her out over the ocean on their way to Europe.

Vladimir Sergeyev was one of the people in the plane. He claimed he didn't know there was a kidnapping going on, he was just a passenger. He was not happy when Laura walked up and identified him as the person in charge of the kidnapping. She was very sore and emotionally spent, so Jack got permission to take her home and put her to bed. They would have to make an official statement in the morning.

At home Jack helped her undress and drew a hot bath for her. He gently carried her to the tub and eased her slowly into the hot water. She looked at him and said, "I love you Jack, can we both fit in here?"

"No Sweetheart, I want you to stretch out and get as much of your body in the water as possible. When you are finished soaking I will carry you to the shower and make sure you are very clean and that all your cuts and scrapes are treated."

She had several bumps on her head, scrapes on her elbows and knees and toes. She said that when they threw her out the door she immediately put her arms around her head and tucked herself into a ball and rolled off the taxi-way and off in the grass. She said she thought she had bounced off the taxiway and landed in the grass.

Jack heard Laura giggle and asked what was so funny.

"You can tell everyone honestly, that you saw me thrown from the door of a jet airplane and that I bounced off the ground and lived through it."

"That's true, but why tell anyone anything. I saw you fall from that door and I knew my life was over, I saw your ponytail flip and I knew you were dead. Then when I got there you sat up and smiled. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." Tears ran from Jack's eyes. He turned and wiped his eyes. "I also knew that I was going to give that smug Son of a Bitch another chance to fly. Next time he WILL fly."

"Honey, I love you for wanting to get even with him, but I need you, I don't want you in prison. Leave this alone until it goes through the courts. They said he faces charges of kidnapping and attempted murder. He should go away for a long, long time."

They sat in the den and watched the evening news. The attempted kidnapping was a featured story. The reporter said that superior police work resulted in the capture of the kidnappers and the rescue of the poor woman who had been taken by the depraved foreigners.

Jack grinned, "Frank said he thought the Sheriff would be glad to take all the credit and leave us out of it."

"Good, the publicity would not be good for my business. It might scare customers off."

"Is there any money in just servicing more legitimate people who don't expect kickbacks and other kinds of bribes?"

"Yes, I actually have a lot of them, Daddy was the one who loved the more daring and lucrative side of the business."

"Honey, I have no experience at all in business so I hesitate to give you any advice, BUT.... .

Laura's sweet gentle lips covered his lips in a long lovely kiss. She sighed, "Lover, I have drafted a letter to all of our less conventional customers saying that due to the present economic situation we are no longer able to service their accounts. I recommended our competitors and included fax and phone numbers. I am not willing to have you putting yourself in jeopardy running around rescuing me. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt saving me from something I do not really need to do."

"Sweetheart, what would happen if we disappeared and went fishing for a couple of months?"

"The company would continue with the normal business deals and do just fine. The expenses would be way less because our intelligence operations could be used to just gather commercial information. I have gone on a month long vacation before and I don't think they missed me that much."

Jack said, "Sweetie, I would like to find us a place in the Keys for us to relax and fish to our hearts content, then have a comfortable place to relax and make love. Some days we might even skip the fishing, right? Naw! That would be silly, Right?"

"I'll have to think about that? Fishing every day might get boring."

"What about making love a couple of times a day, do you think that might get boring?"

"NO! Not with you, you do something a bit different every time. And even if you did the exact same thing every time I would never tire of it, never! Besides, I haven't even scratched the surface of the things I want to do to and with you, my sweet lover."

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sg1010sg1010about 1 year ago

Thanks !

I thoroughly enjoyed it !

PS, If you had the desire / interest, this might make a great series.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxabout 2 years ago

OK,OK, this story was a bit corny and mucho syrupy. But hell it was a FUN read. Thanks Eagle man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This storyline has great potential for follow on stories.

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