Anthony's 18th Birthday


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She washed her face in the water and then emptied her glass to rid herself of the taste. An exhausted Anthony lowered himself back into the water and their eyes met, Ella usually felt a little aroused after delivering a good blowjob, and this was no exception. She slipped up onto a corner of the pool and wedged herself into a corner, her legs were soon open and a finger flicked her clitoris.

"If you can fake an orgasm, then so can I. So its payback time, get your sweet little lips over here."

Anthony moved closer and lowered his face to her waiting pussy lips, the taste was different this time, not the musky fragrance as before, but more the chemical taste of chlorine from the spa. But he diligently got to work using the techniques that Ella had demonstrated earlier, his tongue, lips and fingers moving quickly over her good bits. It took but a while for her begin squirming under his attack, her buttocks were soon lifting from the pool edge and pushing back into his face, her hands caressed his hair and shoulders.

"Mmmmmmmmm. Oh yeah, you're gonna make me cum again, just keep going like that." she whispered.

Just as Ella was approaching her orgasm, her foot slipped off the edge of the spa nearly sending her plummeting into the spa. Only Anthony's strong hands held her in place as his tongue went through its final paces.

"Ohhhhh shit." she whimpered as she scrambled to retain her balance as the orgasm rippled through her body.

His finger slid back inside her wet lips while he balanced her weight with one hand, pressing upwards and backwards he twirled his finger as she shuddered and squirmed against him, her sloppy wetness noisily sloshing over his face.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck, that's sooo good." she squealed. "Jeeeeeezus, that's fucking good."

Anthony waited until Ella began to relax before kissing his way up her navel to her breasts. Unable to hold her own weight, she began to slide downwards into the pool and their lips soon met. Her kiss was passionate to the point of being violent, her arms around his neck squeezing him tightly, her searching tongue roughly dominating his. Eventually she broke the kiss and smiled at him.

"Would you believe that I faked that?" she asked.


She chuckled, "For a first timer, you sure know how to push all my buttons. That was somethin else."

"I'm glad."

"Sooo am I."

It was also the first night that Anthony slept with someone else in a bed. He liked the way that Ella snuggled her back into him and kissed his hand before holding him tight. He liked the closeness and the warm smoothness of her skin. She fell asleep before him, and he listened to her slow content breathing. He lay thinking about what had transpired, how his father had arranged for this wonderful creature to make love to him. He thought back to her beautiful face and body, her pert breasts and lovely thighs and what lay between them. He would never forget this night as long as he lived.

As dawn broke a few hours later, Anthony awoke to his strange surroundings and his eyes soon turned to his companion. Ella lay on her back with the sheet just covering her breasts; he slowly eased the sheet up and gazed beneath. Her thighs were slightly apart with one leg slightly bent, the tuft of dark curls now lying flat, moving downwards he stole a peak between her legs. Her dark lips were still a little pink from the earlier battering, and her clitoris was peaking through between them. He felt himself hardening with arousal as he took in the wonderful sight of her body. Ella stirred as the cool air flowed under the raised sheet and over her warm body. An eye opened briefly and took in her admirer, and the very hard cock in his hand. The eye then closed hoping he might just go away, but she soon realised it was most unlikely.

"In my handbag you'll find a tube of lube, you'd best go and get it." she murmured a few seconds later.

A few seconds later, a hopeful Anthony bounded back into the bed with all the diplomacy of a sex depraved stallion, the tube of lube flapping wildly between his fingers.

"Okay, throw some on your dick and jack off while I get some more sleep." she suggested with closed eyes. "Wake me up when you've finished."

But if nothing else, Anthony had been the perfect student. His tongue was soon kissing her and nibbling her neck, his wandering hands gently stroking and caressing her slowly into an aroused state. A few minutes later, he rolled between her open thighs, her fingers guiding his well lubricated cock into her pussy. She whimpered as he slipped easily inside her.

"You young man, are very hard work, I won't walk straight after this." she whispered as her legs slipped around his buttocks pulling him in tight.

Ella let Anthony ride her at will for he was satisfying her as well as any man had. She smiled at the thought of stalking younger men in future, if they were anything like the man between her legs, it would be well worth the trouble. She had enjoyed his innocent good looks and nice body; she liked the way that he'd made her cum with some considerate talent. The way that he'd just seduced his way between her legs from a previous comatose state was a credit to him; previous lovers may have got a bloody nose for their efforts. Eventually, Ella coaxed him to a timely orgasm, just in time to hear his cell phone vibrate on the floor. Time was up.

An hour later after showering together, Ella walked Anthony to the door. She stopped him reaching for the door handle and pulled him close taking his face in her hands.

"I hope it was as good for you as it was for me." she said. "You're a lovely young man and you'll make lot girls very happy I'm sure. So go well and I hope we'll meet again sometime."

He hugged her tightly and smiled, "Thanks, I'll never forget you or this night. It was the best night of my life."

Their last kiss was long; it was full of caring and tenderness, neither wanting it to end. But the door was soon open and both Anthony's father and Mule smiled into the young man's contented and tired face.

"Fuck, you're still alive then." Mule laughed. "How disappointing."

Anthony looked at his father and grinned.

"So, how was it?" Roberto asked his son as Ella slipped back into the suite.

"Absolutely mind blowing."

"Good." Roberto replied easing himself into the suite.

Roberto found Ella standing looking out of the window, the silhouette of her slim body under the dressing gown visible through the light behind her.

"He seems a happy boy." he said while removing a thick envelope of cash from his jacket pocket and offering it to her. "It's all there, no need to count it."

Ella smiled and took the envelope from his hand, "Thanks. Your son's a beautiful young man. He fucked me very well and made me cum, he made me very tired and sore. But I'm not at all sorry, it was very, very good fun. His father's son I think."

Roberto laughed, "That's good. I thank you very much Ella. And I wish you well for the future."

He turned and made for the door.

"Roberto, there would be no charge if Anthony wanted to see me again. I would enjoy that I think." she added.

He smiled graciously, "I'll tell him."

A few hours later, Anthony sat at the dining table with his mother and father. The lunch was leftovers from the night before, salmon and pasta with a fine selection of breads and dips. Eleanor gazed lovingly at her son as they made small talk; she questioned their late night excursion and caught his smug grin. She recognised the fob off and the shrugging of shoulders of both father and son. She dwelled on it for a while and it suddenly dawned on her, Roberto had thrown a whore at her son. A woman with a short fuse, Eleanor fumed for a while before storming wordlessly from the dining room. The banging and crashing of plates told Roberto and Anthony that their game was up without a word being said, and only trouble was on the horizon. Roberto signalled for Anthony to disappear, then took a deep breath before making his way to the kitchen. His wife's eyes were upon him in a flash as she turned to confront him.

"What's up?" he asked innocently hoping for a reprieve.

"Tell me that you haven't had my son fucked by some whore? And don't you dare lie to me Roberto Gambini; your life might depend on it."

Roberto sighed, "It wasn't some whore. It was a beautiful young woman of his own age. It was in a place where he was safe."

Eleanor's stood her ground, hands on hips and proudly defending her virtues.

"I don't care if she was a beautiful or an ugly whore, a whore is still a whore. Why not let him find his own way with girls? What you did was wrong and unforgivable." she argued vehemently.

"Why was it so wrong? You know we can't let our only son roam the streets like a tom cat. We would never forgive ourselves if something happened to him, and what chance does he have of dating normal girls when Mule's always lurking close by?"

Her eyes still blazed at Roberto with conviction, "It was still wrong."

"Look, does your son look unhappy, dirty or damaged? No, he does not. He looks just like the cat that got the cream. Right now he's the happiest young man in the whole wide world."

Roberto sensed that his wife was wavering and decided to play another card; he smiled and took her hands in his.

"I wanted Anthony to be a gifted young lover. Do you not remember our first time? How I seduced you in your parents bed. I seem to remember that you liked it when I removed your clothes and kissed you all over, how my tongue made you squirm. Remember how gentle I was when I slipped my cock into you and rode you, and how careful I was when you pleaded for me not to finish inside you? I'm sure that you appreciated my talents then, and that I wasn't an inexperienced oaf that hurt you and got you pregnant. Being a good lover is a good thing, it brings consideration and respect along with pleasure."

Eleanor chuckled and Roberto breathed a little easier.

"You always had a silver tongue Roberto, but you were wrong to do what you did. But I suppose that if it brings those things you've just talked about, like consideration and respect, then I guess some good may come of it. I just hope to see some of those things from you."

Roberto feigned shock, "When do I not respect you or give you the consideration you so deserve?"

"Oh, I get some of that, but where's the good loving gone?" she asked deliberately baiting her husband. "I remember the days when you would carry me off and ravish my body, can't remember the last time that happened. Or maybe you're just getting too old?"

Roberto laughed as he lunged for her, and threw her over his shoulder. She screamed as he stormed the stairs with the all the conviction of a twenty year old and threw her onto the bed. Her shoes were gone in an instant, her jeans unfastened and roughly dragged off along with her panties. She willingly parted her thighs as his face disappeared into her thick triangle of curls and sighed as his wonderful tongue caressed her clitoris as it had done hundreds of times before. Her wandering fingers lovingly ruffled his thick mop of hair.

"You might make me cum well this day Roberto, but I will always be angry at you for taking my little boy away from me. It's too soon for him to be a man; I don't want to lose him yet. I know you meant well, but a mother wants to keep her son forever."

Roberto wisely kept quiet.

Below and away from the house, Anthony and Mule sat on the steps leading to the swimming pool sipping on cool beers.

"She was pretty good eh?" Mule asked.

Anthony grinned smugly, "You can say that again, she gave me a good going over, but I reckon I held my own. I told her what you said, you know, that beautiful women don't make good lovers."

Mule chuckled, "I bet she took that well."

"No, not really, she made a liar out of you."

Mule laughed, stood up and stretched his massive frame, "Come with me kid, I wanna show you something."

Anthony followed Mule down the driveway away from the house and off to the side and past a line of tall trees where an old building stood. It was once used as accommodation for family soldiers during the wild years, but it was now dilapidated and neglected.

"Me and your father were thinking of tidying it up a little for you. It's a place where you can bring your girlfriends for a bit of humpty dumpty; it'll be private and safe, and more importantly away from your mother's inquisitive eyes. But you have to promise me that you will text me before you bring anyone here, and that you'll wait until I reply. Will you do that?

Anthony met Mules stare, "Yeah, I promise."

"This is really important Anthony. What do you think would happen to me if you got attacked and hurt through my negligence?" Mule asked.

Mule continued on Anthony's silence, "I would probably end up six feet under. I wanna cut you some slack, but you have to play by the rules, okay."

"I promise Mule, you can count on me." Anthony replied offering his hand.

They grinned and shook on it, it was a done deal.

In the years ahead, Mule would rue his promise; for he would spend many a cold uncomfortable night in his car watching as Anthony sewed his wild oats. There would be a long procession of fine looking women that entered that building, and their loud moans and groans would suggest they didn't mind being there one bit.

It was eighteen months later that Anthony and Ella's paths crossed again. They eyed each other across a noisy bar before meeting in the middle.

"How's lover boy?" she asked after giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Fine, just practising what you taught me, but with a few refinements."

"Really?" she asked. "Maybe we could meet up later and you could give me a demonstration."

"Nah, you wouldn't be able to handle it now."

His challenge was recognised and digested; Ella could already sense the first pangs of arousal and desire.

"Mmmmm, you think so?" she asked. "It's a date then. Meet you back here in an hour or so, then I'll take you home and give you lesson number two."

"Don't drink too much; you'll need your wits about you this time. Don't want you too tired." he suggested.

Ella laughed, but his audacity only heightened her interest, "Why not right now then? Wait right there."

She turned and walked back to her friends sitting at a table. Bending down she picked up her handbag and grinned at the others.

"Sorry girls; gotta go and fuck someone's brains out. It's a long story, but I'll fill you in later."

They turned and ran their eyes over Anthony, and admired his fine looks.

"Can we come too?" one of them asked longingly.

"Nope, there's not gonna be any leftovers after I've finished with him."

Not long after, they were ripping each other's clothes off. It was a lustful coupling, full of physical passion. No quarter was given or asked for as they ravished each others bodies; nothing was forbidden or forgotten in the search of their pleasure. They both searched for dominance of the other, but neither could do so. It was hot sweaty and sordid work, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. But many hours later, Ella and Anthony lay spent side by side; they agreed it was an enjoyable and satisfying draw. They snuggled into each other, closed their eyes and drifted contently off to sleep, for there was always the morning to continue the battle.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I wish I could give a higher score. This is the best story I've read on this site!!

taxpapabobtaxpapabobover 15 years ago
A Boy's Night Out

This story offers pretty good sex, but I don't like the plotline at all. The psychology of the two young people is well expressed, provided you care about a prepaid prostitute and a thug. But for Pete's sake get editorial help! The writing style is ruined by a long list of dumb errors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
ditto to all

I'd bet the founders of literotica hoped for high-class submissions like this, and will add my kudos to the other superlatives offered here.

coldsunshinecoldsunshinealmost 18 years ago

Would there be any chance of visiting Anthony's other quests and how they compare back to Ella?

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Crisp writting

That story was great on all fronts; flow, dialogue, narrative, and plot. Everything about it was spot on.

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