Betrayal Book 01


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I soon found the cause of the problem! It was condom blocking the pump! The condom had obviously been used as the dirty bastard who had used it had tied a knot on the end and the contents were still imprisoned within. My mind was racing to conclusions that I did not want to face just at that moment, but I knew I would have to sooner or later.

Swiftly, I checked the contents of the washer drum and noted that it was all Amanda's clothing, mostly underwear that was in the wash, so that meant that she must have loaded the condom accidentally along with her underwear. She obviously hadn't noticed it or she would have disposed of it elsewhere.

I was still on the floor on my knees putting the washing machine back together when Amanda appeared and asked me if I had found the problem.

Holding up the condom I said. "This was the cause of the problem and I think you have some explaining to do!"

Amanda's face turned ashen and I could see her horror at what I had in my hand. She just turned and threw up in the sink next to the washing machine. I gave her time to get herself back together and waited in the kitchen until she nervously came to join me some five minutes later. She said in a pleading tone. "It's not what it seems! I don't know how that thing got in my case. You must believe me. I would never do anything to jeopardise our marriage. I love you too much to cheat on you."

"So, just tell me how this came to be in your case?" I said holding up the condom.

"I just can't explain it! That's the problem! It must have been someone playing a sick joke." She replied.

"Do I need to get this tested to prove it is semen?" I asked. "Because, if it's a joke, it's strange one because it sure looks real to me! It's funny how a party of women sharing rooms manage to find a condom full of semen to plant in your case! Can you explain that to me?"

"I can't! Please you must believe me, I had no part of this. I don't know how it came to be in my case." She said and starting to cry.

"If you can't explain it, then tell me who you shared with, maybe she can shed some light on this!"

"Please don't ask me that, you know I made a promise not to tell what went on when we were away." She cried.

"Well it's either that or I will draw my own conclusions and you will not like the consequences of where my thoughts are currently going. Your refusal to divulge who else may be involved does not help me at all."

At that she caved in and said. "If I tell you will you promise that you won't tell James, it'll destroy him?"

"You know that I can't make that promise, if Jill is involved in this then he deserves to know the truth."

She was sobbing her heart out now and I had to harden my resolve not to concede the high ground on this. I stood up and went and put the kettle on. I needed time to think this through. I was ready to believe that she had been faithful to me, but I could not accept that she was prepared to put out marriage at risk by trying to set preconditions on her telling me the truth about their week away.

I made some tea and took her a cup and some tissues to dry her eyes. She tried to smile at me, but that soon faded when she saw that I remained stony faced and resolute. I sat back down and waited for her to start her explanation. I waited in vain as she remained silent. I stood up and put my cup in the dishwasher and left the room with her still sitting staring down at her hands and twisting her wedding ring round her finger.

Up in our bedroom I started packing some of my clothes in the suitcase she had just emptied of her clothing. I had almost completed my packing when she entered our room and when she realised what I was doing she screamed. "No please! Bill please, no don't leave me, you can't leave me over this misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding, I think it's more than that, don't you? Put yourself in my position and tell me what you would do if I were to return from a trip with a ladies thong in my pocket or briefcase. Then to compound, refuse to explain how this 'misunderstanding' came about! Would you just accept that I had behaved honourably? I doubt it. So until you are prepared to be unconditionally honest with me, I will be stopping at the Travel Lodge in town."

With that, I left her there and departed. I never thought for one minute that she would allow me to get out the door, but she did and by then I was too committed to back down.

I checked in at the Travel Lodge and sat down and wondered what the hell could have happened that my wife of twenty five years was not prepared to share with me, even to the extent of placing her own marriage at risk! I had switched my mobile off and tried to watch some television programme but I could not tell you what it was I watched. I was feeling hungry and went down to the bar and ordered a drink and some food. I was sitting sipping my beer while I waited for my meal to arrive, when a figure loomed large next to me. It was James.

Agitation was written all over his features as he sat down. I signalled the barman for another beer for him and waited for him to say something.

He sat there for a few minutes before saying. "Amanda is at my place crying her eyes out and refusing to say anything other than you have left her. What the fuck has happened during the last twenty four hours to cause this?"

I hesitated about telling him about it. For all I knew at this point, Jill might be implicated as well, in fact I was pretty sure she was in this up to her neck. As I considered this and wondered how much and what to tell him, he asked. "Is this to do with the Tenerife trip?" I nodded in confirmation and told him about the condom and Amanda's refusal to tell me anything by way of an explanation. We discussed it at length and he was shocked that Amanda was prepared to place her marriage at risk by protecting whoever had been at the root of this prank gone horribly wrong.

Like me, he wanted to believe that the filled condom was just a stupid prank, but could not explain how real semen, if it was real semen could have been procured and placed in Amanda's suitcase. He asked where the condom was now and I told him I had it sealed in a plastic bag in my room mini fridge. He asked to see it, so we went to my room and retrieved it. He agreed that the contents looked real and suggested that I get it tested to be sure. I asked where the hell I should go to get it tested. This was beyond my experience and he said he would make some enquiries and let me know. We talked about the prankster and what they were thinking of when they planted the condom.

"Assuming that the semen is indeed fake, then they could have planted it Amanda's case believing to be the case of her room mate. If that is true, that would make Amanda totally innocent. Maybe the prankster thought that the condom would be found when she was packing before they left the hotel and disposed of. Sometimes pranks like that happen. Remember when one of the lads planted that bra in your case on that golf trip to St Andrews?"

I remembered it well. Fortunately I spotted it before I got home. We had a good laugh about it on the bus home and the prankster had to buy everyone a drink for his stupidity.

It took me about three seconds to consider the theory James's had put forward and said. "You realise that this all presupposes the semen being fake? What if it's real?"

"Shit!" he said in reply. "In that case, we really do have a problem, because if it's real that means that someone who had access to her room must have had sex with the lady concerned and all that implies. Shit and double shit!"

"That means we have two prime suspects, Amanda and whoever it was that she shared with. Why are they so secretive about who shares with whom?" He asked.

I thought that was another good question that needed an answer.

"Right." He said decisively. "I am going to demand that Amanda and Jill reveal exactly who shared with whom and what the hell went on during that trip!"

He paused for a few minutes and realising that I was not going to make any comment, he said, "Leave it with me. I will call you when I talk some sense into their heads. Meantime, why don't you consider going home. You're not going to get any answers here!"

He stopped at the door before just before leaving and said. "Please keep this to yourself for now, but I have had a good friend who now lives in Tenerife. I called him last week and asked him to get a local private investigator to keep an eye on Jill. I suspect that she is cheating on me again and I needed to know for sure. I don't have his report yet, but it's due anytime now."

I was about to ask the obvious question, but he held up his hand to stop me. "Please don't ask. We'll both have the answers we need soon enough!"

With that he turned and left me sitting on the bed stunned by his revelation.

Chapter 4 – the truth hurts

I did consider it and decided to go home in the morning. Surprisingly, I slept like a log that night. I guess the emotional tension had exhausted me. When I returned home, Amanda was sitting waiting for me. She jumped up and tried to pull me into her arms, but I evaded her and said, "Nothings been resolved yet and won't be until you are prepared to tell me everything, you realise that? I have come home to give you the opportunity to do just that, if you refuse, then I will look for a flat in town. I cannot accept the present stand off!"

She cried. "The problem is that there are others involved and if I divulge what I think happened then there could be serious ramifications for them as well!"

"Is anything more serious than trashing our marriage? I asked.

"For God's sake, surely, it won't come to that. I love you and have assured you that I was not a party to anything untoward. Can't you just accept that and let us move on?" she pleaded.

"No!" I said, "Because at the moment, I want to believe you, but I need to be sure and if you don't tell me the truth then the doubt will always be there!"

"Very well, if you insist, but believe me the truth will shatter your faith in those nearest and dearest to you."

She then sat down at the dining room table and I joined her. She asked if I wanted a coffee or something stronger and I could see she was trying to delay what was going to be a difficult explanation for her. I waited for her to begin talking. I was not going to hurry her. I wanted her to set the pace. She started by asking me if I knew about Jill's affair. When I confirmed that I did indeed know of it she said. "I suppose that this all started with the Health Spa weekend. Somehow Jill found out that the man she was involved with before was now employed at the Health Spa as a personal trainer. I did not know this until we arrived at the resort and she introduced him to me."

I interrupted her and asked. "How did you know about her affair?"

"She told me all about it at the time, I tried to get her to finish it as James was sure to find out. She told me that they were being ultra discrete and that he couldn't possibly find out but of course he did find out and she realised just how foolish she had been. She begged James to forgive her, which thankfully he did. I asked her why she got involved with him in the first place and she said it started as only a little flirtation, you know how she loves to flirt, until one day she went too far and he dragged her into his equipment store and started kissing her. Things got out of hand very quickly and he was caressing her and pressing himself against her. She suddenly realised how big his cock was and she just had to experience it. She needed to see if size did really make a difference. She told me it did, he took her there and then and thereafter wherever and whenever he wanted. He was careful and discreet in his choice of places and that gave her the confidence that she would not be discovered."

"So she organised the weekend at the Spa fully intending to repeat her indiscretion with big dick?" I asked.

"Yes, but the rest of us knew nothing about him being employed there. I realised who he was as soon as we were introduced at the Spa and told her I was going to return home immediately. I wish to hell that I had now, but she persuaded me to remain as she would be placed in an impossible position trying to explain to James why I had returned early. Instead it was me that was placed in the impossible position. I stayed and she interpreted that as my acceptance of her intention to restart her affair. She took full advantage of this and even asked me to vacate our room when she had arranged to meet up with him. By this stage, I was only too glad to get out and leave them to it. The others noticed her disappearing act every afternoon at three and the comments started flying. I knew that we had to keep a lid on the gossip so I proposed that 'what goes on tour' thing. I think the others were only to glad to comply as they could see their opportunity for similar week ends would not be countenanced if word got around about Jill. Besides a couple of the others were also willing to let their hair down with the available talent working in the hotel."

"You mean the others were also cheating on their husband's as well?" I asked.

"Yes." She said quietly. "But I never did anything like that! I promise you I remained true to you."

I believed her.

She continued, "So that's why we refused to elaborate on the weekend. I warned them all that if we started to go into details of the weekend, someone would slip up and the discrepancy would be noticed eventually. So we stuck only to the hotel facilities and restaurant quality agenda to ensure we would not be caught out in a lie. In hindsight, I should have kept my mouth shut and let the cards fall as they may, but I didn't and I've regretted it ever since."

"What's this got to do with Tenerife and what happened there?" I pressed.

"When we were arranging the trip and organising who would share rooms, Jill insisted that she and I share. I was not happy with this arrangement but decided that at least I would be able to keep an eye on her. I thought that with her daughters Sharon and Mandy present she would curb her behaviour. I was right and for the first three days she behaved herself."

Amanda paused there to top up her drink and then continued.

"On the Wednesday we all stopped by the pool and did nothing but drop into the pool when it got too hot and drink the fizzy punch they served up. I should tell you, most of us including me, were topless by this stage and some lads on a stag do were making a bit of a nuisance of themselves. They had parked themselves as close to us as they could and spent most of their time trying to chat up the younger ones. Most of our party were single and had no objections to the flirting and there were a few were even arranging to meet up with them later that night."

Once again, Amanda had to pause and have drink and to buy herself time to compose the next part of her story, I thought.

"Jill was a bit piqued by this and started flirting with one guy who from the bulge in his trunks must have been well endowed. The talk was full of blatant sexual double meanings and Jill was in her element. Mind you Sharon was not far behind. We broke up as the day got cooler and went to our rooms to get showered and dressed up for the evening activities. The Hotel had laid on some local entertainment and we decided that we would stay in and see if it was any good. It turned out to be very good and we took full advantage of the 'All inclusive' deal we had. We had a lot to drink and I think we were all pretty merry by the time the cabaret had finished. A couple of the girls had paired off with some of the young lads we had met that afternoon and they slipped away somewhere. Mandy got so drunk that evening that she couldn't even talk so I left them in the clubroom and took Mandy back to her room, undressed her and put her to bed. I returned to the club expecting to see Jill and Sharon still at the centre of things but only Sharon was still there. Jill had vanished. I asked Sharon where her mother was but she just laughed and said she was around somewhere. I was pretty angry that she had just upped and left me so I had another drink before calling it a night"

Amanda had another pause for her to refresh her glass.

"I went our room and without thinking used the swipe card and walked straight in to find Jill on her knees sucking the largest cock I have ever seen. She was naked and he only had his tee shirt on, everything else had been shed and scattered on the floor, dressing table and chair. He was holding the back of her head slowly pushing her head back and forward onto his erection. She couldn't swallow it all as it was too big for her, but she was sure trying to rectify that. I stood there stunned for several minutes trying to take in what I was seeing.

The guy with the big dick impaled in my sister's throat certainly did and it was he who broke the impasse by telling me I would have to wait my turn. I felt myself go crimson with embarrassment as I turned and fled the room. As I stood there in the hallway and I wondered what to do, where to spend the night and whether I could get a flight out of Tenerife tonight, when the bedroom door opened and big dick slipped out of the door zipping himself up at the same time. He looked at me, smirked and said 'You should have stayed with us, I've never had sisters before!' I was so embarrassed and still trying to take in what he has proposed, that I just stood there as he walked up to me and kissed me full on the lips. I started to struggle and he just laughed and had a quick grope at my tits before leaving me standing there in shock. I would be less than honest with you if I didn't tell you that his actions left me shocked and to my surprise slightly aroused!"

I could hardly believe what she was telling me and sat there stunned for a minute or two. Amanda paused her narration and excused herself to go to the toilet. When she came back, I asked her if that was it or did anything else occur. She told me that was just the start and did I really want to hear the rest? I nodded and she continued.

She continued, "I went back into our room and found Jill sitting on the bed, still naked and looking like the cat who got the cream. Before I could say anything she told me all about how he had fucked her first on the bed and that the blowjob was her thank you for a wonderful fuck. We had a blazing row about her behaviour and some harsh words were said. Then she told me that she would probably not be seeing him anymore after tomorrow as he had had his conquest. I was relieved about that until she informed me that they were leaving to go back to the UK the following evening." She resumed after a pause. "I went into the toilet to clean off my make up and found the condom he must have used lying there knotted on the vanity unit. I was revolted by the sight of it and almost threw up. I used some tissue to pick it up and tossed into the sanitary disposal bin. Jill was asleep by the time that I returned to the bedroom went to bed myself. I found sleep hard to come by with the memory of the kiss and groping by that lout invading my thoughts."

"In the morning, I was up before Jill and dressed for a day by the pool. After breakfast, I joined the others by the pool. It was after lunchtime before I saw Jill and she made a beeline to where the same lads were mucking about in the pool. She talked to him for a few minutes and then approached me looking rather sheepish. She asked if she could have a word in private, so we shifted over to the shady side of the pool where there were only a few people about. She showed no remorse and made no apology for behaviour! All she wanted to talk to me about was to persuade me not to divulge what I had seen to anyone else. She stressed the word ANYONE and I took that to mean James. I asked to explain why she had bedded a boy young enough to be her son and she said simply and I quote, 'he has such a wonderful big cock, I couldn't resist it' So that's my sister for you, she's an out and out slut!"