Attack of the College Mom


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Aside from that however, he wasn't very happy about the way the weekend had turned out. It was obvious to him that Joanie didn't feel any real affection for him. She was using him, probably just so that he'd get her through her math courses. The next time he saw her he was going to tell her he was done. She could get somebody else in their study group to help her.

Things had quickly returned a normal routine after the unbelievable trip to Joanie's parents. Daniel had managed to avoid his sometimes girl friend for a week. When he saw her that coming Wednesday he was going to tell her how he felt. It was the Monday, nine days after their trip to Carlisle that Mrs. Mc Bride called.

It took Daniel a moment to figure out who he was speaking to. When he realized it was Monica he was totally flabbergasted. He never expected her to call. And she sounded different over the phone, more serious, certainly not at all flirtatious. After chatting for a couple of minutes Monica got around to the reason for her call.

She said that she was coming to Franklin for a two day seminar at the college. She wondered if she could see him. She was on a tight schedule but she had some free time on Wednesday night. Was Daniel free?

Without even thinking about it Daniel said ..."Great! Sure! I'm totally free Wednesday!"

Monica said that was fine and then she said..."By the way Daniel, I don't think you should mention this to Joanie. You might have noticed that we weren't getting along all that well a couple of weeks ago. I think she needs her space right least from me. It might be better if you don't say anything to her about my visit. I don't want to get into another quarrel with her."

Daniel said he understood and that he wouldn't say anything. Then he said goodbye after arranging to pick Monica up at the Midtown Inn at 8:00. When he hung up the phone Daniel was pretty nervous. He was going to get to see Joanie's mom again. And after what had happened between them in Carlisle, that was an exciting prospect indeed for a bashful young man from the mid-west. He wondered why she wanted to see him.

It was only later that he remembered his tentative date with Joanie for Wednesday night. Oh well. He'd just have to cancel on her. It wasn't like she'd never done it to him. He wasn't going to pass up a chance to see Monica again.

Joan seemed more surprised than disappointed when Daniel told her he was tied up on Wednesday night. Without any particular interest, she asked him what he was doing. He replied vaguely, something about an old friend from Boise visiting for the day and Daniel feeling obliged to spend some time with him/her. He wasn't specific and Joanie really didn't care. She knew a couple of her girl friends were going out with some of the guys from the ball team on Wednesday night and that was where she'd really rather be anyway.

Daniel wanted to take Monica somewhere nice for dinner but it couldn't be anywhere too close to the college. He didn't want to take a chance on running into Joanie or any of her friends. There was a pretty nice Bar and Grill about 15 miles out of town called Antonio's. It was a popular spot but if you didn't have a car it was a little bit off the beaten path. He actually thought for a moment about bringing flowers to the hotel but finally decided against it. After all, Monica was a married woman. Maybe she just wanted to see him to tell him that her wanton conduct in Carlisle had all been a mistake, or worse, maybe she was going to accuse him of inappropriate behavior and threaten to reveal all that had happened to her daughter. So, with wildly contradictory expectations, at 8:00 on Wednesday night, Daniel was knocking on the door of room 1121 of the Midtown Inn.

His heart was racing when Monica opened the door.

"Hello Daniel. How nice to see you. I'm almost ready. Why don't you come in for a moment...." Monica said, opening the door for him.

Daniel just stood there like a goof, gaping at the sexy older woman who was smiling at him in the doorway. Monica seemed taller than he remembered but that was because of the heels she had on. She had trimmed her blonde hair a bit and now it framed her smiling face and sparkling eyes even more dramatically than before.

She was wearing a thin rhinestone belt on top of a black leather skirt that was molded to her hips and ended just above her knee. Her stilleto heels and smoky nylons accented the athletic trim of her legs. A gleaming pearl necklace drew his eager eye to her sumptuous chest. She was wearing a gossamer thin blouse, grey, that was virtually transparent. The neckline was cut-away and there were artful black lace patterns of flowers and vines stitched into the blouse. But that decoration hardly obscured Monica's generous breasts and the fact that she wasn't wearing any bra to constrain them. Even just standing there, those enticing orbs were rising and falling hypnotically and the translucent top offered the most tantalizing glimpses of those conical mounds. Daniel knew he was in trouble.

"Hi Mrs. Mc Bride...I mean, Monica...." he stammered, only barely able to wrest his eyes from Monica's curvaceous body to look her in the eye. He couldn't stop his hand from shaking as he reached out for Monica's which she had extended to him in a curiously formal greeting.

"Hello Daniel. Just let me put on my lipstick and then we can go. I hope you're taking me to someplace nice..." Monica said as she turned to a mirror in the hallway. She picked up her lipstick and began to apply a coat of the crimson gloss to her lips. As she did so, she watched Daniel in the mirror, her eyes sparkling wickedly.

Daniel watched Monica raptly in the mirror as she traced her pursed lips with the tube of lipstick. He remembered vividly those gleaming lips turning into a perfect 'O' as the sexy nurse sucked the end of his cock. When he realized that Monica was watching him he began to blush furiously.

He somehow managed to get out of there without embarrassing himself any further. Monica touched his shoulder as she got into the car, but aside from that, and all through the casual dinner that followed, she remained smilingly aloof, maintaining a steady flow of idle conversation. They first had a couple of drinks and she asked about Daniel's courses and he told her what he was doing. Then, with dinner, they had some wine and he asked about her seminar and she talked about the program she was attending. She mentioned she had been talking to Joanie but didn't go into any specifics. They talked about the weather. It was all very cool and perfunctory with no hints or reference to the incredible sexual dalliance that had happened only a couple of weeks earlier between them. The only minor glitch was the way Daniel couldn't keep himself from staring into Monica's cleavage. His eyes were ever watchful for a glimpse of the swollen maroon aureole and spiky nipples that crowned her tits and were sometimes plainly visible through her sheer blouse.

Monica didn't say anything but apparently she found Daniel's shy ogling very amusing.

Finally, dinner ended and although they turned down dessert, Monica insisted that they both have an Irish coffee. Then she slid closer to Daniel in the quiet booth that they had been sharing. Idly she reached out and gently placed her hand on top of his.

"Daniel. I want to talk to you about Joanie. I spoke to her at the end of the week and some of things she said concerned me. Is everything alright between you two?"

Daniel really hadn't expected to be having a serious heart to heart with Mrs. Mc Bride about her daughter.

"Actually Mrs. Mc Bride...Monica...I don't think it's going anywhere... Joanie and me...I mean, I think she's amazing...Really... But I think you said it yourself in Carlisle...I'm not in her league...I don't think she's really interested in me and...and I...I... there just isn't any chemistry there, that's all....although there is a little math..." Daniel said with a rueful smile.

Monica smiled at Daniel's feeble attempt at humor. He supposed she meant to console him as she took his hand and placed it on her nylon sheathed knee under the table and leaned even closer to him.

"Oh Daniel. You don't really know much about women do you. There is an obvious problem between you and Joanie. She can be a very closed person and she knows how to get what she wants...she just takes it...." Monica said, gently easing Daniels' hand further up her leg.

Daniel's hand began to sweat as he felt Monica's silky nylons gliding under his palm.

"Whereas you're a very open person Daniel...Very giving...Like me.... Your are so incompatible, you and Joanie... I'm sure you must be very frustrated..." Monica said, guiding his hand up even higher under her leather skirt and onto her stocking top.

Daniel's looked at Monica with anxious eyes as his trembling fingers encountered one of the satin garters that held her stockings in place. His cock beginning to lengthen uncomfortably in his pants at the excitement of touching Mrs. Mc Bride so intimately. He was sure at any second she was going to yank his hand away and put it back on the table.

"But Joanie really needs your help Daniel. You're smart and strong and I'm afraid she's going to fail without you. You can help her. I really, really want you to help her......"

And as she said that, she turned a little further in her seat towards Daniel. When she did that, Daniel's hand naturally slipped into the vee at the top of her loins. Monica slammed her legs closed on it, locking it between her steamy thighs. Daniel could feel the edge of his hand rubbing up against the light fuzz of pubic hair that covered Monica's pudenda. Mrs. Mc Bride wasn't wearing any panties!

"Oh Goddd!..." Daniel groaned quietly, shifting in his seat so that his cock could surge upright in his pants

"If you would do that for me Daniel... If you would keep seeing Joanie and help her... That would make me very happy..." Monica said softly, letting her free hand slide onto Daniel's thigh where she moved it slowly higher towards his crotch.

"And do you know what happens when one giving person, like you, makes another giving person, like me, happy Daniel?...Do you?..." Monica asked, her eyes sparkling as her fingertips started gliding up the underside of Daniel's now throbbing erection.

"No Mrs. Mc Bride...Unnn...Monica...What happens?..." Daniel asked in a breaking voice.

Monica leaned even closer to Daniel. Her hair was brushing his face as she put her moist lips next to his ear. Giving his cock an incendiary squeeze, she whispered very slowly, very clearly ..."He gets his brains fucked out!...He gets his cock sucked!... Anything Daniel!...And Daniel!..." she added with a pregnant pause..."I'm very, very good!..."

And with that she tweaked Daniel's already bulging cock crown in a way that made him suck in his breath and stiffen up all over in arousal.

"Unnnn!....Unnn!...Monica!...Oh Goddd!..." Daniel stammered, his hand shaking feverishly between her clenched thighs as he tried to form a response to her lurid suggestion.

He was so distracted by Monica's shameless groping and her wanton conversation that he never even saw the four young people who walked up to their table.

"Daniel?...Hi!...I thought that was you sitting over here. How are you?..."

It took Daniel a second to realize that someone was talking to him. As he turned away from Monica he had the unnerving surprise of finding Lindsay Marshall, Joanie's best friend standing at their table, looking at Daniel and Monica with great interest.

"Oh shit!..." thought Daniel, trying frantically to figure out what he was going to say to her.

"We just came in for a drink. I think you might know....." Lindsay said, going on to introduce the two boys and the other girl. He didn't pay any attention to their names. What the hell was he going to say.

While all this was going on, Monica was lazily rearranging herself in her seat. She sat back so that her barely concealed breasts thrust arrogantly from her chest as she turned her dazzling smile on the new arrivals.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your...friend?..." Lindsay inquired with a catty smile.

"Ohhh!...Sure.... Lindsay!...This is my friend from Boise... Mm... Mm... Melissa..." Monica slid her foot over under the table and gave the arch of his foot a painful jab with her heel.... "Owww!... Melissa... Mm..Mc Donald..." Daniel yelped.

Lindsay and her friend looked quizzically at Daniel.

"Hello Melissa!...Nice to meet you!..." the two boys said enthusiastically, almost tripping over each other to lean in and shake Monica's hand.

"Hello boys!..." Monica said in a throaty purr. The two girls just gave her a barely courteous nod.

"Joanie's with us Daniel. She was just a couple of minutes behind us in David's car. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you and...Melissa."

"Oh Good... I was hoping I'd get to meet some of Daniel's friends..." Monica said, leaning forward conspiratorially towards Lindsay. Daniel noticed the boys' eyes zeroing in on Monica's spectacularly displayed cleavage.

With the sweetest smile Monica said....."He's been telling me that even though a lot of the girls he's met here aren't very bright, they're a lot prettier than the girls back home. And I must say, you girls are just lovely..."

Lindsay and her girl friend looked at Monica for a moment with pursed lips and uncertain eyes. They thought they might have just been insulted but they weren't sure. After a moment Lindsay said..."Why don't you and Melissa join us once Joanie gets here. We'd love to hear more about the bright lights of Boise."

And with that the two girls turned on their heels and headed to the bar. The boys were a lot more sincere in their invitation for Daniel and Monica to join them. They were practically drooling over the statuesque blonde sitting next to Daniel.

"Don't you worry boys! Daniel and I would love to join you, wouldn't we sweetheart? We'll certainly be over later. Now you two run along and join your little friends."

Before they had even reached the bar Daniel was making frantic 'add up my bill' hand gestures to their waiter.

"We've got to get out of here. I didn't tell Joanie you were here, just like you asked. If she finds out and sees you" Daniel stuttered, looking up and down at Monica's sexily attired figure.

"Like ...what Daniel?..."

"Like...Sitting here...With me...She's going to be so pissed!...I can't imagine what she'll say!... What I'll say! ...We've got to get out of here!..." Daniel moaned, his eyes darting back and forth from Monica to the door like he was watching a tennis match.

At that moment a party of two older couples was just getting up at a table near Daniel and Monica's booth.

Monica watched Daniel's obvious distress for a moment longer with a broad smile creasing her lips.

"You are so nervous honey. You should relax a little. Now why don't I just slip out of here with those nice people over there. You can settle up here and meet me out at the car. Why don't we do that?"

"Unnn...Yeah...Ahh... Sure!..." Daniel said, his eyes still in continuous motion.

Monica slipped out of the booth and walked up behind the other party that were heading to the door.

It was just then that David and Joanie walked in. Joanie was laughing like she and David were sharing a joke. They must have known that they'd find their friends at the bar because that's where they headed without a glance at the rest of the room.

Daniel almost had a heart attack as he watched his girl friend walk by her mother with no more than ten feet between them. He saw Monica turn her head towards him after Joanie passed. The brazen blonde gave him a wink. Daniel also noticed the boys at the bar watching Monica. Monica saw them too and as she got closer to the door the boys half raised their beers towards her and rocked their heads and shoulders towards the bar, beckoning her over. Monica raised her open palm to her mouth and blew them a kiss and then gave them a saucy wink as well. Then she was out the door.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief as Joan and Dave joined their friends at the bar. Immediately Lindsay and her friend pulled Joan aside while the two boys at the bar buttonholed David with frequent nods towards the door and Daniel's table. Where the hell was that damn waiter?

The waiter arrived with the bill at about the same time that Joanie looked over at Daniel, her eyes glaring into his. Lindsay was still talking urgently to her as Joan started to pace across the room towards Daniel.

'Oh shit!...' Daniel thought as he hastily scribbled in a tip and signed the bill.

"Hello Daniel. I didn't expect to run into you here. I thought you were out with an old friend tonight..." Joanie said, her eyes blazing.

"Oh yeah!...Hi Joanie!..You mean...Mm...Melissa!...Yeah...Melissa's just visiting..." Daniel said shakily.

"Unn Hnn!...Melissa Mc Donald..." Joanie said, enunciating the name as if she were giving an elocution lesson..."Why does that name sound familiar?... Where is she?... I'm dying to meet her!... I hear she's very...interesting."

"Ohhh...Unnn...Melissa just went to the powder room... She had to...You know... I was just settling up here and then we were going to join you for a minute... Lindsay already asked us...If that's O.K.?.." Daniel asked, nervously folding his copy of the bill into smaller and smaller squares until it had almost disappeared.

"Oh definitely Daniel. We'd love to have you join us. We're all looking forward to getting to know your... friend. We're right over there." Joan said, pointing towards the bar.

"Great! Then we can all talk. Super!" Daniel said, looking at Joanie with a lopsided smile.

Time seemed to stand still while Joanie gazed at him with a hard stare. Daniel could think of absolutely nothing to say so he just sat there with a silly grin on his face and beads of sweat beginning to dot his brow

"So you'll join us right?..." Joan said one more time.

"Absolutely!..." said Daniel.

And so Joan reluctantly walked back to her friends at the bar but kept an eagle eye on Daniel. He could feel her constant stare as he sat there. He kept looking towards the washroom as if he expected someone to appear at any second. But of course no one did. And after a few minutes it was becoming obvious to anyone who was interested that no one was going to appear.

And then he had an inspiration. He took out his cell phone, put it to his ear and said..."Hello..." and then..."Hello..." He waited...He looked angrily at the phone...He pulled out the antenna... "Hello...What?...What?...I can't hear you...Wait a minute..." He said, getting up and stumbling towards the exit. He never looked around until he got outside the restaurant door. Then he looked frantically for Monica. He spotted her standing next to the car which was near the far end of one of the rows.

He walked over like a speed walker in an Olympic competition. Monica watched his speedy approach with amusement. He had just opened the door for her and she was getting into the car when he looked back to see the restaurant door open. Joanie looked around and spotted him. Daniel pretended not to have seen her as he casually headed over to his side of the car.

"Daniel!..." Joan shouted, stepping towards the parking lot.

But Daniel never looked her way as he got in the car, started it and backed out of the space. Joan was still some distance away but was marching towards them. Monica looked over her shoulder and out the back window at her daughter.

"Oh my! She does not look happy at all!..." Monica said with a laugh as she turned to smile at Daniel. At the same time she reached over and gave his thigh a warm squeeze.

"Oh God! How am I going to explain this?..." Daniel moaned. But he never stopped or looked back. He drove straight out of the parking lot and headed for the highway.