Betty's Self Discovery


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"Ok," I swallowed, "Now you are really tempting me, but I'd still have the same problem -- getting aroused and all..."

Laura stood and stepped forward and sank to her knees in front of my chair, "Don't worry, Betty! Just close your eyes, and I will take care of that little problem for you." She began reaching under my skirt for my panties. I froze in shock for a second as I realized her intentions. I can't imagine why I raised my ass just enough for her to pull my panties off my hips.

"Oh no, please no," I said almost frantically, yet too paralyzed to stop her as she drew my panties down to my ankles and slipped them off along with my sandals. "Besides, Laura, you said yourself that you'd never done anything like this..." She spread my legs and pulled my hips forward, her head arching down toward my groin. Why couldn't I stop her? She gave me a long slow lick up my pussy, and I groaned. I couldn't fight this, not as aroused as I already was. She fingered me and licked me as expertly as any boy, and maybe better. I just shook, shivered and moaned, as I got more and more excited. I knew my juices were really flowing because I could hear swallowing noises as she licked me.

Part of the reason I was getting so incredibly impassioned was that she was really terrific at doing this pussy-eating thing, or she was getting better at it as she went along. Mostly though, it was seeing Laura's pretty face between my legs. I could see my pussy opening when she spread it with her tongue to admit most of her mouth between my thick outer lips, and watching her lock her mouth around my clit area while lashing my clit with the tip of her tongue. She was using two fingers to fuck in and out of my sloppy vagina at the same time. I came right in her mouth, that beautiful slurping, sucking mouth, and I felt her licking fluids from my vagina, which she then swallowed.

I thought it was over but she didn't stop and before long I had wrapped my legs around her and was humping away at her mouth. I squirmed, I wriggled and I cried out. But the sex and pussy juice just didn't stop. She didn't release me until I had had three powerful orgasms, leaving me weak, limp and twitchy, but enormously satisfied. More satisfied than I'd ever been in my life! Curiously, I watched her as she straightened and sat back on the couch. She looked mildly troubled.

I finally thought to close my widespread legs, but I didn't -- leaving the cool air to sooth my savaged pussy. With a delicate cough, I asked, "Well that took care of my problem all right, but are you okay?"

Laura smiled brightly, "Oh yes, I just didn't realize that I would like doing that so much. I mean, it's something I had wanted to do for a long time, but I never thought..."

"I see," but I wasn't sure I did, and I was pretty sure I didn't want to know. "Well I didn't want you to do it, but you did it, and I have to admit that I haven't ever had better sex. Hell, it was the best."

Laura shrugged, still looking distracted, "I touched myself a little while I was you know, eating your pussy, and I came again. I never realized I would find it that sexy. Ka-Pow, you know? Now I'm going to have to go home and come to grips with the fact that I may be a lesbian after all."

"You practically raped me," I said dryly, "And you don't hear me complaining."

Laura laughed, "I'm not complaining, just a little confused. Tell you what? I'll see you in a week or a month or so -- however long it takes me to work things out. Thanks again for a wonderful morning, Betty, and I truly mean that! And Betty, we HAVE to do this again sometime. Maybe not the next time we meet, but sometime, okay?" She got up to leave and then turned back toward me at the door. "You know what you ought to do, Betty?"

"What?" I said, still feeling like a melted ice cream bar, still sitting as limp as a dishrag in the chair. My legs and pussy were still spread wide.

"You ought to look up that woman that you met at that party and let her have a go at that tasty pussy you've got." And with that Laura was gone.

I still didn't know exactly what had just happened here. I guess I was in a kind of wobbly-kneed, very sexually satiated state of shock. I really had not even thought of myself as being bi-sexual, much less gay, but I had just had a terrific sexual experience with another woman, and I knew in the deepest fiber of my being that I would like to do that again sometime. Maybe a lot of times, but then, I was surely still in shock. As shock goes, I sure felt wonderful, better than I had in a long, long time.

And what the hell did Laura mean by I ought to look up another woman? It was Laura, who went down on me, and it was Laura who had liked it while doing it to me. And apparently she liked doing it to me so much that it disturbed her a little, so maybe she should start looking up women. Then my indignation vanished as I realized that a woman had just seduced and had her way with me by only masturbating in front of me. So Laura was right. Laura may have her own problems, but I definitely had a side to myself that needed some honest exploring.

A few days went by, normal, working days. And while my strange experience had faded a little in intensity, I was still giving it a lot of thought. It had been a couple of years since I had seen Nancy Gatewood. I thought back to how easily Nancy had made me come in that backyard. It had always taken my husband quite a bit of time and effort to make me come. I knew she was married, and I knew that I had her and her husband's phone number in my address book. But would they even still live there? Was she still married?

A couple of more days went by, and then one night while feeling particularly horny from thinking about the way that Laura had gone down on me, I decided to give Nancy a call. She seemed delighted to hear from me, and yes she was still married. I suddenly felt very awkward. I mean we had both been drinking quite a lot that night. Maybe she didn't even remember what happened. How could I ask about something like that?

"Richard and I got divorced about six months ago," I said, not sure where to go, "I mean it was finalized six months ago."

"Oh no!" Nancy cried, sounding genuinely concerned, "how are you feeling, dear? Would you like some company? Do you need anything?"

I chuckled, "Oh I'm just great, thanks. I've firmly put that behind me already. But I wouldn't mind your company sometime. After all, I haven't seen you since that party at the Winston's."

"Oh yes, that," she said in a quiet voice, "I was pretty tipsy, you know. I hope you don't hold that against me."

"I was pretty drunk myself," I said, "But I don't hold anything against you at all." I had to pause, and she didn't make a sound. I didn't know what to say next. Maybe a little truth would help. I sighed, "To be honest, I tried to kind of forget about that, but I haven't been able to... Maybe we could get together and talk about this. It's kind of weird over the phone..."

There was another long pause, then in a tentative voice Nancy asked, "So you're saying that your memories of that night were pleasant?"

"Ah, pleasant?" I giggled, "How about erotic? That would be closer, I think, and certainly not unpleasant."

"It's early yet," she said casually, "and my husband is away on business. If you give me your address, I could come over now and talk about it."

I gave her my new address, and as soon as she hung up, I wondered what I should wear. Feeling a little panicked, I hurried to my bedroom to change from my work clothes -- slacks and a blouse. I took off my bra and panties, and then standing naked, I suddenly had no idea what to do. Did I have time for a shower? Probably. Nancy lived about forty-five minutes away. Hurrying, I showered as thoroughly as I could without getting my hair wet. I dabbed on a tiny amount of perfume, thought about it and added an extra tiny dab to my bush, then dressed in a medium skirt, a blouse and high heels. I didn't bother putting on bra and panties. I felt like a slut, but looked pretty good in the mirror. About then, the doorbell rang.

I was glad that I had dressed up a little because Nancy breezed in wearing a lovely blue blouse and skirt combination that included stockings and heels. She was as beautiful as I remembered; just a little taller than me, lovely auburn hair, green eyes, vigorous up-thrust breasts and long shapely legs. She had that high-cheek bone, classic beauty softened by a slightly weak chin and a generous grin. She gave me a quick buss on the cheek and waved at my living room, "Where do you want me to sit, dear?"

"Anywhere you feel comfortable," said feeling a little breathless at her sense of presence and her confidence, "I was just about to pour a glass of white wine; would you like some?"

"That would be lovely," she answered brightly, heading for the center of the couch right where Laura had sat a few days ago, "Would you mind if I smoke indoors?"

"Not at all," I called out from the kitchen, "There's an ash tray on the coffee table." I really didn't care if she smoked, several of my friends did; besides, I still had fond memories of the taste of her mouth after smoking. I thought about mentioning that to her, but didn't.

I handed her a glass of wine and took my same seat across the coffee table from her. I hoped I knew what I was doing with the placement of our bodies. I know there is something of a science or art to that sort of thing, but I knew nothing about it. "It really is so wonderful to see you again, Nancy," I said, making a toasting motion with my wine glass. After a sip, I set the glass on the table. "You know, there is something mildly erotic about watching a woman smoke."

She toasted me back, tapped ashes into the ashtray, and then as casually as if she were discussing the weather, she said, "Did you mean it when you said that you didn't hold my bad-girl behavior against me? I mean, I guess I came on pretty strong that night."

I shrugged, "I was startled that was for sure, but I let it happen, too." I paused, "I had never done anything like that with another girl before, but I'm afraid I pretty much enjoyed it. I've tried to forget about it, but..." I shook my head. How could I say what I felt when I wasn't even sure what that was? "I mean, I have been remembering it lately and with some degree of interest -- er, pleasant interest, that is. Have you ever, you know, done that sort of thing before?"

She gave me what I interpreted was a naughty smile, "Not since being with my college roommate. Actually, you remind me of her, only in a physical way you understand, but that was a powerful lure for me. In fact, it has made me horny every time I have ever seen you. I thought I had put all that behind me, but that night in the garden, I knew I hadn't and I guess I just acted on my feelings. You're very attractive, you know, Betty."

"So are you, Nancy," I swallowed, thinking she wants to have sex again with me right now, but things are moving a little fast again. "Uhm, would you share the roommate story with me?"

She picked up the cigarette she had put out and re-lighted it, "I've never told anyone else about this, but since I picked you because you look a lot like her, I guess you have a right to know. It's a little embarrassing though..." She took a couple of puffs while assessing me, then continued, "Maybe if you came over here to sit beside me -- I mean, sitting across from me seems more confrontational than intimate, and believe me, this is an intimate story."

I walked over and joined her, suddenly very conscious that I hadn't worn any panties or a bra. I wondered if I really wanted to have sex with her, and was just now admitting it to myself, but it was a crazy idea, and now I find out she had only made a pass at me because I reminded her of someone else. It made me feel a little less special, a little more reserved, but I resolved to hear out the story anyway. Besides I must want to have sex with her, why else would I have spotted my bush with perfume?

Nancy gave me a gentle squeeze on the knee, and then started, "Jen and I had lived together for a couple of months, and we got along all right. So I was pretty unprepared when she suddenly did something pretty extreme. She came back to our dorm room one Saturday night with a guy. Not that unusual in itself, I guess, but she didn't ask me to leave or anything."

"You mean they..." my eyebrows soared as I realized what she was telling me.

"Yes," answered Nancy with seeming detachment, "They just stripped their clothes off and started fucking like bunnies. Not that they ignored me, exactly, I mean the fellow winked at me occasionally, and Jen would just grin at me like the Cheshire cat. Hell she had her eyes on me practically the whole time. And they got it on seriously, too. Position after position, changing it every few minutes, fucking this way and that, and always with Jen peeking at me slyly to see if I was enjoying the show. In half an hour, there wasn't a single inch on either of their bodies that I hadn't gotten a really good look at."

"Wow," I shook my head trying to imagine, "What were you doing all that time? Did they want you to join in or something?"

"I don't think so, at least, they didn't say so," Nancy shrugged, "I got the feeling the guy was maybe a little unsure of what was going on, but as for Jen, she was obviously enjoying me as an audience. I knew in my guts that she had done all this just to get me to watch. As for me, I just sat there, on the edge of my bed, watching them not three feet away. I could even smell them: the pussy smell, the dick smell, and the sex smell when you mix the two. At one point, Jen was squatting over him and using her legs to pump up and down on his dick, and she pointed to their groins and licked her lips while looking me straight in the eye. It was an amazingly lovely sight, and I will freely admit that it aroused me a great deal."

Nancy sighed and shrugged again, "No one had ever behaved around me like that before, but that wasn't the strangest part at all."

"So?" I prompted, "What was the strangest part?"

"I liked it. No, more than that. I was terrifically excited about what I was looking at, which was a young girl acting like a sexually depraved beast, a wanton, a slut or something. I felt immensely attracted to her, and I think she knew it as well. Then after he had come a second time, he left. She stretched out naked on her bed, her legs still spread wide, and went to sleep, or I thought she was asleep. After a couple of minutes, I stood and leaned over her to take a close look at her stretched out pussy with white drops of semen dripping out of it. Without opening her eyes, she told me I could suck the come out of her pussy if I wanted."

"Did you?" I was on the edge of my seat, and had hardly remembered that Nancy's hand was still on my knee. What an intense story!

Nancy spread her hands palms up, "Before that night, I had never had a sexual thought about another female; I swear it! But yes. I did it. I licked and sucked her clean. She didn't move, in fact I was pretty sure she went to sleep for real while I was doing it. His spunk was still warm from being in her pussy, and there was plenty of pussy juice in there, too. She woke up several times and would smile at me or touch my hair. So I kept licking her pussy and rubbing my face in it. After about half an hour she started getting juicy again. She woke and told me to finger her and lick her clit. I did until she came. Then she went back to sleep."

Nancy put her hands on her breasts, sighed and closed her eyes a moment before she resumed, "I don't know what came over me, I couldn't stop licking in her pussy until I put my hand on myself and made myself come. I swear I never even thought of women that way before that night."

"Mercy!" I fanned my face which I could feel was blushing. It seemed like such a shocking story to me for some reason. For some reason, I kind of missed the warmth of her hand on my knee. "So what happened next?"

Now for the first time, Nancy blushed, "The next night was a Sunday, so she didn't have a date, and we usually turned in fairly early on Sundays because of early Monday classes. Instead of putting on pajamas like she usually did, she just stripped naked. I already had my pajamas on and she came over and took them off me. She told me that she would like me to make love to her on nights when she didn't have a date. She started kissing me and put her hand between my legs and felt me up until I came. Then she stretched out on her bed and told me I could start by kissing her all over. Then she rolled over so I would start on her back, and her backside, by the way."

Nancy gave me a piercing look, "Oh, and when she felt me up and made me come -- I had the most terrific orgasm ever." She put her hand back on my knee, "How was yours that night in the garden?"

I felt off guard at the change in subject, "It was wonderful, but being as drunk... I don't know, but it was really nice." I put my hand on top of hers -- the one she had on my knee, and gave her hand a little squeeze, "Go on, please."

Nancy put out her cigarette again, "When Jen said kiss her all over, she really meant all over, every inch of her body. She had me kiss and lick between each toe, and she insisted that I lick her bottom and her armpits -- she insisted I not miss an inch, and I didn't. Only after I had done that would she let me lick her pussy. She didn't touch me again either that night. She just waited until I made her come twice, and then she went to sleep. Our whole relationship was like that from then on. I developed a deeper and deeper craving for her body, and she would let me worship it, but she rarely returned favors. She went down on me exactly twice in the next two years before she moved out. She would often ask me to lick and poke her bottom with my tongue, so I learned to like doing that too. Sometimes she would take me in the bathroom and pee on me..."

"That sounds so terrible!" I felt so sorry for Nancy, and I wasn't all that pleased that I looked like this cold person she had met in college. Nancy's hand squeezed my knee and I thought she was looking at my breasts. I glanced down -- my nipples were clearly pressing against my blouse so she did indeed have something to look upon.

"In a way," said Nancy raising her eyebrows thoughtfully, "But the fact is, I had a sexual thing for her, and she just didn't care about me in the same way. But she did care about me as a friend. So in a way, she was being very generous. I think that is the way she thought of it -- being charitable. Of course, I am definitely not interested in a repeat of that relationship in any sense, but when I look at you, well..." She blushed a little; "I just have an automatic response in my body. I get so turned on..."

"But pissing on you?" I was afraid I got a little stuck on that. "Why would any person humiliate another person that way?"

Nancy's blush deepened, "Well maybe it wasn't like that exactly. It was something she really liked to do -- really fill up on beer, tea, or even water, and then we would lay naked in the bathtub with our legs all tangled and rubbing against each other, and then she would just let go. It seemed a lot more erotic at the time than it sounds at the moment. Sometimes it was different and she would want to pee on my face or my breasts, and sometimes she had me pee on her. Please understand. She was finding what pleasure she could to give herself the excuse to be with me. She knew I loved her, and she was as generous as she could be about it with her time and her body, until she just left."

I felt an outpouring of sympathy for the woman and said, "Well, let me tell you how what you did to me in that garden affected me." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "A truly beautiful, sophisticated woman began kissing me in a garden, and even though I didn't think about women that way, I just melted in her arms while she gave me a really sweet orgasm. I loved every minute of it, and even though I felt guilty and a little dirty about it, I still can't think about it without enjoying the memory."