Berry's Second Chances Ch. 01


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"No, Heather and I don't really talk anymore," I sighed.

"You guys had a pretty big fight, huh?"


It was a shitty, evasive answer that Bobbie didn't deserve but it was way simpler than, "Heather interrupted my step-brother about to rape me and she had sex with him so I didn't have to and when it was all over I was so ashamed that I told her I didn't want to see her ever again and I didn't have the guts to face her after that."

Yes, sadly the best thing I could do for Bobbie was give him my simple, shitty, evasive "kinda" answer.

His reaction surprised me. He didn't poke or prod or pry. He went the other way, the right way. He apologized "Sorry Stace, that was rude. It's not really my business. That's between you and my sis." He squeezed me gently around my shoulders.

I scooted closer until my hip pressed against his and leaned my head on his shoulder, grateful for the comfort he offered without question.

"Who are you?" I asked softly. "You're not nearly as..."

"Immature as you'd figured?" he blurted.

"I was going to say 'disappointy,' but I was pretty sure it wasn't a word."

"Thanks for the compliment. And tonight I think disappointy is a word." He squeezed me again and rubbed my shoulder.

How did he know what to say? I brushed my cheek against his shoulder. He was a guy, a man for sure, but even this close he wasn't scary. He was listening... and caring.

I turned my face a little more until my nose was pressed into his shoulder, testing. My lips puckered all on their own and squished into the solid muscle shifting beneath his t-shirt.

"Uh, Stace? Did you just kiss my shoulder?" he asked when I rested my cheek on him again.

"No." I lied quietly.

"Must've been my imagination, then. It's getting chillier. Want to head back to your dorm?"

I wasn't ready. "Not yet. I'm good. My hands are a little chilly though," I hinted, successfully too because he quickly pressed his larger, warmer, rougher hands around mine.

We sat like that quietly for a long time. It was a comfortable quiet. It felt right somehow, being there with him.

When we did finally stir and climb back into his car, we talked about getting together again the next weekend.

I thanked him as he pulled his mom's car into my sorority's driveway, "I had a great time. This was the best study break ever. Thanks again, Bobbie."

He pulled up next to the house's door and started to scoot out of the car to open my car door for the hundredth time that night. I stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Easy champ, I'll open my own door just this once. You've been doing it all night. I'm a girl, not a cripple."

I leaned across the armrest of his front seat to kiss him good night and he offered me his cheek.

God, he was sweet.

"Uh uh, for ice cream sandwiches, you're getting it on the lips, buster."

I turned his cute face towards me and planted my mouth on his, no tongue, just a nice long, soft smooch. It was the kind of steamy but proper kiss that Beaver Cleaver would have gotten at the door on a date. It seemed appropriate.

Bobbie's eyes were still closed and his lips were still puckered out into thin air when I finally pulled away and opened my car door to leave. Not to brag, but I'm a decent smoocher. Then again, so was he. What was it with the damn Miller kids anyway? Were they genetically gifted in the nookie department or something?

"E-mail me about next weekend?" I reminded him, already looking forward to mountain biking together.

Bobbie was still shaking off our smooch as I slid my way out of his car. "Whoa, Stace, you, uh, you smell like strawberries," he whispered after I shut his door.

"I know," I said simply, flicking him a passable wink I'd been practicing in the mirror since I was twelve.

I could have added something edgy like, 'Your sister used to like the way I smelled too.' I figured that'd be bad. I settled for a nice, safe, "Good night, Bobbie Miller."

"Yes, it was Stacey Jenkins. Yes, it was." He waved and pulled away.

I watched him go.

Honestly, I'd been ready to take that boy to bed right then. And my body was screaming for it. Not for actual, 'appendage A' into 'slot B' sex, mind you. For some reason I'd never crossed that line with a guy. But there were plenty of other things I'd gladly do for him. One look at Bobbie's boyish smile and lean, hard body and my roommate would have understood if I nudged her out of our room for an hour or two of sweaty play time with him.

But I'd promised Heather that I would be careful with Bobbie. Besides, the slow, old-fashioned thing he had going on was really working for me. Bobbie Miller was a major keeper. Of course, his sister had been one too. I'd fucked that up something major.

I muttered a quick prayer as I stepped into the house, "Please dear God in heaven, don't let me fuck this up too."

~*~*~Part II~*~*~

Two months after our first date, I surrendered to my own carnal needs and dragged Bobbie into my room after kicking out my roomie. I discovered another one of Bobbie's strong points, one that his sister had neglected to mention. Not that I expected her to know.

Robert Miller was the proud owner of the largest penis I've ever seen outside of internet porn.

Seriously, dude was packing.

We had kissed awhile, standing in the middle of my little room and his hands had cupped, stroked and teased me through my clothes to the point that he'd made me light-headed.

I needed less clothes in the way. His and mine. Still smooching, I'd tugged him backwards with me towards my bed, sat him down, and together we'd eagerly wriggled his pants down off his hips. His boxer briefs moved with them.

"Oh. My. God," I whispered when his already-thickening thingie sprang free. I watched it lift itself slowly from his thigh, widening and lengthening as it rose until it pointed nearly straight up to the ceiling. It swayed heavily as Bobbie wrestled out of his shirt.

I just stood there, crouched and staring between his legs, hypnotized by my new boyfriend's gorgeous cock.

Bobbie's voice snapped me out of my daze as he finished peeling his pants down. "Wait, I'm not going to be the only one naked am I?"

"Uh? What? No. Hell no. Scoot in, stud."

Bobbie spun onto his back and moved over. I joined him after my fleece top and shorts came off as fast as friction and my self-respect allowed. If I'd been thinking more clearly when I dressed for our date, I'd have pulled on some girlier underwear. He'd have to suffer with gray cotton tonight and a ponytail tonight. I'd slut it up for him next time.

Bobbie wasn't complaining. He turned onto his side and eyed me with a look that was equal parts hunger and amusement, "Leaving your undies on eh?"

"Yep. Now back to the gropey-gropey please." I drew his hand up to cradle my breast, his large palm was warmer without my fleece top in the way, nearly covering my entire oversized mound. He squeezed me gently and I moaned just as our lips met again.

He tasted like buttered popcorn and cola. The sneaky bastard had taken me to see not one, but two romantic chick flicks in a row that night. A mushy double feature. Now it was late, I was drunk on romance and even hornier than usual.

As we kissed, I snuck a hand down his flat stomach and touched... it. I mean, him. Whoa.

The last time I'd seen one of these things nearly two years ago, it had been poised to rape me. I had to get over this fear. Thankfully, Bobbie's lips distracted me, moving from my mouth to my neck, suckling gently at the skin he found there.

"Strawberries," he whispered.

Now I was thinking of his sister. Better. But still not good. I squeezed his cock more firmly to remind myself who I was with. Boy. I'm with a boy. A sweet and funny and handsome boy. No reason to be scared.

I stroked him gently, my wrapped fingers working up and down his impressive length. I knew how to touch him, I was a virgin not a prude. I'd had plenty of boyfriends in high school before... Bubble.

Dammit, back to his sister again.

Frustrated with myself, I tugged his hand down off my bra-covered breast and slid it over my stomach. I wriggled the tips of his fingers under the waistband of my panties to make clear what I wanted.

He took the hint. Bobbie missed his calling. He should have been a musician. His fingers were insanely talented. He played briefly with my little tuft of fur then slid deeper into my gray cotton briefs, down into my cleft, toying, then parting. I snorted and twitched when he found my ready button.

"Piano lessons?" I whimpered my question. He was driving me insane already.

"Guitar. Classical."

"It shows." I shivered as he tinkered expertly in my growing wetness. I realized I'd forgotten him and went back to stroking him up and down.

"Bobbie? Is it okay if we just... play? I'm not ready to... I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm ready, I'm beyond ready. I'm just not, you know... ready."

"No rush," he murmured into my neck, "I'm enjoying this too." He slid his hand out of my undies and stroked my stomach, backpeddling for more foreplay.

I giggled as I stuffed his fingers back into my panties, "But play faster. I'm horny."

He snickered, his chest rumbling against mine. "Gotcha. Think I can talk you into slipping these bottoms off? I could use some more room to maneuver down there."

I didn't answer, I just lifted my hips and let him drag my underwear off me one-handed. With them off, I could spread my legs easier. The downside was that all that wetness meeting open air made for an unsexy chill. He let me cup his hand over my mound for a minute to rewarm things then went back to jillying me perfectly until a hot flush tingled across my cheeks.

Holy smokes he had the touch, my butt was fidgeting on the bed as my excitement grew. This was just what I needed.

"Mind if I cum?" I asked quickly.

"I'll race you," he gritted out through clenched teeth. Precum was pouring down his shaft by then and my hand had become a slick blur, flying up and down.

I squeezed my eyes closed and enjoyed the little sparkles going off behind my eyelids. It was going to be a nice cum. I heaved into his hand eagerly, chasing the last morsel of pleasure I needed. He dipped a fingertip inside me and zipped back to my clit.

That did it. "Fuuuuuuuh," I grunted and shuddered with the sweet relief of my climax. It was interrupted briefly by Bobbie's strangled groan announcing his orgasm. His cum jetted across my stomach, painting my belly and chest. I came with him, grinding into his hand as I milked his shaft.

We lay panting when it was over and staring into each other's eyes.

"Fuck. Me," I breathed weakly.

His eyebrow cocked up. "I thought you... oh." He chuckled, realizing my comment was more compliment than invitation. "We're all messy."

"S'ok with me, I like messy." I dizzily reached down for a blanket I kept folded at the foot of my bed and pulled it up over us. He threw his arm around me and pulled me tight when I twisted onto my side and pressed my rump into his lap. He was wet and sticky there but so was I; I didn't care. I wriggled until his half firm rod was caught between my cheeks.

"Is this an invitation to spend the night, Red?"

I kissed the back of his hand and chuckled. "If you get up from this bed, I'll break your legs."

"Not a chance," he pulled me tighter, "Everything I want is right here."

"Smart boy."

I didn't remember falling asleep. I'd been so drowsy and warm and happy and I woke up that way too. But something a little extra had dragged me up from my sleepy fog. I realized what it was when I shifted and it made me panic and freeze.

It was Bobbie, specifically his erection, its warm tip was just nudging at my technically virgin entrance, poised to push inside.

"Bobbie?" I hissed.

I heard him breathing deeply and evenly. He didn't answer. Was he asleep?

"Bobbie?" I hissed again, louder. I shifted my hips again.

Again, no answer. We must have moved together naturally in our sleep. I pulled away from him just enough to let his tip slip back and away from my drooling vagina. The feel of his smooth, hard head slowly slipping upwards made me snort softly into my pillow. He caught at my smaller, less virginal opening and a thrill ran up my spine. I froze again.

"Bobbie?" I whispered.

I reached down to touch myself, rolling my backside gently, feeling his tip kiss my backdoor. Our warm and sleepy cuddling and now this -- I was horny again. I could cum this way.

I circled myself quickly and teased my own rear entrance with his tip. I felt the opening slowly begin to soften and relax. If I wanted him inside I had only to press back firmly, he'd pop through. The taboo image of waking him up with anal shot through me like wildfire. I bit my own lip, rubbed at my clit, and came, shaking.

Wow. I was still twitching when I pulled away from him to let his shaft nestle between my buns again. I was still amazed too. I had actually moved myself in my sleep to fuck Bobbie and nearly gone through with it.

So, the dashing Robert Miller had my head and my heart. Evidently my privates had just cast their yes vote too.

~*~*~Part III~*~*~

Bobbie and I took things slow but it was really just a matter of time before I let him know it was okay to go a bit further. I took the direct approach this time.

"Stace?" Bobbie whispered uncertainly when I pulled him off a riverside path and nudged him back against a tree.

"Shhhh," I hushed as I knelt down in front of him in some soft leaves.

He was nervous. "We're in a public park, babe. You know... public?" He wasn't nervous enough to stop me from unbuttoning his jeans though. I had to shake off my little red knit mittens to do it. Handjobs and mittens don't mix.

"I know, but we haven't seen anyone for over half an hour. Now pipe down. If you keep talking, you might attract some of that public you're so worried about."

I wriggled my hand into his boxer briefs to fish for his hefty tool. When his girl-pleaser came free it was hot, warming my hands in the cool autumn air when I circled both around him. I paused to lick my hands to wet them then started tugging up and down gently. Bobbie was thick enough to fill my hands and long enough that there was some extra left over even in my double grip. Yep, my hunky snuggle buddy was damn well-equipped.

In fact, Bobbie's size was partly responsible for my hesitation on the whole actual sex thing. Sweet irony there, I would really, really appreciate his gift someday.

"Is it too cold for this, stud? Think you can still cum?" I looked up, smiling as I tugged up and down on him smoothly.

"Maybe. Not sure."

"Want me to put him someplace warmer?" I licked my lips.

Bobbie's eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, why not? We can't risk frostbite on something this perfect."

I focused on his thick cock, admiring it. It really was perfect. Circumcised. No gnarly veins. No odd kinks or weird freckles. Bobbie's tool was like a piece of art, long and thick and smooth and straight and warm and... I lapped at its purply-pink mushroom head... yep, delicious too.

He groaned appreciatively as I licked back and forth at the sensitive spot just underneath his head. Between his taste and his sounds of appreciation, I regretted not getting around to this earlier.

I looked up into Bobbie's handsome face, pulling his big, deep blues into my gray-greens as my lips spread slowly, extra slowly, over his hot, wet tip. This was going to be fun.

"Jesus," he croaked when my mouth closed over his thick knob. I sucked lightly on it while snapping my tongue tip up and down at his tiny slit with a flicky snik-snik. I kept pumping him gently with my hands.

I may have had reservations about the whole intercourse thing but I'd never had that many doubts about this. I'd forgotten how much I liked having a guy in my mouth. And I was seriously falling for this particular guy. He deserved this; he'd been incredibly patient.

I was enjoying myself so much that a warmth in my belly stirred at the thought of him pushing inside me for the first time.

Someday, I promised myself, it'll be him. In fact, even if we broke up, I'd probably track his ass down and get him to fuck me when I was ready. I couldn't imagine anyone better to make love to the first time.

I panted through my nose and slid my mouth down further over Bobbie. I had to drop one of my hands from his pole to make room for my downward progress. He hit the back of my mouth only halfway down his length and I gagged a little.

"Stace?" he moaned with a mixture of excitement and worry. He tried to back away but couldn't because the tree was behind him. I'd planned it that way because I'd been worried too, worried that Bobbie's good-guy instincts might be too gentle for what I had planned. He needed help for this.

Hence the tree.

"Mmmhmmm," I assured him around a mouth chockfull of teenage boymeat. I gripped his jeans, still on his hips, and pulled him into me, rubbing his hot, throbbing tip at the back of my mouth, introducing it to my throat for what was coming next. I breathed slowly and deeply a few times, willing myself to relax. To open. To receive. The beginning was always the hardest part.

I steadily pulled Bobbie's hips closer and pushed my mouth down at the same time. My eyes watered as I felt him probing once then twice at the back of my throat. On the third try, I fought down the urge to gag and swallowed instead like I was supposed to. And suddenly Bobbie slid into my throat.

I froze, amazed. Probably even more amazed than he was. I'd never tried this with anyone his size.

I blinked tears away and, with my jaw stretching to accommodate two-thirds of his shaft, I looked up at him to see how he was doing.

His eyes were shut tight and his head was shaking back and forth. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod," Bobbie babbled.

Yep, he liked it.

I inhaled carefully through my nose to see if there was any room to breathe around him. Yeah, but only barely. I swallowed again, or tried to. I couldn't really swallow with him in the way. The rippling muscles along my throat probably felt pretty good for him though.

I reached around blindly for his hands and found them. I had to pry them off the tree bark he was clutching. He opened his eyes and looked down at me in amazement as I steered his hands to my head. I groaned approval around his cock again when he laced his fingers through my hair just above each of my ears.

I pressed his hands to the sides of my head firmly and looked up, willing him to understand: be in charge, it's okay.

He nodded and started pushing into my mouth further. One inch. Two. Three. Jesus, he was a big boy. I could feel my throat opening up around him as he worked deeper and deeper.

The intimacy of his hot, thick invasion made me picture having sex with him for the hundredth time. I didn't have a cherry; I'd been using a vibrator for years, just nothing his size. My poor little cookie would have to seriously open up for this monster. I'd probably be on crutches for a couple of days afterwards.

My mind raced. Would it be easier for me to be on top? To work myself down on his long, thick pole at my own pace? Or to lay down on my back so I could concentrate on breathing and relaxing while he drove himself deep into my belly?

Distracted by my fantasy, I lost focus and sputtered before he bottomed out. We struggled to go in different directions, but not the ones you'd think. Bobbie fought to get out of my mouth. I wanted him in further.

I won, but mostly because of the tree. They're perfect for hesitant boyfriends.

Basically, I pinned Bobbie Miller's butt to a medium-sized oak and sank my lips down onto him with one long, determined push until my nose hit his soft blonde pubes. He smelled like soap and sweat with a woodsy, musky scent I'd liked from the first time I'd peeled his pants off.