Big Bang Theory: Penny is Leia

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Penny dresses up.
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(a story of complete fiction about fictional characters)


It was May 25, and to the normal person (unless it's your birthday or anniversary), that date would probably mean nothing special; but to the nerd, it was the holy grail of dates : it was the date that the original Star Wars film was released. It was especially important to comic book store owner Stuart, whose business was slowly, but steadily, going bankrupt. Business had been horrible, and even his regulars had not been spending much money. He had been forced to lay-off all his employees, and was now working 12-hour days. As the nerd "holy day" approached, he hit on (what he hoped would be) a brilliant idea: he would hold a Star Wars costume party and contest on May 25. There would be a small prize for best costume; probably a plastic trophy of some sort. Nerds weren't concerned with the value of the hardware, they just relished the opportunity to have a trophy of any sort. He could even charge a nominal entrance fee, and they wouldn't object; it would even make them feel more exclusive. Hopefully, once in the shop, they would all be in a good mood and spend some money.

Penny had been forced to watch the movie Star Wars numerous times with her new boyfriend Leonard Hofstadter, and while she didn't share his love for it; she thought it was interesting and fun. She actually was in love with the incredibly intelligent and thoroughly adorable Leonard and enjoyed doing things that made him happy. She didn't share his passion for all things science fiction, but loved seeing him delighted. She knew that growing up super-intelligent had not been exactly a bed of roses for him; a fact driven home especially after meeting his mother. Since moving from Nebraska, and taking up residence in the apartment across from Leonard and Sheldon, this was the most contented that Penny had been. She could tolerate her temporary job at The Cheesecake Factory while she looked for acting positions, because Leonard made her happy. He worshipped the ground she walked on, and she loved him for it. He and his fellow nerd friends had jumped at the opportunity to dress up as Star Wars characters, and possibly win a prize. She was reluctant, but to please "her nerd," she had agreed to accompany them dressed as Princess Leia.

She had balked at the thought of wearing the classic Leia gold bikini, but head nerd Sheldon Cooper had assured her, "oh no Penny, that costume was not introduced until the third Star Wars installment, now referred to as Star Wars VI. We will all be adorned with attire based on the original film."

Sheldon was the true genius of the group; a fact he continually reminded them of. He and Leonard were roommates, and generally were best friends. The two other members of their "nerd quartet" were Howard Wolowitz, who was your classic leering pervert and lived with his mother; and Raj Koothrappali, who was from India and lived by himself. All were incredibly intelligent ,but basically had no other friends, and did everything as a group. They seemed happy enough, although three of them often lamented about the lack of female companionship. Sheldon, on the other hand, had no desire for companionship of any kind; he would have been content to be the last man on earth, as long as there was a robot-manned Chinese restaurant.

The group had purchased an authentic Leia costume for Penny; their way of saying "thanks" for accompanying them to the contest. They assumed they were assured of winning "Best Group Costume" with her in their group. There was actually no guarantee that any other females would be entering. The costume was made up of pure white flowing cloth, kind of like a large tunic. It fastened at the shoulders, and was actually totally comfortable to wear.

She had spent all morning braiding her long blond hair and wrapping the braids to form the trademark Leia buns on the sides of her head. She had seen the movie enough times that she wanted to be as authentic as possible for Leonard, so she decided to go braless, just as Leia had obviously done. When she donned the flowing white robes, her breasts clearly jiggled freely underneath, just like the original Leia's had. She added some sexy red lipstick and white sneakers (she reasoned that no one could see her feet under the robes , so she might as well be comfortable). As she walked around her apartment and admired her handiwork in the mirror, she realized she was feeling very sexy and horny. She was completely naked under the robes except for her sexiest white lace thong; and the flowing cloth rubbing against her bare nipples aroused her and made them hard.

As much as she loved being with Leonard, she knew that it would be a long night at the comic book shop (the domain of the nerd), and devised an idea to liven things up a bit. She knew that the usual refreshments at these events were some snacks and a bowl of fruit punch. She filled the largest "Slurpee" cup she could find with vodka, intending to dump it into the punch bowl. She knew most nerds had an extremely low tolerance for alcohol, so it should be enough to loosen them up a bit.

Across the hall, Sheldon and Leonard were preparing for the party, also. Sheldon, of course, had to dress as the most intelligent and dominant character, so he had acquired an original Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi costume, complete with light saber. The light saber had been authenticated as an original prop from the movie, and was very expensive; but cost was no limit for him. Leonard was going to go as Luke Skywalker, but thought the costume made him look too wimpy (and as a nerd; he didn't need any help in that regard), so he had rented an authentic Storm Trooper outfit. It was very elaborate, complete with helmet and boots, and he thought it made him look very masculine and dominant. When Raj and Howard arrived, it was obvious they had not consulted one another on their costume choices, because there were now three Storm Troopers in the apartment.

They immediately began to argue and yell at each other, until Raj had a brainstorm, " wait, we can all go as Storm Troopers...we can pretend we have Penny, I mean Leia, in custody; just like in the movie." Raj was thinking that with his helmet on, he may just be able to talk to Penny. Normally, he could not converse with a female unless he was under the influence of alcohol.

Leonard and Howard agreed that it was a good concept. They could march into the store with Penny as their prisoner...what a spectacular entrance. They did indeed look very authentic; if there is one thing nerds are good at, it's attention to detail. Sheldon's costume resembled a hooded burlap robe, but he was extremely pleased with the look.

Penny was putting on the finishing touches of her costume (a little makeup) and admiring her handiwork in the bathroom mirror. She couldn't help thinking, "here I go again, to another nerd gathering," but the truth was she really didn't mind. She enjoyed the way Leonard loved showing her off to his friends, and strangers. When she was on his arm, he didn't slouch and walk with his head down; he threw his shoulders back,stood up straight, and always had a huge grin on his face. He was so proud of her. She liked being treated like a real princess. All of her previous boyfriends had taken her for granted and expected her to worship them; but Leonard was totally different. Leonard had given her back her self esteem, and he loved him for it. They had been good for each other, and their relationship was flourishing. Remembering how boring a nerd gathering can be, however, she quickly drained a couple shots of tequila, grabbed her "Slurpee" cup, and headed out the door.

The nerd quartet were just leaving Sheldon's apartment, and when they caught sight of Penny in her long flowing robes, they gave a combined whistle (all except for Sheldon, of course). Her prominent nipples were clearly visible against the silky fabric, and as she walked toward them, her wonderful breasts wobbled underneath the robes. All three Storm Troopers felt an immediate stirring inside their codpieces.

"You look fantastic," Leonard assured her.

"Yeah, I'll say; I'm ready to join the Alliance," Howard remarked.

Totally oblivious to her sexiness, Sheldon ordered, "well, let's go before we miss the judging."

When they arrived at the comic book store the Storm Troopers lined up, one in front of Penny, and two behind; and marched into the store in perfect step. The jaws of everyone in the store dropped when they saw Penny/Leia bouncing into their domain. She really was a breathtaking sight, even with the ridiculous hair style. The quartet received a standing ovation for their entrance. Following closely behind was, a now peeved, Sheldon. He had misjudged the reaction they would receive, and now felt like his thunder had been robbed.

He entered the shop with a flourish, stating, "I hope you all notice that I am the one who can control all of your minds... probably not much of an effort."

The shop was full of Luke Skywalkers, Obi-Wans, a couple lame Darth Vaders, a Chewbacca whose costume looked like pieces of carpet glued together, a couple more Leias (one with the classic gold bikini, but it was worn by a man), and a man spray painted gold to resemble R2-D2. Stuart, the owner, was dressed as Han Solo. He explained to them that he didn't think he could keep an eye on the shop if he had worn a helmet or mask. Clearly, as a group, they had the most outstanding costumes. Stuart had taken the comic books off one of the center tables and put out the usual offering of assorted crackers, chips, and a big punch bowl. Penny quickly made her way to the bowl, and pretending to ladle punch into her cup, actually poured the contents into the punch. What she didn't know was that Stuart, hoping to loosen his customers wallets, had already spiked the punch. The original Star Wars movie was playing continually on a (borrowed) large screen TV at the back of the shop, and everyone was enjoying themselves. They were in their element; surrounded by fellow nerds.

The punch was having the desired effect on everyone in the shop. Stuart's regular customers were spending freely, and everyone's inhibitions were disappearing. Even Sheldon had taken a cup of punch after being assured that his was the first with a clean ladle. Penny was, of course, the center of attention. The comic book shop patrons were not used to having a beautiful female present, and she got used to many sets of eyes concentrating on her. Every time someone would pass by, they made sure to rub against her firm body; and a few times they had "accidentally" brushed against her breasts while reaching for a specific comic book. Penny, also, was feeling the effects of the punch as she became increasingly horny. She wished the evening would end so she and Leonard could go home.

Sheldon's mood took a downturn when Penny was voted "Best Costume," and the group was voted "Best Group Costume." Stuart, seeing that his best customer was in a bad mood, quickly invented another category: "Most Original Costume," and awarded a special prize to Sheldon. Sheldon swiftly announced, "don't worry about the engraving; I will have it done myself."

After watching the movie for the third time, the only people left in the shop were the four nerds, Penny, and Stuart. All were completely inebriated by now (it didn't take much for the nerds who were not used to alcohol in excess), and their inhibitions had completely disappeared. They had long ago taken off their uncomfortable helmets and gloves. They began to act out scenes in the film, and Sheldon strutted around trying to make their minds bend to his will. Howard stood next to Penny/Leia and announced, "I think it is time to interrogate the prisoner."

Raj, now under the influence, added," I agree, we must make the wench divulge the location of the rebel base." They each grabbed one of Penny's arms and Raj demanded, "if you won't tell us, we will torture you and eventually destroy Alderon."

Leonard approached her from the front and commanded her to, "cooperate Princess or the consequences will be dire."

She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I want you right here and now; I am ready to do anything you want." She dramatically announced to the room, "I will never divulge that secret information; do your worst to me."

Leonard ordered the other two Storm Troopers, " release her arms so that the interrogation may begin."

As Raj and Howard let her arms drop, Leonard reached up to her shoulders, unhooked the clasps and her silky white robes slowly dropped to the floor revealing her nude body to everyone in the room. As she stood there wearing only her lacy thong and a pair of sneakers, audible gasps and groans could be heard.

Raj was the first to speak, saying only, "you are one lucky bastard, Leonard." Even Sheldon was speechless as they gazed at her milky white skin.

Her breasts were absolutely magnificent: 36 C with large rosy areola, capped by jelly bean sized nipples which poked proudly from the center. Her naked legs seemed endless, and her perfectly firm ass cheeks were completely on display as her thong disappeared between them.

She winked at Leonard and he commanded, "let the interrogation begin."

He nodded at Raj and Howard and they immediately attached their lips to one of Penny's un-rivaled tits. As they suckled on her proud nipples, Leonard kneeled down in front of her and gently peeled her tiny thong down her beautifully long legs.

Her pussy mound was as bald as the day she was born, and even Sheldon noticed, "I commend you on your grooming choice Penny, that is very hygienic."

She responded, giving Leonard a wink, "thank you Sheldon, that is exactly why I did it."

Leonard raised her feet one by one and slipped her panties off over her sneakers. He decided to leave the sneakers on, since they were in a store. She spread her feet apart as Leonard ran his hands up and down her silky legs, caressing his beautiful girlfriend. On his knees; which he thought was appropriate for worshipping his goddess; Leonard used his thumbs to part her puffy pussy lips, and sat back to enjoy the sight of her vivid pink cunt. It was a sight he would never tire of, and he leaned forward to inhale her scent. He slowly inserted his tongue between her slit, and was rewarded with several drops of her sweet nectar.

Meanwhile, Howard and Raj were busy sucking her aroused nipples and fondling her soft tits and belly. Stuart had kneeled behind her and was caressing the most perfect ass cheeks he would ever see. He extended his tongue and began licking along the entire length of her ass crack.

Penny was becoming overwhelmingly aroused from all the attention. She had never had so many erogenous zones stimulated at the same time. When Leonard inserted his forefinger inside her pussy, her knees went weak, and her entire body shuddered as she flooded his face with her cum. If Raj and Howard had not held her up, she would have collapsed onto the floor.

Stuart quickly stood up, moved the punch bowl from the table, and just flung the other contents aside with a wave of his arm. He retrieved Penny's costume from the floor and spread it out on the table. Reading his mind, the other three assisted Penny over to the table where she lay down on her back. She let her marvelous legs hang from the end so that her ass was at the very edge of the table. Raj and Howard just stood and stared at the wonderful sight before them. She was truly a Princess...a goddess. She winked at Leonard and he wasted no time in pleasing his beauty. He walked up to the table between her silky legs,dropped the remainder of his costume to the floor, and nudged the tip of his cock between her slit. As he spread her lips gently apart with his thumbs, he slowly slid his erection inside her inviting cunt.

"Mmmmmmm yes," she moaned as she came again, providing even more lubrication for his pole.

Leonard's cock was only about eight inches in length, but he never failed to please Penny. She loved the feel of him inside her, and he was a considerate lover; always making sure she was happy. As he slowly began to make love to his Princess, the other men in the room were wasting no time in stripping off their costumes (everyone except Sheldon, of course). Sheldon stood motionless, observing everything around him. Penny could not stop herself from looking around the shop and comparing the various cocks now displayed. Stuart's cock was only about six inches long, but very thick, like a fist. Howard had a very long, probably nine inches, but slender prick; almost like a long hot dog. She actually blinked twice when Raj dropped his Storm Trooper pants: his cock was enormous. It must have been a foot long, and as thick as her wrist. She thought, it was a shame that he couldn't talk to girls, because he sure could make one happy. As she felt Leonard's cock inside her, she thought that it was nice to feel a big one once in a while; but she wouldn't give up Leonard for anything. She felt Leonard increase his pace as he leaned down to nibble on her ear (he knew it drove her wild).

She whispered in his ear, "go ahead lover, cum inside me." She grasped his ass cheeks and held him firmly against her as she felt his hot seed squirting deep inside her belly. His moans of utter pleasure were familiar to Penny, as was the twitching of his cock inside her. They made a good team, and were always considerate of each other during lovemaking. As the other four males in the shop watched anxiously and stroked their hard-ons, Leonard finished filling Penny's hole. Even Sheldon, obviously affected by the punch, had absentmindedly raised his robe and was fondling his cock. Penny whispered in Leonard's ear again, "baby, this night can go in any direction you want; you just tell me what to do. If you want me to entertain your friends; I'm open to it. If you want to go home now, just say so."

Leonard thought for a minute, then answered, "I know it must be the punch talking, but the thought of watching you get fucked is kind of turning me on; I'm just afraid...."

He didn't finish his sentence but Penny saw a look of sadness cross his face as he glanced toward Raj, and she knew he was comparing them. She quickly assured him, " if we continue with this, there are two things you must remember: one, this is strictly a one-time deal; and two, you are the one I one can replace my little nerd. What happens here tonight, ends here tonight."

She thought she saw the beginning of a tear in the corner of his eye as he kissed her passionately and softly said, "ok, but if at any time you want it to stop, you just say so."

Penny agreed and added, "if at any time, you change your mind; if it becomes too much for you, you just signal me and I'll say it's my decision to stop. And remember, I'm acting as Leia...not Penny."

As Leonard let his shrinking cock slide out of it's home, Penny scooted further up on the table until she was lying on it completely. All eyes were on Leonard as he shouted, "what's wrong with you lazy ass Storm Troopers...there is a prisoner that needs further interrogation."

All four advanced toward the incredibly beautiful nude body laying in front of them on the comic book table. They paused to look at each other, not knowing exactly how to proceed in this new situation.

Penny solved the equation for them by teasing, "Storm Trooper Raj, please don't punish me with that huge weapon."

His courage buoyed by the spiked punch, Raj virtually ran to the end of the table with his cock waving in front of him like a giant salami. She was not exactly inexperienced, but this was the largest cock Penny had ever seen, and she was slightly apprehensive as Raj clambered up onto the table between her outstretched legs. She knew she was well lubricated, but this thing was huge. As Raj settled between her silky thighs, he paused to admire the beauty before him. She was truly the most beautiful creature he had ever seen; and his cock was as hard as it had ever been.