Are There Men Like That - Marge Ch. 02


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"'I... I... I really wanted to be in my own bed,' I told him.

"'Well, you could have...' he started, but his voice trailed off and he looked away.

"That was it. That was the end of it. He never said anything more about it. The following Sunday was their regular golf game and when Mark stopped by after, it was business as usual, well that is to say as usual after the date. He was still touchy feely, but cautiously. He patted my butt a few times, pulled me into a sideways hug and even kissed me lightly as he said goodbye. I looked at Jerry as he went out the door. Jerry smiled and said, 'I think he likes you.' And that's all there was too that.

"As the weeks went by I began to think perhaps I was drunk that night and my memory was mixed with fantasies of what I thought might happen and with the actual date. You ever have an experience that leaves you wondering about your sanity? Well that night did me.

"It was almost two months later when I was looking over the A & E section of the paper and noticed that Sokol Blosser Vineyards was hosting a Concours d'Elegance. 'Hey guys, look at this,' I told them when they came in after golf.

"'I'm looking, I'm looking,' Mark said, taking me in his arms for very personal hug.

"'Hey, hey, my husband's right here,' I scolded, in a playful tone, but I was serious.

"'Opps. Sorry Jerry, I forgot you were here. She has that affect on me,' Mark said and gave me a quick kiss before releasing me.

"Jerry just laugh and asked, 'What is it you wanted to show us, before this big oaf lets his hormones get the best of him?'

"'Sokol Blosser Vineyards is hosting a Concours d'Elegance. I thought since we all like vintage cars, and vintage wine, we could take in the event. It says here that we can make it an all day event if we want. We could go for just the Concours and wine and cheese tasting, or we could stay for the catered buffet and dance in the evening.'

"'That sounds great,' Jerry said. 'I think we should do the whole day.'

"'I agree,' Mark said. 'Nothing I'd like more that to have some wine, appreciate some old cars and hang out with you guys while getting a chance to dance with my favorite married lady.'

"We talked about it and got ourselves all hyped over going. Then Jerry asked, 'When is it?'

"'It's...' I consulted the article, 'in three weeks the second Saturday next month.'

"'Oh, man,' Jerry complained. 'I've got to cover a management conference that weekend. I can't go.'

"'Oh well, it was a great idea,' I said.

"'Well you and Mark could still go.'

"'Sure,' Mark put in. 'I'd love to go and I'd be happy to have you as my guest.'

"'I don't think that's a good idea. How would it look? A married woman attending an event like that with someone other than her husband?'

"'Well we've already crossed that bridge, haven't we? I mean you guys went out to dinner and dancing before. The only difference here is that it's and all day event. And as far as how it'll look, you won't see anybody you know so who cares how it looks,' Jerry insisted. 'I think you should go. You must have really wanted to go or you wouldn't have brought it up. There's no reason you shouldn't go. Besides how often do we get a chance to do something on Marks tab? Think of all those times when I was working for Minuteman and we footed the bill? He's got a lot of catching up to do.'

"'See?' Mark said. 'Jerry's all for it and I'm sure not going to miss an opportunity to spend the day with you.'

"Well I've got to tell you it sounded like a great event and the combination things we could do was irresistible. 'OK, I said, but let's just go for the Concours and wine tasting.'

"'If you insist,' Mark allowed, 'but I'd rather we made a day of it.'

"After Mark left, Jerry said, 'I don't know why you don't want to make the whole day of it. You like dancing with Mark and I'm sure it'll be a great evening. Besides, Mark's paying.'

"'But it would be like a second date. The first one we owed him because of that dumb bet you made. We don't owe him anything this time.'

"'Well, I suppose it would be like a second date, but you know I told you that he would want another date and that if you wanted you could go.'

"'Do you really think it's wise for me to go on another date with him? I mean, don't you think if I accept a date, he'll think he can ask me anytime and I'll accept?'

"'There is that chance,' Jerry observed. Then he got a mischievous smile and said, 'Don't tell me you wouldn't enjoy dating him? You had good time on the first date, didn't you?'

"'Well, yeah, but...'

"'But nothing. Look... I don't mind and what's likely to happen if you date him that hasn't already happened?'

"'You seem awfully casual about you wife dating another man. Aren't you jealous?'

"'I might be if it was anyone but Mark. I know he's not interested in getting married, so he won't steal you away. As long as he sends you back to me afterward, you can date him when every you want.'

"I felt the need to confess and get it over with. 'But you don't know what happened on out date,' I told him.

"'And I don't need to know. You told me yourself that if you were free to do it, you'd do it all again. Well, given who it is and all, as far as I'm concerned you can date him whenever you like.'

"'That's a pretty strange attitude for a husband to have.'

"'Well, it just shows how confident in your love and Mark's friendship.'

"I'd lost my resolve to confess at that point and only thought, 'If you really knew your friend had screwed your wife's brains out and she liked it, you wouldn't say that.'

"So the weekend of the Concours came and Jerry flew out that Friday after work. As I dropped him at the airport, I gave him another chance to come to his senses. 'I'm still not sure my going to the Concours with Mark is a good idea.'

"'Go, have a good time,' he told me. 'My flight will get in about three Sunday afternoon.'

"'Your really alright with me spending the day and evening with Mark?'

"'Yes, how many times do I have to tell you? Go, have a good time. You can do what ever you want with Mark. You had a good time on your date before do it again. It's OK.'


"'No buts, just have good time. Enjoy it to the fullest.' He kissed me and stepped through metal detector. He blew me a kiss as he went toward the boarding area.

"When ever Jerry travels without me, he always calls me when he gets in, so he called that night about seven thirty. 'Hi Hon, I'm all settled in my room.'

"'Did you have a good flight?'

"'Yeah, clear air all the way. My connecting flight was a little late, but since it was only registration and there were no meetings scheduled for tonight it was OK.'

"'Jerry, look I think I'm going to call Mark and tell him I'm not feeling well.'

"'Are you sick?'

"'No, I'm just having second thoughts about going with Mark when you're not there.'

"'That would be terribly unfair to Mark. He bought the tickets on line and at this short notice there's no way he could get his money back. Besides, we've been over this before. Mark's a good friend and he won't do anything I wouldn't be OK with.'

"'Oh yeah? The last time he fucked your wife's brains out. Are you really OK with that?' I thought.

"'And even if he tried, I know that you wouldn't let him do anything you didn't want him to, so we're all good.'

"'Yeah, well that's the problem,' I thought. 'When he got around to doing what he wanted, I wanted him to.'

"'Are you really sure? I mean, have you thought through all the possibilities?'

"'Yes, I'm sure. Look go; you'll have a good time, just like you did last time. I've got to go through my packet for the conference so I've got to cut this short. See you Sunday.'

"Well, there I had it... a good time, just like last time. I really believed he didn't have any idea just what that entailed. Oh, I need to tell you that I found out that Jerry didn't commit to going to the conference until after I told him the date for the event. They had asked a volunteer and no one had yet to say they would go, so he didn't have to go."

"What?" I interrupted again. "He purposely decided to leave you to go with Mark alone? But he even insisted that you go. I don't get it."

"I didn't either, at the time," Marge confirmed.

"I've got to tell you I didn't sleep well that night. I kept waking up aroused after a dream involving Mark doing something sexual to me. Each time, it was a little more intense. The first time I dreamed that Mark was tweaking my nipple and woke with my own hand toying with my boob. The last time I dreamed Mark and I were naked and he had a couple of fingers stoking in and out of me as he positioned himself for entry and I woke with my middle and ring fingers buried in my sex. After that one, I had to continue what I'd started in my sleep. By the time I got through, it was time to start getting ready for my 'date.' I know it really wasn't supposed to be a date, but what else could I think of it as? Another man was taking me somewhere and paying the way. In my book that was a date.

"I was told to dress casually, but I felt I should wear something that showed some class. I opted for that yellow sundress that I like so much and pair of clunkey heeled white sandals. I did my hair in a bun with a nice tortoise shell cage. I made sure that my makeup was understated. This was an afternoon event after all.

"Mark picked me up about eleven and we stopped for lunch at a little place down the valley that Mark knew about. It was very nice. Mark was on his best behavior and by the time we got to the vineyard I'd decided that my fears were for naught. He picked up the tickets, well passes I guess. They were on lanyards that hung around our neck and we each got an official Sokol Blosser glass that entitled us to have as much wine as we dared from the various stations around the grounds that dispensed the different varieties on offer. Of course the idea was that you'd like a particular wine or three and buy some to take home. Cheese, both local and imported, was also on offer. The local cheeses were also for sale and the imported could be ordered. Aside from the fact that everyone was dressed casual, it was a very upscale event.

"The cars were definitely exotic. Even the domestics were well restored antiques and the imports were all Old World classics. Some were so old and exotic I'd not heard of them before. We drank wine, tasted cheeses and drooled over the cars all afternoon. There must have been a couple of hundred scattered throughout the vineyard.

There were portable wireless speakers around supplying soft music as we wandered the grounds. It all made for a great afternoon. As we walked around, Mark often would put a hand on the small of my back to guide me in a particular direction to see a car that he wanted to show me. After a while, it seemed natural for him to have his hand there. I don't remember when it moved from there to lightly around my waist as we stopped to admire a particular car.

"I was quite surprised when Mark told me it was time for them to start serving the buffet. We were quite a ways from the winery. Mark took my hand as we strolled back, not in any hurry because the buffet would be served for over an hour. As we walked toward the winery, the sun was getting low and a little chill in the shadows developed. Mark noticed me shiver a little and said, "What's the matter? Cold?" as he put his arm around me and drew me close. I was grateful for his warmth when the breeze that had been refreshing in the afternoon sun turned chill in the shadows.

"They had a number of deli meats and even some barbecued meats along with various salads. For desert, the was a scrumptious rhubarb pie. Oh they had other things, but that's all I had eyes for. The winery had a chamber orchestra playing dance music at the far end of the building from the buffet. After we had eaten, we wandered that direction and started dancing.

"As Mark held me, I don't know if it was the wine, my dreams from the night before, or what, but I began to be aroused by his contact. He didn't really do anything for the longest time, just held me close as we danced. Then I felt it, the beginning of his arousal. To my dismay, I wanted to feel it. As much as I knew it was wrong, I pressed myself against him to feel the lump in his pants. As I rubbed against it, it became a cyclic thing. The more I rubbed against it, the more aroused he became, the more I wanted to rub it. The whole cycle feeding on itself. Mark picked up on my desire to feel him aroused and began to pull me into him. Song after song, we turned each other on, until we were breathing raggedly.

"'I suppose we should get out of here,' Mark offered. I nodded.

"On the way out, Mark gave his name to one of the winery staff and we stopped by the doors of the winery as we drove out and Mark popped the trunk so they could load the wine and cheese he'd bought through out the day.

"As we drove I became aware that the center console had been folded away and I was sitting next to Mark with his arm around me. I know I should have been in the right side passenger seat instead of cuddled up next to him, but that never occurred to me when I got in and it just felt so good to have him affectionately hold me like that. I also discovered that my hand was on the inside of his thigh. This too seemed natural and good, even though my thought process found it odd. I was really in a confused state. While I knew I was a married woman out with a man I wasn't married to, I felt as if this minor intimacy was natural. And given how intimate we'd been on that first date, this was nothing, besides, I liked Mark and it made me feel secure to snuggle up to him like that.

"When we reached the house, I was relieved that Mark didn't initiate a necking secession like he had in his parking garage. Instead, he popped the trunk and said, 'Let's get the wine into the house. I want to share at least half of it with you guys. I know you'll like most of what I bought.'

"'Mark, that's expensive wine. Really, just a bottle or two would be more than enough.'

"'Well, be that as it may, we have to get it into the house to pick out the wine.'

"He had me help him carry the wine to the kitchen. I took one case and he took two. Try as I would, I couldn't dissuade him from actually splitting the wine. We put, what turned out to be two and a half cases on the kitchen table and haggled over how much he was giving us. He was putting bottles in the cases evenly split while I told him, 'No, that's too much. The half case is enough for us. You keep the rest.'

"He pulled me to him, with his arms around my waist, kissed me lightly and said in a firm voice, 'You will accept the gift graciously, understand?' I nodded and he said, 'Good,' and kissed me sensuously. There was just something about the masterful way he was acting that made me submit to his demands. Then there was that arousal that I'd enjoyed feeling at the winery.

"Still holding my hips tightly against his with one hand, he picked up a bottle of wine and asked, 'Did you have any of this at the winery?'

"'I don't think so.'

"'You have to try it,' he said disengaging with me. I found myself reluctant to move away, but knowing right where to look, he got out our wine glasses and corkscrew and opened the wine and sat it on the counter. 'It'll need to breathe a little,' he said, taking me back in his arms.

"I molded myself against him, seeking out that lump in his pants. I tilted my head back to look up at him and he took that as an invitation, he kissed me again. I rubbed my hips against the lump, enjoying the mild arousal. But I think he knew just how to tease me. I think at that moment, I was lost, only I was in denial, thinking that it was just harmless flirtation.

"Again, he move away and said, 'Let's put on some music so we can enjoy our wine like we did at the winery.'

"He grabbed the glasses and wine in one hand and my hand in the other and led the way to the front room. Setting down the wine, but not letting go my hand, he turned on the stereo and found a station playing slow dance music. He pulled me into his arms and we danced.

"The next selection wasn't exactly the kind of music we wanted to dance to, so he poured the wine. 'To good friends,' he said, clinking glass with his. We each sipped. 'To fine wine.' We clinked and sipped again. 'To warm embraces,' he continued, drawing me close as we sipped again. He rubbed his nose against mine and gave me a light kiss. My hips found that lump and I was torn between the logic of my mind reminding me that I was married and this wasn't my husband, and my body remembering the great time that lump had provided at his condo. When he gave me a long sensual kiss, my logic took a back seat... one way in the back of the bus. The music on the radio became a waltz, so we put the now empty glasses down and I molded myself to him and we dance, that delicious lump working its magic on my body and my body screaming 'Oh yeah!' Three songs later, we had more wine, but he, I'm sure, knew he had me in his spell and didn't let me out of his embrace as we downed another glass of wine. All the while, I was aroused and getting more so.

"He looked deep into my eyes and moved in for a kiss. This one went well beyond sensual, all the way to passionate, even pushing that limit a bit. When we finally broke that kiss, he began kissing my neck and chest. Without me realizing he'd done it, my dress was lifted and his hands that had already been cupping my ass only had my panties separating them from my bare butt. I realized this when I felt his hand slide up my bare back in the midst of a long passionate kiss. The thought of his hand on my bare skin caused my hips to twitch and I kissed him with even greater passion.

"I've never figured out how men do it, but with only his left and he found and release the catch on my bra. I laid my head on his shoulder and let him explore my bare back up to my shoulders. The whole while I was shaking with anticipation. My body knew where this was all going, but my mind was totally detached as if watching this happen to someone else. Cupping his hands over my shoulder, he pulled me back for another toe curling kiss. At the end of it, my dress just floated over my head and was gone, taking my bra with it.

"His kisses traveled down my chest, finding their way to my breast and coming to rest on my rock hard nipples. He suckled for what seemed an eternity with his hands pulling my willing hips into him as he pressed his now throbbing member into my pantied crotch. My breathing was coming in short gasps.

"He stopped sucking my nipples and asked, 'Bedroom?' to which I just nodded, unable to speak. He carried me right to our bedroom and with in minutes, he was inside me, thrusting and I was matching his thrusts. I lifted my legs, wanting more of him deep inside me. I began to build an orgasm almost immediately and when it hit, it was doozy. A multiple that just kept coming and coming. It didn't stop until I lost consciousness... that is I became unaware of anything. When my senses returned, I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me as he methodically thrust slowly in to my quivering vagina.

"I lay there basking in the orgasmic after glow willing him to get the kind of enjoyment I'd just had. He kissed me softly and asked, 'Good?' I nodded and he smiled bigger. He closed eyes and I could tell he was working for himself. The fact that he'd done that all for me and waited for himself made me work back for his enjoyment. To my surprise, I worked up another climax as he began grunting and slamming himself into me.

"When we were finally through, we cuddled and went to sleep. It must have been at least four in the morning by then. I woke some time after dawn with him gently sucking my nipples and lightly stroking my clit. When I stirred, he pushed his hard on against my leg. I looked down to see his mischievous eyes. I moaned and pulled his head to my breast and his finger plumbed the depths of my sopping slit. I was on fire again and only the hose bumping my leg would do to put out the fire. This time, was not a wild or as urgent as it was in the wee hours, but it was really intense. We were both working hard to make it good. We both needed it.