Betrayal Book 03


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Brian was the same as ever and after the niceties were concluded asked me what I thought of Sam. I asked in what context. He paused and smiled at me, then said, "As my Personal Assistant of course! What were you thinking I was asking?" I said I thought it was a good move for him to make. She was experienced in the working of the office and with her background in HR would understand how to handle the demands on his time, particularly from those managers who needed to seek confirmation about every tricky decision they made.

He replied, "You know that I don't suffer fools, but you're right, there are one or two who will need to shit or get off the pot, you probably know who I'm talking about as well as I. She has been in the role for about six weeks and has already sorted me out. She knows what I need to know and when and where I need to be at any given time. You know she is separated from her husband?"

Nothing had prepared me for that news, I thought she was happily married when I retired and so this news shocked me, she had two young children to look after as well! When I told Brian this, he said, "I know, it came as a shock to me as well. Apparently he was abusing her regularly. It was Peter Jackson who first noticed the signs, you know, always wearing long sleeved blouses with high collars, slacks instead of dresses and her subdued manner. To cut a long story short, he sat down with her and had to coax the story from her. Apparently it started just after she failed to get your old job. It turns out her husband was a gambler and depended on her salary to support his addiction. When she didn't get the job and salary increase that goes with it, he started taking it out on her. I've got say that Peter handled the whole thing brilliantly. He got her and the kids into a refuge until she had time to sort herself out. It worked a treat, she is now more like her old self, her confidence is restored and she has already proved a godsend in her new role."

We chatted about my adventures and said he was not surprised to learn that Amanda and I were back together. He said, "She called me you know when you first split up and asked me to help her get you back." This was a surprise to me, he never said a word at the time and I asked, "Why didn't you tell me?

"I remembered the look on your face that night of the confrontation and realised that you needed time to get your head straight so I told her to give you time to come to terms with everything. I also told her just after the divorce, that I felt that you still loved her deeply and advised her to be patient. I wasn't wrong about that I glad to say."

He was surprised when I told him about the TV series and the forthcoming book and we chatted on for some time about this and that, recalling old times. Just as I was about to leave, he stood up and shook my hand. At that point, he finally brought up what the meeting was really about. "Do you know that most of our business is now with Europe and not the UK market? I want you to find me my replacement as CEO. You know the type of person I want but the person I'm looking for must have strong European connections, someone who can initially come in as my number two and take over when I go."

I was not too surprised about his request, He was older than me by a few years and his wife did not enjoy the best of health. I asked, "Why me?"

"Several reasons, one, I don't want to go through our own HR channels because I need to keep this quiet for now. Two, the stock price may be affected when the word gets out that I wish to retire. Three, speculation in the markets, I don't need right now as I'm trying to acquire a French company that will complement our core business. So you see why I think you are the best man to conduct this search."

"Just one more question." I asked. "When to you intend to go?"

"Ideally in twelve month's time, but earlier if the guy proves capable. Is that good enough for you?"

"Leave it with me and I'll get back to you. It will probably take me a couple of months. OK?"

He nodded and we shook hands again. As I took my leave I reflected that he was probably one of the best friends I had. I was saddened to learn that he wanted out. I checked my watch and made a quick call to Amanda. I told her my meeting was over and I would be with her at around twelve thirty. She said she would meet me in the bar, but to hurry as she was intending to wear her raincoat!

That set my thoughts racing! Surely she was not going to be naked under it again? Was she?

Unfortunately, I had not taken into account the number of ex colleagues who wanted to chat to me about my adventures, so I was running late as I drove towards the hotel. I phoned her as I parked the car and she sounded a little distracted. I asked, "What's up?"

She said rather abruptly, "Nothing's up! Where the hell are you?"

Instead of answering her, I waited as I thought I heard a voice murmur something to her and asked, "Are you alone?"

"No." She answered.

"Can you talk?"

"No!" she said sounding rather forcefully. This was followed by what sounded like a slap! I wasn't sure if this was directed at me or not, her voice was slightly muffled as if she had turned away from the phone.

I then heard her moan quietly and heard her tell someone. "Stop that! My husband will be here soon, please stop! Please!"

My heart almost stopped beating, my wife, sorry ex-wife was getting attacked in a hotel bar no less! I practically ran into the hotel bar to find Amanda, dressed in jeans and sweatshirt, sitting facing the door. Her sister was sitting beside her and both of them were laughing fit to burst.

"Gotcha!" she shouted triumphantly. "You really thought I was getting molested, didn't you?" she cried.

I was so angry with her for tricking me and at the same time I could see the funny side. I was torn between letting her have it for the stress she put me under, I had nearly burst a gut to get to her so sure was I that she was in trouble and admiration for the way she had set me up so easily.

"You will pay for that trick!" I said as menacingly as I could, but they both saw straight through my attempt at intimidation and laughed even harder. I couldn't hold my face straight any longer and burst out laughing myself.

As I said before, Jill and I were not on the best of terms since she was partly responsible for the events that led to us splitting up in the first place. We used to be good friends, but I had little time for her since then. I knew that despite everything, Amanda still cared deeply for her sister and for her sake I tolerated her. I think I was quite courteous to her once I had gotten over the shock of the trick they had played on me and of seeing her again. I had not met with Jill since our divorce and she was a strikingly beautiful as ever. Why she ever needed to cheat on James was beyond me. But we are where we are and I was just thankful that Amanda and I were back together.

Book 3 -- Betrayal - Chapter 7- Winter -- Finding Brian's Number Two

We all had lunch together, before it was time for us to leave to catch our flight back to Portugal. Once we had cleared immigration at Faro we collected our car and headed west for the hour's drive to Lagos. We both agreed that it was great to be back home! That we had already started to think of our rented villa as home came as a complete surprise, but when you are happy to be in one another's company, I guess where you have established an affinity with becomes home almost by default.

The following morning after breakfast Samantha and I went to the boatyard to check out the work being done to TAGHTA. I had requested the boatyard crew to replace the stern gland on the propeller shaft and they confirmed that she was good to go. I decided that whilst she was out the water, we would clean her hull ourselves. We were in no hurry to get her back in the water and the boatyard manager was happy to let her lie there until the spring if we wanted. Of course, we were paying for the privilege, but it turned out cheaper to have her ashore than moored at one of the marina pontoons.

We soon settled into our new lifestyle, I worked on the book most mornings and Amanda spent that time cleaning TAGHTA's hull. I thought that seemed like a fair distribution of tasks, but I never ventured to say that to Amanda, I didn't dare!

Three afternoons a week we played golf, sometimes together but most times not. Mixed golf is not my idea of fun. I preferred my regular four-ball with three guys I that met in the nineteenth hole after a four hour round with Amanda and another couple. We now had, thanks to the golf club a growing circle of friends. They were of all nationalities, Swedish, German and French, but the Brits made up the majority. English was the common language, though I liked to talk to Jean Marie, one of our French friends in his native language. It was through this friendship that I found my lead into sorting my other major task, finding Brian's replacement.

I had trawled through my list of contacts and found several likely candidates but when I had our agency specialist conduct some deeper background checks, I was forced to reject them for one reason or another. I never even got near to the situation where I could make an approach. Head hunting is particular skill and I used to be very good at it, but I was beginning to despair of finding the right man.

It's funny how fate sometimes steps in and provides the link. I had just completed a round of golf with my regular partners when somehow we got round to talking about our previous employment. We were sharing a few beers around the table in the nineteenth hole. There were the four of us that had made up our four-ball, when I happened to mention that the company I used to work for, IT Solutions was a specialist software developer in the field of robotics. Jean Marie latched onto this and asked what was our target industry. When I told him, he told us that he knew the company and had tried to get his Board interested in going into a joint venture with us. I wondered if it was the same company that Brian was now trying to acquire? I, of course said nothing to Jean Marie about that then, but later when we were alone, I asked if there were any up and coming manager's still working at his old company. He started to get a bit cagey at this point until I explained that I was asked to keep an eye out for promising managerial talent for friend of mine. He must have decided that I was not trying to get him to reveal anything confidential so he said, "I believe the brightest star in my old company is Jackie Rougerie, and before you ask, yes, she is my daughter and I may be a bit biased. You will have a chance to see for yourself as she is coming out to visit next week. Now can you tell me what this is really about?"

Taking my time and choosing my words carefully and without revealing too much detail, I explained the type of person that I was looking for. Jean Marie told me a little more about his daughter's experience and she sounded very close to what I was after. Her background and education were almost perfect. I knew that her father was still a bit of a player and more involved in his previous company than he was letting on to me. I asked Jean Marie. "Why are you telling me about your daughter, is she unhappy in her present position?"

It was his turn to choose his words carefully, and he eventually said, "When I was a director of the company, she was also one of the senior managers, I was pushing my board hard to consider this joint venture with your company. Maybe I pushed too hard and made some enemies of my fellow Director's. I failed to convince them that this was the right way forward and made many mistakes. I should have cultivated the key players better and played the office politics more skilfully as our disagreement led to my enforced retirement. I think Jackie has been treated by suspicion ever since and not fully trusted. So she may be ready for a new challenge. In any case, you can judge for yourself when you meet her."

I thanked him for his openness and invited them all over for dinner the following week. We agreed to let our wives sort out the details. The dinner the following week was a fun evening and I found Jackie to be a younger image of her mother, very French, chic and poised and very pretty. As we dined I decided not to talk to Jackie about work related matters that evening, but her father had obviously briefed her about my mission and she skilfully engineered so that we had an opportunity to talk privately after everyone else had moved out onto the patio for Brandy or Port. Afterwards, experienced as I was in conducting interviews, I felt as though I was the one being interviewed.

So confident was I that she was the right candidate, that I excused myself to phone Brian at home. When I explained the situation and her qualifications, he asked, "How long is she out there for?" I told him and he said, "How about if Sylvia and I come out for a short break late this week? I could have a chat with her and Jean Marie, it may be that this could be to all our benefit if she is the right person."

Of course, I agreed to this and he said he would be in touch tomorrow. I re-joined the others on the patio and had a quick word with Jackie to explain what was going on. She was very pleased that Brian had acted so decisively and told me she would be available at his convenience.

Brian and his wife Sylvia duly arrived and I was there to meet them at Faro Airport. I apologised about the car but they quickly accepted my excuse that it was a banger bought to meet what was going to be a short-term requirement. Any banger or not, she got us safely to Lagos. It was Brian and Sylvia's first time in this part of Portugal and we enjoyed the next day showing them round the town.

Jean Marie had invited us over for dinner and took great pains with the dinner. He was the head chef at home and prepared the main course himself. We had a superb dinner, good hosts and some really nice wine to boot. After dinner, we men plus Jackie retired to Jean Marie's study to talk business and after the introductions were over, Jean Marie and I left Brian and Jackie to get to know one another. It was only about five minutes before Brian called us both back in and informed us that Jackie had accepted the position as his number two. We re-joined the ladies and both Sylvia and Jean Marie's wife, Justine were delighted with the announcement. Before we left, Brian arranged to meet Jean Marie and Jackie again to explain when and how he wanted Jean Marie to assist him. It turned out that Jackie's current employer was not the company that Brian was negotiating with, but it was one that he would be very interested in having exploratory discussions with.

I suggested that any approach would be better left until after the dust had settled over Jackie's resignation. Brian agreed and said. "When we are ready, I want you, Jean Marie to lead the discussions. You're still a major shareholder and have a lot of influence with the younger members of the board."

Jean Marie was delighted to be offered this role. Retirement he said was so boring for him. That earned him an elbow to his ribs from Justine for his pains. We parted on cordial grounds and Brian was particularly effusive in his complements about my recommendation of his successor. He talked about her with me well into the night over a few more glasses of port.

Brian and Sylvia's short stay in Portugal was soon over and Amanda and I tried to return to our old routine. Amanda found it quite difficult because the work on TAGHTA was complete and with nothing to occupy her while I was tapping away on my laptop, she was getting bored. The solution turned up when her sister, Jill phoned and announced she was coming over to visit. I have explained about my ambivalence about her and I was a little annoyed about the way she had just told us she was coming. Amanda explained that she had invited her when we were last in the UK, never thinking that she would come given my short tolerance where she was concerned.

Book 3 -- Betrayal - Chapter 8 - Jill comes to visit

Again, we had the trip to Faro to collect her and were surprised when she arrived with a man in tow. Now, this really got my back up! It was one thing to announce that you were coming over for a visit without a by your leave, but to spring a man on us as well! Amanda could see that I was ready to explode and stepped in to try and smooth things over. Jill introduced him as Jimmy, that's all just Jimmy! I wondered somewhat uncharitably if she even knew his surname! He was younger than Jill by about ten years was my estimate, taller than me at 6ft. and very fit looking. Jill for her part sniffed her pretty nose when she saw the car that was to transport her to Lagos and once again I only just managed to control my temper.

We arrived back at our villa and for once, Jill was complimentary about the place. She loved the private pool and hot tub and said that she couldn't wait to try them out. Amanda and I left them to unpack and she placated me by reminding me that she was only here for the week.

Amanda and I had started preparing the evening meal when we heard the pair of them splashing around in the pool. We went out to offer them something to drink that they accepted. I went to pour the drinks, wine for the ladies and beer for Jimmy and me. Jill was just emerging from the pool and I couldn't help but see she was wearing the smallest bikini I had ever seen. The top barely covered her breasts, in fact I could see the dark areole peeking out. I guessed that her nipples were the only thing keeping the damn thing in place so pronounced were they! The bottom half was something else. It was miniscule and only a piece of string connected the whole thing to her string waistband. I had to admire her body though, I mean she knew she was nearer to fifty than forty and she still had a figure that could carry off wearing such a revealing swimsuit. Then Jimmy emerged and I heard Amanda gasp. His costume if you could call it that, was more of a pouch than anything else. It barely contained his privates and by the bulge he was sporting, he must have a massive manhood. I was not the only one who noticed judging from the loud gasp that emitted from Amanda. Jill laughed and said, "I see you're impressed by Jimmy, so was I. He's all man, I can assure you of that!"

Amanda tried to gloss over the incident, but I could see she was disturbed by and maybe even attracted to this hunk. Dinner passed without incident, few double entendres here and there and some mild flirting between Jill and I. It was almost like the old days when she was married to James. That thought darkened my mood instantly. What if Jill was using this man to cause trouble between Amanda and me? I tried to put my suspicions back in the bottle but the genie was out there and once again threatening our happiness. The difference was that this time I would be ready and vigilant.

When we retired, I told Amanda about my suspicions and she reassured me that I had nothing to fear from Jimmy, but she was totally unconvincing and I could see that she was troubled and just raised my eyebrow with the un-stated question.

"Yes." She slowly admitted, more to herself than me, I thought, "but I'm determined not to be alone with him at any time."

This statement had me asking the obvious follow up question, "You're scared to be alone with him?"

At least she was honest with me when she replied. "I can see bits of Gary in him. It's the way he looks at me with that challenge in his eyes. He knows he's attractive and that I'm attracted to him, that's why I need you to ensure that I'm never alone with him, please I'm scared that I will put what we have spent a year trying to re-establish in jeopardy. As much as I love you, I'm terrified of what I might do if he catches me off guard."
