Be Sure What You Plan For


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"Hi," he cheerfully shouted before sitting on the sofa opposite to him. Rita stood there like a winner staring at Ravi who looked like a small kid lost in the woods.

"There was no need to do such an elaborate planning and playing tricks, you could have asked me," Rita spoke in a soft voice however her eyes were burning with rage as she caressed Ravi's head. She then pushed him resting his back on the couch, "relax and enjoy the show."

Ravi squirmed and tried to get up but Rita gave him a long and hard stare, "No Rita, please ... don't do this... you know I have not done anything wrong," Ravi was on the verge of crying.

"You have done everything, you have tricked me and now you have to watch this," she spoke in a firm voice and then bent down as if hugging him and whispered into his ears, "remember I have the knife hidden below the sofa and I SWEAR... I will kill myself if you even move an inch from here."

She walked towards Richards as Ravi watched helplessly not knowing what to do. He was in a state of shock and was unable to understand why all this is happening to him.

Rita looked at Richard and was hesitant for a moment rethinking about what she is about to do, then she gathered herself and took out her gown and threw it near Ravi. She walked over to him in just a flimsy panty and a matching bra, she spread her legs and straddled on his lap facing him.

"Don't you dare touch her," Ravi shouted.

"Just now you called me and said that everything is fine," Richard looked at him as if surprised, "Ohh... Ok," as if he understood, "first time you will have this kind of anxious moments... but relax everything will be fine... you will have such an experience that you will never forget and besides you are already a cuckold."

His calling him cuckold broke something in his heart and he slumped back still looking at them with the blood shot eyes.

Richard put an arm around her and caressed her smooth back and moved his hands over her lovely lips.

"Mmmm... Isn't she just adorable," he cooed, "she needs to be loved by a real man... you are doing the right thing," he glanced towards Ravi, "she deserves the best." He pulled her head and placed his mouth over her lips for a passionate kiss.

Ravi shut his eyes tightly, unable to bear it. He shut the eyes so tightly that it started to hurt and he opened it hoping that it is all just a bad dream and when he opens his eyes all of it would be gone. But he saw Rita bent over him kissing him with all she got, his one hand was roaming at her back and was slowly slipping inside her panty exploring the ass crack. He could not hold it any longer.

"Bastard," he shouted and rushed towards them as a madman. As he approached towards them with a tight fist, Richard pushed Rita to one side and grabbed his attacking arm. Ravi tried to fight with him but he easily immobilised him by twisting his arm around. He pushed him back to his corner and before he knew his one wrist was handcuffed. Richard pulled him and secured the other end of the cuff to the sofa leg. Ravi was baffled, he tried hard against the cuffs but was unable to do anything, obscenities started to flow from his mouth.

"It happens for the first timers, have to be ready," he smiled, "one day you will thank me for this," he spoke to Ravi who replied by another obscenity.

"Behave yourself," Rita admonishes him like a mother to his child.

Richard grabbed her in his arms, "sorry for the interruption," she giggled slipping into his arms. He quickly bends her over the sofa turning her ass towards Ravi and pulled her panty down. He grabbed both the cheeks in his hands and started playing with them, squeezing them, pulling them and spreading them to expose the puckered hole. All the while Rita wiggled her ass and laughed, encouraged him to be rough.

'Smack' He landed a hard slap onto the soft cheeks.

"Ouch," she cries out. He spread her legs wider exposing the swollen pussy lips.

"Mmmm... you are already wet," he moved his middle finger over the clit and pushed it in.

"Ayee," she squirmed and pushed back excitedly making a show out of it for Ravi.

Ravi twisted and turned in his confinement and knew he cannot stop them. He closed his eyes and looked other side but he cannot stop the noises from entering his ears. Both of them make sure to make lot of noises to humiliate him.

"Wow, you have such a lovely cock," Rita shouted and unknowingly Ravi's head turned towards their direction. He saw she was holding it at the base and running her tongue around it. He cannot help but stare at it; it was indeed a good specimen of manhood.

"It's soooo big," Rita licked her tongue happily, "what is the size."

"It's eight inches," he replied proudly.

"Mmm... Ravi had only six inches," she giggled, "but I don't know I have never measured it, he claims it to be six but now I feel it must be only four inches," she laughed.

"Look honey isn't it beautiful," she turned towards Ravi and he quickly looked the other way. Both of them laughed out loud humiliating him further.

"Let me get his cock out," Rita tried to get up when Richard stopped him.

"No I don't want you to be touching any other cock from now on... not until I ask you to," he grabbed her hairs and pulled her back.

"Ok bossy," she giggled and opened her mouth to suck the head in. They continued to fuck each other, humiliating Ravi and making it worst for him.

The cries of Rita and moaning of Richard fell into his ears as molten lava. He cannot help but turn his head towards them whenever Rita cried out loud and unwontedly watched Richard's big ass between her thighs pounding her pussy. He cannot believe how long Richard fucked her in various positions and how many times she orgasm or maybe faked it, at least he wanted to believe that she is faking all those loud orgasms. He tried to hold back his tears, trying to be a man but he cannot stop it and started to cry like a baby. But the biggest humiliation was yet to come when Richard announced, "I want to cum in your mouth sweetie like the last time."

Rita quickly sat on the sofa while he stood in front of him offering his cock. Ravi was disgusted listening to this; he could not believe it and actually confirmed it by looking at the glistering cock slipping inside her mouth.

"Ohh my god, you dirty bitch," he cried out in agony but none of them paid any attention. Richard bucked his groin and grunted like a pig while Rita sucked it deep inside her mouth.

"AHHHH... MMMM... UGG," he grabbed her head and jerked depositing his seed deep inside her mouth. Ravi felt like puking.

"Did you swallow," Richard asked and Ravi turned his head in horror. Rita shook her head in a no and Richard nodded knowingly. He approached Ravi and grabbed his free arm, twisting it back making him lie on his back. Ravi saw Rita approaching her with her mouth full.

"What... what..." he struggled as she stood above him and opened her mouth letting Richard's cum dribble out and fall drop by drop on his face.

"Nooo... noooo," he cried and fought with his restrains moving his head sideways but he cannot avoid it. She continued until the entire cum was splashed on his face. Richard let go of him and he fell face first on the floor, crying out loud, wailing in pain. He kept on crying for a long time until he heard Rita's voice.

"My sweet baby," she spoke caressing his hairs. He turned his head and found she was alone, as if understanding him she said, "Yeah he is gone."

He watches in terror as she placed the knife on the floor and sat beside him with a wet towel in her hand. She looked like a Physco queen to him.

"My sweet little cuck," she cooed and started cleaning his face with the wet towel.

"This is the way it should be done," she spoke. He kept quiet and she continued to caress him while also cleaning his face. She reached for his zipper and pulled out his cock. He tried to stop her but as she fiddled with the knife meaningfully he decided to stay quite.

She grabbed his semi erect cock in her hand and started to give it a soft hand treatment and within no time he was fully erect. Ravi was annoyed with himself for he didn't want his cock to react. She skilfully started to masturbate him.

"Richard asked me to give you a hand job, after all you too need some release," she spoke while continuing with her efforts. It took a little time but he was not able to hold back and jets of semen spurted out wetting her hands and his abdomen.

She threw the towel over him and left him still cuffed to the sofa.

The night turned into morning and suddenly he was awoke and found he was no longer cuffed. He got up, last night events played before his eyes; he looked around anxiously and heard some noises in the kitchen. He was surprised to find that Rita was busy cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," she replied cheerfully as if nothing has happened and then he heard his son's voice from his room asking for his shirt as he was getting ready for school.

"Go and help him," she pushed him and he walked in a trance not knowing what is happening and what to believe.

His son was at his usual mischief and he helped him bathe and dress up.

"It's Saturday, not a school day," he spoke to him.

"Yeah but don't you remember it's our class picnic today," he looked excited.

Sid soon left for school and Ravi confronted Rita, he stared at her trying to find out what is going on but she looked normal. He didn't know what to say the scene of the last night played before him and his face turned pale. He cannot believe his innocent wife behaved like a Physco last night.

"Why did you do this," he spoke trying to keep himself calm.

"Ohh... my baby," she was again sarcastic, "why did you start it if you can't handle it."

"I did not start anything and you know it very well, so stop this bullshit and tell me the truth," he shouted.

"Don't worry, it happens first time, Richard told me this," she fluttered her eyes innocently, "slowly slowly you will start enjoying it, just don't hold back your cuck feeling."

"Bullshit, I don't have any cuck feelings and for God's sake WHO IS THIS RICHARD," he was going crazy while Rita had a mysterious smile on her face.

"Why did you do this to me, what have I done to deserve this," he started to cry, "I was just trying to have some fun with you, you are my wife, was it so wrong?"

"It would have been ugly if I really fell for the stranger on the phone and went out to have sex with him, but I found out it was you, so not bad as a kinky fun," she replied.

He looked at him questioningly wanting to know the reason.

"Do you really think you got all this because of the phone drama you did," she chuckled and pulled out an envelope from the kitchen drawer and threw at his face. He opened it with trembling hands and found postcard size pictures inside. The bunch slipped out of his hand as he laid his eyes on the first one. The pictures were all splashed over the floor showing him in gory details having sex with other women.

"You have been fucking other girls regularly since long time," she spoke casually, "this one is your office assistant just nineteen years old and that one is an older women also working in your office," she pointed at the pictures.

Ravi was dumbfounded; he couldn't find any words to defend himself.

"You know when I first noticed something amiss I simply cannot think that you are cheating on me with these sluts, I thought you are overworked." Ravi kept his head down shaking from the shock he was getting since last evening.

"Every time you came home late and hit the bed like a dead bird, I though you are losing interest in me after the baby... you know how hard I worked to bring myself back in shape after the delivery," she continued.

"I have given everything for you, for our family, even my career and what I got in return... betrayal," anger was visible in her tone, "I learned that my entire life with you was a big lie. Do you remember once you told me that I could not give a good blowjob and I like a fool, put my heart into pleasing you never thinking that you are actually comparing me with the sluts you fuck."

"When I first found out I could not believe so I hired a private detective and he got me the pictures... look at your face in the pictures," she spoke with pain in her voice.

"Honey..." he started to say something when she interrupted him.

"Just shut up, if you want to know everything."

She composed herself, "After I got the pictures I went crazy and didn't knew what to do, I thought of killing you and killing myself, then I thought of getting a divorce but it would be too easy for you. In that frame of mind I just got out of the house not caring for my son, not caring for anyone," she sobbed.

"I walked on the beach at east coast thinking of avenging you..., avenging for the pain you have given me, avenging for making me care for you for so long... the first thing that came to my mind was 'tit for tat' and I grabbed the first willing guy, he was Richard. He took me to the dark side under the trees and fucked me. That was my first time with any other guy. I thought I was doing it for a purpose and I won't be enjoying it but it was pleasurable," she smiled admitting it.

"When I come back home I felt the rage in me and I wanted to confront you immediately but then I stopped, it was like letting you go too easily, I wanted you to feel the same agony, same pain that I have gone through. I was humiliated by your behaviour and I want you to feel the same humiliation. So I didn't talk to you and acted normal. I thought about what should be done. You would be surprised how many options I have considered, like chopping off your balls, consider yourself lucky I didn't do that," she picked up the knife and laughed.

She took a break and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, she came back and glanced at Ravi who was looking miserable.

"I could not come up with a nice idea when suddenly your phone call started, I soon found out that it's you and then the plan hatched and I am happy it worked fine. You know as per my plan Richard would start visiting daily and will make you watch every day until you accept it willingly and then you would be sucking his cock straight out of my pussy, he would have made you his bitch," she spoke will all the venom in her voice.

With tears in his eyes Ravi spoke, "Rita you could have talked to me and we could have sorted it out, you know how much I love you."

Rita started laughing, "your love is of convenience, of getting a pussy when you don't get it outside, of getting someone to take care of your needs, to take care of the family while to play with sluts."

Ravi didn't speak and there was a silence for long time. Rita collected her thoughts and calmed herself before she speaks again.

"Now listen to me," she spoke calmly, "as per my plan this humiliation would have continued for some more time, but I decided to end it today itself, I feel this would be enough for you. Now moving forward I want you to pack your belongings and leave my flat. You remember the lease of this flat is in my name since the time I worked."

Ravi looked hurt, "you can't throw me out like this," he murmured.

"Yes I can and I am throwing you out, you will get a draft of divorce application, I plan to file it as 'irreconcilable differences' and divorce would be with mutual understanding unless you want to fight it in the court and one more thing Sid will be staying with me and you will get the right to visit him once a month."

Ravi looked at her in anger but Rita smiled, "no judge in the world would refuse me the custody of my child if these photographs are shown in the court and moreover your career in the company will be finished once they come to know with proof, that you are fucking co-workers and especially the nineteen year old office assistance."

"So consider yourself lucky I am letting you off so easily and before I change my mind pack your bags and leave," she spoke confidently.

Ravi slumped in the seat feeling totally defeated; he glanced towards Rita who was busy picking up the photographs from the floor.

"What about you, what will you do," he spoke.

"Ohh don't worry about me I am not asking any money from you I am going back to work with Chang and Boon, besides Richard and I have decided that he will move in with me, he is quite eager I hope things will work out good between us. "

As Ravi packed his bags, planning to move to a cheap hotel he heard Rita talking over phone making plans with Richard regarding his moving in. She met him at the door,

"For the record sake it's not because of his big cock there are other things also," she closed the door on his face.

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stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm8 months ago

Nope. She and Richard had this planned from the start. The phone calls with husband let her set it up. Richard gave her the photographs, hoping she would leave him. I say a second chapter where he proves pics are false and goes after them both. Hard. Taking child out of the country and changing names, etc. Let her find him then. Fucking cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story was extended for no reason at all. It should have ended where Richard had fucked her. All this lecturing and taunts and jibes and belittling were uncalled for. Its also somewhat strange though kinky that she could not differentiate that the guy fucking her was not her husband till the mobile call came. And if she was so cheesed off with Ravi then why not let Richard cum in her pussy?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

26th NC Paki men are grooming your English bitches in the UK, white guys stay loosing and seething over white genocide aka white women choosing superior brown men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolute bullshit story, he should have left this slut and fucked Richard's European wife and made white incels seethe about white genocide as they always do when their women screw other races.

Instead of writing this typical white man Indian woman nonsense

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Husband and wife often forget that they are parents also. And they also forget that the problem between them can hit the innocent child who didn't deserve it.

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