Bath Time Tina


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Just as he was going to ask her if it was okay now to feel her boobs, they both heard something in the other room. Both froze for a moment so they could figure out who came in.

It was Marie. She came back. She was downtrodden. Her dad wasn't doing well. She came back to get some other clothes and take a week off school to be with him. She felt obligated to be with him. She didn't need to but she did anyways.

After she walked in she was abruptly stopped by what she saw on the TV facing the doorway. There was Tina on the screen in a bubble bath and all by herself or so it seemed. Tina didn't get out; she did look up at her camera. She wondered if it was Marie. It had to be her. Nobody else but Josh had a key and Josh was facing her at the moment.

Marie called out while looking at Tina on the TV monitor and told her slowly she was only stopping to pick up clothes. She was seriously curious who was visiting Tina and in the bathtub at the moment. She was happy for Tina, but wouldn't mind peeking.

Marie had to know who it was in the tub with Tina. She saw someone's legs but it was dark and due to only one light on she thought it was Jayson, the guy Tina always liked. Still she asked "Tina did you call Josh for me. If you didn't I can call him and let him know."

Tina got up, covered up with a towel, and walked out. Putting on the best fake smile she could, Tina hugged Marie and asked how her dad was. They talked for a few minutes. Marie walked closer and closer to the doorway but it remained closed while Marie was there.

Marie had to know who it was. Tina downright lied. "Do you remember the guy from that party last week? Jayson, the black guy with that smile" Tina whispered. Marie shook her head excitedly. "Yeah" Tina acknowledged "he's the one who's in there with me" cracking a huge smile and as they both began giggling. Marie was happy for Tina.

They talked as Marie packed her clothes. She said goodbye to Jayson and when she did, Josh disguised his voice and said goodbye. "Boy his voice sounds familiar Tina." Tina didn't say anything but wished her dad well and gave Marie her best. They hugged, but Tina since she was in a towel, she didn't walk out with Marie.

"Bye Tina I'll call you soon." Tina told her to call her on her cell.

By the time Tina was back in the bathroom, Josh had stepped out and dried off , and he had his clothes on. "I gotta get outta here" he told her. "God I'd love to" but his voice trailed off. He wouldn't tell Tina he'd love to stay and bath with her, but he didn't feel right even though the two of them were a little drunk.

"Well, why don't I come to your place in a few minutes instead Josh?"

Tina wanted Josh desperately. Josh wanted her just the same. Josh wasn't sure. He was beginning to like Tina a lot more then he realized. She was fun! She was pretty! She was witty! She had great boobs! She was even sexy!

"What do ya say Josh?"

He told her okay but said he had to call Marie too. He told her to come over in 45 minutes. He walked back to his apartment, Marie was waiting inside, and as he walked down he called Marie and left a message not knowing she was waiting for him.

Knowing Tina would be on her way he was surprised she was already inside. They talked and they kissed for several minutes. 30 minutes passed. He was anxious to get rid of her.

Tina started out earlier then expected. She had to wait until Marie left. She turned around and walked for a while anxious to get rid of Marie as well. 40 minutes passed and finally Marie told him she had to go. He was relieved. They kissed again, he walked her out, and as she got in her car, he kissed her once last time.

Tina finally went to the back door again and pushed the doorbell. Josh walked upstairs, heard it, and walked back down. He gave her his key, and told her to go on in. Upstairs and waiting for Josh, she drew the bath again. Humming a tune, she was looking around his apartment. She loved the feel a of guys place.

He walked in, heard the bath and said "Marie just left Tina. I can't do this. This is all screwed up. I just can't do this."

"Oh okay I see" she said as she went back into his bathroom, stopped the bath water, drained it, and walked back out. "I understand Josh. I really do" but she didn't want to even though she replied to him in a disappointed voice.

"Do you really" he asked her as he second guessed himself. He was confused. He didn't want to be.

She looked nice in her ribbed spaghetti strap top along with the undershirt allowing him to see some cleavage on the horizon of her top. She was blooming. He did like what he was seeing. Especially in her Capri pants which fit her slightly chunky frame, she appeared more adorable as the weakening moments wore on. Even her toes looked sexy.

"I don't know about this. I'm a jerk. I mean here I am entertaining the idea of spending time with you when Marie's hurting and I feel like I'm cheating on her. Well I guess I already have done that; that's just not right."

Looking at him and understanding how he felt about Marie, she was also thinking about her cravings and feelings too. She wanted Josh and she wanted him badly. What Marie would feel like and knowing what would happen if she found out, Tina rationalized one true thought which always stuck in her mind during a good party!

She blurted out "You know what they say Josh, 'Love the one your with' and that's what I'd love to do" mustering a smile to convince him to accept her train of thought.

Knowing she had to do something to get his mind off Marie, she said "I brought more wine and I'm sticking with what I said 'Love the one your with.' I think we could be cool and just sit and talk; you know not cheat on Marie couldn't we, couldn't we Josh? I mean, I have this wine. We can talk and have a snack and be cool, right? I'll be good if that's what you want Josh?"

"That's what I want Tina" and she smiled. She rubbed his arm when she shouldn't have because he was taking her on her word.

"Good lets crack open one of these bottles and sit and talk. We could go back to my place if you're not comfortable here."

His eyes wandered for a moment as his thoughts raced back to the two of them in her tub. Although she didn't know it that's what he was thinking. Never did a smile cross his face but his emotions were amazing and they zoomed around inside him. It all made him wonder if he was doing the right thing even though he didn't mind what happened earlier.

"Yeah okay that was fun" he said with a straight face and it was, but let's try to be cool and keep it honest, okay?"

She giggled as she hoped it wouldn't be a completely honest night for both of them. As soon as she could, she was in his kitchen opening up a bottle of wine. She poured two glasses and they sat down and talked, and talked, and talked.

She was felling fancy free. She had no qualms about what she was doing. Ideas were flying already through her head. "Can I ask you one question" she proceeded ask him. He told her yes. Hesitating and searching for the right words she asked "Do you think I have a sexy and attractive body Josh?"

He didn't look for the right words as a smile cracked his face. Her question took his thoughts completely away from Marie. His thoughts about her all but disappeared. "Umm yeah for sure you do. Umm why do ya ask? I mean we were in the tub earlier, right? Umm, so why wouldn't I think that? I mean I loved being in there with you. So yeah for sure, you have uhh a sexy body!"

His dick began tingling after he answered her question. He felt like it became rock hard almost. "Can I ask you, well do you think I'm uhhh sexy too" he asked her.

She was turned on with his response and question. "Ohh yeah, for sure Josh! You have one of the finest bodies I've seen! I mean you are one very sexy and very attractive guy Josh and that's why I'd spend all day in any tub, and anywhere with you."

All of their senses perked up. Both of them seemed to be sitting straight up. They looked at the other and smiled. Neither knew what to say for sure. They knew what they felt but expressing their feelings was a little difficult.

He knew he was turned on by her question and the brief but honest answers. But they only looked at one another. Sitting still each sipped their wine while only thinking and smiling. Tensions were beginning to mount again. Here was one young guy, one young woman, each sipping wine with feelings exploding inside, and waiting to burst from inside.

Whatever they had going on between them earlier was recreating itself quickly. The two wanted back in that tub and very, very soon!

Breaking the silence he said to her. "I have to say something but I don't want to sound rude." She told him nothing he could say would be rude. "Well when I was in your tub at your place after you did that stuff with the cream to my feet and all, well I got horny! And even though it didn't show Tina, I was exceptionally horny I think! I mean I don't know about you, but all I wanted to do was feel your boobs with my feet and umm well I guess your nipples too. I really wanted to do that Tina. I uhhh wanted to real badly!"

His remark shocked her! She didn't think what he said was rude. She was turned on in big, big way! He looked at her hoping she wasn't turned off. She looked at him. She wasn't smiling but she didn't look angry either.

"What Tina? I'm sorry I mean I'm really sorry I said that. I won't ever say it again."

"Josh, don't be so naïve. I wanted you to do that too. I'd wanted you to and if you felt like feeling my stomach or anywhere else, and I mean anywhere else at all for that matter, ohhh Josh I would have loved it! I really honestly wouldn't have loved it if you would've done that! Oooooohhh yeah Josh, oooooooooooohhh yeah! I mean it!"

He was excited and horny! He could've started sweating at his temples he was so eager. She was eager too. Her nipples hardened! Her pussy swelled! She wanted him to know! "Oh shit Tina do you wanna get in the tub? I don't have anything but baby oil. I don't have all that cute smelly stuff you have" but then she interrupted him.

"Let's grab this stuff and go to my place! We can keep it up at my place Josh. Let's go, come on, alright? Okay Josh does that sound cool?"

"Hell yes, it does to me, let's get going" and they grabbed her stuff. She stopped and told him to get a change of clothes. That set them off even more. They walked out of his place hand in hand and down the stairs carrying their bags as they headed over to her apartment.

Inside her apartment, he was taking off his shirt but removed hers too. She let him. Down to her really tight undershirt and panties, her chubby little frame with all its curves busted out almost everywhere. She looked even sexier then he realized. Even though she had a pinch of fat all over, she had that sensuous quality he couldn't resist. He began loving every last ounce on her slightly large sumptuous frame. It could be described many ways. One thing it wasn't was it wasn't unattractive. It wasn't that for sure!

"Man you have one fine hott ass body" he thought as he looked at her from behind. Her ass wasn't thin but it was not bulging out at the seams either. It was sexy enough that one idea passed through his thoughts. "I'd sure love to feel the crack of your ass. Man I sure would!"

"Hehehe, what are you thinking" she asked him seeing the look in his face. Giggling she asked him why he's staring at her like that. "What are you looking at me like that. Come on tell me Josh" she asked curiously.

"I was thinking dirty thoughts that's all" as she drew the bath adding bubble bath to it. I was just looking at your ummm uhhh your butt and thinking something." He laughed.

"What was that Josh" she asked in a brogue tone sounding suspicious. He smiled and told her to not worry. She didn't, the two were down there underwear except for Tina was still in her t-shirt and undies, which he took off just as they hugged.

"Mmmm now this is special? Isn't it" she asked. He got hard and she felt his cock against her stomach. She pulled back. She looked into his eyes. She cried out "Ohhhh wow, wow Josh umm" and she looked down to sneak a peek at what was crunching against her thin t-shirt. "Ooooooohh wow Josh" and her eyes closed as she felt the wonderful pressure against her belly, "mmmmmmmmmmm yes now that feels mmmm."

"Oh yeah okay so umm I guess this means I'm getting turned on" he said jokingly. He felt like he could jam it harder against her tummy. "Like this" he asked her, "is this how you like feeling me and he pulled himself in tighter against her body so his hardened shaft pushed against her even more.

"Oooooooooooohhh yeah, yeah wow" as her eyes rolled and then closed and her head went back ever so slightly. "Do it again! This time stay close okay" she asked him softly. He did just what she wanted keeping himself pressed against her stomach.

They stayed together. He began slipping one hand further down her back. It dipped southerly near the waistband of her panties. Gradually he slid his hand further inside them. Slowly he began to feel her soft butt cheeks. She quivered jumping slightly letting him continue to feel her smooth fleshy ass. It wasn't grand in size but it had merit. In the category of firm but ample sized asses, hers was rightfully deemed plump enough.

He quickly came to appreciate its size, nature, and smoothness. It was a piece of beauty. His hand stretched further south until it came to the very tip of the bottom portion of her butt crack and then it swooped upwardly, exciting her to no end. Never having done anything like he did with Tina, with Marie he had no reservations doing it to Tina. She didn't mind it at all and let Josh do as he wished.

His cock banging with excitement and jammed against her tummy, his heart was filled with lust and hers filled with erotic passion. She moaned while feeling his hand sliding across her butt crack.

Taking a deep satisfactory breath, he could tell she liked him doing it. She murmured something and he knew it was a pleasant sounding response. Quietly while they hugged his cock's shaft continued pushing into her stomach. Both enjoyed it. He steadily felt in between her cheeks with a few of his fingers. He didn't dig in too hard but he wanted the thrill of what it felt like inside those soft fluffy cheeks he said to himself. He asked her if she liked what he was doing.

Quietly she replied "Yeah its nice and I'd let you do that as much as you want."

He smiled, pushed his hand inside her crack further while he felt the warmth the cheeks generated around his hand. He pulled away from her. He looked at her, he smiled, and he remarked, "I'm really enjoying all of this are you?"

She said she was too and smiled and then she slid her hand over the shaft of his cock which wasn't yet exposed. Finally they undressed and got in the tub. Facing one another, his feet were still as smooth as they were a couple hours ago.

In the tub, he immediately lifted one of his legs and spotting one of her boobs he applied one of his big toes to it. He then toyed with her tit. She watched him and his foot and enjoyed every moment. She loved how he let his big toe feel around her boob. She was amused how he played or toyed with them. It was erogenous and entertaining.

He was delicate how he approached them. His cock was hard. Her pussy was swelling. She looked down at her pussy often. He noticed the look on her face and wondered what was wrong. He asked her what was wrong.

"Nothing at all" but she had strong urges to feel herself. Before she could he did it for her and she let him in. Giving up on her tits, his other foot moved in around her hairy hole. He slowly found his way inside her pussy.

"Tell me if I'm doing this wrong" he told her. She said she would. Her head flopped back while his toe sunk deeper and played around inside. Pulling out, he connected with her clit and every so often he'd asked "Is this okay? Do you wanna do it yourself?" Then he told her "Guess what, I'm horny are you too?"

She only nodded her head yes as her eyes closed. With her head back against the wall, she took in the enjoyment of his pleasuring her.

"My turn" she said. He didn't understand as he pulled his toe out and away. He laid out flat. She curled her legs up and then wrapped her feet around his hard cock slowly twisting and turning her feet around it.

"Ooooooohh man Josh this is, ohhhhh yeah this is ohh wow Josh I love it! Your cock" and she giggled. "Ohhhhhh wow Josh it's so hard and it's making me so horny I have to feel my cunt!"

Looking at her he asked "Do you really? What's it like? What's it feel like Tina?" He waited for her to answer. She didn't know how to explain it.

"I don't know Josh. It's like weird and exciting and sometimes it's even scary, but it's always exciting. My body wants to explode. I feel like something's ready to ignite; something sexually umm well just physically go off inside me. I don't know what it feels like when you cum or get off, but if it's anything like, well it's sexually uhhh euphoric and, and every ounce of it well every ounce of it is some kind of chemical reaction I guess mixed in with crazy emotions."

"I don't know Josh it's just a wild feeling. It's emotionally crazy and umm sexually exhilarating type of experience. Does that make any sense at all?"

He was immersed in her explanation. He was trying to feel what she felt. He somehow hoped he could empathize with her female emotions she had and at the same time not let her down either. He wanted her to feel extremely special. Asking her how she felt made her feel extra special. She looked at him with a proud smile.

"Sometimes I wish I really knew those feelings Tina. Are they really exciting and that personal? Are they really deep down like engrained feelings? I wish I knew or understood how them when you get horny especially when you uhhh orgasm too. Oh yeah I do that's for sure. I really do but I suppose it's a female thing and a guy probably won't understand huh?"

She laughed and told him probably not and it was okay that she understood. "That's really sweet of you to think that way Josh. It makes you more of a man then you know and it makes you even sexier then you realize. So to me you're sexy as it gets!"

Lying in the tub, the bathroom fell silent. Lying and facing each other, smiles subsided as the two searched for a oneness that existed but neither put it all together. He reach for her hand, she reached for his and their fingers touched and the spark necessary for all the lust deep within was created.

They coincidentally sat up and wrapped their legs around each other attempting to hug. They leaned forward and they kissed. He wanted to feel them and he wanted to kiss them badly. He didn't because at that moment he only thought of her feelings and they were very important even though he was hornier then all hell and he knew she was too.

"Ohhhhh my god Tina you turn me on! You're, you're driving me nuts! I bet you didn't know that did you?"

"Josh ohhh Josh" Tina said in a loud tone "I'm so horny and it's all because of you too! Oh I've wondered what you were feeling too Josh. Isn't it a wild and exciting?"

Pausing and looking at him, he did the same. He paused and gazed at her. Neither looked at anything else but the others eyes.

"You wanna ummm you wanna know something? I could just cum everywhere Tina!"

He took her hands and placed them on his cock. He started touching her boobs. Her nipples were hard when he felt them. He was so excited he'd do anything to make her cum, anything to get her to climax; anything at all to get both of them to orgasm!

Let's turn on the shower. I wanna feel you all over; I wanna feel you everywhere Tina. We can" but she was ahead of him and put down the drain and turned on the shower. "Yeah that's it, yeah oh yeah baby" he called out. They stood up under the warm spray and began passionately kissing while he groped her everywhere.