Betty's Self Discovery Ch. 03


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I moved closer to her and moved the hand I had on the back of her couch to her shoulder and gave her a little squeeze, "Sara, I like you, and I've always liked you, and I meant it when I said I'd support you through whatever happens." I very lightly traced a little circle on her cheek with my forefinger. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds as if enjoying my touch, and from what she'd said, I assumed she was. "But tell me honestly, was a least one of the reasons you bought my book because you enjoy looking at naked men and women with sexy bodies?" I began lightly tracing her ear with my fingertip and other than a little shiver; she pretended to ignore it.

She giggled and started blushing again, "I guess I would sound pretty foolish denying that, Betty. I mean, I also enjoy the fantasy themes, in fact I have many books of the genre." She gave a pretty little shrug, "And since they're all full of nude and semi-nude men and women, all I can say is, ya got me! But I hope you realize that I'm also saying that while I enjoy your attentions and what you're doing to me with your finger on my ear, I'm not saying that I want to get into your panties."

"No, I realize you haven't said that, and you couldn't get into my panties anyway." I grinned at her; "I'm not wearing any right now."

She couldn't stop her glance down at my legs and lap, then turned the reddest she'd gotten yet when she realized where she was looking. She looked up guiltily and her mouth opened, then shut, and then Sara's voice was a little strained when she said, "Oh my! Do you do that often, or is it somehow for my benefit?" Then she covered her mouth with her hand and mumbled behind it, "Betty, I'm not sure what I'm saying."

"It was silly of me, I guess, but I had planned at some point in the evening to give you an accidental little peek just to see how you'd react." I moved even closer to her until my knees were touching hers and moved my hand to gently massage the back of her neck, "And as for how serious I am about my flirting, well, I find you very, very attractive, Sara."

She swallowed and her lips parted, her eyes were closed to enjoy my hand rubbing her neck. After a few moments, her eyes slitted partly open, "Ok, Betty, I have to say this, and I hope it doesn't confuse you too much. I love your touching me, and I really like the fact that you find me attractive, and to be honest, I'm sure I would very much enjoy that little peek between your legs, after all, I've already admitted that I enjoy looking at naked women. But..." she gave me a quick kiss on the forearm, "But, I don't think I want to have sex with another woman."

"I'm sure you don't want to have sex with me, Sara," And now I moved as close to her as I could, "I felt the same way as you do just a few short weeks ago. Then, I could even admit that I got a little sexually aroused looking at attractive naked women, but I would get this little feeling in my tummy like I'd be grossed out at actually having sex with another woman."

Her blue eyes opened wide as she stared at me, relief visible on her face, "I can't believe you understand me, but you do, and more clearly than I could have said it!" Then her mouth made a little 'o' as she added, "But something changed you, didn't it? Because I'm starting to get the feeling that you really do want to have sex with me. Tell me what changed you, Betty?"

"Maybe I will tell you," I whispered then I leaned in slowly, very slowly and kissed her softly on the lips. Her lips molded to mine but she didn't move anything else, just let me kiss her for a few moments. I pulled back and asked, "Didn't you like that?"

She ran her tongue nervously over her lips, "Yes, I liked that, and I'll even let you French kiss me if you like, but that doesn't mean..." She sighed, "I don't know, Betty, you're making me pretty excited, but I don't feel any differently, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Won't you tell me? I - I think I'd even like it if you could change my mind."

I sighed, "I know so much how you feel, Sara. It was the same for me until a few weeks ago; a woman friend of mine asked if she could masturbate in front of me. I told her I didn't think I'd be that comfortable with that, but she just started doing it anyway. She couldn't help but see that I was interested because I couldn't stop looking, and believe me; I tried. And then she took off her dress and finished herself off, naked and right in front of me. Then she wanted to go down on me, and I was unable to make myself stop her, and then I had a super fantastic orgasm. I've felt differently about women ever since."

"Oh," Sara's lips were parted and she was breathing through her mouth, "Oh dear, Betty, that is a very sexy story." She swallowed, "I think I'm becoming very aroused just thinking about you and your friend. Do you think..." she bit her lip and looked at me pleadingly, "See, I admit to a voyeuristic um, tendency. Could you? You know?"

"You naughty, naughty girl," I let my lips brush hers and tasted her breath panting slightly into my mouth, "You're asking me to pull up my dress and jill-off in front of you, aren't you?" I spoke softly into her mouth, my lips just barely brushing hers, "Well I'll make a bargain with you, I will if you will. Take off your panties, Sara, and then we'll both pull our skirts up and watch each other. Do you think you'd like that?"

"Yes," she hissed into my mouth just as I kissed her, and this time when I parted my lips, her tongue flickered against mine. Our breathing became heavier and the kiss grew as lustful as it was sweet with Sara sucking at my tongue. I could feel Sara fumbling under her skirt, so I withdrew my kiss so she could get her sneakers off and pull down her panties. Sara began pulling her skirt up, froze for a second and looked at me while blushing furiously again, "For me, this is the hard part, I guess, I've never let a woman look at me like this."

I stood up in front of her and pulled my dress up to my hips, "Don't even think about where I'm looking, Sara, you just look at this," and I could see she was, blue eyes very wide. "Do you like looking at me like this, Sara?"

Staring at my groin, she nodded, and I saw her ease her skirt up past her hips and I moved her glass so I could sit across from her on the coffee table our knees touching. Curiously, she had a heavy white oak coffee table just like mine. I spread myself with my fingers for her to get a good look and after a moment, she forced herself to spread for me. "Scoot closer to the edge of the couch, honey, so I can see better," I suggested and she obeyed without hesitation watching very closely as I moved my fingers around inside caressing myself while trying not to obstruct her view more than I could help it.

And she was blond down there, or at least mostly blond mixed with a very light brown area just along her crevice. She was an even lighter shade of pink inside than my friend Laura, but there was some redness around the opening of Sara's vagina - I suspect caused by her state of sexual arousal. She had a small hood with her clit completely hidden inside and the petals of her inner lips were thin, delicate and receded enough that they weren't visible unless she was spreading herself. "You have a very pretty pussy, Sara," my voice was almost a moan. She was using her two middle fingers to vibrate her hood rapidly left and right.

I imitated what she was doing with my right hand and used the middle finger of my left hand to snake into my vagina from beneath my bottom - it was awkward but I could see that Sara was enjoying it very much. Sara licked her lips as she watched me frig my pussy, "You have a beautiful pussy, Betty; I just love it!" She gave a little moan, then said, "And I loved it when you kissed me, too. I always suspected I'd enjoy kissing a woman and I really did."

"Have you overcome your inhibitions yet, Sara, about women I mean?" She glanced up to my eyes and nodded slowly, then held the gaze as soon as she realized I wasn't looking at her pussy anymore. "Sara, honey, I'm just about ready to come, and I'd like to come with your mouth on me. Be a sweetie for me, please?" She didn't hesitate. She knelt between my thighs and put her mouth on my spread pussy and sucked and frenched at my hood. I grabbed her blond ponytail and rocked my hips back and forth against her mouth, fucking in her mouth as the first jolt of pleasure swelled in me and swirled through my body, "Oh! Sweet baby fuck me!" I cried out as my hips shivered and spasmed against her sweet mouth.

My orgasm went on and on, with Sara's mouth faithfully locked on my pussy, her tongue still massaging and flicking against my hood until I had to pull her face away. My eyes were closed and I kept them so for a few more moments until I felt in control of my breathing. When I opened them, Sara was sitting on the couch again, her dress demurely down to her knees. She had an expression of surprise on her face and she was squeezing her hands together in her lap. Her gaze was distant and unfocused. I eased my skirt down and sat beside her. "Sara?" Are you all right?" She turned her head and looked into my eyes and suddenly focused, she nodded briskly, "Well," I hesitated, "Don't you need to come, sweetie? Because I'd sure love to return the favor."

"Not right at the moment," she said breathlessly, "I'm not quite," her body gave a little shiver, "Not quite over mine just yet." She opened her lips and panted a few breaths, "I came while you were coming. I wasn't even touching myself. It was the most amazing..." She shivered again, coughed and continued more softly, "You just, just started fucking my face and it-it was the most intensely sexual thing, event, whatever..." She started panting again, "Uh, oh, and I just keep..." She grabbed her knees and bent over, her bottom wriggling against the couch, "Coming!" she gasped loudly.

I reached under her bottom and squeezed her and she straightened and leaned into me, snuggling her face to my breasts. She shuddered and with her voice muffled by my breasts, she said, "I think that's the last one." I held her cradled to my breasts and glanced at a clock on the wall. It wasn't even quite eight o'clock yet. "Oh, Betty!" she declared and then fell silent, just letting me hold her. After a few more minutes, she eased away from me and gave me a bright smile. She leaned forward to retrieve her screwdriver and thirstily drank it all. She sat down the glass and turned back toward me, "How was it for you, dear?" She asked politely.

I swallowed and realized my mouth was dry, too. So I imitated her and took a generous gulp of my drink before answering, "It was fantastic, Sara. Just fantastic and it was all you!"

"Well," she said brightly and then sighed looking downward, "That didn't go anything like I thought it would, you know. I figured that after we masturbated I'd probably give in and let you go down on me, after we, you know, rested a while. I didn't know if I'd be willing to go down on you or not, but your pussy was so lovely and so sexy to look at, I knew I'd be happy to touch you there and I was pretty sure I could make you come that way."

"I'm sure you could have, Sara, and I'm sure you still could. You have very pretty, dainty little hands. I feel like a farmer around you," I said flexing my longer fingers. I still felt a little concerned for her because she still seemed a little shaken.

"When you told me to put my mouth on you, I couldn't believe you would just say that. I couldn't believe you would even think I would consider it, and then I just felt myself moving, you know," She wiped at a corner of her eye, and when my mouth dropped open, she held up a hand and said sternly, "Don't you dare apologize! That would really upset me, so don't! Just listen!"

I held my hands up like she had a gun on me, and I didn't say a word. She looked me defiantly in the eyes for a moment before she continued, "It made me feel dirty and cheap to obey you and just do like I was told, and that's where the first thrill came from - by deliberately and willfully violating my own taboos - to put it in fancy terms. Then the second thrill, the smell of you..." She rubbed upward on her breasts with her palms, and whipped her head back and forth so that her ponytail lashed around, "It just filled me. I had been afraid I wouldn't like it, but it filled me, it just... filled me, the way a man can fill me with his penis."

I shook my head in wonder. "Wow!" was all I could say.

"Then you just fucked and fucked my face and your juices ran down my chin, and I just never, ever felt so much a part of a sexual act, and that's when I started coming, each orgasm stronger than the last." She looked earnestly into my eyes, her own big blues searching into mine, "Would you believe? I've never had multiple orgasms before! I just couldn't stop reliving your beautiful pussy fucking my face, and then you just pushed me away like used trash!" I started to protest, and she said again, "Don't!"

"Oversensitive!" I muttered stubbornly.

She gave me a dirty look and said in an exasperated tone, "I know what was going on in your world, do you want to know what was going on in mine or not?"

"Yes, of course," I said contritely.

Her voice and her look softened, "Betty, you just changed my life. You turned me completely upside down." She looked down at my legs and then up to my breasts, "I'm already starting to want you again, and this time, I'm going to lick you all over! My body is just still a little electrocuted or something."

I grimaced, "I guess this might be the time to admit I have several other women in my life? I mean I hope you'll want to do this pretty regularly with me, but I also need you to know about the others before we get in over our heads."

"Silly girl," she grinned at me, "I knew that. You as much as said you had a girlfriend. I'll be content to just be another mare in your stable." Then she brightened, "Of course, if I still feel like I do right now, I might like to meet some of them later."

"Poor girl," I shot back with a phony sympathetic look, "You are actually going to feel a lot more like you feel now."

"What do you mean?" Sara asked curiously.

"I mean before this weekend is over, you'll be walking down a sidewalk or in a mall, and a pretty woman, or worse, a pretty teenaged girl is going to walk by, and you're going to be wondering what her pussy would taste like, what it would be like to suck on her nipples, and even what her face would look like during an orgasm." I predicted casually.

"Really!" she got a vacant look as she rolled those thoughts around in her mind, then she slowly nodded, "Yes, I suspect you're right. It's different than I feel about men; it's more... predatory? Maybe?"

I shrugged, "Something like that. I just think of it as an intense curiosity about other women's bodies. Oh, it might take longer than just this weekend, but it will happen."

"Oh, I think it already has, Betty. Just thinking about seeing strange beautiful women walking by is making me a little pussy-crazy already." She looked thoughtful, "You've made me into a lesbian, I think. I mean, that was the most powerful sex act and orgasms I ever - I never experienced anything like that with a man, and up until now, I thought I really liked sex with men." She arched an eyebrow, "Aw, who knows, I'm still so giddy about how you made me feel, I don't know what I'm saying."

I moved close to her again and put my arm around her, "I came pretty hard myself, and I still remember my first time was a lot like yours, only, I wasn't as clear-headed about it. I'll tell you what I think we both need and we'll see if you agree."

"Would you like to taste the pussy on my mouth before you tell me what you're thinking?" She gave me an intense look, and I knew she wanted to share as much of her experience as she could.

Like I could resist an offer like that! I kissed her, enjoying very much the fading smell of my pussy juice around her mouth. And after a few licks inside her mouth I whispered, "Did you get to taste any of my pussy juice, or swallow any?"

"Oh, yes," she breathed between kisses, "Quite a lot of it there at the end. And I still want more." She started feeling of my breast and broke away from our kiss to stare in amazement at her hand, not that she stopped fondling my breast, even as she said, "So what were you thinking."

I cleared my throat, "Despite your partly successful efforts to keep me from thinking," she reluctantly took her hand off my breast with a sheepish look and I continued, "I think we should have another drink then maybe go pee and take a bath together, then just go naked into the bedroom and lay down, maybe make out a while, then fuck until we drop. How's that sound? If I can stay the night?"

"That all sounds wonderful, and I hope you'll stay the weekend. But I'm not sure how you mean pee together. Do you mean like watching each other peeing, peeing together in the bathtub? I mean, I'm up for anything."

I laughed, "I only meant we'd probably need to pee after another drink, but we can do any of that too, if you like."

"But," urged Sara, "You will stay the weekend, right?"

"Can't sorry. Got a firm date with Laura tomorrow night. I sort of promised it would just be the two of us, since the last time I was with her, well Denise was there, and you know how it is, Laura couldn't help going down on Denise, not that I minded. I watched."

"Oh my!" breathed Sara, "That wouldn't be the pretty little Denise at the office would it?" At my nod, she took a deep breath, "Oh, oh, my brave new world!" Then she looked back into my eyes, "How about this; you stay the weekend with me, and tomorrow night you can have Laura over here, and I'll just watch. Well, maybe I'll beat off while I watch that is..."

"Yeah, I think Laura would agree to that," Then I shook my head with mock sadness, "But I know Laura, and as soon as she sees your pretty blond snatch, she's going to want to eat it!"

"Well, we can only hope she gives in to temptation." Sara smiled and we kissed again.

"You know," I murmured as we both began idly touching each other's breasts, "I'd like you to be able to smell your pussy on my face during a nice long kiss, if you wouldn't mind me just giving you a few kisses down there before we head upstairs..."

"Can we be naked, Betty?" She was squeezing both my breasts and breathing through her mouth. "And maybe could we kiss each other at the same time?"

I was already fumbling with her buttons and she with mine. We were both wearing bras, but being women we removed each other's quickly. Then we both had to remove our own skirts as they were trickier, but we were both quickly naked. After one quick mouth-to-mouth kiss, we stretched out sideways on the couch in the sixty-nine position. As she cocked her leg I lowered my face into her blond groin, already loving the musky smell of her as I French kissed into her crevice and quickly achieved the desired result of making my face smell like her pussy.

I loved the feel of her hard nipples on my abdomen, as I slurped sucked and licked into her pussy, and after we both enjoyed a violent and mutual orgasm, we soothed each other by licking each other's bottoms. It was a surprisingly delightful position for mutual bottom licking. We finally shared that kiss where we smelled our pussies on each other, and during the night, we shared a lot more.


This concludes the Betty series, but I do hope you liked it! And if the votes and feedback are good enough on this episode, I think I can post something else new in just a couple of days. I have some good ideas and some extra time this weekend.


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Lincsguy1968Lincsguy1968over 2 years ago

How awesome...... wish it were longer. Great writing and so descriptive. Two women masturbating for each other is a massive turn on.

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 3 years ago

Brilliant, so hot and juicy!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

An excellent piece thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

In the best possible way

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Too Bad We didn't Get Another Chapter

I wish we could have learned more about Lisa and Betty. I once had my own Lisa; it was so fucking hot she didn't realize how badass she was; instead she was a very sweet gentle giant of a lover. I wish I'd appreciated her more when I had her; I'm so fuckin sorry Dakota, you deserved far better than I ever gave you, hope the world you're livin in now is a sweet one.

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