BBW Seeks Dom - 50 Ch. 03


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I asked, "Sandy, who is the Dom in our family?"

"You are, Nick."

"Beth, who is the Dom in our family?"

"You are, Nick."

"Laura, is your Momma your Dom?"

"No, Nick! Only you."

"Ashley, Are you a Dom?"

"No, Nick. Only you are a Dom!"

"Are you someone's Momma, Ashley?"

"No, Nick."

"Who is Laura to you?"

"My sister and co-wife."

"Be warned. Anyone who calls Ashley Momma will have the clamps applied for long enough you will feel the pain for many hours. You do not break rules for anyone except me. Anyone who breaks a rule will wear the clamps."

When the clamps had been on for about ten minutes, I loosened the ones on Laura and removed them. I looked at Sandy and said, "Gently suck her and love her, back to full circulation."

She said, "Thank you for letting me love her. Thank you." Her hands gently held Laura's breasts and she attached her mouth, first to one and then the other. She alternated her care and attention.

I loosened the clamps on Ashley and removed them. I looked at Beth and said, "Gently suck her and love her, back to full circulation." At her first touch Ashley moaned. I said, "Gently."

Sandy had been giving attention to Laura's breasts for about two minutes when I reached in and felt inside Laura's slit. She was very wet and at my touch she moaned softly. I whispered, "Will you let Sandy make you cum, for me?"

"Yes, Nick, Anything for you."

"After you cum from having Sandy suck your nipples will you give Sandy a gift from me?"

"Whatever pleases you."

"Sandy, keep sucking her tits and finger her until she cums. Then ask her to suck your nipples, long and hard until you cum."

"Thank you, Nick. I'm already close."

I turned to Beth and said, "Enough." I fingered her slit and she too was very wet. I asked, "Beth, you're very wet. You're turned on. If I asked you to ask Ashley to eat your pussy, would you ask her?"

"I would, Nick."

"Ask her to lie on the deck and eat you to orgasm. Once she's on her back squat over her face and tell her to drink in all your nectar as she eats you."

Beth said, "Ashley, I'm asking you to lie on the deck and drink all my nectar as you eat me to an orgasm." Ashley quickly got down on the deck. Beth slowly lowered her pussy to Ashley's face. Ashley held Beth's hips steady and ate her with enthusiasm.

I watched. Earlier I had some worries about one man being able to please four women. My concerns were about a paradigm we didn't have. One man pleasing four women. There were five sexual adults in this family. Each one could please the other four. My job, my very pleasant job, was to manage all of us so we were all taken care of and all got to take care of... each other. My challenge was to handle the communication problems of four people who have internal conflicts about asking for what they want and need.

When Beth came Ashley sputtered and started to choke from so much juice. I helped Beth stand and drip somewhere else. Ashley stopped sputtering and thanked Beth for all her juice and thanked me for having her take care of Beth. Laura provoked Sandy to hold her head and scream as her breasts were sucked, squeezed and pulled. Laura had already been sucked and fingered to a wet orgasm. They thanked each other and me.

I said, "I think the deck needs another clean-up job." Then I walked inside. In my office I watched as all four scrubbed the deck. Laura asked, "Did Nick cum?"

Sandy said, "No. I think he gave those orgasms to us and held one back from Ashley to further strengthen his lesson to us."

Beth added, "He said the lessons go on forever. He said that the day we met him. He also said there would be levers we wouldn't like."

Ashley was scrubbing away and said, "I can't believe how badly I want an orgasm!"

Sandy said, "Ashley, I'm mad at you! It's all about you, isn't it! I've had more than one orgasm today. Beth has had at least one and Laura has had at least one. Why haven't you?"

"Because Nick.." Sandy stopped her. "No! You haven't had one because you forgot you are a sub! Subs don't believe life is about them! Our life is about having Nick's life be great. If he wants tacos for dinner, I love tacos. If he wants to live in the mountains I trust it will improve my life, make my life better and I willingly move to the mountains. He focuses on making my life great! For all the years I've known him it hasn't really been about him using me to make life easier for him. His focus is on me, my life, on you and your life."

Beth added, "Ashley, I've gone years without a man loving me. Years without being fucked and I was Ok. I wanted to be loved and I looked for it, unsuccessfully. You're on your knees cleaning up from an orgy. An orgy started to help you learn something so powerful it brings me to tears. That man, our husband, loves you enough to not let you get away with acting like a Dom." She paused and then said, "I think Nick wants to give you so many orgasms you pass out from pleasure, but he can't because you think you know best. I hate to admit it, Ashley, but sometimes you're as dumb as my mother!"

She left the deck. I heard the sliding door open and then close. I shut off the intercom. Less than a minute later Beth knocked on my office door.

"Come here Sweetheart." She came to me and I made room for her in my lap. I dried her tears with a tissue and said, "This has been a tough day. Some lessons are harder than others. I regret I needed to involve all of you in this lesson. I regret the lesson needed to hurt. I hope it penetrated deep inside Ashley and all of you."

"I'm sorry." Beth said.


"For needing to be taught to appreciate what you do for each of us. For needing the reminder that we can depend on you to get our needs met... and to know better than I know the difference between a want and a need."

"Then you don't need to apologize again for those things... until you forget them. You are human and you will forget. Ashley, Laura and Sandy are human too, and they'll forget too. When someone forgets something we'll teach lessons again. Sometimes harshly and sometimes with little reminders." I wanted to add that I was human too and would make mistakes, but saying it would not strengthen the relationship between us, so I stayed quiet.

I held her curled up in my lap for a long time. Sandy came to the door and saw Beth curled up. She smiled and quietly went away. As it started to get dark outside I asked Beth if she knew what was for dinner. She asked if I wanted her to go find out. When I said, "Yes" she started to get off my lap. I stopped her.

"Sweetheart, why did you volunteer to go find out?"

"It serves you."

"Thank you. I love you and I accept your gift to me." She scampered out of my office and came back in less than a minute. "Ashley's making meatloaf, baked potatoes and broccoli."

"Sounds good." I opened my arms and she climbed back onto my lap and snuggled in after three kisses.

"Are you going home tonight or in the morning?" I asked.

"It depends. If Ashley gets the belt off tonight I'll drive us home tonight. If she might get it off in the morning, we'll stay. If she needs to wear it longer then I guess we'll go home tonight, unless you have other plans."

"Which going home time works best for your needs, Beth?"

"You mean if I didn't need to worry about Ashley? Going home tonight."

"Let me worry about Ashley getting home. You take care of you."

"Yes, Nick. Thank you." She left my office to get ready.

My eyes were closed, but I was not asleep when I heard a knock. I looked and saw Sandy in the doorway. "What do you need, Honey?" I asked.

"Dinner is almost ready. Would you like it served in the dining room?"

I nodded and said, "Yes. Fifteen minutes?"

"That will be perfect." In a blink she was gone. I said, "Let's go wash up" to her already gone figure. I followed her to the kitchen and then helped get the food on the table.

As we ate, I asked Ashley if she had learned anything during the weekend. She answered, telling me about learning that she started the weekend believing that life was all about her. She learned that being a sub is about choosing to put someone else first.

When dinner was over and cleaned-up I said, "Ladies, we are going to put the red belt back in the drawer. Ashley will clean it and wrap it in a clean towel before it goes in the drawer." I held out the key for the locks. Sandy took it and released Ashley. Ashley took the belt into the kitchen and scrubbed it in the sink. While they did that I went to the playroom and came back with a medium sized butt plug.

"Ashley, do you still have the tube of K-Y?"

"I have it and it's almost empty."

"Get a new tube. Give me the old one." She went to the cabinet and got a new tube. She handed me the almost empty one. I loaded the end of the butt plug and showed all of them how large it was. The part designed to stay outside her ass was a semi-flattened knob with a hole through it. I asked Ashley to bend forward and grab her ankles. Sandy used her hands and spread Ashley's cheeks. I touched the butt plug to her anus and worked it inside. I had picked the right size. When it seated it was not so large it hurt, but plenty large enough that it would not be ignored.

"Stand tall, Ashley." I said. She stood at attention.

"Ashley, when you get home tonight take the plug out and clean it. In the morning as you get ready for work put it back in and it stays in until you get home. At home you take it out and clean it. Before you put it back inside attach this." I handed her an eight-inch-long chain with a ball at the end. I knew the ball weighed eight ounces. "You will wear the ball attached to your butt plug until bed time. At bed time, clean all of it and get it ready for the next day where you will wear it again, without the ball."

"Yes, Nick."

"On Wednesday, during the day, call me and tell me when you can come to the house. You need to be able to spend the night."

"Yes, Nick."

I turned to Beth. "Honey, I want you to find a day when you can come here and spend 24 hours with me. You will come here and we will not stay here. For twenty-four hours you will get my full attention. Call me sometime Monday and tell me two possible days when we can get away." I kissed her and sent her to get dressed. I repeated more or less the same instruction to Sandy and Laura.

We embraced Beth and Ashley just before they left. Ashley had tears in her eyes. I kissed her tears and said, "I love you. This is a learning process for all of us. You don't need to worry, you are safe, protected, cared for and loved. Take a big purse with you to work tomorrow and inside it take a quart sized sealable bag. On your first break, call me."

Sandy, Laura and I went back inside. Laura asked, "I don't know how to stop seeing her as my Mom."

"I don't know how either. I do know that unless you do neither of you will ever be able to be equals. Can Sandy be your sister?"

"Sandy is my sister."

"How can that be? You didn't grow up where Sandy did, ride the pony when Sandy rode the pony, go fishing when Sandy went fishing, did you?"

"No, but you taught me I can choose to love her. Choose to treat her like a sister and hold her in my heart as a sister."

"Can you have lots of history with Ashley and memories of Deborah Clarke as your mother and hold them separately? I honestly don't know. I know that thinking of her as Momma is going to be a problem."

"Not ever saying Momma will help. I think."

Sandy said, "Laura, may I ask you a question?"


"Where do your parents live?"

Laura's face shifted and we could almost hear the gears grinding. She knew Sandy knew where her parents were. The lights came on and she answered, "My father died a few years ago and my mom is gone, too." Laura smiled and said, "Knowing the answer makes it easier. Thanks, Sis."

Sandy smiled and said, "That's the first time you've called me Sis! I like it!"

They hugged. When the hug ended I said, "I am not your brother."

"I'm glad! I might have trouble having sex with my brother." Laura said.

"Really?" I asked. "You have three sisters and you have no trouble having sex with them or any of them having sex with you."

"Oh! You're right."

"I'm still not your brother."

"I prefer you as husband, Master, Nick." Laura said.

I offered, "When you answered Sandy's question you said, "My father died a few years ago and my mom is gone, too." Would it be just as honest to say, "They both live in my memories"?"

Laura smiled and said, "Yes! They both do live there. And, Ashley lives here in the present as an older sister and co-wife."

"You might want to share your thinking with Ashley. It may help her transition out of thinking of you and Beth as daughters. She will, I think, need to decide that the relationship she has with Beth and Laura is better for all of you than what Jennifer, Marie and Deborah had. She has to wrestle with letting her daughters go to live only in memory and see both of you now as sisters, co-wives, lovers."

Sandy smiled and said, "A few years ago there was a character on Saturday Night Live who would say, "It's always something..." She was right. I've been in relationship with Nick for years and it keeps changing, growing, deepening. I was scared when I came home one day and you were cooking dinner for us. It had been Nick and me for a long time. Then about the time I was getting comfortable with you Beth and Ashley came and everything changed again. It's always something..."

Laura said, "Nick told me that the day we met. The lessons never stop. I thought things would get there and then everything would stay great. There is no There. There is here and here keeps moving."

I asked, "Laura, how do you feel, right this second?"

"Really good!"

"Good, because for the rest of your life you're stuck with the feeling you have right now. No worse, ever..."

Sandy added, "And no better. No feeling of me sucking on your clit or Nick deep inside you..."

"No taste of grilled Halibut or chocolate frosting..."

"Just the really good of right now." I said.

"Eww. I hadn't thought like that." Laura said.

"Gilda Radner was right. It's always something. I love that I have the four of you to keep things coming to us to help us grow. When I lived alone things came at me, but slower. When it was Sandy and I they came faster but with a little less intensity... now life is intense every moment! Thank you both."

We did our nightly walk through and closed up the house. Doors were locked, windows closed and locked, security system turned on, and the three of us went to bed together. As we snuggled Laura said, "It's quieter when it's just the three of us. Quieter, but..."

"But, I like having it be the five of us. I loved when we were in San Diego walking around as a family. It felt right." Sandy added.

"I love our family... and I really look forward to twenty-four hours when it's just the two of us!" Laura said. Sandy nodded her agreement. Then Sandy said, "It was just the two of us for years. I didn't treasure it, as I should have. I took it for granted. Then one day I came home and another woman was standing in the kitchen cooking for my man."

I stayed quiet. I believed they were processing something important for them.

Laura said, "When you came home that day I was so aware that I was in your kitchen, cooking dinner for your man! It felt so wrong!"

"I got it before the food got to the table. It wasn't MY kitchen. Nick isn't MY man. Everything in my life belongs to Nick. It's his everything and we get to share. I wouldn't have learned that if you hadn't cooked dinner for us that night and become my sister."

"Smart man." Laura whispered. I had my eyes closed and I was on my back with Sandy snuggled close on my right and Laura on my left. They leaned the few inches across my chest and kissed each other Goodnight. I knew I had just learned a valuable lesson. Sandy and Laura were teaching me more about being their Dom and more about being a better man.

"It's always something..."

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WargamerWargamerover 4 years ago
Way too silly.

This story had a lot of promise, but it ran off the rails and never got back on. They turned into a Cult, way too much cultic behaviour, The complete subjugation via destruction of the parental and sibling connection was just too over the top.

A shame really.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I would have liked more

It was an interesting story. Not something that I usually read, but it kept my attention and I had to read until the end. However the end left me wanting more, that there were still some unresolved issues for several of the characters. Any chance for that?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Great story but why didn't you keep it going????

leakittyleakittyalmost 11 years ago
Go on!

I want to know what else happens to your family. I like your story and want to read more and more, please keep up the good work!

idrubloodidrubloodabout 12 years ago
Just a thought...

If Nick was a proper Dom, wouldn't he have met Ashley's anal needs so that that particular problem would not have occurred? I'm just saying…

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