Ben Got His Wish


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By the time I picked the kids up I was almost my outer self, my inner one was in turmoil. The kids brought me down to earth thankfully, and by the time their dad came home, I was me, Katy Thomas once more, happy, vivacious, sexy, elegant (In my opinion) and beautiful. The vening passed in its usual way, the kids were put to bed, we chatted, had a glass of wine. I read my book, he watched TV, then we went to bed. I dreamed of being reamed totally by an unknown and unseen assailant, he made me his slave. He owned me, he made me cum whenever he wanted to without even touching me.

I woke up in the morning feeling ready for anything, and I knew my mind was on what Ben was going to do to me, his aunty. I was already submitted, ready willing and able, and on top of that, I could not wait for him to come and get me and do whatever he wanted. I got the kids to school and hurried home, no chatting this morning like I normally do. "Got a guy coming round to fix your pipes," one friend shouted gleefully.

She had no idea of how right she was, and she would have died if she had known the truth too. I raced home, shot upstairs and changed clothes to put on the things I had already selected to wear for Ben. I wanted to look good, mature, and as sexy as I possibly could. I looked into the mirror and liked what I saw, I knew he would too. I was ready to be eaten alive by my brand new young lover, and I was desperate to be saucy enough for him. I no longer knew who I was.

My hair was great, soft and shiny, centre parted, sitting on my shoulders in soft waves, I was wearing an almost transparent flowery silk blouse, you couldn't actually see through it, but it was impossible not to know what was under it. My breasts smoothes in it, my nipples were tight and hard, and oh so prominent. My skirt was a straight one to my knees. I was wearing a thong, and inside that was a tissue to keep me dry until I was with Ben. As soon as he knocked on the door they would be off, and I would be totally naked underneath. I wore black high backless heels, heels that I knew would bring me level with him. It was so that when I got my arms around his neck, our noses would be level, and his kiss would completely envelope me.

I couldn't believe how I had changed in less than one day really. Loving faithful wife, mother, good life, you name it, I was it. Now I was beside myself with anticipation of the day ahead with my nephew, a day I intended to spend in bed with him. I would be a total slut, something he probably knew nothing about. I was going to do things with him he had only dreamed about. Things he had dreamed about doing with me.

He was late, I started getting antsy, agitated, where was he, then he burst through the door and headed straight for me. I was in his arms and kissing him, my body exploded. I kissed his face, his neck, his ears, I slaved over him, my hard body tight up to his hard body. "Oh Ben, I was getting worried you weren't coming," I told him as I rubbed my pussy across his hard cock.

"Mom," he said, "she kept yakking at me, but I'm here now Katy, for you, and only you."

I pulled away, took his hand and yanked him after me, there was no time left, I had to have him in me or I would die. I raced up with him inmy wake, I hurtled into the bedroom. He spun me around and got me, My blouse went in bits I think. My skirt dropped to the floor, my heels went everywhere. It happened so quickly I wondered why I had made myself look so good for him. I got him naked, and then we were on the bed. He was right above me, his knees inside mine, his elbows fixed to the bed. I knew I was in for the ride of my life, and I couldn't wait.

Then he just stopped and just looked down at me. I knew his cock was poised to strike. I was just going to say "what's wrong Ben" when I guessed. He just wanted to look at me, to know where he was, and what we were about to do, what I was going to give him, me! I put my hand down and gripped him, this was the firing pin, the trigger. He jabbed forwards and the gun went off. We hit the ground running, he was at full speed after the first hit. It threw my head back, and then all the pent up anticipation hit me. I came, one hit and he made me cum.

I was holding on to him like a climber trying to stay on the cliff face who had lost his footing, I couldn't, the way he hit me left me in no doubt as to what I was in for. I rejoiced, I thanked the Lord for small mercies, but I wanted none from my nephew. I wanted pain, hurt, to be ignored and summarily fucked. And I got it, I felt Ben cum, he could not hold back, but it never stopped him at all. He kept up his wonderful murderous onslaught and I begged him to keep it going.

He made me cum over and over again, it was pure gutter fighting, him on top, me getting the beating a victim receives in such situations. And I wanted it, I wanted to be beaten and thrashed within an inch of my life. My legs were up in the air, my nails in his back. Later I would see where his blood had run down his rib cage. But Ben kept going until I could take no more, I think he knew ut too, because he hammered me one last time and shot another load of his cum deep into me.

Amazingly, I thought about the fact that he was making me pregnant, and the thought filled me with joy, I hoped he would, that I would carry his secret baby, our baby, our very own love child. Of course I didn't know if he would, my husband had said he would like another baby. We didn't take precautions, but as yet I hadn't caught on. Maybe Ben would do the deed, I hoped so with all my heart.

He fell on with, his sucking of air was a strong wind in my ear, as I'm sure mine was in his. As we calmed down, I rolled him over on to his side, my inner thigh below his rib cage and above his hip. This action took me right back to when I was in love as a girl. I remember doing this with my then boyfriend. The memory was so lovely, it almost made me cry. Now we kissed, smiled, giggled, and loved. I was never happier than right there at that moment. Time just passed, it always flys by doesn't it when you're having fun. But soon we got back to why we were where we were. I snuck my hand arond him, and I slightly fingered his bum hole.

"Ever done it there Ben?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I have," he said defensively, I knew right away he hadn't.

"Would you like to try it with me?" I murmured.

"I'm good for it if you are Katy," he told e, his sudden excitement was palpable.

"I'll go get some olis," I told him already slipping out of bed. My own excitement was immeasurable. I love anal sex, my husband is very indifferent so I hadn't done it much over the years.

I got back with it, gave it to him, I took hold of his cock and started jacking him to get him past no going back.

"Spread some on me Ben," I told lying on my tummy, he did. "Now," I said, "lets get some on you," by the time I had finished he was rock hard and ready go. I almost came there and then.

I got on my knees, but I never told him to go slow or be careful, the next thing I knew I was flat down and howling. Ben had stuck his cock straight into me before I could say Boo.

I stopped moaning, and started grunting, he was in my ass. I was chock full of hard young cock, and I wasn't about to spoil it. Pain or no pain, it was on, I was in, or rather he was! Even though I felt I was being split right down the middle. I morphed into wanted him to hit me hard, to drive his cock so far up me it would stop me breathing.

I told him groaning over my shoulder. "Go on Ben give it to me, make me have it baby, go for it." And bless him he did, but not until he asked me if it would hurt. "Darling," I grunted painfully, "that's what I want, to feel you carving into me baby, don't worry, do what you want, how you want." I almost regretted those words immediately, he rammed into me so hard I thought my ass was going to explode. But like the trooper I am, I gritted my teeth, bent my head and forced my ass up to meet him.

I had my first ass orgasm in years seconds later, I think it was the fact that I was being subjected to a ram rodding fucking that made me have it like that. It was horrendously painful to the point of total erotic dirty dominating fucking. I loved it, I loved the pain, the submissive feeling, I loved his domination, I loved the helpless feeling in me that I was in no way in any control here.

I had more climaxes as my thoughts of being screwed this way, ran riot through my mind. I saw myself being tied up, stood upright, arms and legs spread and being mercilessly ass fucked by my nephew. I even promised myself that this would happen if I could make it happen. I climaxed again, Ben was ass bashing me, his slippy hard cock was thundering in and out. I think he may have forgotten me. I believed he was heading towards his own ending without me being in the mix.

His fingers, I realised were dug into me under my shoulders, and he was using me as a block to his pummelling. Then he suddenly grunted loud in my ear. He was going to cum, I was sure of it. I tried to ready myself, or my ass I wasn't sure. But when he hit me that instant, it just took my breath away. I was now not breathing, I felt my insides heat up, he was filling me solid with hot steaming cum, And guess what, yep, I came again. This boy was a train wrecker on two legs, or on me, depends on your point of view.

"Oh Katy, that was, er, that, er Oh Katy, fantastic, Oh, fabulous Katy." All this blistered in my ear as I lay fastened under him trying to regulate my breathing. My ass felt like it was full of thick oil, I was up to my chest in cum, my nephew's cum, and it felt like nothing I had ever felt. Stupidly the thoughts of the future popped into my head. What was going to happen, what did the future, my future, and his what did it hold?

Ben slipped away and I swear I heard my ass shut with a bang, I felt empty, bereft even. I also knew walking straight after this was going to be a problem. I would have to find some sort of excuse when the pain and the soreness befell me. I looked at him sideways, he smiled, I did, he kissed my cheek.

"Are you alright Katy?" he asked.

"Never felt better, or in such agony," I grinned at him, "did you like it then hmmm?"

"I never knew the feeling it would bring, doing that is out of this world, I can tell you," he informed me. I laughed to myself, he must be thinking it was my first time too.

Ten minutes later, I was suggesting we go take a shower, for obvious reasons I told him, he sniggered in agreement so off we went. We had a riot in there. I was the schoolgirl I remembered. I also remembered my dad. If he had only known what his precious little girl got up to he would have had palpitations.

We made our way back to bed, but I changed the sheets too, they were wet and sticky. We messed around like lovers do, talked about nothing really. Thirty minutes later I had him on his back, I was on my way to giving him what I hoped would be his first real and proper 69.

I was having the time of my life, getting him back to hardness wasn't a problem, he amazed me with his youthful stamina.

He was tongue deep in my pussy, I was writhing about on his face. And I had his cock as far in my mouth as I could get it. I was trying to suck his cock right off his body, it was so fantastic. I had my arms under his ass holding tight, and I was forcing my pussy hard down on him.

"What the fucking hell is going on here," a voice shouted loud enough to wake the dead. "What the fuck are you doing with my son!" It was my sister, Betty, she was standing at the side of the bed shouting. I nearly choked on Ben's cock, suddenly I was bouncing up on the bed as he scrambled to get out from under me.

Ben jumped off on her side of the bed, I flew off on the other side.

"I, er, I, er, It's not what it looks like Betty," I mumbled.

"Well what the fucking hell does it look like then!" she shouted. Then thankfully, she gave me a bit of a get out.

"You!" she pointed at Ben, "get dressed and get your bloody ass home right now!" Ben grabbed his clothes and raced out of the room, a minute later the door slammed. Betty was staring at me, and as soon as she knew he had gone, she said, somewhat sadly I think.

"Katy, he is my son, your nephew, how could you do this, do it to me, your own sister."

"Betty," I gabbled, "I'm so sorry, I don't know, I didn't mean it to happen, it just did." How could I tell her it was him who seduced me? "It just happened? this," she said and waved her arm around, "doesn't just happen."

"I don't know what to say Betty, I really don't," I bleated, I was lost for words, hurting my sister like this had not been in my mind.

"I have known for some time he had the hots for you Katy," she said, "but to be honest, I never thought any more of it than that." I just looked at her, she knew, she had known. I had known too, so we were both stumped now.

"So," she said, "I know he is old enough to do what he wants, so are you I suppose. But you are, or you are supposed to be happily married Kate, aren't you anymore?" I had to think about that comment.

"Yes Betty I am," I told her, "I can't tell you how or why it happened, I never even looked for it, I didn't even know I suppose I wanted it. But when he kissed me, I just gave in instantly." W ithout reslising it, I had told her he had doen me, and not the other way round.

"So, it was him who got you hey, I can see that, he is a good looking rogue and you fell for his charms didn't you?" I nodded my head furiously, trying to calm it all down.

"You're not the first you know," she told me, "I came home early one day a few weeks ago and he was screwing Lisa from next door in his bedroom, she was moaning like you have never heard a woman moan." I thought, unbelievably, "The sneaky little devil, he's been screwing his married neighbour, now me." I wondered if there were more. Then I remembered me moaning, so I knew what she meant, but I wasn't going to say it.

"How do you know he had the 'hots' for me Betty?"

"Just by watching him when he was around you, I even saw the hard on in his pants for you." I was shocked, I didn't know that.

"Do you plan to leave Kenneth, now?" she said, Kenneth is my husband. I was shocked to the core about that.

"No," I cried, "Oh Betty, please don't tell him, I won't see Ben again, not like this any way, I promise you Betty, please don't," I was in real fear now for my whole life.

"Katy, I know how good he is, and don't worry, I am not like that, you're secret is safe with me, I'll talk to you later," and with that she turned and left.

How I made it through the rest of the day and night I don't know, my husband gave me lots of funny looks. He also asked me why I seemed to be limping. I told him I had turned my ankle but I was alright. I began going over the day, I talked with myself, I went over Betty's words, and I don't know if I was reading something that wasn't there, or between the lines. But her herds kept coming back.

"Katy, I know how good he is."

The next day came and went, no visits, no phone calls, I was going nuts worrying what had happened. The following Monday, I received a text from Ben's phone. "Be at my house, 10am tomorrow, don't reply, Ben x x"

I was back to crapping myself again, why, what for, where was his mother, where would she be. What did he want? These were just a few of the questions I was yearning to ask. But I had to go didn't I. I had to find out what had happened, what she had said, what he had said, where did things stand, would we still be the family we were before Ben seduced me?

I eventually plucked up the courage to go, I got dressed rather conservatively. As I got to the door I nearly turned around, but I had to know, I just had to. I had never knocked on my sisters door in my life, so I couldn't now could I. I twisted the handle and walked in. "Hi," I shouted louder than I should.

"Katy, I'm up here, come on up," Ben called back.

Now I was worried, what were his intentions, what would I do if he tried to seduce me again. Would I fight him, run away, scream, what?

"Where are you Ben?" I called.

"I'm in my room." He told me.

I walked in slowly, not knowing what to expect, and there he was and smiling at me. But he was laid in bed, the sheets around his waist, and obviously naked.

"Ben, wha... what's going on, why have you got me to call round?"

"Because Katy, I wanted to see you again, and I thought that this was the best way, give you a chance so to speak, to say no." He said smiling at me.

My resolve was sliding away from me like the tide in the sea ebbing away. "Where's your mother Ben? I asked.

"Don't worry about mom," he said, "she been sorted, she won't cause any problems now I assure you."

"What do you mean, sorted," I replied. His answer was to throw the sheet back and reveal himself, his cock popped up like a hydraulic pole. It threw me completely.

Ben held his arms out tom me, "Come on Katy, it's okay, I'm waiting for you, again," he added. I couldn't help myself, I really needed him again. I knew that now, I was kidding myself to even have thought otherwise. I dropped my coat, took off my blouse, followed by my panties, hosiery, and shoes, then I was in with him. It all came flooding back, how we had made love, and how I had given myself to him completely.

"I have a surprise for you Katy, hold your breath, don't get upset. Mom and I have talked and we decided, or she has decided, that after this weekend here at home, there is only one way forward now."

"What do you mean Ben" I asked as I squeezed his cock, and he squeezed my nipples. Though after that I wasn't caring what had been decided.

"This," a voice said from behind me, and before I could move, the bed did. It was Betty! I spun around and faced her. The look on my face must have been priceless. Ben held me, so did Betty.

"Katy, Katy," she repeated, "don't worry, this is what Ben and I have decided, he wants you. I know that, but he wants me too. So, after discussing it all weekend right here in this bed, we thought that this was the only way, what do you think?"

My mind was fogged, not only of what had just occurred, Ben was at my nipples and pussy. "Betty," I cried, "are you serious, you, me, and Ben?" I was flopped, I couldn't retaliate.

"I am deadly serious Katy, Ben and I have been er, how can I say it, with each other since Dan, his dad, walked out six months ago. So if the only way to keep my Ben is to share him with you, then that is the way it has to be, is going to be!"

Now," she said as she got back out of bed. "You two," she said softly, "have all the fun you want with my blessing. But don't wear him out Katy, leave some form me for later," she grinned and walked out of the room.

I couldn't speak, and before I could even think straight, Ben was on and in me. The discussion was over the moment he bottomed out. I was back in, I had my Ben again, and, more than that. He had me, I was going to have my new baby after all, one way or another. All I had to do was share him with his wonderful mother. "I can live with that," I thought.

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LSantiagoLSantiagoover 2 years ago

hard hitting fast moving a well known story that like Christmas never ceases to please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Nice twist at the end !

I agree about the slow start. I also agree you need an editor or a proofreader.

Thanks Don

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This intriguing idea suffered from a too effusive, even excessively "artsy"...

...presentation. I don't mind people getting worked up when anticipating or engaging in sex, especially the naughty or illicit kind.....but, and I have chided you about this before, this piece came off like someone attempting to wax poetical about auntie's feelings and thought. Too effusive, comes to mind, along with frequently overindulgent metaphors.

I think this comes from spending so much time escalating the material with no "cooldown" intervals like we experience in the real world. You can only get so far before there is nowhere else to go. In the real world, women pass out at orgasm when they are too high, have had too many, or are too tired after marathon sex.

They usually don't wake up immediately, but may stir a bit within two or three minutes, before rolling over and falling into a deep sleep.

Yeah, I know, this is fantasy... but when the fantasy gets silly for too much amplification, it's time to ratchet back somewhat and let the mood cool before moving on.

It may tax you, but please least consider it. You are otherwise too good at writing to degrade your story so.

Thank you.

JagnagJagnagover 7 years ago
Good story

Ignore the negatives given, i think you described Katy's thoughts very well, the concept was good i thought.

I do agree with the proof reading or getting it edited though, i had to second guess some of your writting and the spelling could be much better.

All in all a good enjoyable story


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

boring. too much blabla, just get to it, its only 2 pages !

the aunt was too much in her head at start, i lost interest before 1st half of the page.

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