BBW Seeks Dom - 50 Ch. 02


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"Laura, can you rub your pussy against Sandy's?" She moved as best she could and answered, "Yes, Nick."

I tightened the rope attached to her wrists and asked again.

"Yes, Nick, barely."

"Sandy, move to press against her pussy, please." Sandy did her best. The contact was made, but it was not very well connected.

"If you wanted to get loose, could you?"

"No, Nick." They answered.

"It's late. Beth is already asleep for the night. Ashley and I are going to bed. I'll give each of you an alarm in case you need us before morning." I put a device that looked like a garage opener in their hands. "If you hit the button, I'll come running. If you can manage to give each other orgasms, it's Ok with me."

I spread a blanket over them and walked Ashley out of the playroom. I shut off the light and closed the door. Ashley saw the infrared video system and heard Laura ask, "Have you ever been bound like this before?"

"No. Never bound for hours, either." After a long pause Sandy said, "I want to cum."

We heard grunts and other noises of effort. I asked Ashley, "Can you find a bed? Either the one with Beth in it or the king-sized one?"


"Then you should go to bed." I said.

"You're staying here?"

"To keep them safe. Being bound is dangerous. I'll be right here if they need me." She kissed me and headed for the bedrooms. I sat down to watch. Three minutes or so later Ashley walked in with a robe for each of us, a pitcher of iced tea and some crackers and cheese. She put them near me and sat in a chair near me.

"Please, don't send me to bed." She said. "I'd lie awake worried about them and about you."

"OK. Stay. Let's have some snack." She sliced cheese and made cheese and cracker sandwiches for us. We snacked and talked for three hours. Part of that time our conversation was physical. She knelt on the floor and sucked me to a wonderful orgasm. We listened to Sandy and Laura have screaming orgasms. When the clock on the wall read four in the morning I said, "Please clean up our little party, then get in bed. I'm freeing them."

Half an hour later all of us were in bed, asleep.

Ashley and Beth went home after brunch. They had things to do to prepare for their week at home. They were to call in by Wednesday and tell us when they could come back and spend the night.

Sandy and Laura worked all week and spent every evening at home. We exercised each evening, ate healthy meals, talked a lot and played often. Laura discovered she really liked riding one of the stationary bikes while she watched the surf through the sliding glass doors. At the end of her fifth week in the house her weight chart showed she started at 151.6 pounds and lost three pounds the first week, two the next, then three, three and four pounds. She weighed 136.6 and mentioned that if she was working out in public a lot she would already be needing new clothes. Sandy had been about two pounds below the center of her zone when Laura joined us. At the five week weigh in she was at 118.2 pounds, barely above her lower limit. I was benefiting from the three of us working together too. I had been at 218.0 and my goal weight was 215. I had been holding at 215 for three weeks when Laura had been with us five weeks.

We measured Laura and looked her over without clothes and with clothes to see if she was in her zone yet. My opinion was that if she really wanted to feel and look the best she needed to come down another ten pounds. I wrote 126.0 in pencil at the top of her chart.

Friday night Ashley and Beth came for the weekend. At my request they brought a stash of clothes so they had casual going-somewhere clothes, dressy clothes for dinner out in a nice place and hiking clothes. The clothes they brought would stay in the house when they went home.

After dinner and clean up we adjourned to the exercise room. Sandy, Laura and I coached Ashley and Beth in the basics of how we trained. We spent an hour sweating then showered and another hour in the playroom, sweating more. Beth discovered she could indeed squirt when she orgasmed. Both she and I needed to shower again. We all showered at the end of the evening.

Saturday both Laura and I needed to work for three or four hours so we sent the three other women shopping. Food and basic supplies were the target of the trip. I told them to be back anytime but to be quiet, giving us four solid hours to work. Laura needed all four hours. I was done in a little over three. I started thinking about fun.

'What can a man do to have fun on a weekend with two to four women?' I asked myself. I looked for interesting things we could do, together. I found eight cooking classes and schools where we could improve our food choices. Over the next few months there were food festivals, contests and charity events. I remembered years before, I had taken a lover hot air ballooning down near San Diego. We floated over golf courses and vineyards and watched the sun go down. We loved it. A list took shape of things we would discuss as a family. Choice would be made and I needed a master calendar.

Using my phone I called Sandy. I asked her to stop by a store like Office Depot or Staples and get six large calendars, like the one in our kitchen. She replied, "Oh, goodie! There's something wonderful coming! I'll get them."

I met them in the garage when they returned. We carried all their purchases inside and put the food away first. I could tell they wanted to know what the calendars were for, but not one of them asked.

Laura came out of her office and was handed a glass of iced tea. She saw the stack of calendars and asked, "Are we planning ahead?"

I answered, "Here's the plan: We make sandwiches and veggies to eat between now and dinner. Each of us takes a calendar and enters our schedules on it. Use priorities to mark every item. A number 1 is work related. If I need to spend eight hours on a contract every day for ten days, I block out the hours for those days, note them as Priority One. Number 2 things are those we schedule that must be done, like doctor appointments, dentists, accountants, oil changes, things that are important but could possibly be rescheduled with enough lead time. A number 3 is something you have scheduled other than a number One or Two." I tore off a page for the month just past and invented examples of how to write their entries.

"Write your name on every page, near the bottom. Use everything from your personal calendars and please be done in four hours."

Sandy asked, "Should we use one color for each priority? I have plenty of colored markers."

We picked red for Priority One, green for Two and blue for Three. They hit the kitchen and made sandwiches, cut up veggies and made two kinds of dip. A fresh pitcher of iced tea sat next to a stack of glasses and napkins. I made a plate for myself, grabbed a calendar, shoved three markers on the plate with my sandwiches and went to my computer. As I left them I said, "Let's get back together in two hours to see how we're doing." Sandy set the timer on the microwave to ring in two hours.

Two hours later I heard the microwave ding. I was ready. When I walked into the kitchen all four were at the big table. Markers were on the table and colorful calendars.

The sandwiches were gone. The veggies were gone. The iced tea was gone.

I sat and said, "What did you learn?"

Beth said, "I'm totally a mess! I'm unorganized and helpless!"

Ashley said, "And, I'm the one who taught her!"

Sandy smiled at me and said, "You're right again. There are real advantages to being OCAR."

I smiled. OCAR was an acronym I made up for her and people like her. It stands for Obsessive Compulsive Anal Retentive. I let Sandy explain it. When she showed them her calendar they understood. Ashley said, "Almost like Monk on TV." She had used a ruler on the lines she drew, printed labels on her computer to show what each event was for, the times and priority number.

I handed her the blank calendar and said, "We're going to make a master calendar. Unless there is an objection I think Sandy should make the master calendar." There were no objections.

She looked at our calendars, thought for a few seconds and said, "Give me a few minutes at the computer, please." She ran to her office and didn't take anything with her. When she came back she had sheets of colored round labels with her. Each had an initial on it: N for Nick, A for Ashley, B for Beth, L for Laura and S for Sandy. She also brought four pair of scissors.

Sandy has many voices. She changed to her Teacher voice and said, "We'll begin with this month. Use your scissors and cut out your priority One events. When they are cut out give them to me, one at a time."

She trimmed and pasted them on her calendar, putting a colored sticker on each one. At a quarter to six we had a pretty good calendar to look at. It reminded me of the calendar my friend Lee had when some of his kids were in high school. Colorful, with not many moments of alone time.

I asked them to dress casually for dinner out and I went to my office before I dressed. I printed fresh blank calendars for the next eight months. In my bedroom I dressed, cargo pants and a sweatshirt Sandy had given me four years earlier. It said, "The Man" on the front.

I asked Sandy to mark empty days on the smaller calendars. Empty meaning no number One or number Two priorities on those days. In my cargo pocket I had a list of possibilities for those empty days.

We drove to a small seafood restaurant I like. We found an empty place for the five of us to sit, ordered and sat down. I said, "I want more for us than the great lives we already have. We will get better and our OCAR mentor will help us. We will not become OCAR. That is a gift given at birth. We will improve!" I showed the smaller calendars with the empty days outlined. "Right now these are the days when all five of us can do things together. We'll look at them, month by month and plan to do wonderful things together."

I put the next month's calendar face up on the table. One three-day weekend was empty. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. They looked at the calendar and smiled. I knew they wouldn't suggest something. This was the part of our relationship where they depended on me to make decisions.

So, I asked questions. "Have any of you been up in a hot air balloon?" They all shook their heads and Ashley said, "They're dangerous." Beth and Laura nodded in agreement. I said, "Ashley, when we get home your job is to go on-line and find out how many hot air balloon crashes there have been in the last ten years. Find out how many people died in those crashes, please."

"Yes, Nick."

"How many of you have been paddled a canoe or kayak?" I asked. Sandy raised her hand. I asked, "When and where?"

"I was a senior in high school and a boy-friend took me canoeing on a lake in Oregon. It was fun!" It was obvious the experience was a treasured memory. Her face glowed as she told us about it.

"Have any of you been to the San Diego Zoo?" Sandy raised her hand again. I pointed at her and she said, "My husband took us there when his sister and her family came to visit. His sister had three kids about eight, nine and eleven and they loved it. I loved it and my brother loved it. His wife thought it smelled."

I smiled and said, "Sea World?" No hands.

"Can you ride a bicycle?" All hands and smiles.

"Roller skate or rollerblade?" No hands.

"Ride a horse?" Sandy almost put her hand up. I asked, "Did you fall off?"

"No, Nick. It wasn't a horse. It was a pony. Does that count?"

"It was in a pen and went around and around in a circle?" I motioned with my hand going around in a circle.

Sandy smiled and said, "I was about nine. It scared me."

"I don't think that counts as a horse. I wish I could have seen you ride it though. I'll bet you were cute doing it."

"Thank you."

"Have any of you been in a power or sail boat?"

Ashley had and so had Sandy. They both said it was power not sail. I could tell they were both excited and apprehensive about what I might have planned.

The waitress stopped by the table and had heard the last question. She asked, "Are you going sailing?"

I said, "If we go, do you want to go, too?"

She shook her head and said, "I went once, when I was a kid. My Dad rented a boat and it was too windy. He capsized the boat and... no thank you."

I got her to bring the bill and we packed up to go home. As we drove I said, "Tomorrow we are going shopping. We will go together. You will buy clothes for our three-day-weekend. We are going to San Diego for the weekend." I waited until the clapping stopped. "We will drive down Saturday morning early, and drive around Mission Bay so you get an overview of San Diego. We will have dinner in Old Town. Old Town is a touristy pseudo Mexican village full of shops and restaurants. Sunday we will either do something on the water or go to either the zoo, Sea World or Balboa Park. Therefore, each of you needs cute skirts and tops, a bathing suit, maybe a hat if you burn out in the sun for a weekend and shoes you can walk in all weekend."

Sandy asked, "Where are we shopping tomorrow?"

"We need to go somewhere that has nice things and lots of selection." I said. "I think we should go to the South Bay Galleria." I got instant agreement from everyone. I was not surprised.

Just before we got home Ashley asked, "Will we always go on trips as a family? No trips with you and just one of us?"

It was a great question. My mind raced. I said, "Great question. I think the answer is Yes, there will be individual trips sometimes and family trips sometimes, too. For now let me think about these individual trips."

In five weeks there was a car show in Carlsbad. I knew I wanted to go, but had all but crossed it off as probably unmanageable for all five of us. But for two...

'Who would I take?'

At home I took the master calendars into my office and studied them. I discovered that looking for holes for all of us was crazy, but finding a weekend for us, as couples, was pretty easy. The three-day weekend in the month ahead worked for all of us. I called and made reservations in San Diego. I made a Post-it with the dates, the names and destination. Three weeks after that was the car show in Carlsbad. It worked best for Laura and me. I made another post-it with the dates, my name and Laura's and the words "Carlsbad car show". Three weeks farther out was an open weekend that worked well for Sandy and me. She would get a three-day from school. I scheduled a flight to San Francisco for us. I made a Post-it. For Ashley-and-me the very next weekend after Sandy-and-me worked for her schedule. I booked us onto a short cruise from Los Angeles to Mexico and back. Three days on a ship. I had already learned that if Ashley did something, Beth would want to do it, too. I booked onto another cruise to Mexico, for Beth-and-me. I booked a cabin on the other side of the ship.

I took the Post-its and stuck them on the calendar. When the ladies were all busy somewhere, other than in the kitchen, I hung the calendar on the wall in the kitchen.

Ashley was first to go into the kitchen. She looked at the dinner schedule, to see who was making dinner. That schedule was next to the Master Calendar. She noticed the bright yellow Post-it for the three-day-weekend coming. She ran to tell the others what she found.

Two minutes later four women were outside my door. Sandy knocked. I looked up and she asked, "May we ask about the Post-its you put on the calendar? There are lots of them."

I described the first trip, to Carlsbad as the example.

"Laura and I will be going to a car show in Carlsbad that weekend. I love going to car shows like that and it gives Laura and I some alone time. Each of you will get some alone time with me in the next few months. I will take each of you places to see how you are with each kind of adventure."

Early Sunday morning I sent them out to clean the mini-van for our shopping trip. It got washed and cleaned inside and out. They wore bathing suits and I made mental notes about their purchases for the day. Ashley was wearing a suit suited to a matron of sixty, not a healthy vibrant woman of fifty. Her suit was brown. If I were King I'd have a law outlawing brown bathing suits. I thought about that for a few seconds and decided if I were King I'd outlaw bathing suits. I smiled and Sandy said, "He's thinking about fun things! I love when he thinks of fun things."

The van was ready and we were all dressed by nine. The mall opened at ten. We probably were not the first through the doors, but it was close. I knew we were buying a lot so our first stop was the security office. I went in and explained to the guard that we were there to buy ten or more bags of things for an upcoming trip. I wanted to be able to bring the bags to his office and have him protect them until we were done. Then we would take everything at once out to our van and go. He explained that they didn't have such a service. I asked to speak to the mall manager. It took ten minutes for him to arrive.

He came through the door and saw us, one man and Ashley, Beth, Laura and Sandy. I said, "Hi. I'm Nick. Did you ever see the movie "Pretty Woman"?"

He smiled and said, "Mark, these folks are going to be bringing bags of things in here all day. You and the rest of Security will protect the bags with your lives. When these wonderful people are finished shopping your staff will carry all the bags out to their van. Am I clear?"

The uniformed pimple behind the counter said, "Yes, Mr. Maxwell."

Mr. Maxwell held the door open for us. I shook his hand as we left and said, "Thank you." Ten steps later Sandy said, "Let the shopping begin!"

Within the first half hour I stopped in a store and bought a Sharpie. From then on I wrote on each bag the name of the person who got the things in the bag. In some stores that meant four bags of stuff. As we left a store with three bags of stuff Sandy said, "Since I got the most from that store, may I take all the things to security?" I said that would be wonderful, told her which store we would be in and she took the bags. When she returned I kissed her.

As we left each store thereafter the person who got the most volunteered to be the mule. They got kisses. We all had a good time. At lunch we stopped and had a good lunch. As we ate Mr. Maxwell found us and came to our table.

He said, "Is everything going well?"

I said, "Yes, Thank you. We're finding everything we need. Perhaps you can tell us, if you and your ladies were going on vacation and going to be doing a lot of walking where would you look for shoes?" We all thought he was going to wet himself in excitement. He told us three different stores to go to. We thanked him and as he left us he went to the manager of the restaurant and comped our lunches.

Laura asked, "Did you know they would treat us like this?"

"You never know if you never ask." I said. "I had no idea, but I can't remember the last time I went shopping with four beautiful women."

As we walked to the next store I heard Ashley say to Sandy, "I love that man."

Sandy said, "We all do."

It was a little after three in the afternoon when we were back at the Security office. Mark was still there with five other uniformed Security people. They loaded each other up and Mr. Maxwell carried six bags himself and we were escorted to the parking lot and our purchases loaded in the van. Sandy, Laura and Beth had to hold bags on their laps or we wouldn't have room for everything. I had kept a running total in my head. I still had all the receipts in my pockets and my estimate was we had spent a little over three thousand dollars.

The rest of Sunday was spent doing laundry, throwing away bags, wrapping paper, and thanking me. I went to my office and totaled the receipts. Three thousand three hundred eighty-two dollars and change. Eight hundred forty-five dollars each. I sat back and thought about being me. As a family I paid all the bills. All of us deposited everything into the family account. The four women deposited twenty-two and a half thousand a month. Rent on Ashley's and Beth's apartments came to almost forty-two hundred including utilities. I paid their rent and utilities. They bought groceries with a credit card. I paid the credit card bills and they came to me, not them. Sandy and Laura lived in my home. My utilities went up four hundred a month when they moved in. My grocery bill went up a little under eleven hundred a month. They bought the groceries on a credit card. They never saw the bills. I saw the bills. Our monthly bills came to about ten and a half thousand not counting my mortgage, house insurance and utilities. I made enough on my own to pay for my home, insurance, two cars, utilities and still have money left over. They deposited almost ten thousand a month over what it cost for them to live.