Be Careful What You Wish For Ch. 02


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"Oh my!...I'm sorry Dave!...Marion!...I didn't know I was interrupting something....I should just go!..."

"It's O.K...." said Marion.

"You're not interrupting. Mr. Brickman just finished fucking me and I'd try and get him off again. But he seems to be having a little... trouble..." Marion said, winking at Ingrid and then pouting prettily up at her husband. And all the time she was working his cock with her little hand.

And although Dave was hard, he wasn't as hard as Marion wanted him. It might have been the fact that he was standing on his doorstep, half naked, in plain sight of anyone who might walk by. Or it might have been that his gorgeous neighbour was there, totally unexpectedly, watching his virtually naked wife masturbate him. Or perhaps it was the fact that he had seen that same wife fucking his two best friends just an hour or so ago. All of these things might be a factor in his inability to rise to the occasion as quickly as Marion might want him to. She might have been in the middle of some lewd hypnotic scenario but he wasn't.

Ingrid was taking in the unexpected scene in front of her with an amused grin. It was beginning to look to her like her neighbors weren't quite as white bread as she had thought.... 'Mr. Brickman?' she had heard Marion say. She suspected they must be in the middle of some kinky role playing game. Looking at Marion she asked...

"And you would be the...babysitter?..."

"The lawn girl...Amber..." Marion said brightly.

"Amber Harris!...Mark's daughter!...Of course...The long blonde pony tail and the sneakers...I can't imagine why it took me so long to recognize you!...Dave...You're being very naughty aren't you?...What would Marion say?..." she asked with a devious smile.

"Ahhhh!...Geez Ingrid!...It's a long story!..." Dave groaned.

"I'm sure..." Ingrid replied. And then looking at Marion she said...

"Have you tried sticking your finger up his ass?"

"Whattt!..." said Dave, hoping he hadn't heard right.

"Will he like that?..." Marion asked innocently. She wasn't going to let on that she had used that trick effectively on Ingrid's husband just a little earlier.

"Well...maybe not at first...But he'll love it once he gets used to it!...John does!..." Ingrid said confidently.

"Nooo!..." Dave said, not at all liking where this conversation was going.

But Marion didn't have her husband's reservations. She reached down behind him with the hand that wasn't stroking his cock and tried to press her index finger through his resisting sphincter.

Dave gripped the door frame with both hands and tightened up to save his virgin nether hole.

"He's too tight!..." complained Marion, trying to penetrate her husband's back door with no success.

"He's just nervous..." said Ingrid, smiling calculatingly at Dave.

"Here...Give me your finger..." she said, unslinging one side of her shoulder purse and opening its zipper. She reached in and her hand came out with a tube of vagi lube in it.

"A girl has to be prepared..." she laughed.

"Now give me your finger..." she said again, popping the top off the tube of gel.

Marion/Amber reached around Dave, a little awkwardly since she didn't seem to want let go of his cock with her other hand. She held out her index finger towards Ingrid.

"Better make it two!...Two work better!..."

Marion smiled at Ingrid and then at her husband as she held out her extended index and middle fingers.

Ingrid's little tongue came out of the corner of her mouth as she began applying a liberal coating of the clear lube to Marion's intertwined fingers. She finished with a spiral gob like the top of a soft ice cream cone on the tips of Marion's sharp nailed digits.

"There!...Now it won't matter how much he tightens up....With that much lube you could get into the vault of the Zurich bank....Try it!..."

Marion moved her hand back under her husband's butt. She prodded his crinkled little star for a moment then dropped her shoulder and punched upwards into that tightly clenched little aperture.

It seemed like Dave was again going to refuse to open to her. But Marion gave her wrist a sharp little twist and her extended fingers popped up inside him. His taut sphincter twitched spastically around her knuckles, reluctant to let her penetrate further.

"Eeeep!..." Dave squealed in a very unmanly falsetto, rising up on his toes ahead of Marion's plundering digits.

"That's it!..." encouraged Ingrid.

"Now that you're in it'll be easy to make him take the rest!...""

"Waitt!...Nooo!...Easyy!..." Dave cried fearfully. But Marion paid no attention to him. She let go of his cock for a moment and put her hand on the back of his neck. Pressing him down from behind she leaned close to his ear and purred...

"Bend over a little baby!...It'll be easier!..."

Her husband hesitantly did as she said. He was really nervous, standing in the door like that, half naked, clutching the door frame and stooped over like a little old man.

"That's it!...Just like that!..." Marion approved, easing her two fingers almost out of her husband's butt. Then, without hesitation, she speared them back up inside that tight little channel, twisting her wrist until her knuckles were jammed up into his balls.

"Phwahhh!...." Dave whimpered, squirming on Marion's marauding fingers like a bug on a pin. He couldn't believe that his wife would so casually humiliate him like this in front of their neighbor.

Marion took her hand off his neck, reached around him and closed her hand around his throbbing pole. She again resumed her torrid masturbation.

"Umm Hmm!...Do him like that....Fast then slow!...Don't let him know what's coming next!...That usually gets them pretty excited...Take it from me!..." Ingrid said, winking slyly at Dave.

And Dave had to admit he had never felt sensations anything like this. His ass was burning, feeling stretched and full. It was like nothing he had ever imagined. And so was the growing rude excitement that was building in his loins in response to his wife's obscene fondling.

His anxious squirming to get away was turning into a tentative effort to try and fuck his wife's stroking hand. But she wasn't using the same rhythm on him long enough for him to match it.

"Ahhhh!..." he groaned as his balls began to knot up with frustration

"She's getting to you isn't she baby?..." Ingrid asked, her eyes sparkling into Dave's. Then she turned to look at Marion.

"I think you've got his attention!...So what do you want to do with him?..."

Marion thought about this for a second.

"I want to really make him squirm!...I want to hear him beg for it!..." she said, scissoring her two fingers back and forth playfully inside her husband's anus. That got him up on his toes in a hurry.

"Ummm!...That's nasty!...Maybe I can help you with that...First you've got to find his prostate..."

"His what?..."

"Stick your fingers way up his ass...Up towards his belly button...That's it...Now you should be able to feel a little bump...Like a couple of jelly beans under the skin... Can you feel it?..."

"Ummm...Yeah!...I think so..."

"O.K. ...Good!...Now press on it, like you're ringing a door bell..."

Marion did as she was told.

"Oh my Goddd!...What!...Whatt!?..." Dave gasped.

When Marion jabbed her finger into his prostate, Dave's heart started to race and his knees turned to jelly. He could feel a cold sweat break our on his forehead. He thought he was having a heart attack.

"What are you doing!?..." he moaned, clutching the door frame with both hands to try and stay upright on his feet.

Ingrid knew that the prostate was a very sensitive part of a man's neuro response system. Unusual stimulation like Marion was applying with her finger caused dramatic effects.

"Oh my!...Is he coming?..." Dave's wife exclaimed.

Looking down Ingrid could see what was making her ask that question. There was a rush of pre-come pouring from Dave's gaping pee slit in response to the pressure Marion was applying to his prostate.

"No, though it might feel like it to him!....It's just pre-come and not a real ejaculation although the sensation for a man is very similar..."

"Oh my Goddd!..." Dave groaned, stiffening up and clenching himself tight on his wife's rudely probing finger.

In fact he had thought he must be coming although it felt different. There was the usual tickling sensation racing through his groin. And the pre-come he was discharging was searing through the length of his shaft. But the come wasn't surging out of him in waves. It felt more like he would just go on oozing like this as long as Marion was pressing on his prostate. He felt completelycompletely helpless.

"Maybe you want to get a hold of his balls. We wouldn't want him to have any accidents now would we?..." Ingrid purred.

Marion understood. She could tell by the way that Dave was thrusting himself into her gripping hand that he was getting close. And she wasn't ready for him to come yet. She slipped the hand she had been using on his erection deeper into his groin and groped around for his balls.

"He's pretty excited!... I can barely get my fingers around his nuts..."

"You're doing fine dear....Just make sure you've got a good grip on them and pull them down gently....Umm Hmm!...Like that!...Now you're in control...As long as you've got him by the balls like that he can't come until you let him....Now don't forget his ass..."

"Hmmm?...Oh yeah!..." Marion purred, beginning to once more shuttle her entwined fingers in and out of her husband's loosening rear hole.

Dave could barely stifle his moan of excitement as his wife's obscene anal attentions made his arousal soar.

"Would you mind if I gave you a hand?..." Ingrid asked Marion.

Without waiting for a reply she stepped closer to Dave on the front porch. Close enough that the sweet scent of her perfume surrounded him.

Looking directly into his eyes she reached into his groin and encircled the base of his shaft with her thumb and forefinger. She closed her other hand around him just below his cock crown. Then she pulled her two hands apart stretching his steely length in a way that quickly had Dave panting with excitement.

"I've been wanting to get my hands on you for quite a while now!...Do you like it?..." Ingrid purred.

"Oh he likes it alright!..." Marion replied.

"His balls are tightening up so much it's like trying to hold onto a Greyhound that's spotted a rabbit!"

Ingrid pouted her lips prettily at that. She could feel how hyper sensitive Dave's cock was becoming. Still stretching his taut flesh with her two hands, she started sweeping her thumb back and forth across his cock crown, paying particular attention to that tender knot of nerves under the cleft of his knob. She used the pre-come streaming out of him to lube her cruising digit.

"Nahhh!...Fuckkkk!...Oh Goddd!...You're gonna' make me come!...Oh please!..." Dave panted, shifting his weight from foot to foot as the pressure in his groin started to reach critical mass. His asshole was on fire from the relentless frictioning of his wife's burrowing fingers and his cock was seething with excitement.

And now Ingrid was attacking the tip of his cock in a way that made his whole body stiffen with anticipation. He went to place his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't!...Get your hands off me!....Put them back where they were!....You just stand there and take it!..." Ingrid snapped.

Dave was surprised at her severe tone. But he was too caught up with his approaching orgasm to question her. He shakily put his hands pack on the door frame.

Ingrid seemed satisfied with that because she smiled and started handling his livid cock even more aggressively. She stopped stretching his length and moved the ring of her thumb and forefinger up from the root of his cock to its middle. She squeezed him there and started jerking him like that, not sliding her fingers up and down over his shaft, but holding his outer sheath of flesh in place and jerking it up and down as far as his taut skin would allow. She could only use a short stroke on him like that. But that, coupled with the swirling thumb that she was rubbing ever more quickly around and around on his knob was enough to make the quaking young man start to whimper in need.

"Nahhh!...Goddd!...I'm gonna!...Ohh!...Fuuuckk!...I've gotta'...Please...Ingrid... Marion... Ahhh...I mean...Amber...Please let me...Let me come..." he whined.

But Marion only tightened the strangle hold she had on his balls. There was no way he could come as long as she gripped him like that.

"Soon Mr. Brickman!...Very soon!..." she purred with a knowing wink at Ingrid.

Ingrid smiled back at her and said...

"You're a nasty girl, young lady!... Now why don't you put some pressure on that sweet spot of his again!... Let's see how he likes it now!..."

Dave took an apprehensive breath when he heard that. He didn't know how much more of this kind of torment he could take.

And when his wife jabbed two fingers deep up his ass and into his prostate it felt like a high voltage current was flashing through his loins. He couldn't breathe, his head began to swim. He thought he was going to pass out. But he could still distinctly feel Ingrid's thumb caressing the bloated end of his cock. It felt like it was on fire.

"Nahhhh!...Ahhh!...Oh Goddd!...Pleaseee!..." he cried, rocking in the door frame like he was being tossed about on a ship at sea.

Ingrid gave a quick little nod to Marion.

Marion started tapping on Dave's prostate like she was working a telegraph key. At the same time she released his balls from her tightly clenching fingers.

"Wahhhh!..." he cried as his testicles stiffened up excruciatingly.

"Well?..." said Ingrid expectantly.

And then his balls convulsed and three or four creamy strings of come seared through the length of his cock and jetted out of his gaping pee slit.

"Oh no!...Not on my shirt!...I just got it back from the cleaners..." Ingrid cried.

But it was too late. Dave's balls were now hammering out a torrent of sperm in pulsing jets. Those flashing spurts were arcing through the air and splattering wetly on Ingrid's blouse. The satin material over her stomach and the underside of her tits was quickly becoming saturated and stained with his juice.

"Oh yeah Mr. Brickman!...Come all over her!...Do it!...Unn Hnn!...Unn Hnn!..." Marion demanded, now twisting her fingers in and out of her husband's clinging anus in time with his orgasm.

"Unn!...Unnn!...Fuck!...Fuuuckk!..." Dave gasped as his loins convulsed and his come erupted feverishly. His legs had turned to jelly, so intense were the sensations ripping through his loins. He was clinging desperately to the door frame with both hands in order to stay on his feet. He looked up and saw that Elvira, the mail lady, and old Mrs. Evans, who'd been walking her schnauzer, were gaping up at him from the sidewalk. He closed his eyes and pretended they weren't there.

By now Ingrid and Marion were anticipating the spasms that were wracking his loins. They worked him over together in time with his ejaculation. Marion would twist her fingers up his ass, Dave would hunch forward in response. Ingrid would drive her fist to the root of his shaft and a creamy bolt of come would fly up into the air.

It was a formula that repeated again and again with devastating results.

"Yes Mr. Brickman!...That's it!...Shoot it!...Like that!...Umm Hmm!...Umm Hmm!..." Marion enthused.

"Oh yes Mr. Brickman!...Come for us!...Unn Hnn!...Give it up!...That's it!...Yesss!...All of it!...Let's make sure there isn't a single drop left for that snooty wife of yours...." Ingrid encouraged.

Dave was totally at the mercy of these two controlling women at this point. It was all he could do to keep from slumping to his knees as his orgasm went on and on.

Eventually the well started to go dry and his aching testicles started to relax. At this point Marion was still spiralling two fingers in and out of his gaping anus while Ingrid was stripping her encircling fingers up his length like she was emptying a tube of toothpaste. She gripped him just below his knob and shook him gently to coax the last of his sperm out of him.

The stringy lines of juice would sway in the air, clinging tenaciously to his knob before splattering wetly on the porch at her feet.

Ingrid looked over her shoulder at the two women standing on the street. They had been joined by a third woman with a baby in a stroller. They were all looking at her and Dave and Marion with disapproving expressions and talking meaningfully to each other.

"Maybe you guys should move this inside...It looks like we're starting to draw a crowd..."

Marion didn't even bother to glance over to where Ingrid was looking. She just kept on fucking her husband's asshole, making him buck and twitch every time she jammed her intruding digits up him.

Ingrid turned back to her neighbors, let go of Dave's cock and looked down at the mess he had made all over her clothes.

"I better get home and change and shower. It's been such a hectic afternoon. I'm sure John will turn up soon."

Dave managed to catch Ingrid's use of the word 'hectic'. He held his breath as he waited to see what his wife would do when she 'woke up' from her hypnotically induced state. Of course Ingrid was totally unaware of all this. She had turned to Marion with wickedly sparkling eyes.

"Why don't you and Dave come over this Saturday night. We could do a 'Victoria's Secret' evening. The boys would love it and I think you and I could have some fun too."

As she said this, Ingrid stepped over towards Marion and moved one hand around her. She put that hand on her ass and gave that rosy cheek a firm squeeze. At the same time she leaned forward and put her lips on Marion's and kissed her. Not a twisty, sloppy, slavering kind of kiss but certainly a kiss with a little more heat than would normally be shared between neighbors.

Then Ingrid straightened up and turned to go. She waved cheerfully at the little knot of spectators standing on the sidewalk.

Then she turned once more.

"Saturday night...Around eight...You can bring the desert...Maybe some pie..."

And then she was strutting down the side walk and heading home.

Marion watched her go with a totally blank expression. Then she turned to Dave.

"You're home early. And look at you. Why on earth are you standing in the door way like that?..."

Then she seemed to take in her own nakedness.

"You must have caught me getting the laundry.... My god!...Is the whole neighbourhood staring at us?...Close that door and get some clothes on...Go on!...And after you've had a shower you can get started on dinner...I'm famished!...":

And with that Marion turned and headed off to the laundry room.

Dave hastily closed the door and then just stood there for the longest time.

Things were not working out the way he thought they would. Not at all!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
confirming my disapointment!

You had the potential to tell a good story, but you left it half way across the arc.

Did the "therapists" just turn Marion into a lizard-brain fuck monster? Dave sure doesn't want a wife who viciously kick her partners in the nuts all the time and brings home STDs!

The woman who recommended the therapists didn't appear to be a sexual predator, so what's going to happen to Marion by the end of her therapy? Dave needs to have a serious talk with the friend. Then he needs to have a long talk with the therapists and insist they explain their work, and how they plan to resolve the process. He's got to learn to man-up, be pro-active, and insist on answers.

Then (if this is the extent of the therapy) Dave needs to learn to use the trigger words responsibly - "aeons" when Marion is in bed with him, and then "hectic" as soon as they are done with a fuck. Don't let the monster out of her cage to roam the streets!

If there isn't further therapy resolution, what would happen if Dave set up a hidden video camera and taped Marion's transition (at home) from cold bitch to monster, and back. Ask her, when she is "sober", which one she wants to be?

Please do the hard work here and finish the story! Thanks!


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Possibly the last story by a Literotica giant.

I'm glad to have been able to enjoy EnCarta's various submissions over the years. I hope you are well, wherever you are. I know you've taken long breaks before, so I can only hope this is another one. But whatever the reason for your absence, I miss your writing. Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

blacksmithblacksmithabout 11 years ago

This is a great story done in your usually wonderfully descriptive way. Wow - so hot! There are so many places you could take this... from the lovely therapist to her sexy assistant, to the hot next door neighbor... more please. Keep it up! (err sorry for the pun).

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Please write more stories, you have talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This series is among your best yet

You're combining some of my most powerful fantasies. Therapy inducing sex. Women seducing reluctant men. Taboo sex (especially powerful when it's a woman pretending to be a daughter rather than the actual daughter, which you've done to wonderful effect with Kathy gets a pony and John the lawyer stories).

But it's not just the content. It's your storytelling methods. The voyeuristic element of the husband. The way you were able to shift perspective seamlessly. Under a lesser writer, it often becomes confused, garbled mish mash. But with you, it gave the story a kinetic energy, and another viewpoint in which to put ourselves.

Your descriptions were fantastic. Many great similes and metaphors to paint pictures. Also, on a personal note, I've always loved your use of ellipses. Please continue with it. I know some people give you criticism for it, but fuck them. I think it gives exactly the intended effect, which is indicating the pause between exclamations from your characters --- establishing the rhythm of the sex and breathing.

As always, thank you for all your contributions. You are an exceptional storyteller.

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