Asian Wife Whore Ch. 01

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White guy and beautiful Asian girl fall in love.
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Disclaimer: I'm German and English is only a second language - so there might be some mistakes. If anyone would like to spell check it I would really appreciate it.


The large ballroom was crowded with guests standing around high cocktail tables and chatting avidly with each other. Philip Carver, with his 188 cm in height, was overlooking the whole crowd he almost seemed to be the only foreigner in the entire hall filled with Japanese businessmen and their families. Philip felt horribly out of place and worse was that most people even colleagues from work simply ignored the "gaijin" who kept standing in a corner with a glass of champagne lifting it up occasionally to hide another depressed sigh.

With only 27 he had been one of the youngest managers in his company ever to obtain the lead position at the Japanese branch of his company, his childhood obsession with the culture and language had made it possible because he'd been the only one speaking the language almost accent-free and that got him this job in the end. Almost a year on the other side of the globe from England and even though he knew everything beforehand the reality still had been quite a culture shock in the beginning but he had handled it well. However occasions like this didn't make it easier to blend in. Official business banquets where most people used to be twice his age and polite chatter was hiding the true intentions were dull. Here, Philip wasn't able to gain anything.

Minute after minute slowly crept by and the young manager found asking himself why he'd been so fanatical about Japan in the beginning, certainly the people and country hadn't lost their charms although the awe and curiosity had been gone and many things were tiring work, only. Just as Philip was about to let escape another silent lament he spotted tonight's host, Akira Takeguchi a business affiliate of his, coming directly up to him a bunch of people in his tow.

"Good evening, Mr. Carver," Takeguchi addressed him in polite Japanese: "May I introduce one of our chairman, Mr. Honda, to you. He would like to know a few details about our ongoing business."

They had bowed to each other and Philip turned towards Mr. Honda who was obviously accompanied by his family. The English manager bowed again and then took his first real look at the trio. Mr. Honda was a greying quite gentle looking man in his early fifties his wife an attractive looking lady a little younger than her husband. When Philip turned his eyes towards their daughter it hit him like a wrecking ball, a wave of heat went through his whole body, she radiated innocent youth, uncompared beauty and even though she looked pure modesty she sent out a sexual glow that was emitting through the whole room. Their eyes met for just an instant before she looked down shyly but it had been long enough for him to notice her interest as well. He was in love at first sight!

Philip knew he was starring openly but it took him a while to get back his control. He inhaled her appearance, her lovely, timid smile, full lips, perky nose, deep shimmering almond-shaped eyes, flawless bronze-coloured skin, her elegant yet tight evening dress hiding a bombshell figure. Philip spotted a surprisingly buxom chest standing out proudly. Politely nobody seemed to have taken notice of his indecent observation and when Philip after all managed to take his eyes off, Mr. Honda politely started to ask some questions while Mr. Takeguchi excused himself.

About 30 minutes Philip Carver tried to listen and answer the questions as good as possible since his mind followed his view that used to wander off quite a lot admiring the young Japanese goddess who also appeared to steal glances at him and once in a while their eyes even locked for a very brief moment. It was heaven and hell at the same time and worsening the situation Philip, deep in his mind knew that he would have no chance of ever dating this girl. While the society had become more open still many traditional families remained especially the well off people and even female celebrities were not allowed to marry a "gaijin" since their parents would only accept a Japanese man of similar background.

Finally it was over. Mr. Honda gave himself satisfied and they wished him a good farewell. Philip starred desperate at the back of his princess when she and her two elders vanished into the crowd, he had the image of her long black hair and her swaying hips when she sat one foot in front the other in a model-like fashion still in his mind when they were long gone.

Breathing deeply he knew that no matter how slim his chances were he had to catch her alone. First however he had to find her.

The task was more difficult than expected, restless Philip Carver browsed through the bulks of people while making his way along the wall. After an endless search he ultimately spotted Mr. and Mr. Honda, but where was their daughter? A sudden voice right behind his ear made him jump: "Excuse me"!

The stunning girl brushed right along his side, turned her head slightly and sent him a smile before she was gone again in an instant heading towards her parents.

The whole evening Philip kept observing but he had no chance to talk to them again, always they were engaged in conversation with other guests and also he couldn't think of an excuse to talk to the Hondas again. He was thinking of making a foolish approach directly towards the lovely daughter but he was too much of a coward and also knew that if he did that his rudeness would destroy any chance he might have had. Still, the unearthly angel once in a while met his gaze innocently and each time his heart jumped. When the first guests started to leave the Hondas were among them, Philip threw a last desperate glance and then she was gone.

The next morning Philip Carver stood in his small Tokyo flat and tried to straighten his suit since he had simply left his clothes as a cramped pile on the floor before heading to bed feeling lonelier than ever. He had gotten used to live alone in an alien place but since yesterday night he felt that it was urgent time to finally find a partner to share life with. When he was back in England he had never really had a desire to date a girl there, since his teenage days he was fixated on Asians, had admired actresses or singers and was too shy to actually ask a girl out anyways. At university he had busied himself with studies, some of his friends even had called him a bookworm or nerd and they had tried to set him up a few times but he never cared for the three girls he actually went out on a date with. Needless to say nothing happened.

Only in the beginning when he came to Japan some fellow English co-workers dragged him along to some bars and he really got hooked up with a rather pretty Japanese girl one night. He was quite drunk and she, about two or three years older than him and definitely very experienced as he was to find out soon, had taken the lead. They ended in a love-hotel where she told him to not waste time and strip while she herself had been already half naked. The lewd vixen had shoulder length hair framing a cute round face, her firm breasts were crowned with tasty brown nipples and Philips cock, despite his dazed state had started to stir at that sight. When she had peeled of her panties and he became aware of her trimmed black bush his manhood came to full attention. The practiced woman had been so much in heat, she had simply pushed him onto the bed and hauled his briefs down before she straddled herself onto him, grabbed his cock with her small hand and directed it right into her awaiting clam. This sight alone almost had made him come and when she bucked her hips against his, her titties were bouncing frantically up and down and Philip felt the soft flesh of her pussy gripping him tight - he felt so wonderful as he had never before.

Sadly he came very soon and while she didn't seem to care he felt guilty and offered to please her with his tongue which she liked. They had fucked again two more times that night and for four months regularly met afterwards for some hot and steamy hours together. Philip had enjoyed them enormously; this woman had turned him into a true man and had with a surprising patience taught him the art of pleasing a female. However he only saw her once or twice a week and sometimes only every two or three weeks since she used to be always busy. Also they didn't talk a lot, when they met she hang at his side and they either went into a hotel or to his apartment since she still lived with her parents. Their relationship circled around sex only and this he found odd. He also knew that he didn't truly love her but the newly awakened desires she was so good in satisfying stopped him from asking too much. Suddenly one day she started talking about marriage and while this came as a surprise he was really happy and proud but also reluctant enough to not rush things.

He wanted to know more about her, her past boyfriends and life in general. She however, typical Japanese, simply ignored his requests and always changed the subject. He was uncertain of what to do and in the end, during their usual after-work bar-visit talked to some co-workers about the situation. To his surprise the first question was where he had met her and when he told them they all had started to laugh.

Philip was taken aback but Oniji, a slender guy his age explained: "The place you mentioned is a hook up joint where Japanese women go to meet foreign men. They are all around 30, more or less, and often feel it's time to find a guy to marry. They also often keep two or more boyfriends at the same time while still looking. Most of these women are real sluts, only looking for a well off future husband and you never know if they ever will be faithful". Philip was shocked, could this be true?

To his disappointment it was true, when they had met the next time, after two hours of sweaty, raw sex he had waited till she fell asleep and then checked her mobile. She had about twenty male contacts in her list and when he began to read some messages it became clear that she in fact had one other regular boyfriend and about a dozen lovers she kept in contact with even though she hadn't been with most of them for some time.

His coward ness regarding women really showed then since he didn't confront her the next day but kept silent hoping for her to eventually come out with the truth. Even though he continued to enjoy the sex with her for several more times his little feelings to begin with grew colder and eventually she also had less and less time for him and even dropped the issue of marriage. It was definite to Philip that she had found someone more interesting and while he had enjoyed her body enormously he also felt relieved that she had saved him the trouble of a break up by simply vanishing out of his life. He still thought about their relation often and he was glad that it had ended.

He knew his feelings for her never had been deep because he never had been really jealous, curious about her past he had been but nothing more. It had dawned him that he never actually had seen her as someone he would have considered sharing his life with. He knew that when he would love someone deeply he would care very much about her past and of course present but in this case he only felt kinda thankful for her turning him into a man and not even had bad feelings, a thing that made him sad and he knew that he also had used her. Nonetheless in conclusion he thought the sexual experience he had gained had been worth the whole affair.

He was more confident now and started to seek out a partner he could really love, he had no doubts that he would only go for a Japanese girl, anyways. Philip saw quite a lot of women who were intelligent and pretty even in his own office and some were attracted to him as well but it never clicked and he never got past a first date since he knew instantly that they were not the soul mate he was looking for.

While Philips memory was enthralled into last nights events he absentminded tugged into his suits pockets before dropping them into the laundry. Suddenly he froze! There was a small leaf in one of them, curious he yanked it out and stared at it. It was only the name "Kaede" and a cell phone number. His mind raced, could it be that his dreamgirl had slipped it into his pocked when she had rushed by last night? Or had it been another woman who had seen him and he didn't notice since he was so distracted? No matter, he had to dial her!

Hearing that lovely voice answering his call he knew that it was her even though he had never heard her speak before. His body stirred immediately and it was hard for him to think of something decent to say. She was shy and reluctant, she apologized for being so bold and slipping him her number nonetheless she agreed to meet him for lunch on Saturday in a restaurant after they had made some uneasy small talk. Philip was there almost an hour early but when she entered he had forgotten everything. She wore a tight fitting jeans and a simple t-shirt both accentuating her perfect curves in a showing off manner that stood in strict contrast to the modesty she always was pouring out. While they sipped their coffee they didn't speak much, both openly looked at each other and their eyes kept contact for the longest of times. Philip at least got to know that Kaede was 20 still in college and that the Hondas were not her parents but aunt and uncle who kept an eye on her since she originally was from Osaka but to Philips surprise she told him that she had her own little flat since her relatives place was quite far from university.

Over the next couple of weeks Kaede and Philip met almost daily, usually only for an hour during lunch breaks and sometimes for a whole afternoon at weekends. They did not much more than talk for hours and hours and it was evident that both were madly affected. After about two months Philip finally confessed his love once they had finished a nice dinner at his place and Kaede blushed deeply, stammering that she also loved him but looking down in her innocent juvenile way the same. Philip leant closer, gently lifting her beautiful face up and while their eyes sunk deeply into the others their lips touched barely for the very first time. Both closed their eyes and embraced in a deep and passionate kiss. More evenings like this followed, for many weeks they just enjoyed each others presence and lovingly kissed and hugged soon as they met for some caring and loving hours.

Philip didn't have the nerves to try and bed her, he knew they loved each other madly but he was scared she was too innocent probably she would give in but later feel regrets for being so unmoral. It never even occurred to him that his sweet love couldn't be virgin anymore and he never asked about her past. A whole four month they had been together and both were thinking far a while already about a future when they would live together when Kaede finally took the lead and one evening while they were heavily kissing in her demure way asked him to do "it" at last. Philip who had waited so long for this moment had huge difficulties acting reluctant, he continuously enquired to know if she was certain when clearly Kaede had enough of this she simply stood up and walked into his bedroom.

Philip followed in an instant and in the dim light of the bedside lamp he watched frozen in the doorframe in awe his eastern flower unbuttoning her blouse presenting a white lace bra that barely was able to hold her heavy c-cup bust imprisoned. She neatly folded the blouse and put it onto a chair before she opened her skirt and stepped out of it. The whole strip was played simple and not teasing, yet Philip had never seen something more erotic in his whole life.

His gaze went down over a well trained stomach lower towards a pair of rather skimpy lace panties barely covering a bulging mound and leaving not much for the imagination. Kaede hesitated and Philip almost feared she got scared and would back out now but she smiled coyly at him then with a sudden haste reached behind and unhooked her bra. Her huge tits bounced in place and stood there proud and free for his greedy look. His love waited a moment and gave him time to take her luscious view in before she suddenly turned around and pulled her panties down presenting him a pair of soft round buttocks, with a girlish giggle she tossed them away reached behind her and jumped under the sheets.

She sat on the bed with the covers pulled up to the chin and looked prompting at Philip who didn't need another invitation but practically ripped off his garments. When he was down to his briefs Philip noticed her staring with a mix of curiosity and lasciviousness at his swelling, a last deep breath and he had them down, too his engorged manhood pointing up right in her direction. He didn't waste any more time when she lifted the sheets so he could join her under them. They embraced and Philip felt her large firm tits pressing against his chest while their tongues played with each other. They held tightly and caressed each others bodies with lingering hands. Opening eyes they broke their kiss and Kaede whispered in an unfamiliar hoarse voice: "Don't waste any more time, just take me, now!"

He had wanted to take his time and explore her body completely especially her wonderful breasts but he simply couldn't deny her wish especially when she pulled him on top. They had waited so long and his penis easily sneaked between her spread legs resting without more ado at the right place ready to penetrate her instantly. Slowly, caring not to hurt her Philip pushed forward without the need of a guiding hand his cock found the soft folds and parted the slightly moist entrance easily. No doubt, she was tight and Philip so slowly lurched forward not wanting to give her any pain but once his forehead had penetrated her Philips penis glided in easily and her pelvis suddenly pushed forward so he was completely buried inside his love in an instant.

He looked down at her face when they started a slow rhythm. Kaede kept her eyes close and her face displayed pure horniness. Seeing her enchanted like this almost drove him insane and Philip started to buck faster and heavier into her small, juicy cunt. Their laps collided madly driving him in to the hilt with each faster and faster paced thrust. Philip felt the blood rise into his head, he barely heard her moan in sheer ecstasy and suddenly his thoughts wandered off and he thanked the little slut who had taught him and through their practice made him last longer. Long enough to satisfy Kaede? He didn't know but he hoped.

The unwanted memory of his disappointing affair suddenly made him aware of something else, tight as she was, Kaede had not been a virgin and fear and jealousy rose inside Philip creating a desperate mix with his lust for this woman. The moment he came spurting an amount of cum into her sacred depths he was surprised his sack was capable of containing, months of anticipation had let him up to this, he knew he would love her forever no matter what but he also knew that there always would be a soaring twinge somewhere in the back of his head since he had not been her only one.

Her eyes were glowing feverously when he pulled out, her smile confirmed purest love and she kissed him frantically, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. He knew she hadn't cum - yet she thanked him pure heartedly for the joy he had given her. Philip had never expected someone could be so emotional especially without even having orgasmed and his heart made a leap when she continued to whisper the three famous words. He knew then that he not only had found his soulmate and future wife but also knew they would be very happy together forever. Naïve? It occurred to him but he didn't care, the only thing he knew was that they finally had become one that when they first saw each other their minds had started melting together and that the process now after their bodies had joined as well was finally complete.