Awakening the Deluca Family


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"What?" she asked incredulously.

"Yeah, you know Cindy Holmes, one of my reporters from the university paper?" Jackie asked and Tera nodded. Tera had met her when they visited the school printing press with Jackie and she happened to be gorgeous, "Well, she asked me out on a date so we went out to dinner, saw a movie, and then took a drive."

"So what happened?" Tera asked, her interest piqued.

"I just told you."

"No come on, I want some details. I can't even believe you did that," Tera said. She rarely got this excited and it tickled Jackie to no end.

"Fine. I don't know why it's so crazy to you. She is really cool. We had a good time."

"Yeah, but you aren't a lesbian" Tera explained. Jackie shrugged her shoulders but didn't say anything about this most recent observation.

"Well she paid when we went out to eat. We just went to that pizza place that's like a mile from school. You know the one, it has the vines growing up the side of the dumpster. Anyway, we just ate a pizza and talked about the newspaper. She was telling me about this internship she had for the summer and it seemed very interesting. So we finished and went over and saw some movie. It was really bad so we left early and she told me that her parents bought her a mustang for her birthday and asked if I wanted a ride. So we went for a cruise and it was really nice."

"That's what happened?" Tera asked, staring at her sister's eyes.

"Yeah. Also we went back to her dorm and made out a little," Jackie said quickly with a sly smile and stood up to throw away her bottle. She turned back when she was done and saw that Tera's jaw was still dropped, "What?"

"You're kidding," Tera said.

"No I am serious, a real Mustang," Jackie said. Tera giggled and threw a pillow at Jackie.

"Come on, you didn't make out with her," Tera said, but she didn't saw too convinced herself.

"No I am totally serious. She is a really good kisser too. A little handsy though."

"Do you do...that often?" Tera asked, leaning forward. Jackie noticed that her sister's eyes were glittering. She was absolutely excited by the prospect.

"Nope, that was the first time," Jackie explained. She was always honest with her younger sister, "I have made out with a couple of guys. But I have only ever made out with Cindy as far as girls go."

"Have you ever done...more than make out with a guy?"

"I have had sex a couple of times. I have given a couple of blowjobs. Umm... I don't know. I guess no more than most girls," Jackie said. As a matter of fact, Jackie, despite a quiet reputation at school, had sex quite often and was a bit adventurous, but she decided not to go into it. Unless Tera asked about it.

"Wow," Tera said. She looked like she was in a little bit of shock.

"Come on, you aren't going to go all prude on me," Jackie said, slapping her little sister on the shoulder. Tera blushed a little bit and ran her hands through hair.

"No..." she said.

"How about you? You never done anything with anyone."

"No," Tera said and shook her head vehemently.

"Never kissed a boy?" Jackie asked.


"A girl?"


"You are so boring!" Jackie said giggling. Tera's head dropped and she looked a little bit embarrassed. Jackie felt bad. It wasn't as though Tera couldn't kiss someone if she wanted to. She was a gorgeous girl, much better looking than Cindy Holmes. Jackie wanted to make her sister feel better. She placed her hand on Tera's chin and lifted her head up so that Tera could look her in the eye. She wanted to say something. Something that would let her know there was nothing wrong with her. However, a new idea took hold. She looked at Tera's beautiful, soft face. She looked at the girls jet black hair, the thick lips, and large eyes. Jackie shook her head, then leaned in and kissed her sister on the lips.

It was not a sisterly peck on the lip. It was a sensual kiss. Jackie let loose completely with it. She felt lust, the way she had felt in Cindy's basement, when the other girl had put her hand under her shirt and felt her nipples. Only it was stronger now. Jackie had always found that she was deeply attracted to things that were wrong. She wanted to do things that she knew she wasn't supposed to want to do. As her lips pressed against Tera's she felt this desire boiling over. For a few moments Tera's body and lips were stiff. She was completely taken by surprise. She had no idea what Jackie was thinking. However, after a moment, she stopped thinking. She kissed back. Their mouths opened and their tongues fell on top of one another. Tera tasted the sweet flavor of her sister's mouth and instinct helped her to kiss deep and long.

After a very long kiss, their mouth separated and the two sisters sat for a few moments with their eyes closed, in complete silence. When they opened their eyes they looked at one another for a moment. They both laughed uncomfortably and Tera rubbed her elbow self-consciously.

"What was that?" Tera asked finally.

"Did you like it," Jackie asked. She was incredibly aroused now. The idea of incest was boiling her mind. It was a new taboo that she had to break.

"Kinda," Tera said coyly. In fact she had found it to be wonderful. It had felt so natural and sexy.

"Kind of? What was wrong with it?" Jackie asked with faux hurt in her voice.

"Nothing. It was perfect," Tera said in such a raw and honest voice that the emotion instantly stopped their giggling mood and the girls both sensed that something had profoundly changed.

Jackie lunged at her sister. She put her arms around Tera and pulled her in close and at the same time fell over on her so that she was lying on top of her on the couch. Their lips met again. It was more fiery this time. Their tongues moved quickly and their bodies writhed against one another. In no time Tera's legs were spread and wrapped around her older sister. Jackie enjoyed the feel of their small breasts rubbing against one another. She bit her sister's eyebrow ring and giggled when Tera squealed.

Tera ran her hands through Jackie's short, blonde hair and stared into her sister's blue eyes. She felt warmth in her mid section and uncontrollably moved her hips rhythmically up into her older sister. They were both wearing nothing but tank tops and pajama pants and Tera could feel Jackie's heat through the thin cotton material. Jackie could feel it too and she wanted to feel more.

Jackie straddled her sister's hips and sat up and quickly removed her t-shirt. Her small breasts dropped out of her shirt and bounced gently against her body. Tera was amazed by how beautiful she found her sister's breasts. They were small, but they were perfectly formed with small nipples, toned skin, and a delightful teardrop shape. Jackie could see the affect her body was having on her sister.

"You like this?" she asked, but before Tera could answer, Jackie took her sister's hand and placed it gently on her breast, "You can squeeze it if you like," she said. Tera just held the soft, warm flesh in her hand for a few seconds. They felt like her own breasts and they were basically the exact same size and appearance, but it was so much different. She looked into Jackie's eyes and Jackie smiled invitingly.

Slowly, Tera began to knead Jackie's breasts. Jackie closed her eyes and arched her back into her sister's hands, moaning as she did so. Tera's hands were so soft, gentle, and skilled. Jackie couldn't believe how deftly her sister manipulated her breasts and nipples. She felt her whole body aching as she continued to grind her hips into Tera. Tera herself found that she enjoyed the feel of her sister and the way Jackie responded to her movements.

After a few minutes of careful play, Jackie stood up from her sister. Tera pinched Jackie's nipples as she stood and Jackie squealed as they slipped between Tera's tight fingers. Tera stared at her sister as Jackie stood next to the couch and slipped off her pajama bottoms. Tera now had a view of her sister completely naked. She was impressed. Jackie had a beautiful hourglass shape to her body, a flat stomach, and a small patch of blonde hair above her pink pussy lips.

Jackie started to move back to her sister but rather than straddle her again she reached for the girl tank-top. Before Tera could say anything, Jackie had pulled the tank-top over the girls head and threw it on the floor. While Tera was still shocked, Jackie grabbed onto Tera'a pajama pants and ripped them off as well. Tera looked amazing naked. Jackie couldn't believe how much better her sister looked than she had expected. She had small, toned breasts with small, puffy nipples. Her body was lithe and athletic and she had a meticulously styled brown bush over a small, pink pussy. Tera felt very strange laying naked on her couch with her sister standing over her.

Jackie didn't pause to let her sister consider what was happening. She straddled her sister again and bent over and kissed her. They lips parted and their tongues dove into each other's mouths. As they kissed, Jackie slid her legs down on the outsides of Tera's legs and slowly her body lowered onto Tera's. Their breasts pressed together and Jackie could feel her bush rubbing against her sister's.

Jackie moved her hands onto Tera's body. She felt the heat of Tera's body and enjoyed the shiver that ripped through Tera's body as she placed her hands on her sister's breasts. She rubbed Tera's nipples and gently squeezed her nipples. All the while they continued to passionately and madly kiss.

Finally, Jackie decided to take the affair to a new level. She broke the kiss and sat up, on her knees between her sister's body. She took her right hand and placed it on Tera's left breasts and kneaded it. Tera closed her eyes and moaned. Jackie took her left hand and moved it towards Tera's pussy. She could feel the heat coming off of Tera's body and she was aware that her sister was very wet. Tentatively at first, she touched the tip of one of her fingers to Tera's small, hard clit. Tera's entire body jumped and her eyes flew open.

"Trust me," was all Jackie would say. She carefully used the pad of her finger to circle her sister's clit while she continued to rub the girl's small breasts and bullet hard nipple. Tera was moving her hips in the rhythm of Jackie's movements. Jackie could see Tera's pussy dripping wet onto the couch and knew that her sister was ready.

She moved her hand so that it was palm up. She continued to massage her sister's clit with her thumb, but she moved her index finger against' the pink lips of Tera's pussy. She knew that her sister was sopping wet and so she decided to take a risk. Rather than carefully moved into Tera's pussy, she quickly pressed her slim, delicate finger into her sister sopping cunt.

Tera's eyes flew open and her hips thrust up suddenly. She moaned deeply and then fell back, sweating, onto the couch. She was staring at her sister but was completely unable to speak. She groaned loudly when she tried but all of her thoughts were tied up with the intense and amazing feeling that was shooting around her body.

Eventually, the initial shock wore off and Tera was aware that her sister was slowly massaging the inside of her pussy. Tera was unconsciously thrusting her hips into Jackie's finger, pushing it harder and farther into her cunt. They continued in this deliberate motion for a long time. They were silent except for the wet, sexy sound of their motions and Tera's low moans.

Suddenly, Jackie stopped her movement. She was incredibly horny. Her entire body seemed to ache. She needed some attention as well. She carefully removed her finger from her sister's pussy. Tera moaned pathetically and lifted her head to see what had caused her pleasure to be interrupted.

"Do you want to help me too?" Jackie asked. Tera shook her head.

At this same time, on the other side of the house the knob on the front door was turning. Janine had returned home, tired from her trip. The twins were with their father and it was now quite late. However, she had gotten home earlier than usual because the girl's had not insisted that she get dinner with them as was the normal course of action. She set her purse down on the table next to the door.

She was tired in her body, but not in her mind. She was still mulling her actions from earlier in the week, although it usually happened deep in her subconscious where she could not access. She decided that she would go to the living room and watch television. She hoped that this would distract her and help her sleep. The lights were off in the foyer and the kitchen and so Janine assumed that her other two daughters were asleep. She quietly walked into the kitchen to avoid waking them upstairs.

However, as she turned the corner into the kitchen, she noticed the light was on the living room. The girls must have been up after all. She walked towards the light and began to say hello to the girls and then was shocked into silence.

She saw her youngest and oldest daughter naked on the couch. Just as she was coming in she saw Jackie stand up on the couch and turn around so that she was facing her sister's feet. She then lowered herself back down. Jackie placed her head between her sister's legs and lowered her own pussy down until it was near Tera's face.

Jackie began first. She was so excited her movements came more quickly than her thoughts could follow. She was quickly lapping at her sister's clit and pussy lips, tasting her sister's thick, salty juice. Tera squirmed at squealed at first with delight, but she was excited to pay her sister back for the pleasure she had felt. She too dipped her tongue into her sister's pussy. Jackie's body shuddered when she did this; some small amount of relief finally came.

The two laid on top of one another, carefully licking and tasting one another. Their tongues rounded each other's clits and dipped into each other's pussies. It felt like they had been doing it for a long time and at the same time like they had just began when suddenly, they both began to feel and intense, warm feeling in their pussies. The feeling got more intense and spread throughout their entire bodies. Suddenly, they were both wracked with the most amazing orgasms. It was the first that Tera had ever had and she was shocked and delighted as she screamed and shoved her tongue deeper into her sister's pussy. Jackie was also fucking her sister harder with her tongue as she came harder. She felt a moaned vibrating in her throat even as her mouth was full of her sister's soft, wet pussy. Finally, after several minutes, they both collapsed on top of one another.

Janine could not believe what she had just seen. For a moment she felt as though she were dreaming and that she should be ashamed about such fantasies. But she quickly realized that she had actually seen this sexual act between her children. She noticed that after a few minutes of rest of the couch, they seemed to be stirring. She had no idea of how to handle such a situation and instead decided to run away. She very carefully and quietly backed out of the room and back out towards the front door.

She stood by the front door for a minute and then decided what to do. She opened he door wide and then closed it as loudly as she could without it seeming to be a slam and then loudly spoke, "hello?" she said, "Anyone home?" she heard rapid whispering from the living room but could not make it out. She heard the shuffling of clothes and then she heard the television click on.

"We're in the living room," She heard Jackie say. She walked into the kitchen and stood exactly where she had been just a minute before, watching her daughter's fuck. Now she stood watching them as they sat in their pajamas, staring and the television, with sly smiles on their faces.

Chapter 6: An Unplanned Seduction

The next day Janine got up early and woke her youngest daughter up. Tera was going to a soccer clinic in a town on the other side of the state with her team. Janine had to get her to the school so that the bus could pick her up and ship her there. She would not be back until the next afternoon. Tera was quite sleepy on the drive over to the school and didn't say much. Janine looked at her young daughter sitting next to her and each time she did images of the night before flitted into her mind. She could see her daughters on top of one another, writhing and moaning. These images brought still further memories of her own sins. Janine felt jittery and she was glad that Tera seemed too tired to notice.

Janine dropped her daughter off at the bus and saw that she safely made it aboard with her teammates before she turned and headed back to her house. She felt like there were a dozen different voices in her head yelling at her to do a hundred different things. She felt that she was hyperventilating and that she was going to scream. Suddenly, she slammed on the breaks and sat for a moment in the middle of the road and just considered her options. She knew that she had to do something; silence and ignorance were not available. She decided the best course of action would be to confront Jackie. Perhaps it would help her confront her own demons as well.

She arrived back home just a few minutes later, still feeling nervous but less out of control. Jackie had not yet awakened so Janine went up to her room and took a quick shower. She took her time preparing for the day, getting dressed, and putting on her make-up. She took meticulous care in what she was doing because she found that it helped her to ignore the other, more pressing issues she faced.

When she finally left her bedroom she saw that Jackie's door was opened which meant that her daughter was up and about. She heard the shower running and knew her daughter was getting ready for the day. She decided to act now, before Jackie had a chance to plan anything else for the day. She walked over to the girls' bathroom and knocked once lightly on the door. She waited a moment but Jackie had not heard her over the din of the shower.

Janine opened the door quietly and stuck her head in. The shower curtain was closed and the room was full of steam. Janine was relieved that she hadn't walked in and saw her daughter naked, preparing to get in the shower. She didn't think that she would be capable of dealing with yet another shock.

"Jackie?" She asked, surprised by the calmness in her own voice.

"Yeah Mom?" a voice yelled from behind the shower curtain.

"I was just..." She began.

"I can't hear you," Jackie said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"I said," Janine began, almost yelling now, "I was thinking about going out today. Maybe to the mall or something. I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me."

"Ummm," Jackie said.

"I'll buy you lunch..." Janine said.

"Oh no it wasn't that I didn't want to go. I was just trying to remember what day this weekend I was supposed to meet with someone from the city paper about a story. But I think it was tomorrow. I would love to come. You can still buy me lunch though," Jackie said. Janine felt bad. Jackie wanted to hang out with her and didn't realize that there was a very heavy conversation on the way.

Janine went down to the kitchen and nervously drank three cups of coffee while she waited for hr eldest daughter to get prepared for the day. She was surprised by how fast her daughter was able to get ready. However, in house with five women, the luxury of being the stereotypical slow to prepare girl did not exist. They both grabbed their purses and headed for the door.

While they were driving, Janine nearly brought up the subject that was gnawing at her mind. She wanted to just say what needed to be said now, but she was held back by her nervousness and discomfort. Beyond the feeling that she was in some way unjust in springing this on her daughter, the closer she got to actually discussing it, the more heavily her own hypocrisy weighed on her. Jackie could tell something was bothering her mother, but she was excited by the idea of spending some time at the mall and pushed any thoughts of her mother out of her mind.